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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by s7tduggi

  1. Yeah I had mine in for 9 days too and 2-3 days before it came out It was hurting soooo bad! I was hunched over and it felt extremely bruised... I would barely sit and get up or get into a car... The moment they removed it (which I didnt feel a thing) I was like a new woman! It was a serious day to night difference! I left there able to just get right in my car with no problems. As of now, a week after they removed it, I still have a somewhat open hole.... so I think my body is just having a slow time healing up.

  2. Is anyone else may 6 or 7 left side still in severe pain? Gas/bloat is pretty much gone. Yesterday I felt great but this am I woke up at 5 feeling like I had been beaten up overnight. Was trying to wean myself of pain meds but gave in at 5:30 am and then again at 5 pm (took 1/2 dose). I walked the entire neighborhood and then went to Target w my daughter to find some loose dresses. We had to leave bc i thought i was going to pass out! Just took a full dose of meds and as I climbed into bed, I felt my staples were going to rip out. Horrible pain! Also drinking liquids (Isopure, broth) does not bother me but for some reason Water really hurts going down. This is new as well. I have to return to work Monday and I'm getting a bit nervous. Luckily, I sit most of the day. Despite the set back today, I am so happy with my sleeve! I luckily am not having any cravings and am satisfied with the liquids. Although i am thinking more and more about what all i can mush together once i get released to pureed food. I hope you all are doing well and may all the mothers have an extra special day tomorrow! Going to lunch with my family. Won Ton Soup (86 the wontons) for me!

    I was May 7th. I had my JP tube in for nine days, once I had that removed I felt absolutely wonderful! I still have a sharp pain directly to the left of my belly button and it flares up if I use that part of my abs... I still take it easy when I sit down and get up from chairs and hold that part of my stomoach as I do get up and down. I start pureed foods this thursday the 23rd. I have been pretty weak/dizzy most days... just trying to get in all my fluids and take it easy. But obviously from the lack of energy(food) I am giving my body being weak is expected. I anticipate when I start the pureed and thats when I begin my supplements that i will start having energy again.

    Your intense pain sounds kind of scary...

    Being a week later... How are you doing now?

  3. Had my surgery May 7th. Was discharged the next day by 11am. Had a Hiatal Hernia repair as well. I had my JP tube in up until yesterday, and after taking it out I feel like a new woman! For 2-3 days before yesterday, my entire left side felt extremely bruised, I could barely get up from a chair without pain. But man O man when they took that sucker out (which I felt absolutely nothing when they pulled it out) I was able to get up and get down Super easily! However, I did/do have a sharp pain directly to the left of my belly button... its below the drainage cut.

    I have not had any nausea. But this last week I have been weak/dizzy just from low blood pressure (sleeping upright) and of course my body is readjusting to the small amount of energy I am giving it. For the first few days it was taking me two hours to eat 1/4cup of yogurt(mixed with skim milk)... Crazy! I thing of yogurt takes me three days to finish, 1can of Soup took me a week! In between everything, I have been sipping G2's and water....

    My first week weight loss was 15.8 pounds!!! Crazy Awesome! But Im thinking most of that might be muscle, cuz our bodies will go after the good stuff first... so I am looking forward to start exercising to rebuild....

    My schedule is:

    2-3days Clear Liquids

    2weeks Full liquids Start May 9

    2weeks pureed Start May 23rd

    FIRST REAL MEAL June 6th! :)

  4. Lucky You! I have to keep my drainage pump in for 9 days! At my first post-op appoitnment they are going to take it out. Otherwise, my surgery went really great as well! I was discharged the next day by 11am. The bummer part was that I had a three hour drive home, and that was was absolutely miserable! :( I have been up walking more and more as well, it is quite the task though to get out of bed... Its amazing how much you use your abs! I have limited my pain meds, Im trying to just take some before bed so it helps me get to sleep. but then I am up at 3 or 4am and do some walking around the house. Walking definitely helps a lot!

    On another note, I was accepted into my BSN program and start in the fall! :)

    What have your three meals a day consist of?

  5. So you have 16 days of diet? Mine is May the 8th. Started my pre op on the 25th.

    Yes! IT HAS BEEN TOUGH! In fact, I have messed up a few times not sticking exactly to my plan! :( It didnt help either when I read a forum on here about people binge eating for an entire week right up to their surgery! I went four months without having fast food, then I broke and ate Taco Bell! :( I go tomorrow to my pre-op class so Im worried now that I have not met my 20lb loss and they will have to push my surgery out....

    Congrats on your Date! And for sure I am wishing you the disciplined mind to stay on track! :)

    The details of my plan are 1 Protein Shake in the morning, one Protein shake in the afternoon and then four ounces of meat and a little bit of veggies. I started April 23rd... and then two days before my surgery I go Clear Liquids.< /p>

  6. I am so inspired by you all who have to do only liquids for two weeks! I had my EGD today which like you guys said was super easy! In fact two hours afterwards I took my final with no problems! lol But I totally blew today too! After four months without fastfood... I went to TacoBell!!! Ahhh! Now I feel so terrible! I have to have to get serious!!! I dont want to be a Sleeve failure!!

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