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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by tempname123

  1. It does get better, and what you're feeling is normal. I am on day 8 I believe and I still don't feel 100%. I think of it as my entire digestive tract going through a tornado and then getting repaired, it's very unhappy. Some things I found helpful; Chlorophyll - for diarrhea, and gas/bowel smell. Peppermint tea - nausea/vomiting it's a natural intestinal anti-inflammatory, helps significantly. Drink tea over water, water has a heavy molecular weight, though tea is not water. Sugar free popsicles have helped me get fluids in. Don't let the pain meds ware off. Standing and walking relieves the upper gas pains and a good burp is good news! Keep ice on your main manipulation site. Mine still hurts and is horribly bruised. Watch the ingredients of the protein shakes. For years I was able to drink Atkins, drank them pre-op, when I got home post-op naturally I was trying those, they made me feel awful. I didn't figure it out for a few days, but now that I switched to lactose and fat free milk with no sugar carnation, I feel significantly better. While I was in the hospi, they had me drink Glucerna, they did the same thing. The gas and bloating is gone. I thought I was going to have twins it felt so awful (not pg obviously) but that was the pressure feeling. So there must be an ingredient that was causing upset. Showers feel nice too. Room temperature drinks are better on the tummy then cold/hot. I spent all last week up until Monday thinking "why did I do this to myself?" I thought I had a kind of post partum depression, but it's going away. You will get better, just take it easy, relax, and pay attention to everything you intake, because it could be upsetting to your new tummy.
  2. Feelings are not hurt; overweight, obese and morbidly obese are significantly different. The link did not work nor does it end in a .gov Further, who are you to correct another person’s misstatement? How do you know she made a typo or misstatement? I have a strong feeling that considering she was not obese or morbidly obese, has resulted in severe malnutrition & mal-absorption. If you can perhaps login to your local library district and access their scholarly journal databases you will see that Bariatric Weigh Loss surgery has been highly debated amongst the medical community, and recommended to be avoided for people who are only “overweight” because it can have significant negative consequences. I would be happy to post some, but journal articles alone can be 12-200 pages, and are only accessible while in the database (which is a paid subscription). Read and absorb not what media outlets want you to read and believe. You can use all the Rhetoric you want, but at the end of the day, a spade is always a spade. I initially tried to give helpful hints too, until I saw the misleading stats and began to question it. Now, considering we are each entitled to our own opinion, and you are not clearly going to change my opinion nor will I change yours. We can continue, or agree to disagree. At the end of the day I still stand by my words that you cannot help someone who has provided false information.
  3. Ahh, but you still read and responded didn't you? Don't like what I have to say, don't read it. Oh, and it's not "high calibre" its high caliber. Calibre is a font, I believe.
  4. Well I am not one to ASSume, she typed 53 not 33 and considering the FIVE and the THREE are not near each other, I will still NOT ASSume that. My insurance and SURGEON required that I meet my BMI requirement and weight requirement thus I could not lose weight during the supervised weight loss attempt. That is for BOTH of my insurances. My surgery was done at a "Center of Excellence" whatever that means, but I'm told it means they know there stuff. I've heavily researched bariatric surgery for nearly 5 years before making the decision and both BMI and weight are factors (plus the comorbid).... Thanks for the website, but it's not a .org, or .edu or .gov, nor is it a scholarly journal, and therefore I do will not consider the inaccuracies possible. Sorry, I'm a high caliber student; my brain has been taught to think critically and rationally, not to assume, and not to take information that is not from a resource that holds validity and reliability. The gal came here to make sure she was not alone, and she's not. She needs to see her surgeon, another bariatric surgeon, the ER or her PCP. None of which we are. By the way, since providing legal advice is against the law, we better find out if providing actual medical advice is against the law too.
  5. tempname123

    Before and After Pics

    Nice, I can't find any topics on tattoos and wls, but I've been asked at numerous tattoo competitions to enter and I don't due to my weight. Entering is on my weight loss bucket list. I just don't want them to warp. Once I lose my remaining weight, I will literally have 1/3th of my body covered as opposed to 1/4th now! I have waited to do my ribs and upper abdomen until I lose weight, as well as my full back piece (besides upper back piece) and the last portion of my sleeves which is upper arms that will tie into my upper back piece. I have my husband making patterns now for when the time is ready!
  6. tempname123


