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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by jatherley

  1. jatherley

    feeling resigned

    Texas is nice and warm most of the time too :-) Thanks ladies. Not many people can relate to me post sleeve. They either want to give me dieting advise or ask really personal questions about my weight loss. I usually meet friends through my employment but that seems harder now too. They all saw me fat and lazy. I'm still fat but not nearly as lazy but that mind set is still there with my co-workers. I'd love to get to know some of the moms of my kids friends but it seems like after all this time I should be on good terms with them. But the only one of my daughter's friend that's come around her mom only speaks Spanish and I only speak English. We can communicate enough to insure each other our kids will be fine at which ever house they are at or which ever activity they are doing but we've never been able to have a real conversation. My sons in daycare and at the time I get there it's usually the dad's picking up. As nice as some of the dad's are in sure my husband might frown on me getting too friendly. I thought about the gym but I don't technically belong to one (do my workout at work during my breaks or at home). I wish I could go to support group meetings. That would be the best place to interact with other wls moms but again scheduling is an issue. At night during the week is not an option for me and they don't have any on the weekends here. Oh well, I'm just in a woe is me mood. Can't wait for my hubby to get home so we can eat dinner and all go to the park for an evening walk.
  2. jatherley

    update pics

    Thank You
  3. The cream colored sweater was right before Christmas and the black sweater was last week when I finally dropped under 200lbs. Today I am 194. My highest weight was 282 in May and surgery weight was 252 on 8/28. Down a total of 88 lbs. [ATTACH]40451[/ATTACH]
  4. jatherley

    update pics

    Thank you
  5. jatherley


  6. jatherley


    I'm using it. I wouldn't mind friends on it either although I'm slightly technically impaired. You'd have to explain how to me how to add someone. And perhaps how to make the diary open. I'll take a look and see if I can figure out out as well.
  7. I hope it starts going down for you real soon. I know when my weight is playing games if I buckle down and focus on Protein and eliminate carbs of all kinds for a while. It will start dropping again. I'm only 4 months out right now. So depending on how far out you are. It might be easier said then done.
  8. So I had a weight loss goal to be a specific weight by Thanksgiving. I think I was 2 pounds shy of the goal (can't remember what the number was). I then set another goal to be under 200 by Christmas and again I did not reach my goal. So I thought well ok then. Can I get under 200 by start of the new year? And I have been doing decent but I had a stressful few days. Father in law is in hospital for congestive heart failure which has caused pneumonia and A-fib. Needless to say he's not doing so good. So I was out running a couple errands Saturday and stopped in the Christmas section at the store to see what they put on sale and ended up with box of chocolates and box of Cookies at half price. Yesterday I proceeded to eat several cookies (over the course of the day) and a couple chocolates. I woke this morning thinking well I blew it. Not meeting my mini goal this holiday either. I weigh daily (except forgot to weigh Saturday while getting ready to head to hospital) so I know where I am and so there are no surprises. So, I stepped on the scale to check the damage and was like well it could have been worse. Only up 0.8 and went to step off the scale but looked at it a second time. It wasn't 202.8 like I thought. It was 200.8 I had to do a double take. I had lost 1.2 in 2 days. So I'm thinking there might be a chance to reach my mini goal by New Years day after all. So please send that precious little weight loss fairy to my house. I need some good news for New Years.
  9. jatherley


    Oh cool. Thanks. I intrigued by the T25. My husband has insanity and its ridiculously hard for me. I'm still quite heavy (5"2' 194lbs) but need something that will tone me better than the resistance bands. I have been walking 30-60 minutes a day for a few months. I feel like I need that little something extra.
  10. Well I did not make it below 200 before New year's but I did finally make it a couple days later. I'm down to 194 now. I will be happy to share my weight loss fairy. She is quiet generous these days.
  11. jatherley

    Best and worst "compliments"

    I'm never sure what to say when I get a compliment as all of them make me uncomfortable. But the most awkward was from my male supervisor. I know he didn't mean to make me feel uncomfortable and his intent was to make me feel good but I was taken off guard. One morning I was coming around a blind corner to the coffee bar at the office and he was coming around these sane corner the opposite way. We made small talk and said good morning and went on our way. Later in the day he told me "this morning when I first saw you I was like wow your weightloss is so noticeable in your facial features" it was awkward but I said thanks. Then a couple hours later while I was headed back to my desk with my little lunch while he was headed out. He said "wow, really don't wither away on us" my comment was oh I have a good long way to go before I will wither away. One of the best has been from a female co-worker who I've run into in the ladies room or in the hall and we say hi and good morning but don't really talk that much. She stopped me one day and said she just wanted to tell me that I was looking great. Just that simple compliment made my day.
  12. jatherley

    Best and worst "compliments"

    Removed duplicate post
  13. I have the Mirena and haven't had problems with weight loss but I heard some people do. I asked both my surgeon and my gyn and neither of them thought it needed to be removed for any reason. I'm 4 months post op and have no problems with it.
  14. jatherley

    Mirena slows weight loss?

    I have had the mirena for 4 years now and I'm not having problems with weight loss. Now pain after it was first inserted is a different story. I think my body tried really hard to reject it. I could feel what I thought were the strings pulling all the time. Even went in twice to have them trimmed. Intercourse was painful for a little while. After my body finally adjusted things got better. I no longer feel it during intercourse or otherwise. Maybe your body just needs time to adjust.
  15. jatherley

    Total NSV

    I will start by saying I yoga and pilates. I have done them off and on now for years. I've always the same problem. Too much bulk. There would be to much of me to do some of the poses or positions. I went back to a pilates class today. And boy what a difference. I was able to stay in the different crunch positions without too much trouble. Loving how easy life is getting.
  16. I thought I'd post here since y'all are the ones who will understand my excitement. I broke through, I'm under 200 pounds. Hello 100's boy have I missed you.
  17. jatherley

    oh oh oh guess what!

    Nice congrats to you as well!
  18. jatherley

    oh oh oh guess what!

    Thank You. I'm absolutely tickled.
  19. jatherley

    oh oh oh guess what!

    Thank you. I will have to do that this evening.
  20. jatherley

    oh oh oh guess what!

    Well I didn't mean to post this twice.
  21. jatherley

    oh oh oh guess what!

    I thought I'd post here since y'all are the ones who will understand my excitement. I broke through, I'm under 200 pounds. Hello 100's boy have I missed you.
  22. jatherley

    Omg Omg Omg i got Approved

    I did but it was an insurance requirement not the doctors. I was able to provide documentation showing I had attended weight watchers for two years and spoken with my PC multiple times regarding my weight in the previous six months.
  23. jatherley


    Has anyone tried to make electrolyte Water instead of drinking G2 or Power Aid Zero? My surgeon it's advising me to stop the G2 because of the calories and I'm still no fan of artificial sweeteners. Don't care for the taste and they are not very good for you either. I don't mind water but I need the electrolytes to stay and feel hydrated. I've looked online at some homemade electrolyte drink recipes. I'm thinking about doing them or making a type of infused water with a little added punch. Bad idea? Good idea?
  24. jatherley


    I have tried that and it is an option. I think it was rather expensive though. I'm already buying fruits for my kids and for the infused water I have been drinking. Could do a price comparison and see which would be better. Thanks for the recommend.
  25. jatherley

    Protein bar question? ?

    Quest bars are the best bang for your buck imo. Protein is high and net carbs are low and they taste great. I eat them instead of drinking the protein shakes (can't stand the taste of them). I usually eat one for breakfast (also can't tolerate breakfast food anymore) then I might have part of a second at some point during the day as a snack.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
