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Jeffie Beck

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Jeffie Beck

  1. Jeffie Beck

    Wanna See My Holes?

    it's a cyclops smiley face! lol and thanks for sharing with humor!! :-)
  2. I'm def interested!! Please share!
  3. Awww my dear you do flatter me by asking, I would hardly call it a recipe lol. Its just some stuff I throw together and call chilli. I sautee the entire pack of ground turkey in a large sauce pan and drain it. Then I add that entire pack into the blender with one can of any kind of Beans (generally I use goya Kidney beans or black beans), the juice in the can of beans helps to make the ground turkey nice and mushy but still tasty. I throw that back into the saute pan with chopped up portabello muchrooms, garlic, cilantro (I'm one of those ppl who loves cilantro on everything lol) and some italian seasoning. Everything but the italian seasoning is fresh. I've also added fresh spinach before, just for some Fiber and added texture. I sautee it all until its all kind of bubbling and the mushrooms are super soft. And I just eat that. I give it to my husband over rice. Oh, and the last time i finally added a serving spoon of tomato sauce, for taste. I look forward to making a chili I don't have to blend first lol. My surgeon says next tuesday I can start adding solids to my diet one food item per every 3 days, so I'm excited for that! Hope this helps!
  4. Jeffie Beck

    Liar Liar?!?

    hahahahah I freakin love whenever you post!! you are hilarious. And I will be posting an entire thread about my situation, only bc I'm not sure if I feel upset bc I'm simply jealous or if I'm legitimately hurt and deceived. Now that I've had the surgery, I have less to be jealous about, except that she's already at her goal and I'm just starting. But I'm still upset about it, particularly bc I see her continue to tell people (mutual friends of ours and strangers on Facebook) that she did it au natural!!! Am I crazy lol?! Why do i even care so much lol. I didn't mean to take over this young lady's thread, so I'll just go vent the situation and all its particulars elsewhere lol .
  5. Jeffie Beck

    Liar Liar?!?

    Now that is thinking smart, and outside of the "tool" box lol. Great perspective!!!
  6. Jeffie Beck

    Liar Liar?!?

    I hope all our comments help! I know you're in a bit of a jam, but I would say do what your conscience can live with first!! You are the only person you are obligated to. I offered another perspective only because my experience has made me really consider just how impactful our decisions can be, with respect to who and what we tell. But ultimately, its most important that you share what you're comfortable with and not a bit more. And in what you keep to yourself, do your best not to disillusion others. I think it best to say "I prefer not to say" than to flat out lie. I think you and I are similar in that way, in preferring to keep silent than to be false. Good luck with your choice, no matter what, I know you'll make the best decision for you!
  7. Jeffie Beck

    Liar Liar?!?

    That's so true!!! I think ppl judge those of us who have had wls as if all of our success was just as simple as going under the knife. And i just want to shake them and say "NO!! We still have to bust our humps!! The sleeve is just a tool to help us with our success, it does NOT ensure success!!!" I think Harlequin has the best advice yet: tell them the truth that WLS doesn't work without exercise. At least then your honesty is addressing misconceptions and expectations. Very good advice to consider, I think..
  8. Jeffie Beck

    Liar Liar?!?

    Very good point!
  9. I'm not on solid food, I'm back on the soft and mushy stage. I did liquids for a week after the turkey dog incident, and have been on mushy ever since. I make my own chilli with ground turkey and It sits very well with me. I also love soups! Things are going well so far, except I've hit a stall in my weight loss
  10. Jeffie Beck

    Liar Liar?!?