    Taste minty. It taste good. Plus the mint is a natural intestional/digestive anti-inflamatory.
  7. tempname123


    Nope, taste like mint. Taste good! Mint is a natural intestional anti-inflammatory.
  8. tempname123


    I'm going to invest in a vaporizer and try that. I know my mmj would be far more helpful then ativan, percocet, restoril and soma that the docs gave me for surgery and recovery!
  9. tempname123


    I have a dry mouth solution for you! With all my meds that causing "drying" in the body, my doctors told me to get Biotin gum and Biotin dry mouth rinse. I brought it to the hospital. Nurses tried to stop me, I told them f' off because I can't hardly breath with our low humidty plus dry mouth. You do not swallow it, just swish around for about 30 seconds, or gargle. It works. Get the biotin name brand. I tried generic once and it FAR from the same, nor does it work. I too went in with a chest cold/cough. Lots of mucus. They made me breath in a tube thing for lung capacity exercise. Anyways, dry mouth is very dangerous. I was told years ago to use the biotin and I didn't listen. I go to the dentist regularly. Well, I now have cavaties in my teeth, all near the gums. Dentist says it's from dry mouth. Now I keep biotin gum with me at all times. Plus, before surgery it stopped the need for always wanting something to eat/drink. It also taste like mint which is great for our tummy pains during healing.
  10. tempname123

    Mirena affecting weight loss?

    Oh okay. I'm a blood clotter so I can't take normal birth control and stuff.
  11. tempname123


    Good question, but I sure would like to be able to medicate. I had my husband blow the at me a bit the other day and that helped, but not to the fullest extent of my Durban Poison. Or Purple star so I can go to sleep!
  12. tempname123


    Tea is an option yes, but I've never really had helpful results with tea. The tinctures would be too strong right now, and I use to use edibles but thats way out of the question. I've gotten some salves but they are not helping with the internal problems.
  13. tempname123


    I agree, I also don't see anyone claiming to be better then anyone else. I'm also not offended by your opinion. :-) perception is reality so neither you not I are responsible for the reactions and perceptions of others.
  14. tempname123


    Perception is reality, I don't see a pissing match anywhere? Or anyone claiming to be better then anyone.
  15. Judgmental and logical are two very different languages. I'm speaking from a logical rational, not judgmental.
  16. True, but she clearly stated that she went to Mexico, which would imply a self-pay. Even with no insurance in the United States, you can still get the surgery here, as self pay. Also, she implied she's nearly to goal weight, only needs 5 more lbs to go, making her total loss around 50lbs when done. Therefore, those numbers, and the need for going to Mexico do not add up. Logic here, not Rhetoric.
  17. You do realize that Wikipedia can be altered, edited and changed by anyone correct? I could go make numerical changes right now. So can you. Does that make them accurate?
  18. tempname123


    I'm sensing a bit of envy here. We are all only victims of our own choices. Not trying to add insult to injury but perhaps you could have been in control of whether or not they came over? Asked them to leave? Kicked his bag out of the house? What drugs was he on? People who use marijuana are passive non-aggressive. Sounds like he was on either crack/coke/meth or even alcohol. I have crap inlaws too, and I've point blank told my husband to make a choice, me and our family or his family. We haven't had a problem for a long time now with them. (the bad ones) not all of the inlaws are bad. I also work in the Social Service field specifically within the GAL. juvenile protection and I've never heard of DHS removing children for someone elses stash. Further, an on-site drug test could have been administered, and if brother in law admitted it was his bag, then his stuff wouldn't be impacting you. If anyone, a minor posession charge which is a misdermeaner could be issued. A traffic ticket is also a misdermeaner. DHS doesn't take children away for misdermeaner charges, and further "a few small baggies" sounds like its less then 25 grams, and is simply a fine. http://norml.org/laws/penalties/item/new-york-penalties-2
  19. tempname123


