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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by aamandddaaaahunt

  1. Just putting it out there I'm not some alcoholic that some of you are acting. I'm in college, practically every person drinks and goes to parties, it is just the lifestyle. I know I have a lifestyle of my own and I know what to do and what not to do. All I was asking is if anyone has consumed alcohol early on like that. I actually just spoke to my doctor and he said by that point I should be fine for a shot or two, but just to be careful. Seeeeesh

  2. This is going to sound judgmental and condescending' date=' but let me preface it by saying that my husband is the child of alcoholics. His mom is in assisted-living because of one too many drinking episodes, his aunt (who raised him) essentially died from alcohol poisoning. I also encounter the negative affects of drinking alcohol in my job, so yes, I'm very ANTI drinking.

    You've just made a HUGE decision to improve the quality of your life by having sleeve surgery, and you're thinking about how much it'll take to feel drunk at a graduation party? Did it occur to you that, while drinking, you might not make the same wise food choices that you otherwise would? As in, eat something that you shouldn't and create a sleeve leak? What about the EMPTY calories in alcohol? Did you want the sleeve to limit your food while you continue to drink your calories and kill brain cells?

    Look, I don't have a problem with social drinking. But drinking to get drunk...yeah, I do. Because it's when you're drunk that you can make a lot of poor decisions and some of those can be life-threatening.

    So why not go, instead, with the thought of enjoying your weight loss, eat mindfully, and just enjoy the party?[/quote']

    Lol you're crazy, thanks for the lecture

  3. I have a question! On June 14th, exactly a month from my surgery post opp, is my friends graduation party and I REALLY want that to be the first time I drink. I'm going to be on normal foods by then, starting a few days earlier. I was thinking about getting one or two of those little shots they sell at the desk of most liquor stores. I just want to know if anyone has drank that early? How much it took them to feel drunk?

  4. Yea u guys are right, I wasn't thinking anything crazy, just some Soup or something. I have my doctor appointment tomorrow so I will see what he says. It's also scaring me because I don't want to Not get my Protein in now and loose my hair later because I heard the first 2 weeks lack of protein is the cause of the Hair loss. Everyone tells me concentrate on the liquids which I have been doing but then one of the main nurses called me and it was as if she almost yelled at me for not getting enough protein in...it just got me so angry. I can drink pretty much normal, just how I did before yet the protein just makes my mouth so dry. I will hold off one more day until I see my doc, I'm just hoping for some good news and a a good to go for puréed

  5. Tomorrow is my week out, and thank god I pushed my doctor appointment to tomorrow and not Thursday. I feel soooo weak. Other then that I feel great, my main incision is feeling better every day, even getting itchy which means its healing. I can take down liquids, such as Water and watered down apple juice is my favorite or crystal light. On the other hand I only have 1 bottle of Isopure left which I'm drinking at the moment and packets I received in the hospital. I really don't understand why if you're new tummy can't take a lot of anything, would they give us something with only 15% Protein? They're telling me to drink 4 of those a day!?!?! I can barley get down a cup.....I'm freaking out. I really just want pureed foods so I can eat protein from a food source. I feel like my body can take it! Is it wrong if I just make myself something without my doctors approval? I know he's the surgeon but I know my body better then anyone. The worse thing that would happen is I throw it up, which I can deal with. Idk if anyone knows any Proteins with high protein content but still taste good let me know!!!!

  6. Wow' date=' now I don't feel so bad about my surgery on the 14th,yours sounds terrible.I didn't have any vomitting, no reaction to the meds at all. Am having trouble with plain Water, but if its a little warm it's not as bad. Hang in there it's bound to get better right?[/quote']

    It might have sounded bad but it really wasn't that bad at all I was surprised the vomiting usually made me feel better afterwards and I feel fine now!

  7. Hi! I was sleeved on Tuesday too and have had nothing but clear liquids: beef or chicken broth' date=' gatorade, Jello, crystal light and plain Water. I don't get to start Protein shakes until my doc sees me on Tuesday. It's interesting how every doc is different. I still have a lot of pain in just one of my incision areas, but tolerating pain meds well. Bless your heart' it sounds like you need some different pain meds that your new little tummy can handle.[/quote']

    Yes it's seriously is so weird how every doctor is different! Mine even told me not to have broth! But other then that I'm drinking the same as you. That's good to know you aren't even drinking Protein yet, so my little but doesn't seem so bad! But honestly at this point I don't need any pain meds I'm doing just fine!

