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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Taynuh

  1. The kids are great and growing... Daughter is now 4.5 and my son, 2.5. We are potty training him... he stays dry most days (I can see the light at the end of the diaper tunnel)! My boy is still a peanut, just now moving into size 18 mos... but right on target in all areas... :thumbup: We've had a busy year...sold my house, bought a new one...changed jobs and all... My mom moved here from VT a month ago, lives 3 miles down the road. Life is good...

    Well, I wish you well on the Tummy Tuck and arm lift... That's totally awesome!


  2. Good evening, all. Lots happening here in the last few days. Whew..tough to keep up with it all:smile:Mini: glad to hear you aren't suffering too badly and are losing pounds, too! helps my nerves to read those good things!

    I have been on paxil for about 7 years. Went from teaching at a school for 23 years and having seniority to a new school in a temporary position. The job was GREAT, so I couldn't figure out why i felt as if i had pressure on my chest, couldn't breathe or sleep. Dr. told me it was anxiety. I couldn't figure out why since life was going great. He explained any kind of change can do it. When I inquired about how long I would have to take it, he said forever. I have found that to be true. If I don't refill a prescription for a few days, I find my body starts to react oddly, my head feels buzzy, start to shake. True, such drugs do impact the libido, but I wonder if our weight doesn't have some impact on that also.

    My two cents:unsure:

    Hmmm, I'm crossing that drug off the potential candidate list then.


    The advice, caveats, sharing of experiences, and science lessons have all been incredibly helpful and make me feel better about the idea. I'm still a bit hestitant, but I do agree, my moodiness is not good for me or my family. I think we all deserve me at least attempting to give it a try... now I have to decide if I ask my PCP or see a psychiatrist (my psychotherapist is the one that suggested the drugs...so I kinda think her suggesting it probably means I am really depressed... )


  3. I am affected the same way by stress... and will not be able to eat or will pb if I eat before I figure out that the stress has tightened me up. Makes me mad too, because usually it is following an argument before or during dinner (happens sometimes, we're human...lol). Then I get even angrier/more stressed because I "wanted" that meal!



  4. Tina, You're so sweet! I totally agree with you about faking it! I never faked it in my marriage. My ex knew exactly how I felt. I am a big communicator. I did however, fake it at work and when I was out in public. I tend to be pretty private, believe it or not, and working as the permanent night charge, I had to put on my happy face every night when I arrived at work. I had to fake that I was happy, even though my heart was breaking. I knew that no one wanted to see me crying my eyes out, every night at work!

    In reference to my new man, he readily admits that the 'weight issue' would have easily been a deal breaker with anyone else. But he says that he realizes that I am someone he wants a relationship with and will do all he can to be with me. He admits that he doesn't want to say or do anything to hurt me - he accepts me. He has never dated or been with anyone who was obese. It's all new to him and to me. I haven't felt loved or appreciated in a very long time.

    I know I need to love myself first and foremost. And I believe, I'm getting there, one day at a time.

    You're very kind for addressing my needs... and you can jump up on that soap box anytime!

    BTW, sexually, I never faked it! I never had to -- :tongue_smilie: Reaching that Brass Ring is just too enjoyable for me!



    Be careful with your heart, but be willing to take chances (knowing what the risks are and being open to that) with it too... It's a tough line to walk. I met my boyfriend/domestic partner/significant other, 7 years ago this August on yahoo personals of all places (so I know its possible!). I was reluctant to meet him, because while he had seen my pic, he too had not dated someone large (I also dated a few others previously in the same situation" and know some can hurt your feelings/self-esteem too) and I normally only dated from the self-professed BBW lover pool. With Paul, it worked out well, he fit in the first category (although I suspect a bit in the second category too, just his initial attraction was socialized outta him :eek:) and I later learned that what attracted him was my self-confidence (I'm a Leo...so full of myself naturally).

