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Belle joufflue une

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Belle joufflue une

  1. Belle joufflue une


    I really don't know what went on, and all that-but as a relative "newbie" I haven't come across a post that was objectionable. Also, conflict is a part of life. If we can't express our honest thoughts here (whether controversial or otherwise) as anonymous people, well then where CAN we express our thoughts and opinions and gripes. Conflict can help us overcome our own obstacles. Consider why you are running away from the board? What is it about conflict that drives you away? Joan
  2. Belle joufflue une

    Fun Thread - Screen Names

    My screen name isn't so clever-Joanie. But...in real life nobody calls me Joanie-and I never go by it. But, since I was making a new start with the Lap Band-I thought I would by jammin and loosin and go for it! By the way my husband says that I got "Lap Dance Surgery." ;>) My first pet's name was Pooter. My moms maiden name is Green. Stripper Pooter Green. I LOVE IT!
  3. Belle joufflue une

    Feeling Really Bummed

    Oh man! I broke my ankle about 2 years ago-and I know what you are dealing with. I remember being sooooo frustrated because I couldn't walk-and I wasn't good on crutches so I used a walker and a wheelchair. But-before you know it you will be back up again-believe me. Just keep it elevated, and take good care of you. I know it sounds weird-but take this time to do some relaxaing. Joan
  4. Belle joufflue une

    LBT Spats, Disagreements and Miffs

    I am currently finishing my internship to be a licensed therapist in counseling. It is my opinion that LBT is quite different than therapy-naturally. But, that is not to say that it doesn't offer equal, and sometimes better healing than a therapy session may have. I say this because it is comprised of people coping with similiar difficulties-who are able to share struggles, discussions, and offer advice. As a therapist-I NEVER offer advice. It is my job to help others discover the answers within themselves. I so appreciate the candid honesty, and support on LBT. Even if I don't post in every thread, sometimes I just read them and know I am not alone.... It is my wish that everyone continues to share their points of view. Arguing is part of life, and isn't a "bad" thing.
  5. Belle joufflue une

    Why are YOU Fat?

    I most closely relate to the reason Jack said hewas fat. It is about control for me. I first started gaining weight consistently since 1997 when I moved in with my now husband. It is the first time I was away from home, and away from a controlling and abusive family. When I moved into my new place I had ULTIMATE control. I could eat when I want, what I wanted, and as much as I wanted. That is exactly what I did. Also, my husband is a huge eater. I would sit with him and think that he would eat everything if I didn't take it first. So, I ended up eating more than I wanted or needed. All that plus little exercise=weight gain.
  6. Belle joufflue une

    Please tell me...

    Please tell me how long it took your stitches/staples to heal? My doctor's office says infection is unlikely-but my staples area looks red and has pus. I tried to post a thread like this before and hardly anyone answered. Joan
  7. Belle joufflue une

    11 days after surgery and eating normally

    This is true. Your doctor knows best, and should have given you a post of diet to follow. This board is helpful-but you should follow your doctor's instructions closely, before anyone elses. Joan
  8. Belle joufflue une

    I Am Lower Fat!!

    Okay-this is funny.:lick Pre-op I was 54% fat. Over half of me fat!! Now I am 46% fat. ROCK ON! LESS FAT! Joan
  9. Belle joufflue une

    Please tell me...

    Hey all. I wanted to update you-and you all were very helpful. Since having my staples out my incisions have crusted over, and are healing nicely. I have been putting peroxide on it, and that has helped greatly. Thanks bunches, Joan
  10. Belle joufflue une

    Feeling Down

    You might see your friend losing weight much more quickly-but look at how many additional risks she took to get that? Not putting anyone down here-but I don't want anyone cutting into my guts and rerouting anything. Every hear the saying, "Slow and easy wins the race." Think about it. You have already come very far-358 to 311. WOW! You lost a whole 3 or 4 year old person!!! It might take longer-but look at Babs. She is such a role model, and so inspirational to me because I have a whole lotta weight to lose. We all can do it. You can do it!
  11. Belle joufflue une

    Sabotaging all the good work

    As they say, "The truth is in the numbers." Take a look for a minute what your numbers are saying. 172 lost. My goodness. That is a whole couple of human beings. You must be doing something right there. We all have moments when we need what we know. For many of us on this board it is food. We love food. But, tomorrow is another day. You are doing great, and no 1800 calories of chocolate cake can take that away from you.
  12. Belle joufflue une

    What irritates you?

    That was really rude. Is it really elective surgery when the reason you are doing it is so you can live a healthy life, reducing your health risks? They should have sent you EXTRA flowers!! Joan
  13. Belle joufflue une

    Diet Cokes?

    It has been almost two weeks since my surgery. You know, I ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY miss Diet Coke. I miss the refreshing bubbles. I haven't even gone near it. Water doesn't have the same refreshing quality. I think they should have DCA (Diet Coke Anonymous)
  14. Belle joufflue une

    What irritates you?

    What recently irritates me are the "lapband police." They occasionally post on LBT. They think they have more information about what you should eat or not eat than your own surgeon. They are not afraid to tell you either.
  15. Belle joufflue une

    Please tell me...

