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Posts posted by MsPris

  1. JULY 19th - I'm So EXCITED! Happy to be a Lucky 7.

    My surgeon's AdminAss't just phoned with my date of July 19th. Since I didn't need an endoscopy - had one two months ago - she said - let me call back and give you your Preop visit day for your other work-ups.

    Hung up - sat there pounding my fists on the kitchen table with excitement and then she phoned back and gave me my work up date of next Friday, July 6th.

    Then, this sudden dread came over me - I was rushed to the hospital last year on July 19th and almost died. _ But, I didn't, I'm still here. Had to think for a minute if I'd have bad vibes about the date. Quickly decided that July 19th, 2006 was the day they saved my life, and this year on July 19th, 2007 is the day I'm doing something positive to change my life.

    CONGRATS TO ALL JULY '07 BANDSTERS! Happy to join the club!

  2. Hey rat427:

    Since you mentioned BP - I lightly touched on the subject of nearly dying in my journal, but let me tell you a little story - short version - regarding the mixing of BP medications. Last July 19th, I was rushed to the ER and nearly died. I was hypoxic - < 84 %, and had no clue what was going on, had bilateral cellulitis - which is pretty uncommon, - at least bilaterally, and I was in acute renal failure. - My nephrologist later told me he believed the kidney failure was caused 'iotragenically' (sic) meaning - by a combo of BP meds. If you are on a combo, please be diligent about making sure your PCP sends you for bloodwork often.

    "Happy to be here - I'll be happier when I'm thin."


  3. Here's the set up:

    In 1979, at the age of 26, my 5'2" frame was carrying around 185 lbs. I was working at a chemical plant with mostly men as a reactor operator. This was by far the most stressful position in the companhy and the highest position paid hourly.

    I was the only woman doing this job, and needless to say all the men, including old-timers, and co-workers my own age - were not too keen on a woman being able to do 'such a complicated and high paying job.'

    Now the story:

    I developed food poisioning - my doctor said it was most likely caused by a can of split pea Soup, I'd eaten out of the vending machine. Out of work for nearly a week and a half, I dropped an incredible 15 lbs. before returning to work. Then, after being back at work for 3 to 4 weeks, of course I regained my 15 lb. loss.

    One evening, while in the control room in a rare moment when all six of us Class A reactor operators were there, one of the older gentleman I worked with asked, "Hey how much of that weight have you gained back since you were out sick,?" Well, even though I knew the answer was all, I said, "Gee, I don't know why?" And then right there in front of my coworkers, he say's, "Looks like all of it to me, cuz now you look like the same piglet you did before you got sick."

    I had learned from working with these men not to let them see my vulnerability, or they would use it against me, so I just ignored him - outwardly. Inside, I was so hurt, so mortified and embarrassed and so angry that he had the audacity to say that to me. I vowed then and there no one would ever, ever have the opportunity to say that to me again.

    Ending of the story:

    About a month later the plant had a cut back, and being low man 'woman' on the seniority totem pole, I was bounced out of my job and took another job in a different building working different hours. I worked there for a year. During that year, though, I'd gone on the Atkins diet, and had gone down to 104 lbs. Lost 81 lbs. The company started doing well again and my former building manager called me and begged me to go back to my Class A Reactor Operator Job since they really needed experienced operators. I agreed and went back.

    When I finally reported to work, my former co-workers were in shock. And about two weeks after that, the gentleman who'd insulted me - and was now telling me how great I looked, asked me how, and why I'd been so successful in dropping all that weight.

    I couldn't even bring myself to tell him he had been the impetus for my weight loss.

    "I've been fat and I've been thin and I can tell you from experience that being thin tastes a lot better."

    Can't wait for my surgery date to be on the road to thin again.

  4. Count me in too! I'm 53, and will be 54 on August 4th, so I'd love to have my surgery scheduled around that date. What a great Birthday present that would be. My surgeon's admin. ass't. is waiting for the psych report ( he passed me, they just need the report for my file ) then I go in for my appt. with the APRN who schedules the surgery.

    So, for now it's just a waiting game, but I am so excited I could spit.

    And for particulars: Age: 53 Weight: 238 Height 5'2" - with, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, Pre-diabetic, GERD, Barretts Esophagus, Enlarged liver, Stress Incontinence and to top it all off, they can't prove my sleep apnea because I've never been in REM sleep either of the two sleep studies I did, but I am nighttime hypoxic, so I have a real noisy compressor and sleep with 2L of oxygen. Oh, and I have a hang nail.

  5. I left a message on my surgeon's APRN voice mail. She handles scheduling. She just returned my call and said with Medicare, I don't need pre-authorization. The surgeon's office is just waiting for the results of my endoscopy and liver ultrasound from another Dr.'s office, and then I go to see her - the APRN and she schedules the surgery. Couldn't sound any simpler to me. But like they say, "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is." (Keeping my fingers crossed)

  6. Serena:

    Hi! Luckily my surgeon and hospital are one of the "Bariatric Centers of Excellence," here in Connecticut. So, in that sense I'm all set. I have no clue however, what a Medicare Intermediary or Trailblazer is? duh!

    Never heard of it, or what they do.

    I went to the required support group last evening and have finished all my appts. so I'm hoping everything will be submitted next week. Do you think an August surgery date is hoping for too much? Hope not!

  7. Hey again:

    Okay so here goes. BP controllable with Diovan. Cholesterol controllable with Lipitor. Can't prove sleep apnea (been for two tests) because I never went into rem sleep long enough. Has to be 6 hours. Longest period I was able to sleep was 2-1/2 hrs. Consequently, don't have the CPAP, but I do become hypoxic when I sleep, so I need two (2) L of oxygen to sleep with. I am "pre-diabetic." I have COPD, and stress incontinence. Also am on pain pills for chronic back pain caused by the weight, Flexeril and Tramadol. Medicare part D pays approx. 1400. per month in prescriptions for me. I'm surprised they haven't sent me a letter before this telling me to go for the surgery.

    How long did it take you to get a response from Medicare? My documents will probably be submitted early next week?

    Thanks again, and good luck to you.

  8. Hello there:

    I have medicare also and live in CT. I just completed my Dr., Dietitian, and Psyche evaluations. I have to attend a seminar tomorrow evening (mandatory) and then I was told I call my Dr.s office on Thursday and then it will be submitted to Medicare.

    I'm 53 years old, 5'2" and 238 lbs. I have a whole slew of comorbidities. The Dietitian told me today that she couldn't forsee any problem with Medicare approving my surgery.

    I hope not. Keep me informed as to what happened to you and I'll do the same.


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