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Belle joufflue une

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Belle joufflue une

  1. It sounds to me that you may be a bit too tight - you shouldn't be getting stuck that often unless you are taking bites that are too big or are not chewing enough. My suggestion would be to go on liquids for a day or two to reduce any swelling that may be present from the frequent stuck episodes and then go back to the bandster basics (small bites, chewing thoroughly, no drinks during or for 30 minutes after a meal). If you find you are still getting stuck, go in for a small unfill to see if that helps.

    Like everyone else said, you have to use the tool correctly in order to get the best results. I'm glad you have worked through your other issues...I know from experience that doing that goes a long way towards putting you in the right mindset to be able to get the most out of this journey.

    Good luck to you!

    Thank you so much for your advice. I think I will try this and see if it helps. I am so glad I came back to this forum (initially to vent..and now..I've found out that it was for something different...) In fact, I came back to unsubscribe initially..but now I am thinking that I wanted some help.

  2. You know..I was thinking about this since yesterday. I was thinking about how I do eat less than I did...and I'm not really so certain it's about the band (because I drink Water when I eat) but it's more about the actual choices I make. I need to stuff my face less. I don't need to buy the fast food for lunch ( I go to the health food store instead). I choose to drink Water instead of soda. I have the opinion that stopping my intake of the diet soda had a lot to do with this too. I was pretty much addicted to it..and drank a lot per day. I digress..

    I suppose if I didn't drink water with my band I would get fuller faster..like in seconds. But, if I don't drink water--it feels uncomfortable and dry going down..and gets stuck. That is such an uncomfortable experience for me because I have had food stuck a lot. Reading all of your replies to my post, and seeing your weight loss on your tickers..well..it made me consider this. Maybe I'm not using my tool the correct way. I mean..I still think that it has a lot to do with where I am at emotionally as compared to before..but my not losing even more weight could be because of not eating moist enough foods, and drinking water with meals.

    Has anyone else had that discomfort..I just hate running to vomit after one bite of food. :(

    Can anyone help?

  3. Here is why I was fat:

    Unhappy, stressed out, anger problems, anxiety problems, depression, miserable marriage, boredom, low self-esteem, drank too much diet soda, made poor food choices (late at night especially!).

    I thought that the band would be the answer. I only lost 20 pounds because of the band. At my highest..my weight was about 328.

    How did I lose more????

    Well..and you might not like this answer.....

    I stopped drinking diet soda, I stopped eating after 8 at night, I got more exercise, I changed my depression medication, I got therapy, I cheated on my spouse and eventually figured out we weren't meant to be together from the very start!, I stopped caring what everyone thought of me all the time, I took better care of my appearance, and .....

    It has little to do with the band. It has everything to do with things I could have done without getting the band.

    Now, I have to drink Water with every meal because if I don't the food gets stuck. Now, I have scars all over my tummy. Now, I realize that I put hope into something which was misdirected.

    It's been 7 years since I had the surgery, and about that long since I've had a fill or seen the band doctor. I wish someone was on this board and told me that the answer wasn't in a surgery. That the answer had everything to do with me taking responsibility and owning my unhappiness and coping with it..(even if some of the ways were destructive) I began to cope. But this surgery--wasn't the answer. I wish it was. If it was the answer I would be at my goal weight now. I still have a ways to go. I lost only 20 pounds with the surgery in the first year and was at a standstill. Then, I began to deal with my issues. And, I lost about 60 more. I want to lose more..but I have a ways to go at dealing with all of the stuff I have.

    I know that there will be some of you out there who don't agree with this post. But, I don't care. It's what I see as the truth for me. The band wasn't worth it. Look-if you are way fat like I was..here is what I say. Start with therapy. Get involved in groups. Meet people who will help you get outside of your comfort zone and will challenge you to be the best you can be. Get away from the people who want you to be fat forever. Do this before you get the surgery. Try that first.

    If someone tells you you are fat and they want to help you...don't cry and think how mean they are. They probably really want to help you.

    ok, I said what I needed to say.

  4. Something disturbing happened last night, and I want to share it with you all. Warning...this may be a long post.

    I was asleep in bed, and it was about 10:45 pm. I got a private phone call (*67). It was a woman. She asked me if I was Joan F., and I said yes. She asked me if I was Joan F. who lived on my street name, and I said yes. (It sounded like a middle aged or older lady.) She said her name was Betsy, and she was calling because she wanted to let me know her nephew was spying on some of the local neighbors, and I was one of them.

    She said her nephew was back from the war, and has surveillence equipment. She told me he has naked pictures of me. She said she wanted to call because she said that I ought to know about it. Mind you, during this time I was kind of in shock, and I was like...What??? I asked her where she lived. She asked me if I would tell the authorities if she told me, and I said no. I said I just wanted to know so I could protect myself. Then she hung up.

    Well...I got on the phone first thing and called 911. After that, I called my husband, who was at his friends house. He was already on his way home at that time. The police came, and are doing an investigation, and in the meanwhile I am kind of a wreck. The worst part of the story is that the phone company says that they can't retreive the number that called me because I called 911, and another number. They said that I should have called the number *57 right after the phone call. I guess that is the only way they can retrieve it. If anyone has any information that can help me, please share it.

    In the best of circumstances, this could have been a prank-although an evil one. In the worst...some creep has naked photos of me and is spying on me. In the meanwhile I would like to remind all of the really cool women and men on this board that you should never take your privacy for granted-because I did.


