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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Indigo1991

  1. Indigo1991

    Is there anything more depressing...

    I have done it a few times and felt it helped my hair feel thicker. But no adverse effects...
  2. Indigo1991

    Is there anything more depressing...

    If there was actually an effective cure for this hair loss, someone would be selling it to us and to all the folk that lose their hair for other reasons. But there's not. Different things may alleviate how your hair looks. I used Toppik and that has made my hair look thicker than it is, another friend had laser treatment to stimulate the hair follicles to restart the growth phase quicker. Biotin, Nixon etc can help the hair that's coming in but nothing can stop the shedding. It's the amount that will vary for each of us... So the reality is that until the hair stops shedding and grows back, there's little can be done to stop it. Stress doesn't help so big breaths... and relax. I got to the point of thinking I would have to buy a wig - and suddenly that's when the regrowth appeared. I hated this aspect of the surgery but have patience, it does pass - as they say, there's no such thing as a free lunch and that's the price paid for this or any other major surgery .... Hang in there
  3. Indigo1991

    Is there anything more depressing...

    Shoulder- skimming and layered - covers all bases.... .... that's my tuppence worth :-)
  4. Indigo1991

    Is there anything more depressing...

    Your hair looks pretty short in your pic :-))))) This too will pass, just a bit scarey to begin with. Mine fell out from July to December (but only in earnest from Sept), lost about half the volume and only now can I see decent regrowth. Chopped mine off, but you might only need a trim
  5. Indigo1991

    BMI of 32 and getting a sleeve?

    Yes, you can stop the weight loss. You only lose weight if you follow what you're told to do and you will be advised on how to maintain your weight when you reach your goal. Bear in mind that, on average, your sleeve will help you lose two thirds of your excess weight - you have to work to get the other third off. My sleeve has helped me lose 100% of what I wanted to lose and that's also the case for others. But we have had to work hard at it - it doesn't just keep dropping off.... There are rare examples of people who lose too much but, again, it's usually related to how they are eating not an inability to stop losing weight. People with lower BMI can also find it slightly harder to lose all their weight. So I wouldn't worry too much about not being able to stop. Good luck with your decision, it's brilliant finding a way of losing weight that has actually worked for me after trying every diet known to man
  6. Dignity, get ready for them to do more than flop when you lose more weight. Mine are like little oranges at the bottom of a long sock. People think I am joking when I say I roll them up and tuck them in my bra, lmao! Am planning reduction, so hopefully that will put them back where they should be ....
  7. Make sure you get your Water and Protein in - and keep moving. Don't try to do anything fancy, your body is just adjusting to the new "normal" and it will get back into its rhythm soon. Stick to the programme and relax :-) Congratulations on a great start!
  8. My boobs were last to go - I looked like Jessica Rabbit!!!! It will even out, I found my shape changed monthly but it did eventually settle down. Congratulations on the weight loss to date :-)
  9. Indigo1991

    My Trainer said....

    RJ, you are some girl... a personal trainer, writing classes... Next thing you'll be on a plane heading over to see me to try to say hi to Gerard Butler I am so impressed by your attitude and general zest for life. You are a star!!!! X
  10. Indigo1991

    My last 4 can of diet pepsi

    Support takes many forms - and sometimes it involves being direct and honest. For many of us, no one has ever bothered to do that for us and it's easy to keep persuading yourself woe is me when you should really be taking responsibility. I can see no name calling but if anyone has concerns about anything said on the site, as feedyoureye says, report it immediately. However, bear in mind, everyone is entitled to their opinion but that shouldn't be allowed to distract us from helping the OP... Lauri407 and Wags, good well meant advice. Nancy264, you have a lot of support here, we are willing you on. We have all had issues with food, for some of us it's been a long term addiction. But there came a point when I had to take responsibility for what went in my mouth. For me, it was when I had surgery, when I had the practical support of my sleeve. You're not there yet - but it is time to start taking responsibility. You will feel great when you go a day without your drug of choice - in this case Diet soda, lol!!!! Of course, it's hard but keep trying. Good luck, keep posting. Remember, lots of people have been where you are -and they have succeeded.
  11. Willow13, good luck when your date comes! I'm in Scotland too so if you want any help or advice, either before or after surgery, send me a pm. Being sleeved is the best thing I have ever done for myself, hope it works out for you :-)
  12. Life is good....

    1. gmanbat


      Lol! That it is!,,

    2. ☠carolinagirl☠


      great/postivie thinking indigo

    3. Indigo1991


      Have heard things in recent days that have made me realise how fortunate I am. I am so grateful to be healthy enough to enjoy life to the full... Thought I should speak up :-)

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  13. Agree with LilMissDiva, don't stress if you don't need them - and you don't appear to. I haven't had one shake at all, wanted to live eating real food as that fitted in better with my life. If you can get your Protein in through food, then no reason to start drinking shakes now. Congratulations on doing so well!
  14. Indigo1991

    Feeling guilty for living in Florida...