    Still, do be careful, because while I met my handsome prince, I met a lot of toads on the way (admittedly some of them were just plain "fun"!)... and sometimes let them too deeply into my heart too soon. Not trying to scare you or make you doubt your new guy, just telling ya to be careful from one former online dater to another. :wink2:

    By the way, for a nurse, I do agree faking it there is a good thing. I wouldn't want to be near death and have my nurse look like she is mourning my impending death already. :tt1: And similarly, for folks that don't matter, I do bite my tongue... but not for the ones that matter.

    When dating, you meet a few who can't get you to the brass ring (not all people are good lovers.. for many reasons). If they are worth it, ya work with them (well for a little bit anyhow... it is definitely part of the big picture for me.. some times ya can't teach an old dog a new trick or a new dog for that matter), if not, ya lose their phone number... Then again, sometimes ya luck out and never encounter the, umm, less talented... LOL Also depends on how many ya encounter too... :wub:

    Hugs, Tina (damn I am self-centered...) (oh well...)

  5. Shelbi,

    "Fake it til you make it!"

    I have learned to live that way! When I was married, I spent my life faking it! But I realized over time that forcing myself to 'smile' when I didn't feel like it was actually helping me see things more positively and in the long run, helped me survive. If there is anything, I can do to help, let me know! The Oats, No Red and Moving is going well. I saw a big drop this week. I also think that the NO White Carbs and 30% Fats are helping too!

    Well, guys, I have a nice little love story to tell you about. That guy that I met a month ago and I are still in contact and things are actually going extremely well. He insisted certain things and it made me feel I wasn't the right person for him, but we continued talking. We celebrated our One Month Anniversary on Saturday. He knows about the Band. I confessed and he wrote me the move loving and supportive letter. In my eyes, he's perfect for me. We plan to meet in October. I'm excited, anxious and just hoping no one wakes me from this sweet dream!



    Umm, I disagree on faking it... sexually or in life/relationships in general... if ya fake it, then the other party thinks that what they are doing is okay and there is no incentive to make things better... sexually or in other ways. You just end up cheating yourself and them. And resentment and frustration build up... initially it may feel like everything is okay, but eventually... :confused_smile: My motto is...tell them what works for you, show them (umm, men folks like that stuff), whatever... if they care...sexually, or again, in any other type of relationship, they will try to meet you halfway... or better yet, all the way! We deserve the best in every aspect of life and the other folks in our lives deserve to know what that is. Sorry, just my opinion...

    As for the love possibility thing... You do realize that there are many men out there who love women of all sizes, that it's the inner beauty that matters most to them .. and some, who love bigger women exclusively too. You may have a guy who falls in one or both of those categories. Repeat after me... I am as beautiful and worthy of love as I believe I am... Because the truth is, you are. If you love yourself, others will love you too. Before the band or after the band... it's you, you, you that matters.... Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, true; but it is also in the heart of the beholder too.

    That's just my take on it...

    Tina (on her soap box tonight)

  6. Tina~

    If you have any questions about anit-depressants, feel free to ask away. I have been on Zoloft for quite awhile now. I resisted meds for an eternity... years and years, but finally caved and have been regular on it for awhile now. Unlike you, I DO have to be on meds probably for the rest of my life.

    I have no side effects... except maybe a little heartburn occasionally if I take it before bed. I try not to take it before bed anyway since it tends to wire me up a bit. :unsure:

    I do not feel "FLAT". I still have ups and downs, and I still enjoy those dips. They are just not as severe for me.

    Oh, the only side effect that sucks is diminished sex drive and it is near impossible sometimes to reach that brass ring *wink*. But considering the alternative, my husband and I would much rather work with that then have my depressed self moping around being destructive to myself and those around me.

    Considering you need meds short term... I think you should ask about Zoloft to your Dr. I have gone off it a zillion times (in the beginning) without having ANY withdrawl issues. Also it is rather fast acting as it does not take weeks to build up in your system to be effective.

    Good luck! :(


    Thanks for the advice... hmmm... don't know if I wanna pass up the brass ring though... Someone else recommended paxil?