    I agree with you, but some people must think we "potheads" are lazy and stupid. I too have two children who are strait A students. One actually was skipped from 7th to 9th and when she begins 10th in August, will also be attending community college. When she graduates HS she will also have an associates degree. My daughter will have a high school diploma and an associates degree 2 months after turning 17.......She has extreme college plans once she is done with HS and her Associates. Oh and she is also in all Honors/ AP classes. Currently being homeschooled. By her pothead parents (hah) My 7 year old is also a strait A student, and since I've been homeschooling her she has gone from at Kindergartent level to 3rd grade level. Must be all the pot huh? Shes enrolling in the Science, Arts and Technology campus in August. Oh, and did I mention I'm a 4.0 GPA college student about to finish my undergrad and move into Grad school with highest honors? Husband is a HEO and Foreman. His company knows he uses mmj, but they don't care cause hes the best at his job, and the most efficient. When they fired/layed everyone off in Dec 2012, they kept him because they knew other companies were looking for him. We have literally had every heavy highway construction company in Colorado call offering my husband a job. Guess weed doesn't hurt him. It gave him life, cured his liver cancer. He was on an transplant list in 2008. By 2009 the doctor told him his cancer was gone, complete remission and to go live life and have fun and that he cannot take credit for "curing" my husband, that something else did. He specifically mentioned God and Cannabis.
  20. tempname123


    I'm not sure whom you are talking to but here in Colorado it is legal, as well as Washington State. Currently there are 18 states plus D.C. that legalized for medical purposes, with another 11 states with pending legislation. During the economy crisis in 2008, the mmj industry kept our state afloat. I have done extensive research on the substance, and I use to disagree with it. I wanted to divorce my husband for years ago. However, it's better than any of the medications the doctors give me, that cost tens of thousands a year. ... I have CT Scans and MRIs of the brain showing the brain on no substances, legal substances and illegal substances. The Brain killers are listed as follows; #1 Caffeine #2 Nicotine #3 Alcohol #4 Methadone #5 Amphetamine Notice how all of those are legal. Now moving forward, #6 Cocaine (crack is a by-product of this) #7 Heroin #8 LSD/Psilocybin #9 MDMA Note that 6-9 use to be legal, some very recently. Cannabis, through the International Institute in Israel, has been proven to have NO, ZERO, ZILCH negative effects on the brain. The products classified as most dangerous per DEA include Cannabis, Heroin, LSD and MDMA. Why, because the government cannot control us when we use these types of mind expanding products. Heroine received its name from Bayer, and was first advertised as "Bayer Heroin". Yes, the same company that makes Aspirin. Cocaine and Heroin remained legal up into the early 1920s, cannabis until late 1930s. MDMA/LSD until the 1980s. Obesity is more of a health threat than cannabis is. Sugar is the worst! That’s why we are all here. Along with GMOs, preservatives, HFCS, etc. So when someone who claims it's bad, I challenge them to look at them their own self. Cause it's likely the people who smoke cigarettes and drink coffee and love Starbucks. I say those people are already missing half a brain (literally) and no longer can think logically. So, how many people drink soda/coffee and other caffeine products? How about those energy drinks and energy shots. Monster has a class action law suit right now against them for people who drink just one drink and have a massive heart attack. THEY ARE TEENAGERS!!!!! Teenagers are dying from Monster energy drinks. How about smoking? How many people smoke cigarettes here? Or drink alcohol? I can’t even count how many forums I’ve seen people complaining that they want their margarita or a cigarette, or even fast food. John 8:7 "Anyone who has no sin in their life should step forward and throw the first stone. That sentence is often cited as a reminder to avoid judging others when there are faults in your own life that need to be addressed."
  21. tempname123


  22. tempname123

    Any Colorado sleevers?

    I love spicy foods. I can give most of them up, but a few I just can't. I wonder how balsamic vinigar goes down and garlic and black pepper?
  23. tempname123

    Any Colorado sleevers?

    Nice! I cannot live without green chili and I wanted to make it my last meal, as if I was on death row haha!. I make green chili chicken enchiladas with cheese, Beans and homemade corn tortillas. I hope I can cook like that again. I make my chili with 96% ground beef like a gravy. Secret ingredient. When we move back east I'm going to have to bring bushles and bushles of it with me. Taos is beautiful, though New Mex is not my favorite place to be.

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