    You can go off people, no matter how much you like them...especially when you are sitting at 0 degrees and wearing so many layers to stay warm, it looks like you've put on 20lbs, lol. We may have to organise a flight from the UK to Florida.... Now see what you've done!
  15. Indigo1991

    Almost there

    Will keep everything crossed for you! It isn't an easy surgery or without its risks. But those are balanced - outweighed?- by the benefits. Yes, there are potentially things that can go wrong but for many of us, keeping doing the same with our eating was going to result in an early end... There are a few people on here who have had a really tough time post-op, with serious complications, and even they say they are glad they have been sleeved. There are some who think it's the worst thing they could have done and bitterly regret it. Just be informed and aware of what you are getting into and you will make the right decision for you. Good luck - but it is exciting :-)))))
  16. Whilst we are always told to follow instructions, we should always be able to go at our own pace, especially as you don't want to jump ahead! However, as you say, the Swiss way is pretty different Do feel this may be related to quantity and dense Protein - but good idea to talk to someone tomorrow if you still don't feel right.... If you want to talk or ask questions at any time, pm me :-)
  17. While you do eat differently, some of the difficult things of the early days settle down. By 9 months out, I could drink pretty much as before, including gulping if necessary! I choose not to drink and eat because I now understand why I shouldn't. I am now allowed to drink until 20 mins before eating and start again 20 mins after. No real hardship there. I still keep my fluids up - which we should all do irrespective of WLS. I eat Protein first, keep carbs low and take my Vitamins daily. I also remember to keep moving I eat out at least 3 times a week, socialise with friends, have the very, very occasional alcoholic drink and get on with living what is a much happier life than when I weighed 85lbs more. Yes, there is a restriction. I eat less. I have to make good food choices to keep myself healthy and full of energy. But do I miss my diabetes? My meds and pain relief? My high BP? My increasing cholesterol? My sweaty body? My lack of energy? My depression? Nope, not a bit. That's why eating differently doesn't frighten me - the good things that have happened to me post WLS far outweigh the effort I put in to eating nowadays. I know that being sleeved looks daunting pre surgery - and it is not something to do lightly, without being informed or being prepared for the difficult first weeks. By having been through it all, I wouldn't hesitate to do it again... Good luck figuring out what's best for you, keep asking questions here, there's so much advice and support from people who've been where you are :-))))
  18. None of us are doctors so if the feeling persists, call and check with whoever did your surgery to get reassurance that all is well. More than likely that you ate bits that weren't well enough chewed and your stomach is feeling a bit tender as a result. Salmon is pretty dense food (as is cauliflower) so maybe go back a step and find things that will be kinder to your stomach if you don't chew well enough, eat too fast etc. Soft foods shouldnt need much chewing at all. But eating is always trial and error in the early days and everyone's stomach is different. You won't necessarily have a big choice to start with but I would probably try eggs (omelette, scrambled etc), I steamed fish in milk and minced beef, chicken etc and cooked them until they really didn't need chewed :-)))) Also check the list you got post surgery and find things that might be easier to eat for now. It is highly unlikely you have damaged your sleeve but don't be scared to ask someone medical for theirmopinion. Take it easy, this is a marathon not a sprint, so if you need to eat slightly more puréed foods than soft foods, do that... Congratulations on your sleeve, hope you get a great outcome! Ps you may also have eaten too much... Hence the feeling of food being stuck. You will get that if you overfill your little stomach... that might be why you got the slimes and throwing up. So one bite at a time and see how it goes until you learn how much is enough :-))) And it is likely to be way less than you think.....
  19. Indigo1991

    How much protein

    Pampi, sorry to hear what's happening. I was sleeved nine months ago and started losing hair 3 months out and it's just letting up now. I have used Toppik, keratin hair fibres that you shake into the roots of your hair to make it look thicker - and it fills in any gaps so no bald spots. Has saved my life as I lost 50% of the thickness of my hair and you could see my scalp. But no one else noticed as Toppik covered it all up... Hang in there it does get better!
  20. Lisa, I don't know what to say. My heart goes out to you, your husband and daughter. I wish there was more I could say to comfort you... but you are not alone and will not be alone as you go through this. We are all here for you, although that seems so little to offer you. I know how hard it will be but don't forget to live. It's right to focus on the fight ahead but try to make memories as you go. Be as kind to yourself as you are to your husband. My thoughts are with you.
  21. Indigo1991

    Feeling guilty for living in Florida...

    I am soooooo not talking to you Gmanbat! Send some sunshine and heat over here please to raise my measly 2degrees to something more agreeable... Lol!
  22. It does get better, honest! Without getting technical, water is hard for our stomachs to take - think about insects skating on water. They do that because of the tension in the water. To make it easier to drink, you need to break the tension. And you do that by putting a few drops of anything in it - in my case, I put in a splash of sugar free squash. Made getting it down much easier :-)))
  23. This is your life, your body. No one will wake up tomorrow and live your life for you - not even your son. Those around us are concerned and frightened for us, whether we have a band, sleeve or bypass, so they aren't necessarily the right people to advise us. Only you can make the decision. And you do that by being informed. Listen to all the views you read on the site, do independent research - then decide what it is you want to achieve for you. And go for the option that will get you there. I know, that makes it sound simple. But, in the end, it is. You either do something or not. Depends where you are in life. I had nowhere left to go with my weight and my comorbidities. I couldn't live my life for anyone else other than me because it was me who was going to die early if I didn't do something positive about my health. So I got sleeved. Was it easy? No, neither emotionally or physically. But it was worth it as I sit here post a medical where my BP is exactly normal, as is my cholesterol, my diabetes has gone and my arthritis is in remission, down to one injection a fortnight with my chemo drug stopped post surgery. I go dancing, I exercise, I am having so much fun and I am living life how I should have done for years. I have no problems with eating out (I go out 3-5 times a week), my social life is amazing. Am sending you a big hug and ask you to be brave, don't let anyone leave their imprint on you... this is your one and only life, grab it and make the most of it :-)
  24. This is worth it, you can do it, lol! Not enough motivation? Ok, you are on the road to transforming your life, some of it you will expect and be ready for. Some of it you won't. There will be bumps in the road - this isn't an easy surgery, physically or emotionally. But as you lose weight and reach goal, life will not be the same. I dance, I exercise, I accept invitations I used to hide from. I love shopping for clothes, I have a social life and I go on dates. I laugh. I love being alive. And I thank my sleeve every day :-)))))) Good luck, I wish you every success....
  25. Go, RJ! Us and our sleeves, what a team... at least you know now that you and fries are no longer friends

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