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Posts posted by MystiGal

  1. So moving on next topic... I have dicovered a great recipe app called ziplist. You can download and it will even make a grocery list. You can find emily bites on there. Get mini recipe's. I have started cooking them for the whole family and they love it. Enjoy!

    That app is great!!!

  2. Johnlatte- I have no interest in chewing food & spitting it out. I will however, stand up for those that do and everyone else that makes mistakes. I have done everything that I have been told thus far, but I am only 11 days post op and who is to say I will never make a mistake? Everyone does at some point. If I can't voice my opinion just like everyone else does, then why be on this website? It was far from a personal attack because I am not the one chewing food and spitting it out. I have the right to reply to any post on this website just like everyone else. Thank you ;-)

  3. If you are not religious, then this post isnt for you. One week before surgery I went to talk to my pastor. Like I said before, I was an emotional mess. I am a single mom to a 9 year old girl and didnt want to leave my daughter without a parent, especially due to an elective surgery! I told my pastor that and he said "Your death certificate has already been written. If May 21st is your day, it is your day. And whether you go into that operating room or not is not going to change the date on your death certificate." That really put it in perspective for me.

    Again, no offense to anyone who is not religious.

  4. Hello! I was sleeved on May 21st. The whole month leading up to surgery, I was an emotional mess!!! I cried every day. I updated my will and life insurance policies. I had read all the horror stories & felt like I would be one of them. I have never had any health problems, other than asthma, which I was born with & basically grown out of. My surgeon told me the risks, but also said I had a higher chance of dying in the car due to a wreck on the way to the hospital than having something go wrong. Well, the surgery lasted a whole 30 minutes. I had some nausea the first 24 hours and couldn't drink plain Water. I still have a problem with plain water, but it is getting better & Crystal Light helps. I have had no complications & I feel like I really stressed myself out preop for nothing. I know those emotions are normal, but the risk of something going wrong is very low. I went back to work after one week. You will do great!!!

  5. I was sleeved May 22. I am supposed to be on full liquids still but I felt so hungry. I got a grilled chicken breast fro KFC and some potatoes and gravy. I cut up the meat,not that hard outer part,really fine. I ate an ounce of meat and two tablespoons of the potatoes. It just helped. It may have been mental but after 2 weeks on the preop diet and a week post op I just had to have some real food. I am back on full liquids now but just knowing I can have food makes me feel better. I can't say you should do this because it is against what I was told to do. But I did it and lived:)

    You are brave!! I was sleeved on May 21st and I get worried when I can drink more than 4oz of Soup within an hour!!! I would have an anxiety attack if I had to eat chicken right now!! Glad you survived it!

  6. I drank beer 2 weeks post and felt fine ????

    Are you serious? I was told absolutely no beer, never. I am a beer drinker, so that made me sad...but I think a beer, that is carbonated & expands in your stomach, is super risky at 2 weeks post op. I will probably try drinking a beer a year post op.

  7. I totally understand what you are talking about! I told the women in my department that I thought I was close to and I thought they were my friends, including my boss and the VP of the company. Well, everything has changed...and I am only 11 days post op. Every time I say anything related to the surgery, they roll their eyes and walk away. I wish I wouldn't have said anything. Even got to the point that I am thinking about looking for another place to work.

  8. I have been on NuvaRing for 9 years and I love it. Although, my surgeon said birth control after surgery will not prevent pregnancy but will help regulate your cycle. Apparently, the birth control obsorbs in our fat cells & with us losing weight at such a rapid pace, it doesn't ever have time to obsorb. I know this is one of those issues that people argue, so I would talk to your surgeon about it & go by whatever they tell you. I quit taking Nuva Ring about a month before surgery, but will definitely start it again at 18 months post op.

  9. Once again...

    LOL Totally not taking this personally. I have actually followed my doctor's instructions to a T. That doesnt mean that I think people are wrong when they don't. I am replying to YOUR post that I happen to disagree with. Isnt that what this website it about? You post your opinion, I post mine. Sorry if YOU are getting offended by me not agreeing with you.

    Now back to the original topic... I would love a piece of pizza. I just might go take a bite & spit it out! haha

  10. Again, Laura-ven... I believe you are really overreacting to this. But, ever since being on this website I have noticed that is very common. Funny to.me how people who let themselves become so obese that they have to have a surgical procedure to correct it are now nutrition police and know it alls. At the end of the day, people who have this surgery screw up in one way or another at some point. I guess it is not such a big deal when they do it, but when someone else does it is made to be such a huge deal. Anyway, if someone wants to chew on something while on the liquid phase, have at it. It isnt going to kill you & it isnt going to make you lose less weight. I see people on here that chew gum, but I was told that is one of the most dangerous things you could do, if swallowed. I could care less what any of you do, honestly.

  11. First of all, I have not put anything other than liquids in my mouth. I have read a lot on this website that many people do this, put food in their mouth, chew it & spit it out, during the liquid phase. Do I think it is detrimental? No. Would I personally do it? No. I know many, if not not most, people who are months post op and indeed do eat a hamburger or pizza. There are far worse things that I feel passionately about and disagree with regarding what people do after having this surgery. If someone puts a piece of steak in their mouth ONE time during their liquid phase, I do not think they are sabotaging their success or health, as long as they remember to spit it out.

  12. Laura-ven... Appreciate the scientific information, but if someone 1 week post op puts a piece of hamburger in their mouth & spits it out just to get the feeling of food in their mouth since they have been on liquids for weeks, I really don't think it is going to be a problem. The only real risk with doing this one time is actually swallowing the food. We are not talking about someone constantly putting food they should not be eating in their mouth & spitting it out, so all your information is great, but more appropriate for a post where someone is maybe 4 months post op and puts junk food in their mouth & spits it out constantly.

  13. I was sleeved on May 21st and having the same problem. I am getting about 45oz of fluids in a day and only 25 grams of Protein. I drink one Protein Shake a.day (8oz) and that takes me 2 hours to get down. I really liked my Protein Shakes preop, but now they taste terrible to me, so I gag with every sip. I was told to get protein "shots". They have different flavors and they are only like 2 or 3oz. I saw some at Walmart that have 42 grams of protein in one shot. Since I am having problems getting my protein in, I think the shots are the best option.

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