    Then again, brass ring for a short-term, I suppose, I could handle that...

    My big issue is the worry about withdrawal, so maybe zoloft is worth considering...

    And yes, I am more destructive to those around me and I'd rather not be... I'm feeling angry more than sad actually... go figure.. lose weight and discover the smaller me is mega-bitch...

    I'll probably opt for the drugs, I just hate doing it, but then I hate being so down and witchy with a b...

    Thanks again, Tina

  7. Shelbi (and all),

    Bummer about the not chatting in the chat rooms. I do keep up with this forum (hard to do these days... sooo many posts), but lately I dig the chat room. (Might just be me seeking adult chit chat vs. the chit-chat -- whining -- of a three year old (I swear her head's gonna spin 360 degrees one day!). :) It's been good seeing everyone sticking to their challenge(s) and making progress. My progress had slowed down a bit, so I got fill number 4, late June (met Mare while waiting... and two new gals from Tennessee I believe...and another about to get banded). Actually was an interesting visit.

    Anyhow, haven't been posting...been kinda in a funk. New baby (new to me), new job, summer visitors galore, 3 y.o. being a 3 y.o. ... etc. My doc is suggesting I take an anti-depressant... I'm kinda reluctant... but she says its just situational and not a long-term thing. Still, I worry about being "flat". I like the highs and lows of life... (although lately, it's been kinda "low" all the time). :blink: And I worry about side effects... and how hard some are to come off of (I know someone that had a horrible experience with effexor) ...also, I'm allergic to welbuterin (I tried it for smoking cessation once under the name "zyban", but am apparently one of the few allergic to it, major hives like welts!)... so I am trying to consider all that... then again, I have read that they sometimes help with weight loss. :mad: So, that's my latest quandry... and my excuse for blipping off the radar.

    But, I do read the thread every few days (takes awhile) and its good to see every one doing so well. I have many of you and your families in my prayers (I'm no zealot, but I do think the supreme being listens and responds... although sometimes not exactly the way we want. :biggrin: Can't hurt anyhow...). The posts here make me feel that I am not alone and that it's well worth the effort. Especially on days when I PB while trying to eat something I was really, really looking forward to eating!

    We're (kids, Paul and I) planning on popping in at the BBQ. I'm dying to see what healthy foods they serve...lol. I'm also looking forward to seeing folks... I'll be easy to spot with my two Guatemalan babies... :lol:

    Tina (still just barely in onderland... well, a tad more in... ):wink:

  8. Thanks everyone for all the prayers and positive thoughts for the hubs. I got them to move his f/u appointment to this Thursday, the earliest appointment available as his cardiologist is out of the office until then and his partner is slammed. Mal, hubs had chest tightness and shortness of breath one morning a few weeks ago (day after his birthday!) and agreed to go to the ER. Of course, when he got there and had some oxygen he felt better and wanted to go home. His EKG strip said otherwise -- he had tachycardia and atrial fib, but very luckily he was able to convert to a good rythmn on IV medication and then stabilize on some oral medications and was sent home after a night of observation for rest of his testing could be done outpatient. (His instructions were to go to the ER if he had any more episodes which, of course, he did the night before the Fossil trip but he didn't tell me :eek: because he said it was over in 15 minutes. Truth be told, he would have rather had a heart attack than miss his fossil hunt. (Insert smiley of me beating the crap out of hubs here.) ) Anyway, his stress test results came back and here we are waiting for the next step. The positive side of all of this is that he is now managing his diabetes, eating better, taking his medications and exercising! All good things, so I'm feeling positive and trying to be a good support for him (Read: I'm trying very hard not to nag, even though its one of the few things I do well.) I am so glad I've got the band to help me, so I can support instead of sabbatoge his efforts!

    I am hoping it all works out and his renewed healthy lifestyle choices pay off... in the meantime, I'll add him to my prayer list (can't hurt).


