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Posts posted by kchristian

  1. Thanks everybody. It just planted this little seed in my brain and of course I'm the type of person who is going to Water that seed by dwelling on it.

    And hey - she might think I look "gaunt" because let's see - I'm exhausted 24/7 (blood work next week for 6 mo follow up). I can sleep 9 hours without waking up and be pooped the next day. I take all my Vitamins, get all my Water + some, and get all my Protein, so I don't know what the heck is going on with me.

    I have a 2 year old (enough said), plus 2 teenage step daughters (18 & 17), one of whom is pregnant and the other likes to get caught smoking pot. Soooo.....yeah....

    Also - my collar bone is starting to show a lot. I thought that was a GOOD THING! HI COLLARBONE! OH HOW I'VE MISSED YOU - FEEL FREE TO POKE OUT AS MUCH AS YOU WANT! :) (shoulder blades, ribs, pelvis - you are welcome to join the party any time)

  2. So in my latest visit to my NUT last week, she made this comment that I LOOK like someone who has lost weight too fast, that I'm sort of gaunt looking. WHAT THE CRAP?! Then she said "well, maybe it's just because I haven't seen you this skinny before".

    So of course now I'm staring at myself constantly, thinking that I look like a skeleton in the face who's skin is literally sliding off of it. Yeah, disgusting I know.

    I'm completely paranoid! I don't want to look like a 90 year old deathly ill woman! Part of me is like "give me some fat back!" I'm using every firming/toning lotion, cream I can find. Has anybody else felt they look like this or had someone tell them this? I thought I looked pretty darn good! My face does look a little hollow to me, but I've been staring at my fat face for 10 years now, so the difference is a little spooky.

  3. this happened to me with Soup too in the full liquid stage. It was horrible and felt like I had swallowed a rock that was just sitting there at the top of my stomach/throat. It was painful and just plain sucky. I think it took about 2 hours of me walking around and not drinking anything else for it to go away. But lesson learned, I made sure I paid attention to everything I swallowed after that! and chewed my soup LOL I really hope you feel better by now.

  4. I wonder if u are getting enough salt. Try squatting down for a minute and then stand up. If u get lightheaded and ur vision blacks out a bit... then eat something like chicken broth or something really salty. It happens to me a lot and that always seems to help. Get in some G2 Gatorade too. Electrolytes could be low. I was lightheaded for months.

  5. Eat around 1000-1100 cal a day go to gym 5 days a week burn 600 cal there, come home clean, cook, take care of small kids, usually do set ups and arm exercise in evening....keep carbs between 50-100 (my suggested was 277 on fitness app) so burning way more than eating... And I keep going up and down the same pound for almost 2 weeks. I started burning more week ago was only doing 500 at gym. I am going crazy I want to be below 200 before end of August and don't see happening I go from 200.4 to 201.8 highest this week I want to cry... I'm working so hard and nothing ...any suggestions??? Am I doing something wrong ?? Please no mean comments and don't tell me to put scale away I did 3 days ago and want it more than ever..

    quick question - are you eating anything like Atkins Bars? or anything with sugar alcohols in them? I was losing fine, then I started adding in an Atkins Bar a day or even 1/2 of one, and my weight stalled out for almost 3 weeks. I finally realized maybe it was the Atkins - so I cut them out, and holy crap did the weight start falling off again! So maybe if you are doing any bar supplements or something like that, give them up for a week and see how it goes?

  6. Thanks so much for the advice. It goes against my nature not to fight for what I believe in. I was at a standstill on where to go if a outside psy eval will not be accepted. Now I can try something similar to what you did if my old counselor is still there and available. It amazes me that the MMPI test is so highly praised and relied on when the questions are so general. Half the population that take the test should be diagnose with the same issues. Don't get me started on the interview. If everyone had to put off surgery for life stress issues there wouldn't be any.

    I wanted to say that I didn't mean the psych stuff in general is a joke! I was talking specifically about the crap that they put in my personal report that was wrong. They had this part about the "abuse" I'd suffered in my childhood. Um, there was no abuse in my childhood. I couldn't for the life of me figure out what the guy was talking about because it sounded like he'd mixed up someone else's interview with mine. Oh, and don't get me started on that 1000 question test. Yeah, I've definitely been on the cover of a magazine 6 times in the past year - absolutely!

