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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by SueJH

  1. Good for you for taking the steps to turn this around and to ask for help. You are very brave. Great job on getting back to the basics. The only thing I can maybe recommend is that there are chair level exercise videos out there you could maybe use or, if you already have exercise videos, just adapt them to do at chair level. Who cares if you can only get through 5 or 10 minutes of it. It's a start. Even if you don't do a video but just do about 10 leg raises a couple of times a day, at least your moving a bit.

    Best of luck to you!

  2. Started last night. Felt like a pill or something was stuck in my throat. Sort of like a mild burning sensation. I kept sipping Water but after about 10-15 minutes I would feel it again. Felt better this morning, had my Protein Shake and my B12 and multi. Just took my thyroid medication and Pepcid and am starting to feel that sensation again. I am 11 days PO. Anyone have the same issue?

  3. Same thing here. I am 10 days PO and it would happen after every 'meal'. My stomach would start the gurgling thing and I would have to get to the bathroom. It probably lasted about 3-4 days. It's getting much better now and isn't happening as often. It's a big adjustment for our systems and our bodies are wondering what the heck is going on!

  4. I have to say that I have been very lucky in that regard. I did not keep the fact that I was going to have surgery a secret. Just about everyone I told has seen me struggle over the years with weight, and they were all happy for me, but at the same time concerned over having such a major surgery.

    I think it is great that we have forums like this so that we can all get the support we need. Like you said, your sisters have never had a weight problem and can't understand where you are coming from or what you are going through. Everyone on this site certainly does!

    Good for you for taking charge of your health and doing the research to put your mind at ease. It is scary and exciting all at the same time. Good luck on your journey!

  5. I just started an identical topic today! I have a rash over my entire stomach, around my sides and working its way down a little. Had surgery on 6/10 and noticed it about 3 days ago. Initially wasn't really itchy. Last night I could barely get to sleep it was driving me crazy! Haven't had any narcotic pain relievers since Friday night. I had initially thought it was from the oxycodone, but you would think it would start getting better, not worse. I messaged my surgeon and the nurse replied to try Benadryl. Just took my first dose about a half hour ago. Fingers crossed!!

  6. Hi all,

    So I had my surgery on June 10th. Everything has been going fine except I have this huge rash that covers my entire stomach, around to my sides and spreading lower. I noticed it about 3 days ago and for the most part it didn't bother me that much until last night when the itching was horrible! I haven't taken any pain meds since Friday night. I initially thought it might have been from the oxycodone, but it should be getting better if I haven't been taking it, not worse. I sent a message to my MD and the nurse suggests to start taking Benadryl first to see if that helps. Just wondering if anyone else has had anything like this happen to them.

  7. I'm only 1 week out but find after pretty much every meal that I need to use the bathroom several times. I didn't consider it dumping because I don't have the other symptoms associated - the nausea, sweating, palpitations, etc. I feel fine other than the fact that I need to be close to the bathroom for about an hour after I'm done with a meal. Can't wait for that to stop!

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