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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Wags

  1. Dear Tamosy, i THANK YOU for such kind words and Understanding... Where would I find your email? You have Great Ideas...... I woke up sick this morning with very bad Cough... Slept till 12 noon, Had some lemon Tea and Protein.. Now I have to shower, take college age son to a Dr visit, than return him to College in Pa... It will be a Late night.. This is prob. why i'm Sick, too much running..... thanks Jewelj.....my email is biddiemom12@verizon.net Take care my Friend....

    Hi Jewel, oh dear you have so much on your plate. You have received some wonderful advice from others! The only thing I can add (actually reiterate) is to take care of yourself first. It's like they say on an airplane - put on your own oxygen mask before you help others because if you can't breathe you won't be there to help the others.

    Please, please, please make your own health a priority. As Tamosy said, always eat your Protein first. It's the only thing that can give you the strength you need to make it through.

    Take care of yourself friend.

  2. I will b 4 weeks out Thursday and still feel like crap!!!! Feel like something is stuck in my throat and see ENT tommorrow. Soooooo nauseas!!!! Haven't went to the bathroom in 4 days and not passing gas. The area around the largest incision on my left side is hurting so bad and my left shoulder. Everybody says I am fine but have not kept food or medicine down in a week and half. Acutally got my paramedic co-worker to start a couple IV's on me to keep me hydrated. Surgeon says everything is ok. Well fine!!! I quit!!! I will never complain about anything ever again!!!!! Soooo regretting this surgery!!!!!

    Susan, that stuck in the back of your throat feeling may be acid reflux. That is the only symptom I had when I had it. Do you take a PPI? Like omeprazole or Prilosec? When I started taking it I felt so much better. If you already are, you may need your dosage changed. I wish you the best! I feel for you!! Vomiting and nausea is soooo awful!! And that stuck feeling drives you crazy!!

  3. Congratulations!!! Thank you for listing your weights and losses. This is very inspiring. Three weeks out and hoping for success like yours.

    Thank you!!! I was super glad that I saw someone else who had listed their monthly weight in their signature and I copied the idea. It has helped so much to realize that it all eventually adds up!!

  4. About 4 weeks for me on weakness. But one thing for you to consider is medications. Do you take blood pressure meds or other types of meds? They may need to be adjusted if you are feeling dizzy. Here's to you feeling better soon. Take naps when you can. Rest during break times at work :-)

  5. Thank you Wags. I ended up not waiting. I went in. Long week. Got a new doctor, new meds (huge improvement), lots of IV fluids, taking it easy on stomach so ulcer can heal. ruled out perforation. Feeling much better now. Thank you again for your kind words.

    Ohhh! I am so happy you are feeling better! This is such great news!! Many blessings to a continued healthy recovery for you :-) yay!!!!!!!

  6. I'm 5'6" starting weight 254 and I've been at 135 almost two years. At 19 I weighed 118. I set my goal weight higher because I'm nearly 60 and I didn't think the smaller size would look good on me now. Your starting weight is higher so I suspect you may have more weight in extra skin when you get to goal. Mist doctors are happy if you get to overweight BMI. 135 puts you at 21.8 BMI squarely in the middle of normal. I followed my plan closely, eating lean Protein, nonfat dairy, no starchy veggies and fruit in that order. I didn't eat any grains for several months following surgery and when I do eat them it's mostly whole grains. In maintenance, I eat around 1200 calories per day. Lynda

    Hi Lynda, we are so similar! 5' 6" and started at 253. (Even the same name - mine is Linda). I am at 153 now at 9 months out. My goal is 150 - 24.9 BMI, but secretly I would like to go lower for wiggle room. 135 would be a dream. I have never been small. I think I weighed 118 when I was born! (My poor mom) :-)


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