  9. Whoa, feel like I have been gone for ages... new job and my mom visiting from VT, so it's been hectic. Finally had time to get on last nite and it took me forever to catch up....

    Welcome newbies... it's gonna be your best adventure yet and the destination is a new you!

    To the old-timers... I read your stories about the challenges you've come across or have to deal with, my only comment is... You're way stronger than you think you are and you are as good and worthy as you BELIEVE you are. No one person or event can define you unless YOU let them... I'm a firm believer that WE control OUR own happiness. As for what others say and do to us, we have to be on guard always to make sure we do not let their issues become our issues no matter how hard they try to share or pass on their "gloom". It's an easy trap to fall in to.

    I usually just flinch once (I'm human after all) and then remind myself that odds are they are more miserable than they are trying to make me, because a happy, healthy person would not say or do such a thing. I just let it slide or if they are not a significant person in my life, I cut them loose. Cutting someone loose is hard to do too, because sometimes we keep hanging on to them because we somehow equate that relationship with some kind of social responsibility or measure of success. But really, if it's a negative, non-beneficial relationship, why keep it? Life is full of good people worthy of our friendship and there will be others. Heck cutting negative people loose sometimes opens doors to others that that negative relationship had closed.

    Okay, off my soap box... and onto the scale...

    It finally said I had passed into onderland... well, okay 199.8, but after fluctuating up and down between 200.6 and 201.8 for the last month or so, it's about fricking time... must have been that snicker bar last night... boosted my metabolism...(uhhuh, yeah, right).

    Still I'll take it! I am happy to join my band sister, Shelbie (you rock woman!... and you do inspire me...) and the others who have crossed into onderland... now I am hoping I get to stay there and venture further south into onderland... I've gotta get a fill soon though or I'll be bouncing out soon...

    I'd take a pic of my toes on the scale, but I'm kinda a natural, casual gal... not into polish... My version of a pedicure is shaving the 5 or 6 hairs I occasionally see on my big toe... :lol:

    Laters, Tina

    (mom to a new walking boy...at 15 months, about time... another reason I've been offline, he's into EVERYTHING...)

  10. Taynuh -- I've always considered you my band sister since we are both virtually the same in terms of when we were banded, progress and goals. Onederland is so near, but it is taking so long to get there. I feel ya. As far as exercise --- I'm loving my morning walks, but I know you said you hate walking. How about a Spin class or Water aerobics? Many Y's have one and have child care available. How about an exercise DVD at home?-- yoga or Pilates? Maybe a mommy-n-me class -- dance or Tae Kwon Do or something? -- the little man is probably too young for that, of course, but your daughter would probably love it! Maybe think about getting a big wagon or double stroller for the kiddos and pulling/pushing them around with you on walks -- man that would be a great workout!! Wish I had a magic wand, friend, and you and I would already be at goal without all this!!

    Happy Saturday and happy mother's day!

    Thanks, Shelbie...

    Yep, I think we're band sisters too for the same reasons...

    Well, we did just get Tanner a radio flyer wagon (kinda goes with having a kid!) on his b-day, so hauling the two of them around would be fun and NOT seem like exercise....so perhaps I'll do that. Yeah, our Y does have child care and a Water aerobics too, the hard part is finding time (I am no morning person) with my job and all... I work M-F and by the time I pick the kids up at daycare and cook dinner, get the kids to bed, do the obligatory daily load of laundry...I'm pooped. And weekends, I "like" doing family things... You know, fun stuff: errands, time at the playground, clean the house, grocery shop, beat my kids, beat the cat, (just seeing if you're paying attention...I don't beat either...tempted, but I do not...lol), laundry, pay bills, etc. (g-d my life is boring...) BUT, I could indeed slip in a wagon ride for the kiddos... or heck, even go for a bike ride. Paul can haul them behind his bike on the kiddie trailer thing (family event) and I'll zip around on my bike (bought 5 years ago, ridden like 5 times...still has rubber stubble on the tires)...

