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LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Entries posted by MsPris

  1. MsPris
    Greetings Everyone:

    I am so excited I can't stand it. If you bear with me - I'll tell you why.

    In the spring of 2003, I was out of work on LTD - suffering from depression. Mostly depressed because I hated myself, and primarily because of being overweight. I'm 5'2" and 232 pounds. A friend of mine from childhood named Peter had been making headlines because after gastric bypass surgery he'd gone from 853 pounds to 227. Peter and I spoke about the surgery and he recommended I see his Dr. I made an appointment and saw another Dr. in the office, thought she was great, and then I saw the psychologist and the dietitian and did the ketosis resulting diet.

    However, while out of work on LTD, my supervisor phoned and advised me that a promotion I'd applied for was opening up and if I wanted to be considered for it, I had to return to work. So I did. Got the new job and like most of my jobs, I loved it at first. Then hated it. And, unfortunately still depressed because of my weight.

    From the spring of 2003 until 2006 I just sort of muddled along losing and regaining the same 45 pounds over and over. Last July 19th, I wasn't feeling well, went to see one of my doctors, and he immediately called an ambulance for me. Went from the doctors office at 12:00 noon to the ER and was in the IC Trauma unit of the ER until 10:00 pm. WIthout getting too dramatic, and into particulars, I came very close to dying at age 52.

    It caused me to have an epiphany though. I wanted to live. But, not only did I want to live, I wanted a better quality of life. Because of my weight, I have a slew of comorbidities. Hypertension, High Cholesterol, Barretts Esophagus, GERD, Hypoxia, Enlarged fatty liver, Sleep Apnea and test as 'pre-diabetic.'

    So, once again I phoned the same Dr. I saw four years ago, and had my appointment on May 31st. This time we decided that we would do the Lap Band - which makes me happier since it's less invasive - and because of the Barretts Esophagus, the band may cause me problems and have to be taken out. My appointment with the psychologist is June 9th, with the Dietitian, June 11th and the mandatory meeting is June 20th. After that, I should be ready to have my second Dr's. appointment and get a surgery date.

    I can't wait.

  2. MsPris
    Hello again:
    I went to see the psychologist today and much to my dismay - all I did was take a true/false test of about 150 questions and then a circle the most appropriate answer of about 20 questions. My next visit with him will be on the 18th of June and that's when we'll sit down and talk. Nothing else new to report. Just getting more excited with each visit. - to anyone.
  3. MsPris
    So much has happened since I was last able to write. Jim (my fiance) and I went on the 5th to the small group meeting with the Dietitian and the Psychologist.
    The Dietitian gave us our post op menu.
    Stage 1/Day 1 - water
    Stage 2/Day 2 - clear liquids
    Stage 3/Days 3-17 (or until doctor changes it) - full liquids.
    Then on Friday the 6th, I had my preop testing done. Bloodwork, ekg, chest xray, and mini physical with a really sweet Dr.
    I've been gearing myself up for the 19th, but then on Wednesday the 11th, the Dr.s office called and asked if I'd prefer the 16th which is this coming Monday. Of course, I said yes!
    But now, I'm having a case of the nervous jitters. It seems so close, less than 48 hours away. I'm sure the anxiety attack will pass. They usually do.
    Don't know if I'll be able to write any more before the surgery, but I'll write when I get back home. My doctor keeps you overnight so they can do a barium swallow the next morning. So, I won't be home til some time on Tuesday.
    Hope all goes well! :nervous
  4. MsPris
    Greetings Diary:

    Here's what the upcoming week is like for me.
    Monday, June 18th: Appt with the dietitian.
    Tuesday, June 19th: 2nd appt. with the Psychologist
    Wed, June 20th: Required Seminar

    I thought I would get a head start and make a second appt. with Dr. Barajas - my surgeon at St. Raphaels in New Haven, CT. But, when I phoned I was told that after the above is completed - I phone in and they send out my info for insurance approval. Once approved, I get a date? Can that be. I guess/hoping that is so and then I will find out about any other preop requirements.

    Can't wait for this to get moving. TTYL

  5. MsPris
    Dear Diary:

    So glad most of this week is over. Here's how my week went.

    Monday: June 18th 2:15pm - Psych evaluation with Chris Lodi. He's really very nice and we had a nice discussion. He asked quite a few questions to see where "my head is at." I guess a lot of people look at surgery as a magic bullet, and the weight will just fall off without any work. I'm so glad I found this website. All the info I'd garnered was so insightful and made the upcoming journey so realistic which made him pleased enough to pass me onto the next stage.

    Tuesday: June 19th 1:30pm - Appt. with the Dietition.
    Almost had a breakdown 'mentally,' getting to the appt. I took the backroads to her office which is the shortest and easiest, however I hit 2 roadblocks of construction and an accident once I hit New Haven. Arrived 15 min. late.
    I answered her questions about my eating habits. She asked what I ate on a typical day and I told her, "pretty much anything that isn't nailed down." ...at least I was honest!

