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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Cherrybomb

  1. Cherrybomb,

    Hate to be the downer, but I don't think he ever approves anyone early. I had some quiche the night before my 10 day follow up and he was aghast! Too much texture according to him, but I couldn't take it. At least I gave it 10 before I tried mushy things.

    Thanks, Pinenut. I thought it might be wishful thinking. I thought that I would try thinnning down refried Beans to a watery consistency (with enchilada sauce) and see if that works. Thanks for the tip with stuffing. I will try to hold out the full two weeks for the mushies...:-(

  2. the boxing burns the most calories, but I have found that I can get some good swings in on the baseball game too. If you are looking for another video game that does exercise, check out Yourself Fitness. I play it on the XBox but it has other platforms, I think. It customizes your workouts, gives you different scenery based upon your performance level and even offers a yoga session. The desert spa is fun scenery for exercise.

  3. I have been so hungry today that I have been nauseous most of the time. I know the band isn't filled yet, which makes this "bandster hell" but come on - this is going to be a nightmare until I get to mushies. I see my doc on Thursday, I'm praying that he'll let me skip ahead a week and start eating soft foods. When scrambled eggs sound like heaven, I know that I am in trouble...

  4. I tried a Soup listed in the Eating after Weight Loss Surgery cookbook. It was Cold Shrimp Soup. I have never been a fan of cold soup but the recipe was super simple and I thought I would give it a try. Actually, it wasn't half bad. If I were someone who liked cold Soups, I think I really would have enjoyed it. There is something about eating shrimp that have been liquified though...

    Has anyone found some good "bandster hell" recipes to share?

  5. Dr. Michaelson performed my surgery on July 5 and so far I have felt fantastic. I haven't needed the narcotic elixir - just some liquid Tylenol. I'm having a little pain in my shoulder and my "stab wounds" are tender but nothing like expected to feel. I even spent the day out and about with my hubby. I'm so impressed by all the staff at NWWLS. It was a great experience (other than general anesthesia - I hate coming out of that foggy sleep).

    Does anyone know if there is an online forum/chat rooms for NWWLS patients? I've only seen references to the in-person meetings.

  6. I was just banded yesterday and I'm feeling great. When I got home yesterday though, the first thought I had was "oh my gosh, I can't EAT." My head instantly wanted something. I was finally able to appease it with broth and to distract it with fashion runway shows on TV. But for those of you who get this head hunger, how do you deal with it? Does it get better when you really start to see results? Do you struggle with this all the time? Thanks, Cherry

  7. If you don't have a body length pillow, I would suggest getting one. I was able to sleep pretty much through the whole night using the pillow to support my side. It worked really well. I only woke up twice - once to shift sides and once for some liquid tylenol. So far, I haven't needed my prescription narcotic yet. I hope that stays true. Day two this AM and I am feeling good. My stomach feels sore but nothing like I expected yet. I'm going to try walking outside today if I stay feeling this good.

  8. Hi everyone,

    Well, I'm back. It was four hours total from arriving at the surigical center to discharge. The surgery itself was probably an hour. I'm feeling great. I've had some chicken broth and popsicle. I've taken one short nap and been up walking as much as possible. Doctor wants me to have four ten minute sessions of walking. Tomorrow is supposed to be the harder day but I'm loving how good I feel today. I realize though that "head hunger" is going to be a problem. I came home and instant thought "oh my gosh, I can't EAT". I kinda freaked out at that and wondered if I had made a terrible mistake. I feel better now after some veggie broth and watching Project Runway (lol). But I'm going to have to deal with the head hunger issue. Thanks everyone for the good wishes! I'll let you know how tomorrow goes.

  9. Laurend, Bobbert's Mom, Mrs. Horne, and Abbey...You guys are on deck!!!! You've GOT to be excited. It's here! Let us know what you're feeling.

    We are praying for ya'll. If you start to get antsy, just remember your goals of healthy living, etc. (fill in the blanks). It's all good.

    Get a good night's rest and have a great time entering Bandland!!!

    Hey, you forgot me!!! :cry

  10. I can quite easily burn 1100 calories in a run, and eat 1500 that day and not lose any weight! In fact I've done that routinely for months and months and months and stayed the same. So I dont obsess over it.

    I know, that is really difficult and perplexing. I still haven't figured out how I can run a calorie deficit and not lose weight. What gives?

  11. I'm all set to go. I paid up (gulp) and received my instructions. My surgery is next Thursday at 11:30 pacific time. I should be home after four hours or so. For the first two weeks post-op I can have anything that I can suck through a straw. The following two weeks, I can have "baby food" consistency food. I toured the facility, which made it all very real. Doctor wants me to lose five more pound if I can, so cross your fingers for me. I'm going to amp up the exercise this weekend.

  12. I was doing great on the pre-op diet (all 700 calories of it) but I've hit the wall these last few days. This week is my last week at work and it has been stressful, plus lots of "let's go out for lunch to say goodbye" kind of stuff, so I've slipped more than a couple times in the last couple days. I'm not stressing about it because I've lost 10 of the 15 pounds the doctor wanted. I can't imagine he'll cancel my surgery next week over five pound.

    But even so, I am getting back on the pre-op diet bandwagon tomorrow and on Friday I see my doc for my final pre-op appointment.

    One week to go!

  13. I'm getting banded next week but I'm already planning my post-band exercise. I have a great mountain bike that I never use, so I thought it about time to dust it off and hit the road. Any advice, websites, or forums I should check out for someone just starting out? How soon after banding did you start riding?

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