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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by garlandmom

  1. My band was removed 9/28. Yes, the surgery is a bit more complicated than when they place the band. I had lots of scar tissue and he had to do alot of clipping of that to remove the band. My surgery lasted about 2 hours total. Recovery was about the same as when the band was put in.

    You may be one of the lucky people who doesn't grow much scar tissue, you just never know!

    Good luck, I'm sure all will go smoothly!

  2. My band was removed 9/28/06. It was day surgery, just like when I had it put in. Surgery was at 9:00, I was home by 5:00. I had a small complication in that I had alot of scar tissue that had to be cleaned up and he watched me for an extra couple of hours after recovery period, so if it werent for that I probably would have been home sooner!

    Recovery wise it has been very similar to my original banding. You have the port incision (where they remove port) to deal with, and then the four smaller incisions.

    Best wishes for an uneventful removal!


    Banded 4/2005

    Band Removed 9/2006

    -88 lbs

  3. My band was removed 3 weeks ago. I was self-pay for the installation, but my insurance paid for the removal. If you have insurance, you probably want to find out if, even though it didn't pay for the install, it may pay for the removal.

    I haven't gotten any of my paperwork/claim information back from the surgery so at this point I have no idea how much it actually cost.

    Good luck and hang in there!

  4. Carrie,

    I responded to your private message.

    Sounds like you may need a total unfill and a few days of liquids to calm everything down.

    There's more about the doc's office in the private message. Hang in there!


    Banded - 4/2005

    Unbanded - 9/2006 (Esophagus Problems)

    Lost - 88 lbs

  5. Thanks for all the well wishes folks! Appreciate it! I am doing good, mostly recovered from the surgery, just a few aches and pains here and there. It's been almost 3 weeks now since removal.

    For the first 2 weeks after surgery my esophagus/throat was still burning full force. I was about ready to panic thinking it didn't work taking out the band. BUT, low and behold, over the last 4-5 days, it has gotten a little better. Doc said it would take 6-8 weeks, maybe longer to get back to normal. SO... right now I am hopeful, knock on wood, it is getting better. I am almost back to eating regular foods - still on soft foods (tuna, moist dark meat chicken, etc.) but gradually adding back to regular.

    My weight, at this point, is pretty stable. I am at same weight I was before removal. Exercising every day, but eating too many sweets. I'm not really interested in losing more weight, just trying to maintain. We'll see how it goes.

    As far as insurance, yes, my insurance covered the removal. I was self-pay for the installation of the band, but my insurance covered the removal. I don't exactly understand the logic there - but hey, I was just glad they paid for removal!

    Thanks again for the words of encouragement!

  6. I am a frequent lurker, rare poster. However, I wanted to tell my story so others might benefit.

    Got my band in April 2005. Did fabulous for about 5 months, got filled to 2 cc's. Was doing well. Had 1 (ONE) bad case of stuckage, and started having reflux after that. From then on I got on the fill, unfill bandwagon. At that point I was having constant bad reflux as well as golfball in chest and burning in throat. I got completely unfilled by December 05 and stayed that way. Continued to have reflux and golf ball.

    Started going to both band surgeon and gastroenterologist (referred to by band surgeon). Thru tests, and taking about every PPI known to man, it was determined that my esophagus just wasn't working correctly. It just could not handle the pressure from the band, not even when it was empty.

    During this time, it was determined that I did have a very minor slip that wasn't resolving itself. So the thought was maybe this was causing the problems. So in July 2006 I had the slip repaired. This made absolutely NO difference in the reflux and burning esophagus. At this point doc said, there's no other choice, we must remove the band.

    So yesterday, my band was removed. I had a few weeks to go through the mourning period. I have lost 85 lbs and am at goal weight. However, I am not looking through rose colored glasses, I realize it will be a struggle to keep the weight off. I am feeling ok from the surgery. Very sore. I had alot of scar tissue so they had to do alot of "digging around" in there to get the band & port out. I'm glad it's all over and I get on with life. Docs think the esophagus burning and reflux will subside, although it could take several months.