    Wednesday: June 20th 5:00pm - Req'd. Support Grp. Meeting
    Jim (my fiance) and I attended this Support Group meeting which lasted 1hr and 45 minutes. It was really very interesting. Jessie, the APRN from my Surgeons office was there, along with Diana Rosa, the Dietition and Chris Lodi the Psychologist. In addition there was a guest speaker named Clea who was two years post op - who started at 314# and is now at 171 on her way down to her "Dream ideal goal weight" of 150. You go girl!

    Thursday: June 21st - the first day of Summer, I might add.
    I spoke with Jessie who is the APRN and who does the scheduling and she said I do not have to have pre-authorization for medicare. Thank heaven !!!!
    Then Louise, my surgeons admin. ass't. phoned and said she's only waiting for the psyche report and asked me to call my Gastroenterologist to fax them the Endoscopy and Liver Ultrasound. Once she get's those, she'll phone me to come in and see Jessie who will schedule my surgery.
    Yahoo! :clap2:
    I plan on doing that first thing tomorrow morning, to keep the ball rolling. I am so excited.

  6. MsPris
    Dear Diary:

    Since learning I didn't need to go through the nervewracking process of waiting for insurance approval, I have been in 7th heaven.
    Bright and early Monday morn June 25th, I phoned my surgeons admin.asst., and she received all my paperwork and my psych eval. - (which she said Dr. Barajas will revue on Wednesday) and then she'll call me and schedule another appt. to come in and set my surgery date.
    Louise the admin. asst. is very nice, so I asked her "how far out the surgeries were being planned?" When she found out I was having the lap band she said;

    "Gee, it looks now like July 9th might be available - if you're seen soon
    enough, or possibly the 16th of July."

    I was in shock. I remember when I looked into the GB, 4 years ago the surgery dates were 3-4 months down the road. Now, I still have to have the mandatory surgery pre-op meeting with the Nutritionist and the Psychologist on July 5th. ....And chances are by the time I see the surgeon it might not be until later this week or early next, so the 9th and the 16th may just pass me buy.

    But, at least it may happen the end of July or beginning of August - which is what I'd hoped for.

    I'll keep you posted.

  7. MsPris
    Dear Diary:

    1. I have no patience. But, today I decided to be good and not call my surgeons admin. asst., and wait for her to phone me. On monday, she said Dr. B would review her files (mine included) and she'd call me with a date on Wednesday.
    Now, whether it's a surgery date or another preop visit to set the surgery date, I'm not sure. Today's Wednesday and I've been here all day - and she didn't call.

    2. When I'd originally seen my surgeon on 5/31 - she told me that she wouldn't do my surgery unless I quit smoking. So I did, nearly two weeks ago. I'd been on chantix already, the only thing i added was the patch. I'm so thrilled to be having the surgery that kicking the habit hasn't been all that bad. My fiance quit with me, too.

    3. My fiance had a Dr.'s visit last friday, so i went with him. And since Dr. M. is my pcp also, he pulled out my last bloodwork results which showed an elevated level. The two prior, had shown I was pre-diabetic so he gave me another form and asked me to go have my bloodwork done. I went on Monday.
    Well my surgeon's office didn't call, but my pcp Dr. M. did and started off with, "I have some bad news for you. You are now DIABETIC." I have to go into his office on Tuesday for an office visit and to get a script. I need this like I need warts.

    I think I've gained about 10 lbs. since the 31st of May, but I kind of attributed it to:
    a.) deciding I should have a "last supper," at every meal and snack, because soon I wouldn't be able to.
    b.) quitting smoking.
    I never thought It could be an increased appetite because of the diabetes. But that sure does explain the lethargy I've been feeling.
    Not to worry -- I've had worse days.
  8. MsPris
    Hello again:

    I can't believe I have less than 3 weeks to go 'til I'm an official bandster!
    I wished I'd quit smoking long before this, so I wouldn't have gained any weight. But, I didn't and I did - oh well. I'm not going to chastise myself too much over this.
    I finally feel like I'm taking control of my life. I feel as if my life has been on hold for so long. To be only 5'2" and 246lbs. and an apple shape to boot - is not a very pretty picture.

  9. MsPris
    Dear Diary:

    I am so excited. My surgeons aa called a few hours ago with my dates:

    JULY 06, 2007: Office visit and hosp. preops. EKG/X-ray, blood work, and whatever else?

    JULY 19, 2007: SURGERY - won't know the time til the day before. aw shucks!

    I was so excited when she called, I didn't even remember that it was last July 19th I was rushed by ambulance, to the hospital - with as my doctor told me - (after I made it through) - "one foot on a banana peel and the other in the grave." Pondered for a moment whether the date would bother me. But decided, it was last July 19th the doctors saved my life
    and this July 19th I'm going to do something to change my life.

    And to be completely honest with you - that was the first date available. If I'd said no, the following week - I'd be kicking myself in the butt about it that whole extra week - for being superstitious or paranoid about the date.

    The first thing - even before coming here, was to join the Lucky '07's - the July Bandster thread.

    I feel such a relief. Three weeks from today. I can do that! Deep breath!

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