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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ~Bridgette~

  1. I'm a week behind you guys, but it's good to hear how you all are progressing! Tonight is the first time I've had bad gas pains. I've been walking at least 30-45min everyday since surgery and have gotten in almost all of my protein. I actually got in all 90g today... (uh, yesterday?).... anyways, I'm up b/c of the gas... was walking laps around the house to try to move it out...
  2. ~Bridgette~

    Anyone else lethargic?

    Well, this is the first time I've had gas.. since surgery! My stomach is making crazy noises and I have this pain under my ribs... ugh! I've walked laps around my house for the last 20 min and it's not easing up..... I'm so tired, but it hurts so I have to keep getting up and walking....
  3. ~Bridgette~

    ?ctober ?dyssey 2008

    Can ya believe we're finally here?!!? Banded and all!! Wahooo!! I was banded on Weds am and am doing well. I actually got in all 90g of protein today and feel pretty good. I stopped taking my percocet yesterday and moved to liquid Tylenol today. I've only taken it twice today. :rolleyes2: Should I be concerned that I haven't pooped yet? I've never been constipated and am not sure I'd know what it feels like.... I suffered from IBS, but always had diarrhea. yikes! So... now I'm just gassy but not too bad... DH bought me some Milk of Magnesia, but I'm scared to take it, scared I'll get the runs. Anybody wondering about all of this??
  4. ~Bridgette~

    Protein Powder Smell

    I bought the GNC Pro Performance Unflavored whey Protein powder to mix into Soups to add protein so I'm not relying simply on shakes and other protein supplements. Lemme tell ya, when I mixed it in the chicken broth, I thought I would hurl and die!! It was nasty!! It had a slimey consistency and smelled bad!! Please, trust me! Don't try that one! Gross!!! My doc gave me a box with about 20 samples prior to surgery and I've been enjoying them. They're made by Smart Forme, I believe, and they're good. The fruit drink is like kool aid but has 15g of protein for a 6-8oz serving. Can't beat that! I actually met my goal for 90g of protein today! Woohoo!! :rolleyes2:)
  5. ~Bridgette~

    Anyone else lethargic?

    I hope you feel better! :rolleyes2: I was banded on Weds and am feeling pretty good other than the occasional dizziness.... I actually got in all my 90g of protein today! Woohoo!! :hurray:
  6. ~Bridgette~

    OCT 29th anyone?

    well, I weighed myself this morning.. just out of curiosity.. and I'd lost 8 lbs since going in for surgery on Weds am.... I'm shocked!! I still feel really bloated in my abdomen, but the gas hasn't been as bad for me as I'd feared. I've been doing a lot of walking and moving my arms and shoulders a lot to keep it from settling in one spot. The gas is the worst when I wake up after being asleep for awhile or sitting for more than an hour or 2. We're on our way!! Yippee!!!
  7. ~Bridgette~

    The best protein shake ever!!!

    YUM!!! Thanks for the idea! I LOVE chocolate and peanut butter!
  8. ~Bridgette~

    OCT 29th anyone?

    I'm doing well, just sore at the port area. Plus my back is sore from supporting myself with my back muscles rather than strain my abdominal muscles. No real nausea, but I have meds for it if I need them. The percocet I've been taking has been making me dizzy... that's probably the worst part from today, the dizziness. It's been hard to try to get in my Protein. I have been walking a lot. I walked for 30 min straight this morning around 7 am, then again around 7pm I walked for 20 min. That's cool. No BM yet, but I guess it's b/c I've been very regular with my percocet. I'm trying to cut down on them so I won't need them soon... I only took 2 today, so that was good. Goodnight, all. TTYS. :smile2:
  9. I had my surgery on Weds and although my port area is sore, I feel great. I've been sipping my liquids and getting my protein in. I actually got up and walked around the house for 30 min this morning. I was tired afterwards and fell asleep (thanks percocet) but it felt great to have the energy to walk for 30 min straight.
  10. ~Bridgette~

    Any October Bandsters!??!?!

    Hi everybody. I was banded at 7:30 on Weds morning and am doing well. I've been walking around and moving my shoulders while walking and haven't really had any bad gas issues (yet). I've gotten in my protein yesterday and that was good. I'm taking my percocet on a regular basis to not hurt too much, but the pain in the abdominal port area is pretty bad if I move around too much. Also, it is uncomfortable to lie down to sleep, so most of my sleeping is in my easy chair with pillows propped behind me. Well, it's not so much the lying down that hurts, but the sitting back up to get up. So I just avoid it, LOL. So, I'm napping rather than sleeping, but that's ok. Just wanted to check in with y'all. All's well here in bandland for me, so far. Loving my tool! Can't believe it's finally in me! :teeth_smile: YAY!!!
  11. ~Bridgette~

