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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by hopingtolose2013

  1. I see where you are coming from. I feel the same way. You offer advice and someone who thinks they know more discounts it or spins it. I wrote that the sleeve helped us make better decisions. I got told saying how ridiculous that was. Of course I didn't mean the damn thing had a brain. Anyway...that is one of many. I think there are some that stay on the board all day and think they are experts. I just have to realize you can't have a normal conversation with an idiot. Of course MOST of the peeps on here are cool...but you have a handful that think they have a PHD.

  2. OMG!! I didn't even see this one!!!

    Helps us make better decisions??

    Unless you got a sleeve that jumps out of your stomach and slaps that crap out of your hands' date=' no it doesn't.

    Yes when your in the first couple of months it's hard to eat anything. But get 6 months out? All bets are off! And quite frankly it's easier to eat junk (slider) foods because they go down so easy and you don't get discomfort from them.

    So you can easily eat around the sleeve.

    Yes do check out the vets posts sometime..[/quote']

    Well...most people succeed with the sleeve. Most do not without it. Of course I did not mean the sleeve has a brain. Seriously? Whether you are 2 weeks out 6 months or three years...the majority of people have made better decisions and are healthier than before the sleeve. Of course slider foods are easy and of course you can fail with the sleeve. Of course you have to do the work. What we all know is that we would all not be any better off without the sleeve. The sleeve saved most of our lives combined with smart eating and education. What I know is that programs like ww works. I have done it 15 times. However. ..no of us would be here if the solution was as easy as following a ww plan. This young girl is in the same boat. Yes...you can let her struggle with diets and eating right until she is 18. How many times did someone tell u how to eat? Its not that easy. So...no I don't think the sleeve has a brain. Common sense would tell you that. I do know that thousands of people have been successful. ..no matter how hard the work is.

  3. I'm torn on this. I think she is young and everyone is saying she isn't mature enough to handle restiction.....but as a mom isn't it our job to teach our kids what's best? Should u allow the surgery and teach her...or should you allow her to continue to gan weight and be miserable? We all know dieting doesn't work. We all know that others telling us to eat right doesn't work. The sleeve does. It helps us make better decisions. I think I would allow it and help her rather than allow her to gain 100 more lbs before she is 18.

  4. I told everyone...except my aunt that lied about having the procedure to me. I wouldn't of had this procedure if my friends hadn't told me about their experience. I am thankful they shared. I feel they helped save my life. So...I am very open about it. Not ashamed at all. If I can help one person stop the cycle then its worth me sharing my experience. If someone is negative its their problem and I don't need them...or I can educate them...as I did my brother.

  5. I am 6 days post-op and feeling pretty good. But the more I read the more it amazes me how badly people want to get back to old habits. The questions of 'when can I eat this again'' date=' and 'when can I have that' seem to be posted by the hundreds. I have to say I am in NO hurry to eat again. I don't want to visit 'Starbucks' or my local 'bar' as that is partially what put me in this position. Please don't take this the wrong way, I know some of you are just trying to get a feel for what is to come and when you can start doing some things. I just want to reiterate that this surgery is a tool and changes are desperately needed to be successful! Now is the perfect time to make those changes. Bring on the broth! ;)[/quote']

    You are 6 days post op. You can't tell me that this sleeve has changed you completely and you will never head crave food again...you will never dream of your old vice again. You are delusional if you think you are all fixed and perfect. None of us are perfect we all make mistakes. 6 days out I wasn't even thinking of broth. Give yourself some time. You will understand. Not saying you will fail. I don't think wanting things and wondering when you can have a solid food again is insane. I guess we are different. I know I'm not perfect. I know I will want sweets again. I don't now..but I might one day. That is when my tool will come in handy. I can make that choice wisely or not. You say you can't understand why people askbtjose things after having such major surgery...but couldn't we also say that we all could of controled ourselves and not gotten to the point to need the surgery? We are all sick in some way with food. The sleeve doesn't cure you.

  6. Yes...I know everyone is so different! My dr and the nutritionist at the hospital both gave me the same diet and I can eat many foods on it. I just hope I didn't eat too much. It didn't look like a lot...but now it feels like a lot! I even met with the nutritionist again yesterday to confirm the diet.

  7. So today made 15 days out for me. I could begin eating food yesterday. Shrimp, chicken, ground meat, some veggies and fruit. Today I ate 1/2 egg for Breakfast. 3 shrimp grilled and two small mushrooms, dinner was rotisserie chicken..about 2 oz and two bites of cauliflower. I feel stuffed. Is that too much?? I am trying to fit in "three meals" and they want me to drink Protein Shakes. I didn't even touch those today. I can't get it a in. I am scared I stretched my new stomach. It feels terrible....or could it be gas?

  8. I think it all depends on how your body heals and your doctors rules. I originally wasn't suppose to start solid foods for another 3 weeks. Today he told me to start puréed and gradually start soft food. I was shocked how quick he pushed me along. I tried an egg was good. Had a meatball was fine. I actually feel better today then I have all week!

    Yes! I think it just all depends. I wouldn't of eaten a steak...but thr dr did ok the Beans. The chicken salad was put in the nutrabullet and made very mushy. I felt so much better. I was becoming easily annoyed! I was cleared for fish today and it was great!

  9. I do not plan to diet for life. This is a lifestyle change. So, I plan on having what I like..wiyhin reason...in moderation. Will I ever eat pizza again...yes. I can't say I won't. Will I eat a while slice..most likely not. Will I hqve cake for my bday...yes...but not a slab! I didn't do this to give up everything I enjoy. I plan to use it as a tool to help me. Don't get me wrong..I never plan on eating those items daily. Just on special occasions!

  10. What I found interesting is that the total bill for self pay in my area is about 13000. I have friends who paid it. So. I went with the same dr and hospital and was expecting to pay about 1300 for my 10%. Negative! They said insurance companies are are charged 35000...if thr y didn't charfe them that they would never make any money. Really? Thatbis why insurance is messed up!!!! So my part will be 3500 if my insurance agrees to pay the asking price...which I doubt. Its so messed up!

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