    What's the point in me writing this you ask? My point is that I was a very strict bandster. I followed all the rules 95 percent of the time. I chewed my food well, I didn't drink with meals, I never had a tight fill, NEVER PB'd, only had one stuckage. I did nothing wrong and I still was not able to tolerate the band. My anatomy just couldn't handle it. I don't feel like the band failed me, or that I failed the band. It just wasn't meant for me.

    If this happens to anyone else, please understand that YOU didn't fail. It's just not meant for some of us. Now I'll continue to fight the battle, I am determined to keep this weight off.

    Garland Mom

    Banded 4/05

    Unbanded 9/06

    85 Lbs lost

  7. Thanks Sue.... I've read your posts on this and other boards, and sounds like I'm in the same boat you were with your band. My esophagus just isn't working right, and nothing I do, or don't do, is going to change that except taking the band out. In one of my earlier posts in this thread I said I've never had a tight fill, no pb'ing, sliming, etc. My anatomy just isn't adapting well to the band. No option at this point except to take it out. (I think you are a hoot by the way.... I love your honesty and tell it like it is attitude)


    Surgery - April 4005

    Lost 90 lbs - @ Goal

  8. No revisions in my future. I was cash pay for the lapband, and have wls exclusion on my insurance. I'll be back to the battle we've all had... however, my doctor is sending me to a nutritionist, and I am going to continue my daily exercise, and see how it goes. I'm not looking forward to it, but hopefully since I will be trying to maintain, and not have that huge mountain in front of me (of losing 90 lbs) it might not be quite as bad. But I am not kidding myself, it's gonna be a battle.

    Seppi - hang in there - sounds like you are going down the right path!

  9. I feel for ya.... my only advice is don't ignore it. Work closely with your doctor and follow his advice. I figure when my band surgeon, as well as a GI specialist tells me it's got to come out, then they probably know what they are talking about. I have dealt with and worried about this for almost a year now and have come to the realization that there just isn't anything else I can do. Hopefully though, you will get better and won't have to face removal. Hang in there!

  10. I understand the concept of too tight fills. I never was too tight, even when I had 2.0 cc's in my band I could eat pretty much anything I tried to eat - never pb'd, slimed, or any of that stuff. Apparently I am just one of the unlucky ones whose body just can't handle the extra pressure on the esophagus. I have been unfilled since October of last year, and still have all the symptoms.

    My case is unusual according to my doctor, I'm in the 2% category, or whatever it is that have complications that require removal.

    I have followed the rules, eaten small meals, not gotten too tight, and done everything I have been advised; however, my anatomy just can't handle it.... it's frustrating, but I just have to move forward!

  11. Never had any reflux or esophagus problems before getting the band. Both lapband surgeon and GI specialist think this is direct result of pressure caused by the band on the esophagus. Some people's anatomy just can't handle that extra pressure. They say it could take 2-3 months months to heal after band is removed, but fully expect everything to go back to normal.

  12. I am normally a lurker, don't know that I have ever posted; however, this thread caught my eye, as I have been in your same situation.

    Basically I have had ongoing reflux and feeling like I had a knot in my chest for many months. I've taken just about every PPI out there (Nexium, Prevacid, Prilosec, etc.), as well as some other meds (Reglan) and nothing really helps. I've had an EGD, several barium swallows, gone to a GI specialist etc, trying to avoid band removal; however, my doctor says at this point, my only option is to remove the band. It's putting too much pressure on my esophagus and there's no other solution at this point. My band will be coming out in the next 4-6 weeks.

    He was very straight forward in warning me that reflux and esophageal dysmotility can have some bad results if it goes on too long, and that sometimes the "cure" for weight loss (the band) is actually worse than a few extra pounds.

    At this point, I have lost 90 lbs and am at goal. I am scared too death of gaining the weight back, but am going to fight like heck.

    Garland Mom

    Banded - April 2005

    Lost - 90 lbs - @ goal

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