    Hampton Roads/Peninsula thread

    Hi everybody. Sorry it's taken me so long to get on here to post! I'm in bandland too! :teeth_smile: I'm doing pretty well. Just sore around the port area. I've been taking my percocet regularly to not be in pain. It hurts to lie down in the bed, so I'm doing most of my "napping" in my chair in the den. So, having said that, I'm sleeping for about 4 hours at a time then waking up to walk around. Who would have thought I'd be so awake after surgery! LOL I got 85g of protein in yesterday. That was good. I was sipping all day it felt like. The worst part so far is the coughing like they showed me at the hospital. That hurts so I don't really *want* to do it that often. But I try. Thanks for the well-wishes everyone. I really appreciate them. I'm not really hungry, that's pretty cool.
  12. ~Bridgette~

    Lap Band or Realize Band

    My surgeon uses the Realize band mainly, so that's what I'm getting. I figure he's the expert so I'll go with whatever he chooses to place.
  13. ~Bridgette~

    Hampton Roads/Peninsula thread

    So.... I went to my preop with Dr. C. today and that went well. Then I braved the crazy traffic to head back to Hampton for support group. That was fun. There were a good amount of folks there. Ebonie, it was great to see you again. Was anybody else from here at support group tonight?? Just checking... How's everybody doing? I started my shakes on Monday and have lost 5 lbs as of this morning... I'm excited, but hungry, LOL. I'm looking forward to my mama's homemade biscuits on Saturday... it may very well be my last biscuit... I'm gonna enjoy it.
  14. ~Bridgette~

    Any October Bandsters!??!?!

    That's awesome!!! I have to update my ticker too. I'll have to look for the fruity sf pops when I go to the store next time.
  15. ~Bridgette~

    Blood sugar changes ?

    I had wondered about this too. I currently take 2 500mg pills of Metformin ER a day and will be banded in 2 weeks. I have been very bad at monitoring my sugar but for the past few days, it's been high and I'm on the protein shake diet right now... so that makes no sense to me. But I will definitely keep a check on it and contact my doctor if/when it starts to go down.
  16. ~Bridgette~

    Beginning a new life

    That's wonderful! You'll do great. This forum is a wonderful resource at our fingertips for advice, encouragement, and support.
  17. I agree... I see my surgeon tomorrow and want to make sure it's ok if I eat my planned meals and then do the shakes the rest of the time. I'll do whatever he tells me, I want to be as successful with this as I possibly can.
  18. I started the preop diet on Monday. All Protein shakes plus a sugar free pudding cup or Jello cup in the evening. When I went in for my class yesterday, there were folks who are being banded next week by my surgeon who haven't started any preop diet. My surgeon doesnt require it, but highly suggests it. His only requirement is Clear Liquids the day before. So, I look at it as every day I do the shakes, is a day I'm helping myself out. I know I'll eat on Saturday, my mom is making homemade biscuits for me (I'm counting this as the last time) and I'll also want to eat dinners next weekend at a scrapbooking retreat (will do shakes for breakfast/lunch/snack)... so hopefully I won't totally undo what I've been working on this week and next week by eating a few meals of normal food with my friends and family. But I did cheat today and had some lowfat cottage cheese. Boy was it good.. and I'm not a huge cottage cheese fan... LOL
  19. Way to go!! You have done an amazing job of losing weight and getting healthier! I'm going to be banded in 2 weeks and I hope a year from now, I'll be able to share my successes as well. Thanks for the inspiration!
  20. ~Bridgette~

    Any October Bandsters!??!?!

    what kind of popsicles are y'all eating? I found some "no sugar added" fudgepops, but they're not SF....
  21. ~Bridgette~

    Any October Bandsters!??!?!

    Ok, I started the protein shakes today. Had 4 of them, plus all of my water for the day. I'm hungry now... but I'm just gonna go to bed and wake up tomorrow for another great day of protein and liver shrinkage...
  22. ~Bridgette~

    Having trouble getting into a routine....

    I am going to be banded on the 29th and haven't started working out regularly yet. If I'm lucky I walk 2 days a week for abotu 30 min each time... I know I need to get better! I've done the gym thing before, paid and never went, I was even a member at Curves for almost 3 years and went 3 times... I'm searching for something that will keep me motivated and excited. Best of luck to you. :smile2:
  23. ~Bridgette~

    Any October Bandsters!??!?!

    Hi just thought I'd pop in and say hi to the Smashing Pumpkins.... I'm getting excited for the 29th!!!
  24. ~Bridgette~

    OCT 29th anyone?

    Hey, I'm the 29th!! I go in tomorrow for my preop testing and my 3.5 hour class... I'm very excited but also nervous!! We're just over 2 weeks to bandland! Yay us!!

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