    It's funny, I was getting ready to post a thread similar to this one regarding a situation I'm in (I'll probably still post it, so keep an eye out if you can). The thing is, when I was heavy, I watched someone I know shrink and when I asked what she did, she told me precisely what you said (and what many of us are doing post op): eating clean and working out. I asked her for specifics, and she gladly gave them, she shared her recipes, diet, and exercise plans, but I had nowhere near the results she had. When I confessed to her about how my incessant hunger was defeating my resolve, she sympathized and cheered me on. But when I started looking into my wls options, guess who I saw had a profile on this site?!?! I was hurt and tormented by the fact that I felt she gave me a false hope. Not because the things she suggested don't work (obviously they do, especially for us now), but because the success she presented wasn't real, I think I allowed myself to set unreal expectations for myself based on her results. I should say that she lost over 100lbs in 10 months, so I'm talking about a major change that is not easy to make, hopefully that helps you understand better why I was so eager to believe in her success, bc I was looking for similarly miraculous results. Had she been honest with me, and all those that are also obese who asked, I think we could have adjusted our expectations and results more realistically. Obv none of us should base our results on a single person's testimony, but when you've tried for 20 years to do something, then you see someone you know do the seemingly impossible, I think it's understandable how someone could pin all their hopes on someone. Not sure how this relates to you, except to say, please be mindful on who is using you for their personal hope. Sure, you're not responsible for them, but try to remember how they might feel. This is a tough one, because this is your business and you have no obligation to anyone but yourself. Hmmm, quite the pickle indeed.
  11. Lissa I agree absolutely! That's one of the reasons I love my surgeon (Dr. Holover at New York Bariatric Group) because phsych evals are required for you to even be considered for surgery, as are pre and post op follow-ups. I think many people with a chronic illness, particularly ones that manifest as visibly as obesity does, tend to feel a sense of shame or reluctance to talk about our problem. We've been shamed by society and by others we know, shamed by our own prior failures. I would not have gone by choice to start seeking therapy and emotional help for precisely that reason. I think my surgeon and his group are extremely responsible for mandating it. I have someone I can turn to now when I need help maneuvering this new "tool". Otherwise, the tool will fail me as it has failed others. Revision surgeries are on the rise. And I don't mean revisions as a result of lap bands not working or slipping or surgical shortcomings. I mean people who couldnt change their habits quickly or consistently enough and risked serious harm by stretching out their stomachs again or causing damage to their bands. I think therapy can be a HUGE deterrent in this sort of behavior, and help us all succeed who are brave enough to embark on this lifesaving journey. My psych helped me keep things in perspective when I was literally too busy kicking myself in the ass and freaking out. I adore her, and implore everyone (despite how worry-free your recovery) to find a professional with whom you can speak if the occasion arises. Thank you all again for all your kindness and support!! I'm really happy I had you guys to help "talk" me through it before and during my follow-ups!! Stay tuned, bc now I'm facing all kinds of other issues/questions, which I'll be posting about separately. Hope to see you all there, as well! lol (Don't worry, I'm fine, they are nothing like this topic lol)
  12. Hi everyone! First, I apologize for taking so long to reply, I am FINE!! Doing great, actually. I had a very busy week following the post, I followed up with my surgeon, the pscyh and nut at my surgeon's office (twice, lol) and then almost immediately after that returned to work. After this incident, I really was concerned and had it in my head that i had some sort of undiagnosed eating disorder. My psych told me to post, and I quote, "Yes. Obesity is an eating disorder. Everyone on that thread is suffering from the same chronic illness. And none of them are in a position to diagnose you further." She literally emailed it to me to cut and paste for all of us who will struggle and make mistakes, even ones as epic as mine, and learn the lesson. My nut told me it was a flat out silly choice, the turkey dog, primarily because I was rewarding my good progress by moving myself ahead 2 steps. She even said, had I pureed the turkey dog with broth and had a sip, that would have been fine. Ground up and not moist is ultimately where I went wrong, and I completely owned that. I still do. That was the reason for my deep worry and near depression. I am all about accountability. I have been on the complete straight and narrow path after that, I went back to work and am doing great. Not sure who said it, but someone said I should not be feeling hungry. According to my nut, once the swelling goes down, hunger is COMPLETELY normal. The gherlin will eventually subside to normal (non-obese) levels, but in the meantime, we are to learn what real hunger is, and I'm doing that. I believe I was hungry that night. But I did not need a turkey dog. And shouldnt have had one, period! Broth, Protein shake, pureed tuna, oatmeal, any of those would have been a better choice to sate my real hunger. I was NOT eating because of a food addiction, but I did make a poor choice as a result of my obesity. I am NOT letting that disorder run my life anymore. I make conscious choices, I never forget the hell I went through that night. I baby my pouch (as someone on this thread cleverly said, possibly the same person?) and I am re-learning my body. I think we all are. This thread has really shown me how supportive and awesome complete strangers can be. I want to thank each and every one of you for understanding and showing your concern and support with such kindness and (some of you) sternness. Sure, i dont care to be told to "put my big girl panties on" when I think having the courage to have a major surgery and put myself out there when I've made a HUGE err in judgement IS putting my big girl panties on. I'm of the belief big girls make mistakes too. BUT i also understand that was said to wake me up, and I appreciate the tough love all the same. You could have said nothing, but you chose to stop and comment and healthily contribute, and that is awesome!! You are all pretty amazing in your own way for helping me here, I've friended a few of you, and help to friend even more!! Thank you so so much!! Heres to us all learnig the hard lessons the first time How is everyone else doing?
  13. Jeffie Beck