    I just knew they were 100% wrong about me. So I fought & won. I am totally for counseling, I've been seeing counselors on and off for 13 years now - they've definitely helped me work through a ton of issues and I plan on continuing my counseling now because there are things that I've noticed post op that I didn't know about pre op :)

    Best of luck to you! I don't think anybody should just jump into this surgery and while having to wait almost 8 months wasn't fun and got annoying at times, I tried to make the best of it and learn about myself and why I ate like I did, etc - so in the end it was a good thing!

  7. you guys made me cry! LOL! But seriously - yes I have been SKINNY SKINNY before. I was around 135-140 all throughout high school and into college. I did put on some pounds my first few years of college, but I remember "putting" on those pounds got me up to a size 9 "OH THE HORROR!"

    It wasn't until I had my first child that I really put on some weight and got up to 240 when I delivered him. He passed away 4 months later and that was when I really quit giving a crap about almost everything. The next few years I maybe put on 25 or so more pounds on and off - I've been on a diet my entire life it feels like.

    When I met my husband was when I really got up to my absolute worst weight ever - 299! I got on the scale that morning and about fainted out of horror and disgust at myself. I started right then exercising and cutting out crap my from my diet and dropped 20 lbs over the next 3 months, then me and my husband started a formal, doctor supervised low carb diet and that's when I got down to 200 about 9 months later.

    You would think that weighing all these different weights over the years, that i'd be used to the "various" me's, but nope! lol

  8. They tried to pull this crap on me too. I ran back to my regular psychiatrist and cried and threw a fit and told him that he should know me since I've been going to him for like 5 years and this new guy that interviewed me/tested me knew NOTHING about me. There was all kinds of things that came up on the paperwork he wrote about me that I had no clue what he was even talking about. My psychiatrist agreed with me and spoke with the other guy and got him to "re-test" me after I saw a counselor twice. All of it probably delayed my surgery 2 months. But they wanted me to do an additional 6 months to a year of counseling before they would approve me. But that was before I pitched a fit. So don't be silent about this. It's a joke, and I've proved that post op I'm able to follow surgeon's orders and eat properly, etc. etc.

  9. Happy Thursday everybody! So, I am dealing with the dreaded identity crisis right now. I'm down 54 lbs since May 1st, and I have 76 more to my goal. But, here are my problems:

    1) I don't recognize myself in the mirror - I realize this is quite normal, but dangit if it's not freaky as hell. I'm not saying I don't like what I see, but it's also very disturbing because I feel such a disconnect from myself. I'll look at my arm and it feels like I'm staring at someone else's arm.

    2) NOTHING fits me right. Yes, I have the clothes in my closet that are way too big and way too small, but even clothes my current size do not fit correctly. I almost feel like certain parts of me are losing, but others aren't and I'm staring at one of those circus mirrors.

    3) I seriously want to cry. Like all the time. I feel pregnant LOL (I'm 100% positive I'm not pregnant). Where did my personality go? I'm not me. I'm either crying or mad or griping about something! My anxiety is up 1000% and it's horrible. I realize as women we release estrogen while fat is burned up, but I feel like I'm playing an extra in an invasion of the body snatchers type movie!

    4) 1 step forward, 1 step back, or at least that's the type of game my scale plays with me. I know a ton of people will tell me not to weigh everyday, but I have OCD tendencies, so that's not gonna happen lol. Plus, I think if I was to weigh once a week and the scale said the previous thing from a week earlier, I'd just break it with a hammer. At least daily I can prepare myself for teeny tiny joys and disappointments. I just don't really get why we go up in weight, then down, then back up a bit, then down, then the same, then up...blah blah. I guess as long as it goes down overall it's OK.

    I just need a bit of encouragement and reassurance from my fellow sleevers. I keep feeling like "if I can only get to 200, then things will be better from then on". When I lost weight 3 years ago on my own, I got down to 200 and I was super happy at that weight. But then I got pregnant and gained it all back!

