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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Margie122

  1. Margie122

    Goal weight

    I set my goal at 165 because that is considered a healthy weight (at the higher end) for someone my height. My primary care physician said he thinks my goal should be 175 and my surgeon never set a goal for me. Right now my goal is to get under 200lbs and I will see how far I can take it and actively maintain a "goal" weight. It could change up or down, it just depends on me and my body.
  2. Margie122

    Holiday Weight Loss Challenge!

    Today's weight 206.8 Not happy....scale is going in the wrong direction but I have no one to blame but MYSELF!
  3. I have been going to the monthly support group meeting since April....my surgery was in August. The meetings are really small....the largest one was 7 people including me and the NUT. They are at an inconvenient time 5PM and the hospital is hard to get to...but still I go because I know it's helping me be accountable. I wish more people would come...it would be more interesting. I would like to go to one at another hospital but I don't know if they would let me.
  4. My biggest post-op realization about food is that if I buy it I will probably eat it at some point! So don't buy junk. Also my eyes are DEF bigger than my now small stomach and I am amazed at how I can know when to stop eating. I love my sleeve!
  5. Margie122

    Non chewable vitamins

    I'm taking the Celebrate non-chewables. Mine includes Iron so I can't take the calcium with it. I have to wait 2 hours after taking the Vitamin.
  6. Mom26 I am praying for all of you.....so sorry you have gotten this news. Please take care of yourself.....so you can be strong for your son and your other kids.
  7. I have lost weight in my face, hands, feet, butt and lower body first. I still have more to lose in my legs, but if I lose any more in my butt I won't be able to sit. I never really ever had a big butt - BUT it's pretty much non-existent now. The major place I need to lose weight is my GUT.
  8. Margie122

    I'm 102 pounds down

    Congratulations! That is awesome. I too find that after losing weight I can do so much more - it's such a reward to be able to walk up stairs without sweating!
  9. Margie122

    Snack after dinner

    I like sugar free jello with a shot of whip cream ????
  10. Margie122

    I haven't been this sick in years

    Thanks everyone. I lost 5lbs his week but this isn't how I wanted to do it. Staying home from work today. Hope the bathroom issues go away soon!!!!!! ????
  11. Woke up yesterday with aches all over. Got the chills so bad that even after two hours I was still shaking. I had fleece sheets, a down blanket, a comforter, and three large fleece blankets on in addition to the t-shirt, extra warm socks and winter pj's. Took a four hour nap. Then last night the endless trips to the bathroom. No vomiting because I haven't been able to eat...use your imagination. I was up every two hours or so. The aches are mostly gone, I alternate between being too warm and now I'm cold. Nothing like the body spasms I was having yesterday though. Bathroom issues haven't resolved...I'm taking kaopectate. I hope this gets resolved soon. Pretty sure I have a strain of the stomach flu. ???? Wiping all surfaces with Lysol! I did finally eat something today because the one protein shake I had yesterday did not help my stomach issues. I've had a medium banana and two pieces of toast - not at the same time. Also a cup of tea and some water. I can't remember the last time I was this sick. I hope I'm better tomorrow because I don't have a lot of vacation left and I'd really hate to use a day....but if I feel this lousy I will.
  12. Margie122

    Holiday Weight Loss Challenge!

    203.4 today. I have the stomach flu though.... ???? since Saturday. It totally wiped out my Thanksgiving gain.
  13. Margie122

    So so happy!

  14. Margie122

    Bariatric Pal protein bars - YUM!

    I didn't know BP had their own bars...I might have to check them out. Thanks.
  15. Hi, I struggled for a while post-surgery (it was on 8/17) and I took an over-the-counter Miralax which was recommended by my NUT and surgeon. It worked. For a while, because I was only having liquids and soft foods at first, I was very irregular. I did not like it. So I used Miralax and stool softeners about 2x a week to assist the process. I had some very PAINFUL issues, so it really helped. Now that I'm on regular foods and eating more veggies, I haven't had any issues. If I do though, I would take the Miralax again in a heartbeat. I also heard that "smooth move" tea is highly recommended and you can get it at Walmart. I haven't picked it up yet, but I plan on it. Some people swear by it - drinking a few cups a week to keep things moving. I'm going to try it. I'm sure things will improve day by day but if you find yourself in pain or feeling really lousy from being plugged up call your doc! Best of luck.
  16. Margie122

    Wondering what I did!

    It will get better...it really will! Take it slow. Get your Protein in. Listen to your body. Rest - often
  17. Margie122

    The deed is done.

  18. Margie122

    Favorite hot beverage

    @@jenlovestim question above is timely/funny to me i was at GNC a few days ago picked up 3 cases of GNC Total Lean shake 25 gr protein!! (swiss chocolate) (buy one case, other 1/2 price!!) too good to pass up salesperson suggested i microwave the shake nuked, stirred, nuked etc for total of 2 minutes yum yum yum "warmth"/hot keeps my little tummy happy for a long time kathy I tried heating up the GNC choc lean shake 25 premix with a little skim milk on the stove....YUMMO! It's my new hot cocoa! Thanks for the suggestion proudgrammy!
  19. Margie122

    Tall Women, Tell Me Your Story!

    Tredfern do you mind me asking what size you wear at 165lbs? I'm curious what size you started at and are wearing now for pant, top and shoe. I started at a tight 22 and size 11W shoes. My shoes are all too big now and I would love to be a regular size 10M in shoes again. Right now I'm wearing a size 16 pant a little bigger in tops.
  20. @@LuckyStar I was able to lose 39lbs prior to surgery which for me was awesome. I started following some of the post-op "rules" beforehand...like no drinking with meals, no drinking prior to or after meals for 30 minutes. I also eliminated caffeine, soda, and most carbs. I had "stalls" pre-op and the only way I could break them was to change up my exercise. I had one particularly long stall and my NUT said that my body was comfortable at that weight and I had probably maintained that weight for a long time in the past and he was right. I had been that weight for a few years. I guess the body remembers this! Post-op my issues have been with food - letting carbs sneak back into my diet. That's what has affected my weight loss last week. It's just so easy to fall into that trap again. I need to be more cognizant - especially now with all the food trappings of the holiday's. If you are trying to break your stall - keep on doing what your are doing...eat your Protein first, make sure you get enough Water, take your Vitamins and exercise. You will break it! If you are doing the same exercise routine all the time I would suggest you change it up or up the intensity.
  21. Margie122

    Just thoughts....

    My monthly support group is next Tuesday night...I agree with you it's been very helpful. Not many people in my program take advantage of it. It's a very small group, usually no more than 5-8 people tops. It's run by the NUT in my program who is excellent. The small group means if I have any questions I can be sure to get them answered...so maybe I will be selfish and say I'm glad it's small!
  22. I had surgery on 8/17 and noticed the hair loss in the shower about a month post-op. My hair is pretty thick, but I can notice the loss at the top of my head, near where my bangs are. Luckily I can style it so it's not really noticeable. From reading the posts on this site, it's normal and it should stop. I'm not going to wig (pun intended) out about it! Weighing less is worth a little hair loss. If it gets drastic I'll do something about it. For now I'm concentrating on getting my Protein, Vitamins, exercise and Water in.
  23. Margie122

    29 Months Post-Op

    What a great success story. I bet you feel amazing.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