    Also, now that Paul is working for Sun Microsystems, on the days he goes into the real office (as opposed to the virtual office here at the house), instead of coming home to have lunch with him, I can zap a Lean Cuisine and take a 30 minute walk during my lunch hour (I suppose).

    I think the Lean Cuisine at lunch may help... I'm not making good choices when I eat at home... or when we go out for lunch.

    Ya think that's enough to maybe burn an extra pound or two a week? Maybe, just maybe, I'll unwrap that darn exercise video (resistance bands with some scrawny gal on the cover) I bought when I signed up for the lap band... :tt1:

    I'm lazy... part of why I am a bandster to begin with... I only work hard if I get paid... by someone else (I'm not gonna pay myself)... :Dancing_wub:

    Anyhow, I'll give it a shot!

    To the rest of ya, thanks and you all are doing awesome! I envy your dedication... and your tenaciousness... And yes, I definitely need to get a fill... Cuz I can eat two whole chile rellenos in one setting (normally)...


  11. Arrrghhhhh.... sometimes being patient is hard...I am 1.8 pounds from onderland (okay 1.9 technically to cross the line and be officially under 200) and my g-d, it is sooooo slowwwwwww....

    Part of it is my fault... I know I need a fill and I am dragging my feet about going in... and I keep saying I'll start exercising... but truly, I am my own worst enemy, I keep expecting the band to do all the work...

    I gotta get with the program... I have a larger goal... to lose 100 in a year... at this rate, I'm not gonna make it... lI need to lose 30 (give or take) more by Sept. 5... and that means I gotta get my arse in gear and exercise... but I HATE it...

    I hate walking and I hate treadmills and elliptical riders and lifting weights... they really bore me (okay that and I do not like sweating). What is a fun way to exercise? Keep in mind, I also have to try to do this with a 3 year old and one year old normally hanging out with me...

    Someone throw me a magic wand.. or an idea or two.... pppleasssseeee...

    Tina :smile:

  12. Okay, awhile back I said I'd post progress pics (not before and after...cuz I am only a little past the half way mark to my goal...)... so I'm a "work in progress"... but I admit, I do see some progress... so that's cool....

    The first pic was taken in Maine, and I was at my pre-surgery weight... about 280... the other pic is 2 weeks ago, about 205... I see the weight loss, but I still see a very big gal... but a "smaller" big gal... (I'm not pooh-poohing my progress... just getting impatient...)

    :) Tina



  13. What are everyones immediate goals????

    Brandy: Work out 4 days week/lose 12 pounds by Memorial day!

    Hmmm, a two-part goal for me:

    A.) Stop taking advantage of the band's fickle nature (i.e. stop eating larger portions on the days when it's "loose"... although other days its tight and I can still PB like crazy)

    B.) Get to onderland... my gosh... the last few pounds are dragging...

    Don't know if I need a fill or not... since my Feb. 21st fill, I've only lost 12 pounds... arggghhhh.... (probably due to my taking advantage of the "loose" band days... okay and my love affair with crispy chile rellenos)...

    Tina :smile2:

  14. My eating has been up and down. It is Passover, heavy cooking, baking, and traditional eating patterns. I don't think that matzo tastes half as good as Easter chocolate eggs do, but I plunged into it all the same, coated with butter of course. I think I got my fix and now I don't seem to want any more of it.

    I am happy to try and attend any RR or where ever event.

    Hugs and smiles,


    Let's not forget my Passover favorite... those macaroon Cookies that come in the cans....Yummers!!!!!!!! They usually go on sale during and after Passover...woo hooooo!

    I love them...


  15. EEEEEEEK!!!!! Have you guys seen the forecast for tomorrow night!??? I hope its wrong! Otherwise...I'll have to pass on RR.:thumbup:

    Taynuh~~~I have problems with irritation too if I take Advil or Aleve. What I have learned is, to make sure you sit up for at least half an hour after you take it. And use plenty of Water. If I lay down for sleep after I take it....its bad. (or if I need to take it during the night) Burning and pain in my gut. And that irritation makes you PB more. And make sure you take a tummy pill like pepcid or zantac (over the counter stuff) when you take your pills or once a day while you need them. I go in spurts with my TOM. For about 3 days I need lots of Aleve and this really seems to help me. Good luck!

