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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by SueJH

  1. I've told everyone. Most of them already knew about my struggle to lose weight in the past. A lot of them even pretty much said as much after I told them I was going to get surgery and were happy for me. I'm not ashamed of my decision and like it has been said here, I now have a lot of support!

    You need to decide what is right for you. I have been blessed to have such a supportive bunch around me. Others aren't as lucky.

    Good luck on your journey!

  2. So many speculate. I had the same thing. Eventually went away and it wasn't an allergic reaction to anything. I think it is associated w the rapid weight loss. Funny that it happens to so many people and yet the doctors haven't connected the dots.

    I know! So many answers to the same problem. Who knows, I'm just glad it's gone! :D

  3. It has reduced the feeling of hunger for me as well. I am only going on 3 weeks and just started soft solids. I haven't eaten too much, but I probably have taken a little too big of a bite or not chewed enough because you can feel it. It just feels uncomfortable until it works its way down. From what I've heard about overeating, either you will throw it up, or you will be extremely uncomfortable because the food is basically sitting towards the bottom of your esophagus until the stomach has had a chance to transition the food in it to the intestine. Once that happens the food that is in the holding pattern can move its way down and you will start to feel better.

    Can definitely forget about eating, especially if I'm tied up doing something. As Don said, the hunger feels different. It isn't that empty grumbling feeling that I would sometimes get. It's hard to explain.

    Good luck on your journey!

  4. The other weird thing is that he said you are probably burning 1800 calories a day. Are you working out that much? If so, even more reason to make sure you are getting enough Protein. You don't want to be losing muscle mass.

    My NUT said to always eat your Protein first as it is the most important, then if you have room some veggies and carbs.

    Good luck with your second opinion!

  5. I know everyone's plan is different, but I met with my NUT yesterday to go to soft solids. I was told that beef would be the last thing that your stomach will be able to tolerate because it is harder to digest and sometimes more fibrous. She said it wouldn't be until about 6 months that beef would be ok.

  6. First I would ask if you are maybe taking too big of a bite and are you chewing really well? The paperwork I got from my NUT said to take bites the size of a pencil eraser. Second, are you trying beef? I was also told by the NUT that beef is that last thing you are able to tolerate and probably can't until about 6 months out.

    Hope you figure it out soon and feel better!

  7. I'm only 2 weeks out so don't have any words of wisdom from experience, but maybe pull out some old pictures of yourself before you've done the amazing job you have thus far. Remind yourself why you did this in the first place and return your focus to your goal. You are so close!! Keep up the good work!

  8. I'm a June 10th-er too. Surgery went well, went home next day. Only real pain I had was gas pain day 1 post-op. It was horrible! Felt much better the next day. About 5 days our more or less, developed a rash over my entire stomach. Contacted my surgeon's office and the nurse said to try Benedryl, which thankfully did help. Had a follow-up with my PCP last Thursday. She thought the rash was contact dermatitis, maybe from the adhesives they used during surgery. Down 12.4 lbs since surgery. First week was only about 2. Walking 3 miles every morning since about day 8 post-op.

    Have my follow-up tomorrow with the surgeon and the NUT. Cannot wait to move onto the next phase of this diet! I am very tired of Protein shakes and although I manage to get the minimum recommended daily amount of Protein in, it's getting harder to choke them down! Water is going down great and have no problem getting all that in.

    Starting to feel a little hunger now that i am 2 weeks out. In the beginning didn't feel hungry at all. It's not the same though. It's not the stomach growling I-need-to-eat-now kind of hunger, but different. It's hard to explain.

    To Ajhr - Maybe post your question in the general VSG section. We are all pretty new to this way of living and maybe more people will read your question there and be able to help. The only suggestion I have is to maybe call your MD or speak to a NUT. Good luck!

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