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Posts posted by phyllser

  1. Hi all.... new to this site. So glad I found it!!!

    I recently had a BOB and my husband was banded so want to do away with Pasta this thanksgiving......

    any ideas and recipes would be appreciated. I am cooking for 20 so was thinking Soup but thought since my family is used to Pasta

    maybe some of you have come up with a way to make everyone happy lol if thats even posssible!!:lol:

    THANKS!!! Cathy

    Well, if you're talking spaghetti & meatballs..... we sometimes have spaghetti and meat sauce, but weigh the pasta.... 2 oz angel hair, OR, I have mine over french style green Beans. And we usually use ground turkey. Also, we add lots of mushrooms and onions. Another idea is to make a "lasagna" using sliced eggplant instead of noodles, ground turkey, low fat ricotta and other low fat cheeses, and keep your sauce as low calorie as you can. We make our sauce with a couple of cans of diced tomatoes and maybe 1 can of Tomato paste for the two of us.

  2. Forgot this- bad news for my friend Jacki. Had her gall bladder out a few weeks ago. Oncologist told her yesterday it was cancerous. Said it is extremely rare for breast cancer to spread there. Also she has cirhhosis of liver, probably from bout of hepatitis in 1968. So now have to find balance beteeen fighting the cancer without further dama

    age to liver. Liver enzymes spiked when on drug they want to use after only 8 days so they had hrr stop until after the sirgery. Started back on it today at 2caps 2X a day instead of 3 like before and check enzymes again in a week. Has to wear gloves to take capsules!! Very potent!"

  3. Scary! Steph on way to Portland for emerhency surgery to remove band. Nothing in for 72 hrs. She is what....4th one thos summer??? Steph, Karri, Laura and Julie from other thread.

    Came here for sun and it was cloudy most of the day. Chilly this morning and lots of rain!!! Sunny now but very windy so inside playing Rummikub.

  4. PT in 40 minutes, then over the mountains to catch some sun and warm weather. Still feeling really dragged out. Will make Dr appt on Wed when we get home if I'm not feeling better by then. I mean, almost too "tired" to ride my scooter and hoping for red lights when I'm driving so I can rest for a minute! Not at all normal for me. I know I'm not getting enough sleep.... go to bed too late, play games on my iPod AFTER i get in bed... not too smart when I know I need some good rest. Coughing at night still, so that doesn't help. Took Mucinex and cough Syrup just before going to bed last night. That helped a lot. Didn't wake up in the middle of the night hacking like the night before.

    FOOD channel a BAD idea!! Heck, I have been known to hit the kitchen looking for food just because I saw a commercial about FOOD!! Food channel would be way too much temptation!! glad Mellissa is doing well, though, and that you had a good visit, Janet!

    A little sun today.... what they like to refer to as "filtered sun"!! Which means mostly cloudy with sun breaks!! Only 64 degrees at almost noon! Supposed to be 85ish on the east side of the mountains today, so that will be a welcome relief. Jim & Tracy forgot Jim's C-Pap, Tracy's restless leg Rx, so Earl is over there picking up that stuff, getting their mail out of their mail box and putting it in the house and getting me another bathing suit out of the RV.

    Glad you had a good trip, Janet! Candice.... our reunion is 12-14 Aug. Our stay is going to be fairly short, so have to think hard about taking time to come up and see you. And my sister from OR is going to be in Buffalo, too, so will be doing some sister things. What gigs are scheduled for Aug time frame?? I think we have to head home no later than the 18th because I have cardiology appt on the 25th.

    Well, so much for what I was going to get done between TOPS and PT. Gotta get ready to go!! Will read posts on my phone while we're gone. CBL.... like late Wed.

    Hugs to all!!

  5. Good Saturday afternoon! Looks like I haven't been on here in almost a week. But I have been reading all the posts from my email.

    Welcome, Cy!! Glad you joined us.

    Another cool, drizzly, dreary day here in western WA!! UGH!! Tracy & Jim invited us over Sun-Wed, but I have PT at noon on Monday, so may go over Monday afternoon and see if we can "catch some rays" and warm up for a few days. I'm going to see if it's okay if we stay until Thursday morning and change my 2nd PT appt to Friday. Scheduled now for 10a.m. on Thurs. and would have to leave at 6 a.m. to make sure I was home on time for that! Tracy's boss is coming for a short visit on Thurs and she is quite nervous about it. She is taking a strong stance on continuing in her current job and is afraid Jim might say something prematurely! She has her "conditions" well mapped out but doesn't want to approach the subject until she goes back to work in about a month. So, need to give her enough space to meet the situation in a relaxed mode! Though we always leave with everything neat and tidy in our area... wash the sheets and towels and remake the bed, etc.

