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Everything posted by Margie122

  1. Margie122

    Elusive Onederland - No more!

    So I woke up this morning and weighed myself and the scale says 200.2 lbs. I know it's temporary, but it's a bummer! Really need to kick it up a notch and get rid of the 200's forever.
  2. SW 200.2 So unhappy about that....was in Onederland last week....but this is temporary! GW 190 Thanks for running the challenge.
  3. This is my second wardrobe overhaul. Today I went through and got rid of all clothes that were too big. I have another bunch of donations to Goodwill. I also threw away a bag of old stained t-shirts I was hanging on to simply because they fit at one time. My closet is about 25% of what it was when I started. It feels good to donate the clothes in good condition and remove the others. A lot of them were bought simply because they fit...not because I liked them. I have gone from a tight 22W to a size 14 bottom and an XL top. I have no need to keep my "fat" clothes because I know I will never need them again. I am still losing, and I am making clothing purchases only as needed. It's the winter, so the few pairs of black and gray pants I have will get me through for a while. I don't care if I repeat the same bottom in a week at work... Honestly I don't think people care or notice. I have enough blouses so I don't have to repeat in the same week. It will get me by for now. I am looking forward to a new year, a new me, and building a wardrobe that has pieces in it that I love!
  4. Margie122

    Warning - Pity Party for 1....

    I'm sorry you are losing your job. That totally sucks. You are right, the bad guys aren't supposed to win but sometimes they do. It blows. Eating chips and drinking wine are just a temporary fix that might lead to more chips and more wine. I heard chips are a gateway drug for chocolate, cake, and Cookies. Take care of yourself and I am praying that 2016 brings you a better job!
  5. Margie122

    Today was big day!

    Justin congratulations! It sounds like you are doing very well. I am sure clear liquids will be fun Go slow, and listen to your body.
  6. Margie122

    Holiday Weight Loss Challenge!

    198.4 for the final 12/31 weigh in I didn't make my goal of 195, but I made Onederland! Oh and THANK YOU FOR RUNNING THE CHALLENGE! Happy New Year everyone.
  7. Margie122

    Elusive Onederland - No more!

    Thank you everyone for the kind words. I never want to see a "2" as my first number of my weight again. I will feel more confident of hat once I am in the low 190's ????
  8. Don't feel funny.....CALL THEM! That's what they are there for. Before it gets out of hand - CALL. You are not the only one to have struggles...I"m sure they have seen it all. You didn't mess up your stomach. Try searching for posts on the "BOT" back on track" pouch reset. It could help you.
  9. Margie122

    Loose skin on arms

    New Day Ahead - I think loose skin is a worry for everyone. Look at it this way, your arms will be a lot smaller after you lose the weight. You can do exercises to tone the underlying muscle, but a lot is going to depend on your age, amount of weight you need to lose, genes, etc. Once you lose weight you will feel better, move more, do more, etc......a little loose skin isn't going to keep you down. From reading the boards, plastic surgeons usually require you to be at your goal weight for at least a year before they will consider doing plastic surgery. I'm not at goal, but if my loose skin bothers me I will likely look into a plastic surgery consult. Best of luck to you on your journey.
  10. Margie122

    Oh my..

    Congratulations! What a great success story. I still can't get over fitting into smaller jeans. I was a size 22W and now I can fit into a 14. It's mind boggling. I've still got a ways to go, but I'm getting to where I want to be.
  11. Margie122

    Feeling rubbish

    So you are 154lbs down in 9 months? Are you under a surgeon's care? Do you have high blood pressure? I would contact your doctor. The lightheaded feeling could be from a drop in blood pressure, if you are on meds you would want that checked. Feeling cold - probably normal with such a high weight loss. I am FREEZING all the time now. In fact I am wearing fingerless gloves while at work while I type! When you say you have been sick a few times - do you mean vomiting or feeling of general crappiness? Sorry for the questions but you were a little vague.
  13. Margie122

    omg..I am an idiot...

    See I knew there was more to the story! Kindle....I didn't know I could get on bariatricpal from my kindle. It's hard enough using the IPAD - I hate it because I can't see anyone's signatures. The real question now is - will you see the guy who you danced with again?
  14. Margie122

    Holiday Weight Loss Challenge!

    200.8 this week. Hoping to be under 200 by Thursdays weigh in! .6 gain over the holiday....ugh.
  15. Margie122

    omg..I am an idiot...

    I seriously doubt that but I sense there is more to this story...
  16. You look great. Congratulations on sustaining your weight loss and getting healthy. The holidays are a special time to be with family ☺️
  17. Whatever you Celebrate I hope you have a great HOLIDAY SEASON In 2016 I am going to: Get a better electronic scale - one that measures body fat. Get a Bod Pod reading done - I was supposed to go last week to get a baseline body fat % but my mom got sick. REACH MY GOAL WEIGHT Be consistent with exercise Be outside more with my nieces and nephews doing things like taking walks, biking, hiking, etc. Do a zip line tour Take my Vitamins and supplements EVERY DAY Continue to attend my follow up appointments with the bariatric team Continue to attend my monthly support group Help my mom through the process of getting a surgery date for herself That's it for now!
  18. Margie122

    Got my surgery date!

    Glad your surgery went well! I hope you make it home for Christmas
  19. Margie122

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays EVERYONE!

    Merry Christmas This year I am not going to get "stuffed" like the stockings, or the turkey, etc.!
  20. Margie122

    Weigh, measure, track, commit: a Christmas plan

    Yes today and tomorrow are just regular food days for me too.........But with more fattening choices! Best of luck.
  21. Margie122

    Brand new here

    Welcome to the forum...the 6 months will go by faster than you think You will get a lot of great info here.
  22. Walk, walk, and walk to get rid of the gas pain. How much of the protein shake are you drinking at one time? I couldn't do more than 2oz in one sitting at 6 days out. Not sure about the thirstiness....but are you constantly sipping water? Could you be dehydrated? Your pain sounds incisional to me....it will get better. Rest and good luck!
  23. Just want to add that my favorite shake pre-op I now can't stand the taste of post-op!
  24. Yay for you that you went through with the surgery! What a great gift to yourself of better health! You will feel better and better every day. Congratulations.
  25. Margie122

    Elusive Onederland

    Babbs - thanks for the encouragement Jane13 - hijack away - no worries! borg/assimilated - yes I will get there eventually I know jjmama - we can do it! Even if I don't hit Onederland, I have still gone down from a size 22 to a 16 and that is pretty darn good.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