    Have a great night, All!

    Yeah, I noticed the TOM thing... good advice on the meds... I'll drink lots of Water and take them an hour before bed....

    Thank you so much!!!!


  16. Hi all,

    Just a quick query... The past week I have been dealing with bursitis in my shoulder (happens a few times a year...although lingers longer now that I still have two rugrats to pick up all the time)...anyhow, I have been taking motrin at night so I can sleep and to help with the inflammation. I have noticed that I am having a hard time with frequent PB's since I started up with the motrin.... Is this likely caused by the stomach/pouch being aggravated by the motrin?

    Any similar experiences out there?

    Thanks...Tina (slowly moving to onderland... I've been naughty when not PBing...)

  17. Hi Everyone,

    Tina - You need to update your picture avatar, I bet you look completely different with the weight you've lost.

    I like the idea of sharing things successful bandster people do when they are obsessing about food. How to get in a positive frame of mind and not self destruct? I go along doing really well, then I am comfronted with a situation, emotion or some other unidentified roadblock and my resolve goes to hell. It takes a lot of work to get back on track.

    Thanks for your ideas ahead of time.


    I'll work on the pics... it's sort of became a habit over the years for me to avoid the camera...so I really don't have a recent pic (unless I have hidden myself behind a kid or a bunch of people)... but yeah, even I would like to see myself now that I have lost some weight... I don't really have a good view of my "after" (well, work in progress) self... maybe I'll have Paul take a pic....

    I'm not a good bandster when it comes to sharing ideas/coping strategies on obsessing on food. I don't really obsess in the true sense... instead, I find that I get frustrated and angry that I cannot eat the way (read amounts) that I want/used to... I have always been a bulk eater (not a binger, just big portions at EVERY meal), so I tend to get pouty about the smaller amounts that I can eat... basically, I never ate that badly, I just ate way too much and led a sedentary lifestyle. Now, I eat way smaller amounts of the same stuff and am still pretty sedentary (I have yet to officially exercise since my band was "installed"... although I do have two kids currently under three, so there is some activity...lol). If I try to overeat, I PB, so I really have to behave or suffer the consequences... talk about having a shock collar...

    I also never really was into sweets... so once in a great while I might be bad and indulge on small pieces of candy throughout a day once in awhile, but it never really has been enough to add up to much since it's not really something I am tempted to do often.

    I give in to my cravings when they do occur... I've discovered I can eat an entire bag (99 cent size) of chili-limon cheetos with no problemo! I do so once a week... but I think it helps me with my weight loss as it jumps my metabolism up and keeps it from adjusting itself downward.

    I'm a believer in the theory that if you consistently eat a low calorie diet daily and its pretty much the same daily, your body adjusts and lowers its metabolism (famine level) to compensate, thus hanging onto the fat in our bodies longer and burning it off slower. I believe that varying daily caloric intake keeps your body from adjusting, as it does not go into what it thinks is a famine state metabolically. So, while I shoot for lower calorie intake, I vary my days, and go for an average for the week... thus some days are higher calorie days (days when I give in to my cravings) and some are lower calorie (days when I focus on healthier low cal choices)... but if you average my week out, it should come out to about 1000-1200 calories a day... Also, mentally, this is easier for me to handle and I do not feel like I am constantly depriving/denying myself... I'm comfortable with my weight loss and the pace it is coming off at, although Dr. K said I'd probably lose more and quicker, by doing the low carb thing...

    Also, I tend to smoke when I am craving something that I can no longer eat...so that distracts me.

    I really do need to exercise so I can be in shape and more fit. Spring will make it easier... The plan is to do lots of biking with the kids...and stroller walks too.

    Tina (definitely not a good bandster)...

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