    I honestly just want to feel happy. For 1 day. That would make all the difference in the world! It's like nothing is good enough and I hate that fact. At least when I was at my highest weight I knew who I was, at least had an identity. I feel like I'm grasping at straws now!

  10. my doctor had me on Pepcid 2x a day after surgery and I had horrible heartburn for almost a month. My doctor had me add in Prilosec 1x a day in the morning and POOF the heartburn is gone. So I've been heartburn free for almost 2 weeks and it's fantastic. Definitely talk to your dr about meds for heartburn if you aren't already on them!

  11. I know it's hard watching that but is there a way how you can adapt some of the food choices in the house to make some of the good stuff a regular substitute for the bad? I know on this site that there are recipes for Protein ice cream, low-carb dishes and Snacks that might be an option to steer them in another direction? Is there a way to get them to at least try something new that would be better for them?

    Funny you should bring that up, because I do! We've switched out a lot of bad stuff for good stuff during our grocery shopping excursions. The problem is this - my 2 roommates, I don't really have control over - they go and buy all kinds of junk with their own money, so nothing I can really do. My oldest stepdaughter just turned 18 and her and her boyfriend, it seems like all they do is eat. They go out to eat like 3 times per weekend and now that she has a job, she is buying her own junk food.

    I'm just SO scared for everybody here. There are 7 people in this house and the only one that is not overweight is my 22 month old daughter! I've watched my oldest stepdaughter balloon up in the past year. I think she has probably gained 50 lbs - and it's not from our groceries. It's all the Snacks and Desserts & stuff she buys herself. I know the road she's headed down and I really don't want that for her. My 2 roommates are each like 80 lbs overweight, one of them has lupus and I see how badly her weight affects her lupus. My husband - well, that's a WHOLE different forum topic LOL. I just wish he would keep promises he makes me.

  12. No you're not a hypocrite. If you were you would be eating all the same things they are, but putting them down for doing it. At least that's what I believe. It's aggravating when someone says they are going to, or they want to change, and lose weight but choose to do nothing about. Wouldn't that make them the hypocrite?

    You're right. I guess I was thinking more about the "pre-surgery" me. I don't know what a good word would be for what I am right now. I'm just trying to avoid getting a "holier than thou" attitude. I just need to focus on myself and my eating and try to offer advice if I'm asked, but other than that I need to zip it.

  13. I needed the humility, for i can't even manage my own eating. Whom am it to tell others how to manage theirs.


    exactly! I don't understand why right now, I'm so automatically judgmental. I hate it, it's really driving me crazy, but I can't seem to stop thinking that way. I just hope someone comes up with some ideas or I'm going to be logging some serious counseling hours! lol

  14. Ever since I had surgery (6 weeks ago) I have become the world's largest hypocrite! 8 weeks ago (before my pre-op diet) I was eating right along with the rest of my overweight household. I didn't look at or really care what anybody else in my house was eating, I was indulging just as much. Now, it's a totally different story. It's almost like I have food blinders on. I look around and see food everywhere, it's like I'm actually aware of the sheer amount of crap that lays around this house. chips, candy, Cookies, etc - you name it! I don't want to eat it, the thought of most of it is revolting, but I'm sitting here watching my husband, stepdaughters, and 2 roommates we have right now just stuff their faces. It makes my physically ill. I think it's partially because my husband promised he would go on a diet when I had surgery, but I've yet to see him even give it a small try.

    I'm just wondering if this will feeling will go away. I constantly have to keep my mouth shut because I want to scream at people "DO YOU REALLY NEED THAT 3RD DONUT?" Has any body else dealt with this? I feel like I have absolutely no place in saying anything to anybody. I'm NOT any better than they are just because I decided to do something about my weight and unhealthy eating habits, but it just bothers me to no end. It's almost like I've been "shown the light" and I want to share it with everybody else around me, but no one else cares one bit. So I just sit here, day after day, internally rolling my eyes and making silent gagging noises as the feasting around me continues. God help me, I seriously think I'm going crazy!

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