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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Beachbum2017

  1. Beachbum2017

    SC Southern Sleevers?

    Chanvita - I do have a facebook page but honestly post more on here than there! I will post status as soon as I able tomorrow - thanks for the good wishes! Welcome chepler96sc! Great group of people here to offer support and encouragement whenever you need it. Hugs to all!
  2. Beachbum2017

    OMG! I'm FREAKING out!

    Thanks everyone - my surgery is actually Tuesday and I have been freaking out so bad! Reading all of your posts has helped me considerably. Like Gia24 - I have been so confident in this decision through all the pre-op hoops and then when I went to my final pre-op appt with my surgeon on Thursday - I suddenly became overwhelmed with what I am doing. So scared of what I'm gonna wake up to - if I wake up. I feel better now that I'm not the only one that imagines such things!
  3. Beachbum2017

    SC Southern Sleevers?

    Doing pretty well - finished with everything and just in countdown mode now. Found out this morning at appt with surgeon that I have a hernia that will be repaired in conjunction with my sleeve also. Must be a SC thing : ) - I had lost a total of 36 lbs since 1st of April - 10 lbs in 2 weeks on the pre-op diet! How are you doing?
  4. Beachbum2017

    Almost 3 months Out.. PICS!

    You look GREAT! Keep up the good work!
  5. Beachbum2017

    SC Southern Sleevers?

    Thanks for the suggestions everyone. It was because I was dehydrated in the mornings - my blood pressure medicine has a diuretic in it and I was taking it at night and believe that was what was causing me to be nauseous in the a.m. - I switched it to daytime and no more problems! I'm one week and one day out today - starting to get a little panicky but have pre-op appts with hospital tomorrow and final meeting with Dr. Antonetti on Thursday so it's full speed ahead!
  6. Beachbum2017

    Hurry Up Abd Wait....blah!

    Don't laugh! I have in my hospital bag - gas-x strips, chapstick, nightgown, underwear, and a heating pad! Pre-op I ordered lots of samples from different sights for the different types of protein shakes and that's what I'm using now on my pre-op diet to figure out which one's I like. I tell you some of them are really good and some of them are just absolutely gross! I've bought small containers, Bento boxes, a small microwave steamer, baby spoons and forks, tiny little fancy bowls and plates to make my miniscule little meals look special......Ha!!
  7. Beachbum2017

    August 6'ers?

    Filled syringes for the self administered blood thinners??? How come I don't know about this? Eeeck - I need to call my doctor's office!
  8. Beachbum2017

    August 6'ers?

    My surgery is August 6th also. My pre-op diet is a protein shake for breakfast, a protein shake for lunch and a sensible dinner. I can have one protein bar and 1 serving of fruit for snacks. So far it hasn't been too bad. I have had a little bit of head hunger though....Last week I was already on my pre-op diet but the week before that I was on vacation so there were several food funerals that week! I had my most favorite thing in the world - I went to Cheesecake Factory and had Pasta Carbonara and a piece of White Chocolate Macadamia Nut cheesecake...YUM!.. The thing that excites me the most is getting my life back - being able to do so many things that I just can't do anymore. The thing that scares me the most is how my body is going to react to all of this - I'm horrified that I will be that one person that throws up constantly - can't keep anything down AND doesn't lose any weight! I also am a little worried because I absolutely love Italian food and I don't see a good deal of that in my future.
  9. Beachbum2017

    Hurry Up Abd Wait....blah!

    Hang in there both of you! I know it's hard - I can tell you for a fact that once you get your surgery date - the time FLIES by. I did all the same stuff that you are talking about - my hospital bag has been packed for months! I bought all my supplies for pre-op and post op. I'm two weeks out now (surgery on August 6th) and I'll tell you that now it seems like it was here before I knew it. The worst part is waiting for the surgery date, the enthusiasm is hard to contain! But it will happen...
  10. Beachbum2017

    Well....I did it

    Good for you! I'm getting my surgery on August 6th - glad to hear that you are feeling so well so fast!! Keep us posted.
  11. Beachbum2017

    SC Southern Sleevers?