    Getting concerned about how long its taking me to get my strength back. Feel so exhausted all the time. Still coughing a little, but the tiredness is the main lingering symptom and, of course, that makes me worry about the newly diagnosed cardiac issues! Earl shrugged it off when I mentioned that to him today. But can't help worrying. Wish the dr wasn't having me wait so long for the 2nd test. I see him again on 8/25 and the T.E.Echo will be scheduled after that.

    Zoey got groomed today so she's acting weird... hiding behind our chairs, under the table, etc. Really like the place we're going to and they do a good job. Just think dogs feel weird when they've had a "haircut"!

    Sorry Karri decided to leave... again, but I don't think I said anything particularly offensive.... just that I took her off my FB because her posts were getting too offensive. I'd take Earl off for the same reason if he wasn't my husband!! LOL! I think it's okay to disagree with one another's political, religious or social views, but it can be expressed without calling names and being insulting. That's what I tell Earl all the time.

    Well, I've been served with my dinner!! Leftover ground pork meatloaf and seared asparagus! CBL

  6. Yep Phyl steriod will do that to you - stay away from the starches !!! CONGRATS on you 100 lbs loss and maintainng that... WTG WOW Idol ticket how cool - I think the cloest they come to me is LA and it's normally during the week - love them but not that much.. TGIF gang.... Sure glad it's Friday...

    Thanks for the kudos, but feeling very discouraged right now... up a few pounds, down a few, back up a few! Been very hard this week cuz Chris & Kelllie & kids are in town.... brought dgs up for orientation at U of WA and picking up their oldest for a 2 wk visit at home. So last week met them down south to have dinner with them and Jodie & Al & kids. I felt awful, but wanted to go and see everyone. But... too much. And Jodie put a guilt trip on me for spending two weekends over in eastern WA w/Tracy & Jim. UH>>>> we went to the zoo with her & the kids the week before & were there that night she was complaining to me. The kids really tire me out... all three want to talk at the same time, etc. Not feeling good doesn't help.

    Yesterday Chris & Justin & Earl went to an air show all day long, so I went shopping with the girls.. shopped all afternoon and ate food court chinese! chicken & rice... nothing fried, and I only ate half, but greasy and too much sodium, I'm sure.

    HAVE to eat healthy!! So told them today that WE will fix dinner for everyone tomorrow... we're going to do baked chicken, baked potatoes... white & sweet, salad, and Earl wants to get corn on the cob. I bought all that salad stuff last week... shrimp, grilled chicken strips, lots of tomatoes, cucumber, bell peppers, and only got to use it once. Was thinking of making myself a salad today when they called and wanted us to go to lunch!

    Well, that's enough of my sad tales! Still feeling really lousy. Can't seem to shake this thing... coughing, etc. Congestion is so bad in the morning I go through about 1/2 box of kleenex I think trying to get my head clear. ... and a couple cups of hot coffee. Have no energy. When we weren't with the family today, I did nothing but sit in my chair and play solitaire on my computer! Never even read the paper. Tomorrow I'm supposed to go to PT at noon, but if I don't feel a lot better, and if I'm still coughing,I'm not going to go again!

    Whine, whine, whine, huh??!! Sorry! Love you all and reading your posts. I'm up to New Orleans, just let me know what time frame you are thinkiing of. BTW, weather here has been GREAT for the last several days!!

    Good Morning Peeps

    I slept in - just got up - Debbie stopped by - watched tv and talked till about midnite - then she left i stayed up an hr more then been - dogs had me up at 6 but went back to bed -

    No plans for the day really..

    Karla - I bet you are tired - you have been doing a lot of yard work that hard... Yep our bodies tell us what they are hungry for - I wanted enchillada yesterday - bought this new sauce - they were awful - had 1/2 cup - then watermelon - popcorn - ice cream cone ;0)

    Yep Candice moving is better than sitting on your butt ;0) Glad your Gig went well ;0)

    Phyl Where are you..

    I am here being busy with family and being sick!! LOL

    I know a really nice hotel that's FREE! And the pool boy is HOT!

    that sounds GREAT!!

  7. Hi! I am SO sick! Caught a miserable cold in eastern WA last weekend. Think either a waiter where we ate Sat. night or girl who made me coffee Sunday was sick. Jim said he saw one of the girls at Cider Works coughing and sneezing.... I got coffee there 2 days in a row and spent almost two hours up there one day using their WiFi. At any rate, coughing, head congested, sore throat, no energy! Cancelled two PT appts this week but went out to dinner last night because Chris & Kellie are in town for a few days. They made plans to go out for dinner with Jodie & Alan and that was the only opportunity to spend time with all of them because Jodie & Al & kids left for camping trip this morning. So, was feeling better yesterday afternoon, but, not a good idea because now I feel worse than before!

    Yes, 4 years this month. I'm still down over 100 lb, but struggling. Sky Valley friend asked me on FB today about weight gain because her doctor wants to do some epidural injections for her back and he told her weight gain is a side effect because of the drugs they inject..... steroid, anti-inflammatory. So I 'spose that could be contributing to my wanting to eat all the time... like when you're smoking pot... they tell me! I'm back on the band wagon AGAIN, though! Been eating a lot of salads. Green Beans and our homemade spaghetti sauce for dinner, cut down Snacks and wine. No exercise this week is not going to help. Haven't walked in a few days... feeling too miserable.