  5. Okay, I got the band. But, I am somehow finding ways to work with it-so that my emotional hunger needs can be satisfied.

    Like I am full quickly, and then I wait a half hour, and am not so full, and eat a few more bites. Has anyone else done this?

    I have only been doing this for a couple of days, and not all of the time, but I want to know why my emotional hunger is getting the best of me in the evening time!

    It feels better just admitting it. Please offer as much advice and support as you can because I don't want to sabotage myself here.


  6. The day after I got my band I came down with a horrible flu. I had the exact same concerns as you, but all was well. Please take care, and remember to keep your fluids up because it is so important!


  7. You know what I am sick of? I am sick of people announcing they are leaving because of all of the negativity. They are perpetuating it, and keeping it around if you ask me-because they are bringing it up constantly!

    There...I said it.

    I feel better.


    By the way...I'm, SOOOOO NOT leaving!~


  8. I LOVE the name Nolan..it is such a strong name! Your little nephew is going through a rough time right now...and he is in my prayers and throughts. My cousin has a son with Down's Syndrome and he also had to have an operation early on. He is doing wonderfully now...and is such a sweet, precious little boy!

    Please let Nolan know that this LBT bandster wishes him a safe and successful operation, and a speedy recovery! Congrats to your family on the birth of such a beautiful baby!


  9. To be quite honest I say them all occasionally, and with passion and excitement! (Not really around the kids (although sometimes I think them!)

    Zoe-I say "effing" for the (you know) word, and I find it very effective and to the point!

  10. Denise it seems as if you have a lot of stress in your life right now..and taking care of yourself might be last on your list. After reading the posts...it seems as if those who have fills know when they are filled enough..that is to say that if you don't feel filled enough you probably aren't. (Like Zoe..I am not a Dr. either...but just thinkin' out loud.) Would it be within the budget to get a fill shortly? With everything going on-I know it seems like it wouldn't help much-but it may help your weight loss.

    In life..doesn't it seem sometimes that everything is going rotton..all at once!? I too have had those sort of days, weeks, and months. It is like everything is going okay, and then BOOM!

    Please remember that as long as you are alive..there is hope. This time will too pass, and wonderful happenings and events are just around the corner waiting for you. Notice the small miracles that happen every day..and it will help.

    Please keep us posted, and let us know how things are going.


  11. Dear Connorsmom,

    You know-I am not filled yet (a few weeks from now) and yesterday I was so hungry I felt like I was eating every couple of hours. I was also doing a lot of house cleaning, up and down basement stairs. I think about what I used to eat before banding and I compare it even to now (before a fill-after band) and I am still eating at least 500-1000 calories less per day than I used to!

    My food choices have changed drastically too. It's like this band of mine is also helping me make the best food choices I can. I know in a few weeks there may be only a very little room-so I must make the most of that space!

    Be patient Lauren, and be good to yourself. You are doing exactly as you should, and you are normal!


  12. Hey everyone. What is the best tuna fish brand/ type you buy. I had a great experience with Starkist Albacore tuna-very tasty and "clean" looking and tasting (some Tuna is just too tuna-ish).

    What are some great brands/types. I want to know because I have made Tuna a staple in my diet. Also, have you heard that regular mayonaise is better than the reduced fat in the Atkins diet? (This is just something I heard.)

  13. I had my surgery done by Dr. Horgan, and will get my first fill in two weeks at University of Illinois in Chicago. In the standard patient packet it says fills are $250.00. Maybe they charge more for the clients who are self-pay? My insurance is covering the fills at the UIC office, and the nurse told me all HMO clients must have fills done at UIC and not at Michigan Ave. location.

    Your post with pics was VERY helpful..I appreciate it!

  14. THANK YOU SO MUCH ALEX!!!!! I was wondering about the exact same thing-and your words of encouragement are very very comforting. I have my first fill in a few weeks-and I was a little upset about the temporary weight loss standstill. I really needed to hear that it was normal, and that I can expect things to change with a fill.


  15. Okay here is a question for everybody. Does your husband or wife know how much you weigh? Or how much you weighed at your heaviest?

    As for me...my husband does not know and I won't let him near a scale while I am on it. It seems stupid..but I don't want him to know I weigh more than him. (As if he couldn't tell!!!)

  16. Okay-My DL says 135-and the guy behind the counter asked me the "Do you want to update anything?" question too....and I said (firmly) "NO!"

    At the time I was like 265. Soooo that is a difference of 130 LBS!!!!!

    Like DeLarla I too like the way 135 sounds....it has a nice ring to it.

    My left leg probably weighs 135 lbs!!!

  17. I got my Lap Band a little less than three weeks ago. Today-I feel like I pulled something or other-and I can feel something under my skin where my port incision is.:ermm Is it normal to have this feeling? Is it normal to have occasional pain? What sorts of things aren't normal in port healing-and things I should be looking out for?

    I am kind of scared because I saw DeLarla's pics----and I don't want a tube popping out of me or anything.

    Any information would be helpful and useful.


  18. I really don't know what went on, and all that-but as a relative "newbie" I haven't come across a post that was objectionable. Also, conflict is a part of life. If we can't express our honest thoughts here (whether controversial or otherwise) as anonymous people, well then where CAN we express our thoughts and opinions and gripes.

    Conflict can help us overcome our own obstacles. Consider why you are running away from the board? What is it about conflict that drives you away?


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