    Question for all of you "on the other side" that have already had your surgery. I've been on the Pre-Op diet since last Tuesday and I noticed this weekend that I feel a little nauseated in the mornings. No - I'm not pregnant - way too old and have my parts removed but did any of you have this? It worries me a little bit since I'm getting nauseated on the PRE-OP diet and haven't even had the surgery yet!! Any and all info will be greatly appreciated.
  12. Beachbum2017

    SC Southern Sleevers?

    Welcome Serenity1959! Glad to have you aboard! Summerjjjj - Thanks so much for your words of wisdom to get us aimed in the right direction. It sounds silly but I think that the thing that I'm going to have the biggest problem with is stopping drinking 30 minutes before eating especially during the week. I'm trying to do these things now - have almost completely done away with a severe diet soda addiction - just have about 1 cup in the morning now to get me going (I don't drink coffee) but at work - I never really know when I'm going to get a chance to do my lunch so it's hard to know exactly when to stop drinking. I'm working on it though!!
  13. Beachbum2017

    August 2013 Roll Call

    Vetniemeer - I'm doing the EAS Advantage - Carb Control premade shakes in the morning (I get them at Sam's Club) and Muscle Milk Light powder shakes at lunchtime. I have a small single serve blender that I mix the powder one's up with at work - I put the water in first and add the powder then pulse several times to mix. I make sure that it's mixed really well before I add ice to the blender. The flavor I have right now is Chocolate Peanut Butter and I must say - it's delicious!
  14. Beachbum2017

    SC Southern Sleevers?

    Chanvita! That's great. I went for my last NUT appt on Monday and I have lost 30 lbs since April - I hope I'm able to lose some more with this pre-op diet. But you are doing fantastic. Keep up the good work!
  15. Beachbum2017

    August 2013 Roll Call

    Doing the Happy Dance - August 6th in Columbia, SC. I started my pre-op diet yesterday - Protein Shake for breakfast, Protein Shake for lunch and a sensible dinner... Not so bad! The shakes seem to keep me pretty full.
  16. Beachbum2017

    SC Southern Sleevers?

    Which shakes are you drinking? I actually like the one's that I've been drinking but I only get 2. 5 shakes is alot - I don't know if I could do that! It's 3 more weeks today for me! I can't wait!
  17. Beachbum2017

    SC Southern Sleevers?

    Chanvita - I started my pre-op diet this morning....really worried about how this is going to go. I get a protein shake for breakfast, a protein shake for lunch, a sensible dinner and a protein bar for snack whenever (I can substitute fruit for this) - which I will do since they are lower in calories and I get more! I'm going to have to go pick up some pre-made shakes today - I was late for work this morning from trying to make my shake this a.m.!!! How's it going for you? Summerjjjj - that's fantastic! You seem to be doing so well so fast! Any words of wisdom for me and Chanvita since we are quickly approaching our surgery dates?
  18. Beachbum2017

    SC Southern Sleevers?

    That was supposed to be losers bench....fat fingers!!! But not for much longer!!
  19. Beachbum2017

    SC Southern Sleevers?

    You look amazing! Drink in all the compliments - you deserve them! Just imagine how you are going to look in 3 more months...I can't wait! You are all so amazing and so inspiring - can't wait to join theosers bench! 3 more weeks!
  20. Beachbum2017

    Before and during pics lol

    You look amazing! I can't wait to join the loser's bench!
  21. Beachbum2017

    SC Southern Sleevers?

    Summerjjjj - we haven't heard from you in awhile - Is everything going okay?
  22. Beachbum2017

    Nervous about Scope

    Really easy - not a problem - RELAX!
  23. Beachbum2017

    SC Southern Sleevers?

    Good morning, Chanvita! I personally haven't had my surgery yet and they didn't say anything about me having a hernia when I had my EGD but I've read several posts on here where people have had the hernia repaired and their sleeve done at the same time. The way I look at it - at least they found it and it won't cause you complications adjusting to the sleeve if they fix it now. (I may need this same pep talk if something pops up for me!) All will work itself out in the end - it's just another step that you have to take in the process. Hope everything continues to roll along for you - I'll be thinking about ya!
  24. Beachbum2017

    SC Southern Sleevers?

    Thanks so much, Jessica! That does help a great deal - wow! 73 lbs in 4 months?? Amazing and extremely encouraging...And to know that even though you did have some problems - you were able to handle them and are doing fine now. THAT I can deal with. I hope everything continues to go well with you!

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