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Posts posted by whosyadaddy

  1. Hello all! I'm running my first 5K in a few weeks. I'm wondering what advice all of you might have for me especially the day before and the morning of. What do you recommend eating the day before? Do you eat the morning of and if so, what? I'd appreciate any input. Thanks!

    Ok the day before you should take a brisk 30 min walk or some really slow running.

    NO DAIRY the day before if you can avoid it! :tt1:

    The morning of is all about your reg routine. Ate what your used to eating. Try and get a balance of carb/protein.

    You shouldnt need more than 150-250 cals. Eat at least 1 hour before your 5k!

    Drink a good amount of Water way before too.

  2. Hi!

    I just wanted to say thank you to all my well wishers for my Half Marathon today!!

    Some of you have known me from the start. Last year i did the my FIRST 5k..the oshkosh 5k and 1 year on from that today i did the OshKosh 1/2 Marathon!

    I started it all with the Couch to 5k!

    I could bearly run for 1 min without dieing at first! so hang in there.

    I fininshed in 2hour and 18 mins. 13.1 miles!

    It felt awesome too! Last year it snowed but this year we had perfect weather. My pace was just below 10min miles for most of it.

    Used my nike plus to pace me!

    Bea and Carol thanks for the kind words!!!!! I REALLY apperciate it!!!!!

  3. one extra question: how do the more experienced of u banded runners feel about extra Protein after exercise? Ive been adding Protein Shots (bullets?) to boost the protein in general every few days, but ive heard its supposed to be helpful for muscle recovery. any thoughts??? anxious to hear from u on this...



    Protiens shots and all those super expensive drinks are fine. But let me tell you. Two Glasses of skim milk are just as good!!!

    Alot of experiance runners say a glass of choclatte milk afer a run is perfect for protein. But i dont want the sugar or cals.

    Look for frigo light string cheese too. 60 cals tons of protein. CHEAP.

    Dont be fooled by expensive Protein Drinks and bars.

    Real nautral Protein is the best. chicken, fish, milk. I only use supplements if there is no other choice.

    I just came in from a 2.5hour run which i can handle pretty well now. I wanted to go 3hrs but i had to go for a buisness dinner.< /p>

    Tips: took my credit card and stopped at gas station for Water and a little gatorade.

  4. Ok this might make you laugh

    So im in California on buisness and just DIEING to cycle.

    So no one will rent me a bike. its sunny 70f

    This is REALLY wrong.

    I bought a crappy Walmart bike. Road the CRAP out of it. about 40 miles. Then cleaned it up with clorox wipes and took it back for credit.

    Am i going to bike hell?

    I kept all the packing and made it look perfect.

    BTW: it was a creaky piece of ####

  5. Juli~ It is a Trek Madone, it was an 06 model that never sold so DH got a really great price on it! Again, I feel like it is too much bike, but he didn't want me to ride for 6 months and then want a new bike.

    It is snowing here today! I really want to get out and ride, I wish the weather would turn. I have spring break off next week and hope that it will warm up and the sun will shine!

    Thats a sweet bike!!!!! we need pictures ASAP

  6. KRtork: I need your email address to i can invite you to our challanges.

    Hi everyone!!! Your all doing Fantastic!!!!! sorry i been busy like crazy

    Ok how is thei for SUPER weird.

    My resting heart rate used to be around 75 or 80.

    SO i checked it last night before bed.....45!!!!!!!!!!

    I checked it again this morning while resting 54!!!! what the heck!

  7. Way to go Whosya!!!! 200 pounds is awesome. Whosya, have you read anything about the PX90. I have ordered it and it should arrive this week. If you have a chance google it and tell me what you think. Muscle confusion is one of the primary tactics that it uses. I am looking forward to starting it. I would be interested in your opinion.


    P90X is awesome!!! in my opinion. Now it is totally goign to kick your butt! there is a whole group out there now that cross train like p90X does. I would HIGHLY recomend it. Basically alot of the things p90x does is what i use.

    YOu can see it on Biggest loser too. They do alot of weird and different exersises to keep there muscles confused so to speak.

    If you can keep up with it it will be fantastic for you!

  8. I just want to encouarge you all that have alot to lose.

    I lost 170 in the first 12 or so months and then it slowed down a bit but im still going strong and looking for my goal!

    I exersised the whole time 5-6 days a week. I even started running when i was at 340LBS or so.

    YOu can do it. I wasnt PERFECT but i kept pushing myself.

    Hopefully i can be at goal at the end of the summer.

  9. OK majormark for me. I just got passed the 200 gone!

    YEs that 200 pounds gone since aug 07.

    I had a wicked plateau for a while and i found eating tons fo fruit helped. Weird that i had fruit so much im starting to crave it instead of processed food and candy now! I cant believe that.

    I am actually 237 now.

    O another MAJOR thing.

    New workout. I set my self to run for 60mins and every 10 mins or every 1 mile i do 12-15 pushups. It totally confuses my muscles and i get a total upper and lower and body workout. I jump straight back on the treadmill. at the end i do 2 set of sit ups and or 2 sets of pull ups. It making me lose weight fast.

    Try it if your stuck ESPICALLY WOMEN!! You wont bulk up. Youll lose weight faster. Its ok to do women push ups where you keep your knees on the ground.

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