    Way to go, Soccergirl!! You should def revel in that nsv, it's a milestone. Keep up the great work
  14. Hi all, just wanted to update you so far. I walked earlier, and have had nothing but water and a little jello since. I've not taken all of my vitamins/supplements only because my stomach is already quite angry. I think the hot dog has passed from my upper stomach/esophagus (spelling lol) to full on stomach mode. I say that becasue I'm no longer nauseous or feeling chest pain but am having the worst stomach cramps of my life (which I rightfully deserve). I will continue to walk around my house and take in liquids as I can. I've checked so far and no fever either. As this progresses I'll update you all. Please feel free to chime in with other things I can do and look out for until i can reach my surgeon's office Monday. I'm on high alert for any sharp pains or shortness of breath that could indicate a leak. Anything else? Thank you for your throughtfullness. You've been stern and patient with me and most of all informative and kind. Your concern is not lost on me, and I am truly thankful! Please keep me in your prayers!!! xoxox
  15. Hi Make-Luck, thanks so much for your thoughtful and thought provoking reply. IN truth, i know without a doubt there is no excuse for the choice I made. Doesn't matter how good I'd been, it was a stupid choice. I totally agree with evertyhing you've said, especaily that we didn't make this choice to be on a diet forever! Well said, girl!! But indeed, we did make this choice because we accepted the responsibiity of our different sleeve lifestyle. Yes, there is a transition period, but still doesn't mean I get to make such possibly fatal errors (from what I understand, a leak could be fatal). I walked earlier, and I'll continue to do so as you and others suggested, thanks so much! I'll post an update shortly as to how I feel. Most of all, I want to thank you for your well wishes and for relating to me. Means a whole lot, especially when I've dones something that easily makes other sleevers alienate themselves from me like I'm a terrible person because I've made a really poor choice. I really appreciate you and your very thoughtful and kind reply. You rock, my dear!!!
  16. Ajee, thank you thank you thank you so much for sharing your experience!! I will also be praying for you over the next couple of days that you come out of this just fine! Yes, we have learned a very dear lesson and I hope and pray we can do so without further detriment to our health. My choice was stupid and not worth it. That alone sickens me. But I have renewed resolve since speaking with all of you not to get down in the dumps but be proactive about my mistake. I'm going to walk now, call my surgeon in the morning, and I'm going back to full liquid until further notice. At least until I speak to my NUT and get the motive for my mistake sorted out. As someone else on this thread said previously, it's the mental choice that I need to get to the bottom of, and I do not trust myself with anything but liquids until I do. Thank you again for putting yourself out there for my sake, it is a brave thing to tell your story and I truly truly appreciate you!!! Wishing you all the best, and please do keep me posted!
  17. Hi Wags, and thank you so much for your reply and concern. Now I'm more concerned because hot dogs were NOT on my list of foods to avoid (I should mention it is a turkey dog, not sure if that makes a difference). I don't even keep any of my avoid foods in the house, so I'm concerned that the list my NUT gave me is inadequate. I will speak to my surgeon about it directly. Thnk you again for letting me know! Very kind of you to reply and share your support, means a lot!!
  18. Wow Kulita, thank you, that was a very helpful tip!! There are certainly foods I miss, I will take the time to tgo through them and find the ones I can have, and mark days on my calendar where it's safe to try them. It will give me something to look forward too and also help me remain accountable for my progress. Great idea, thank yoU!!! I apprecaite your kind words and well wishes. Wishing you all the best on your success as well!!
  19. Very true, Pixie!! Very true, Pixie, nothing like this will happen again!! My experience is indeed cringe worthy, as is my current anxiety. I feel awful but I also am learning a very important and hard lesson about myself. I greatly appreciate your well wishes, it really means a lot, Pixie.
  20. That's exactly why I chose to put myself out there and post. While I learn, hopefully so can others. I hope.
  21. Laura, you're an angel. Thank you for relating your own experience. And indeed, I have learned one of my biggest lessons yet: doing well is NOT an excuse to do poorly. It is merely proof that I love myself enough. thank you. truly.
  22. SORRY, cut myself off there. I was saying do NOT regret your surgery!! In the long run it may well be the best decision for you. Sure everyone is different, but give it a chance, it is still very fresh for us! I know it can be a bit miserable physically, but I'll tell you what a good friend and fellow sleever told me, regarding the uncomfortable "gurgling" and "stuck in the throat feeling". She said while that feeling does get better, it doesn't fully go away in the first year, learn to love it. It's what will keep you from overeatting, it's your body finally talking to you in a way that you cannot tune out. I hope that helps you think of these symptoms differently. If you find that they are ultimately too bad to function, please speak to your surgeon. I pray all is well with you and will also get better! Thank you for your reply and concern!
  23. Hi GG, everything except the hard ball I've also experienced. Every single symptom you've listed. Even though I was approved for mushy, I preferred liquids up until this debacle, and even that would give me these distressing symptoms. But I urge you, DO NOT REGRET
  24. Lissa, you are a total doll and I am absolutely going to walk!! In between doing replies I'm getting dressed. I appreciate the advice!
  25. Thank you Mulholk, and please let this be a lesson! I thought I was in control and one moment of weakness caused me all of this distress. We cannot afford to be slack for even a moment. Good luck with your procedure, I'm sure you'll do great!!! Thanks again!!

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