  8. So I haven't been on here since the night before so I guess I'll explain my whole process. So the surgery went well, I woke up in a lot of pain (my doc said I was cursing like a sailor lol) but once I got the pain meds I was feeling better I suppose. I was walking 2 hours later taking a stroll into the hallway which was nice and cool and refreshing and I even asked if I could stay out there but that was a no. So the incisions hurt a lot and I didn't have a room so it was hard to rest with other patients screaming and moaning. That night was rough I was gagging and breathing really deep, I figured it was too much pain medication because I would hit the button a lot, fall asleep, then wake up feeling horrible. That nurse was worried about my breathing but its just the way I sooth myself. So the next day was getting just annoying, they eventually took me off the I.v. pain meds and then I started hurting a lot. I took a dose of liquid morphine and that just made me nauseous, making me throw up blood and foam for the rest of the day. That night I got moved into an isolation room in the same place which was better then nothing. I had a flat screen t.v. and I was close to the bathroom which was nice because at that point I started having to pee very frequently. They gave me a different pain med that night a lot with anti nausea and that was probably the best I felt in the hospital. I was able to take down some liquids, not a lot at all though. My favorite was the watered down apple juice. I didn't have any Protein in the hospital :/ so the 3rd day I woke up just ready to go home and I could drink without it coming back up so I waited for my doctors approval. Around 5 I was able to go home! I felt kinda bad that night but not too much pain. The next day I got the prescription of liquid morphine and I toke a dose which helped my incision pain but it completely made me feel like **** and I started throwing up for the rest of the day, I wasn't sure if that was the cause so I took another shot 4 hours later and again made me feel worse. Saturday was the worst day, I guess it was me coming off of the morphine and my stomach started cramping so bad, it was probably the worst pain I was in. I finally started to go to the bathroom which was not fun at all. This morning I finally felt so much better. The cramping comes but at least it's gone in about 3ish minutes. I couldn't get hardly hand protein in yesterday but today I'm trying. It's so hard I'm not sure how to get a lot in. I had a powdered peach mango which really isn't my cup of tea and its only 15gs of protein and I have about a half a cup a day. And the Isopure is no different. It makes my mouth dry which really doesn't help. I seriously can't wait till I can eat! The day I can take a bite of fish or chicken I will be so happy! I can't take these Protein Drinks. I wish there was a Vitamin with a whole lot of protein so I can just focus on getting my liquids in. But I feel good right now the only time I'm in pain is the cramps every once in a while or getting up or down from sitting at this one incision. But I can't wait for the future! I wish I could just fast forward a month

  9. So I'm guilty of being worried if I can drink again after this surgery. I'm pretty much a social drinker but I am super social. I pretty much go out drinking with my friends every weekend being that I'm in my college/party part of life. I hate beer and I don't really like fruity cocktails I'm more of a straight liquor drinker like ciroc, grey goose, absolute, etc. And while on my pre surgery diet I would even chase with crystal light. I'm hoping I can continue drinking what I drink after, just much less lol. If you have any experience let me know!!!

  10. I have hair to my waist...I can relate to what you are saying. I am only 9 weeks out & haven't experienced it yet. I dread it so badly. I started Biotin a year before surgery. I take the Walmart Spring Valley brand. I started taking prenatal vitamins' date=' also, from Walmart. I started using Organix (purple bottle from Walmart) Biotin and collagen Shampoo & conditioner. I only shampoo once or twice a week. I have cut down on styling and styling products, also.

    Best of luck to you! I wish you all the best!![/quote']

    Ahh my moms a big Walmart shopper so this is perfect! Thanks so much! Best of luck you you as well I hope you're doing awesome!!!

  11. my surgury is on Tuesday, May 14th! I can't believe it's so soon. I was scheduled to have it done April 24th but I wound up getting bronchitis the day before...what are the odds of that...but I think things happen for a reason and I'm even more ready then I was at my previous date! I'm not that nervous (as of now) for the procedure. My main fear is the Hair loss that comes along in a few months but the positive words of people do help me out. I figured if worse came to worse I might cut my hair off and try to resemble my girl Miley Cyrus. I hope I'm one of the people that doesn't loose much so I don't have to go to that extent. I also feel like I'm not prepared for the Protein I should drink after. I have a bottle of Isopure in my fridge but that's about it. I have Special K shakes and such but I'm not sure if that's something I could even drink after or if its going to be good for me. I guess the nutritionist I will see in the hospital will help me out even more then our last conversation. I got weighed at pre-opp and I'm actually down another 5 pounds which is awesome, so overall I lost about 30 pounds throughout this pre surgery prep. The only thing that sucks is I really haven't noticed any difference in the way I look until I tried on this necklace I used to wear a lot. I haven't worn it in maybe a year and I just tried in on yesterday. It hung so loose compared to how it used to and it made me so excited for when this starts happening with my clothes! If anyone has any advice on hair or protein or just any kind positive words I'm always happy to read them!!!!!! (-:

  12. I didn't stress over my hair because I was so happy with everything else.

    My MIL probably has the thinnest hair of anyone I know. She gets a lot of compliments on her hair when she uses one of those hair pieces. They are pretty easy to find' date=' and it seems everyone is using them. I know that Kelly Ripa removed hers on television a couple of months ago.[/quote']

    Yea I am trying to stay positive but for some reason this thought of losing my hair is such a big deal to me. I want this surgery so bad and I have been preparing for a year but of course a week before and this is all I can think about. To the point where it is actually making me doubtful. Thank you for the positivity though I really do appreciate it

  13. I have not started losing hair yet since I am only 7 weeks out from surgery' date=' but I am sure it will come. I am 32 and have hereditary alopecia. My hair is so thin you can already see my scalp ( I am about a III on the Woman's Hair loss Scale) and the normal hair treatments/vitamins have never worked for me. Right now I use a product called "Great Hair Day" by Joan Rivers. It's a powder you brush on to the scalp and it really works well. I have accepted the fact that I will need to buy a wig once the hair shed phase begins. This side effect was my biggest negative when trying to decide if I was going to have this surgery. Although everyone says it is temporary, I am not sure how temporary it really will be on someone with existing alopecia. Since you are so young I am sure you won't have any long term issues. Hair fibers or the scalp powder will probably to trick for you. If you would like to know/see how the loss progresses with someone with already substantially reduced hair goes, I will be happy to give you updates. In the end, I would rather wear a wig or a hairpiece but be thin, off my meds and able to have a baby one day.

    Good luck to you!

    Sent from my iPad using VST[/quote']

    Thank you that helps so much, seriously. I give you credit for already dealing alopecia and continuing but you are so right, I know I'm going to be happy in the long run its just really freaking me out! But good luck to you as well and thank you so much

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