    Thanks y'all. I am going to my PCP to ask if they are infected. The nurse at my surgeon's office was just like.."it is normal to have drainage from the incisions, and infection is unlikely." Well, she didn't answer my question. I am going to someone else to ask. Thanks for the great advice and support. I appreciate it more than you know. Joan
  16. Belle joufflue une

    I can eat almost normally, is this right?

    I was worried about the same thing myself! It seems that after the swelling is gone two tablespoons doesn't fill me up anymore! It is reassuring to hear that it is normal-and that after a fill I will have better restriction. Joan
  17. Belle joufflue une

    Haut Chocolat

    Okay you guys and girls. We have to make EVERY bite count. So, why not make those bites a bit interesting with some designer truffles with some interesting and new flava's. These cost a lot-which might deter buying in bulk. But hey-we don't need bulk anymore-we're banded. But, banded or not, we still deserve the occasional treat! Here is a website you should check out if you are into fabulous and wonderful: http://www.vosgeschocolate.com/Truffles.aspx Only the BEST for the banded!:cheeky Sweetly yours, and Happy belated "V"-Day, ~Joan~
  18. Okay. Yuck. My skin is healing over my staples, and I don't go to the doctor until Monday to get the staples out. Is this situation normal? Will it cause infection? Is it serious. I am grossed out a little about this, and it is ITCHY. I asked my husband if I should remove the staples myself, and he was like "NO, DON'T TOUCH THEM!" I am so compelled to to so because I don't want them a permanent part of me! (I have been known to do home operations on ingrown toenails before-and the picture wasn't too pretty. My husband was kind enough to mention that whole situation too....) Please help. Joan
  19. Belle joufflue une

    Mushy food, ethnic style

    Thanks so much for starting this thread. I love ethnic foods, especially Mexican foods, and I was thinking about how to incorporate those foods into my new food repitoire.
  20. Belle joufflue une

    one week after & I'm hungry!

    My Doc's University published a whole manual on what to eat. Days 5 and 6 are full liquids, and starting weeks 2 and 3 is the "blended diet". That includes such things as tuna salad, cottage cheese, and applesauce. Anything pureed, or blended. So, that goes to show all docs are different in their post op diet protocol. It is sort of confusing too-since I trust the info on this site-and what my Doc recommends is a bit different. Joan
  21. Belle joufflue une

    Diet Cokes?

    I swear-just before reading this post-I was going to start a new thread about how much I MISS drinking pop! Isn't that funny!? Diet coke is such a luscious thing. When I used to eat nachos on the computer I used to gulp it down-and how refreshing! I miss it dearly. But, it's clearly not the best drinking choice I can make now. Now...when everything has changed (for the better!). My family had McDonalds for lunch today. I could smell the starch from the french fries, and the grease off of the burger! Yum yum! In a way...I am daily mourning my old eating/ drinking habits. That is where the Band is a LIFESAVER! I know I shouldn't eat/ drink certain things because they will cause pain/ discomfort/ or aren't compatible with the band. Whereas if I was just on a diet (another diet) I would think-"oh-a few fries won't hurt" and then I would be well on my way to a quarter pounder with cheese. Now-it's no fries, no pop, no quarter pounder. But, If I weigh myself-I might see that I am now under 300 lbs. I am learning day by day that food doesn't equal happiness. ~Joan~
  22. Belle joufflue une

    Please help - I am nervous that I did something bad

    I am with Babs here too. I am only newly banded (1 week today), and my doctor has me on blended foods. That includes blended meats too. Every doctor is different-and it seems like the post-op diets differ greatly from doctor to doctor. As long as you are chewing the items good enough to fit through the stoma, I would say you are alright. Are you having pain? Have you vomited? Joan
  23. Belle joufflue une

    New noises coming from my body...

    I have totally been gurgeling after I eat. It is sooooo weird! What is that sound anyways?
  24. Belle joufflue une

    The hardest part?

    I just got banded, and I find that just drinking gets me full! That is really a new and weird sensation to me. For those considering the band-when you have it in it is a completely different sensation, and a lot like starting over. You will find that it is important to NOT throw up (so you don't mess up your band, etc) or drink/ eat too much so you don't stretch your pouch. Remember, 4 oz is not a whole lot of room. I admit being frustrated when I am full from Water, and want a popcicle but there is no room, and I can't have one because I don't want to get sick! But isn't that great! That means the band is working! Yea! I used to be the BIGGEST Diet Coke fiend. I mean, that is ALL I used to drink. I had to quit cold turkey, and that has hit me a bit hard. Anyone else miss pop? Joan
  25. Belle joufflue une

    I hate fat people!!!

    This thread interests me for some reason, and I keep coming back to it-starting to post, and then stopping. Ever hear the phrase, "Don't hate the playa', hate the game?" Here is one, "Don't hate the fatty, hate the fat." Let's not be haters! ~Joan~ P.S. Michelle....I am with you on the fast eating and chewing thing. Yuckie!

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