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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by SleevesUp

  1. Seriously feel like doing an ugly happydance on my livingroom floor. My mom agreed to lend me the money for surgery. My boss permitted me to take vacation time off in week 18-19-20! There is a really good chance that I can have the operation at that time. Just waiting for the last "ok" to april 29'th from my surgeon. Yes yes yes! I never thought that surgery could be a possibility for me so I am just sooo thrilled! :-) Just had to share the joy. Weeee!

  2. Hi everyone

    How has your energy level changed after surgery? I watched a youtube vid of a woman, who said that before VSG she was tired all the time. That's litterally how I feel! I am hoping my energy will come back afterwards.

    Also, how has your preference of foods changed? Do you crave different Things than before, and dislike stuff you used to love? :-)

    Thank you in advance for your replies.

  3. I feel the exact same way Katie! I am hoping to get the surgery in april or may and have the same nerves as you. Please let us know how you get on. Best of luck!

    Im going for my pre op medical tomorrow then my op is on friday. Ive been getting pretty nervous, this forum has really helped me. I keep reading other peoples nerves and the great responses from people. I know I'm making the right choice but all the what if's and maybe's are creeping in. Does anyone have any tips? Any pointers of what you did post op that was helpful? I have no idea what to expect after my op. Im nervous that its going to be very painful. I am really looking forward to getting past that part and getting into my new life. I am a little worried about not exercising for six weeks after, im worried I start to develp saggy parts in just that short time.
    All helpful hints welcome, advice and guidance is much appreciated.
    K :D

  4. Do any of you post-up sleevers have ideas/tips/advice on how to firm up your skin while losing the weight? I know that Water and Protein are critical. What lotions and other Things should I keep in mind?

    Also, I am very large chested, and have a bit of fear that the "girls" will sag really badly after losing my goal of 100lbs. Anything to do naturally along the way to help?

    I really appreciate all the great advice you all are giving on this site. It's so informative and helpful. Thanks :-)

  5. Do any of you post-up sleevers have ideas/tips/advice on how to firm up your skin while losing the weight? I know that Water and Protein are critical. What lotions and other Things should I keep in mind?

    Also, I am very large chested, and have a bit of fear that the will sag really badly after losing my goal of 100lbs. Anything to do naturally along the way to help?

    I really appreciate all the great advice you all are giving on this site. It's so informative and helpful. Thanks :-)

  6. Thank you all for your kind and honest words, they really encourage me! I am hoping with all my heart that I will feel the same as you all do post-op. The scary thing is the unknown, even though you try to prepare yourself, it's impossible to know what is "on the other side".

    A couple of questions: Why is it we can't drink through a straw? How much alchohol can you drink and how does it effect you after being sleeved?

    Thank you so much ;)

  7. In another thread, someone 16 days post-op were having big regrets, for example regarding not being able to drink with meals, gulp Water, ect. Those are also the kind of worries I have about the surgery. It is really hard to imagine having to eat diffently for the rest of your life. Once it's done it's done! You can never go back. That really shocks my nerves to think about. Did anyone else think like me, and how is it for you now, after surgery?

  8. Thanks for the advice about the open diaries! That will be very helpful for inspiration, I live in Scandinavia where we have different food products, but it's good to see what others are eating ;)

    I'm over six months out so am out of soft foods but still have restrictions on what I eat and how much, as I am still in weight loss mode. My basic rules from my program are:

    No grains, no starchy veggies, no refined sugar. Three small meals per day, no snacking in between except for Protein shakes or calorie-free liquids.

    Here's some sample menus from the past couple of days:

    Day 1

    Breakfast: 1/2 container Greek yogurt with 1 T. PB2 stirred in

    Lunch: 1.25 oz sliced deli roast beef, 15 grams (approx. 2 tablespoons) roasted edamame, 1 babybel lite cheese

    Dinner: 2 oz. Trader Joe's marinated chipotle chicken, 1/4 cup green Beans, 2 prunes, 20 grams sweet & spicy pecans.

    Snacks: iced coffee Protein shake, hot chocolate Protein Shake

    Day 2

    Breakfast: 1/3 cup onion & garlic lentils with 1.5 oz grilled salmon mixed in

    Lunch: swiss cheese & asparagus omelet (made with 1 egg + 1.5 tablespoons egg whites, 2 chopped thin asparagus spears, 1 T. shredded swiss cheese)

    Dinner: 2 oz. braised lamb (leftovers from restaurant dinner the night before), 1 oz. cauliflower "rice."

    Snacks: same as day 1.

    If you haven't yet, I strongly recommend setting up a myfitnesspal.com account and getting a bunch of sleever friends with open diaries. That's a great way to learn about what other people are eating as they progress through weight loss and into maintenance.

    Good luck to you!

  9. Thank you for posting informative youtube videos- they have great information!

    I had severe pain in my feet, so right after surgery, I wasn't able to walk. But I did what I could at the time - which was a few laps around the inside of my workplace. And parking as far from the entrance to stores to force myself to walk a little more. I didn't do any continuous walking till about my 2nd month post-op - I was able to work my way up to 20 minutes of continuous walking each day. Now at 12 months post-op, I walk 4 to 5 miles a day, 4 to 5 days a week.

    I was able to easily lose weight without exercise for the 1st 6 months, but after that, my body adjusted to the lower caloric intake and it became more difficult.

    Here's the blog post where I tracked my walking progress.


  10. xoraechel21xo - We are at the exact same stage in the process. I am 30 and I really feel like now is the time to take action. I have not been able to lose weight naturally and my PCOS symptoms have gotten worse. I hope I can have the surgery in may. So exciting, but 10.000 thoughts about how life will be afterwards, good and bad. I guess we just have to take the plunge! :-)

    Thank you mcbutterpants. It's good to hear a successful outcome! How are things going now? I recently picked a surgery center and my endocrinologist is writing my recommendation letter :) so nervous but so excited!

  11. Hello everyone

    I am so excited, because my mom is willing to lend me the Money to get VSG. I am meeting tomorrow with the consultant nurse to hear about the surgery, which I will have done in Sweden (Live in Denmark, Scandinavia).

    However, as everyone who has not already gone through it, I am nervous and have a ton of questions. Hope you experienced "Sleevers" can give me some aswers and oppinions.

    One of the reasons I am getting the surgery, is because I have PCOS and have difficulty losing the weight and keeping it off. I know they advice you not to get pregnant within a year post op. How is pregnancy after the surgery? What should you have in mind when it comes to Nutrition? Will the small pouch be able to hold food when the baby takes up room? Have any of you been pregnant post op, and how was it?

    Has anyone had positive effects on their PCOS after surgery?

    Thanks :-)

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