    Paid big bucks for American Idol tour tickets for tomorrow night, so hope I'm feeling well enough to enjoy.

    Youngest son's birthday tomorrow too... 39 yrs old!! And a grandpa now!

    Gonna watch "Coal Miner's Daughter". Nothing good on TV.

  8. Hi! We got home a few hours ago. Great weekend except for coming home with a miserable cold! Suspects are, waiter who served us dinner Saturday night, or one of the girls who made me iced coffee Saturday or Sunday. Earl had a scratchy throat on Sunday and slept a LOT yesterday, but he's okay today. I started sneezing on Sunday, and went downhill from there. Head is all plugged up, coughing has finally subsided, but just feeling really sick. Cancelled my pool PT for tomorrow and hoping I'm much better by Friday so I can go. Son, Chris & family in town for a few days. We'll see them this weekend... they're coming up to spend the weekend at Tracy's, but was hoping to meet them for dinner tomorrow night w/Jodie & family. Don't know if I'm going to feel well enough.

    Did I mention that DGD, Johannah broke her arm/wrist while we were at the Zoo with them last week?? Have to sign her orange cast!

    About an hour after I got home today, I'd finished unpacking my stuff and was going to go get a latte and take Zoey for a scooter ride. Then I told Earl I was tired, felt miserable, it was late, and I wasn't going to go. I told him to just pour me a glass of wine. So he started laughing and said, "I don't think so"! So I looked and Zoey had followed me in to the living room from the back carrying one of my shoes where she dropped it in the doorway next to another shoe she had already pulled over there~! She did that once last week when she wanted me to take her out.... dragged two shoes to the doorway. Only that time it was a shoe and a slipper, both left feet! This time it was two shoes.... they didn't match, but two shoes! She knows I take off my slippers and leave them near the door and put on my shoes before we go. And I usually tell her, wait until I get my shoes on! So... off I went to Surf Shack whether I wanted to or not because it was so cute that she's learned to bring me my shoes! I'm pretty pathetic, huh??!!! LOL

    Can't believe the Casey Anthony verdict!! Outrageous!!

    We had a great time in Eastern WA with Tracy & Jim despite the cold I brought home. Alisha & her BF were there for a couple of days. He was planning to spend time with his family, too, most of whom either live in the area or were there for a family wedding, but unfortunately, his grandmother died on Saturday, so many of the weekend activities were curtailed. His immediate family did not attend the wedding or a BBQ that we were supposed to go to with them at a local yacht club. And Shane was so dragged out over the emotion of the whole thing that they left for home earlier than they'd planned. But was glad to have had a chance to spend a lot of time with them on Friday and Saturday. They have 3 dogs, so we had a total of 6 plus Jim & Tracy's 2 cats. So the one time they left me alone with the whole menagerie for an hour or so, one of Alisha's dogs left me a pile on the deck when I went in for a minute to use the rest room! I was going to leave it for them to clean up until I thought about 6 dogs walking around on the deck and decided I didn't want it stepped in or spread around!! So I cleaned it up! Yuck!! Fortunately, it was the littlest dog!

    Then Sunday Adam drove over after his shift at the hospital... so we got to spend yesterday and part of today with him. He & I had the longest discussion we've had in a few years! I found out he's been reading text books that doctors studying cardiology read!!! He was telling me things I never learned in nursing school!! And he wants to go to my next echocardiogram with me if I can get permission. Or, today he said, "or ask them if you can get a DVD recording of it!" He is an EMT and works for one of the local fire depts part time and at a hospital emergency room part time. But he wants to go back to school for paramedic. His ex-GF's folks have a place in the same development, so he saw her briefly twice... they are still "friends", but he says he's over her.

    Kept up with your posts over the weekend with my phone, and one trip to the "Cider Works" place to use their wi fi! But, gotta go.... feeling exhausted and wrung out! Hugs to all!!

  9. Hi! We got home a few hours ago. Great weekend except for coming home with a miserable cold! Suspects are, waiter who served us dinner Saturday night, or one of the girls who made me iced coffee Saturday or Sunday. Earl had a scratchy throat on Sunday and slept a LOT yesterday, but he's okay today. I started sneezing on Sunday, and went downhill from there. Head is all plugged up, coughing has finally subsided, but just feeling really sick. Cancelled my pool PT for tomorrow and hoping I'm much better by Friday so I can go. Son, Chris & family in town for a few days. We'll see them this weekend... they're coming up to spend the weekend at Tracy's, but was hoping to meet them for dinner tomorrow night w/Jodie & family. Don't know if I'm going to feel well enough.

    Did I mention that DGD, Johannah broke her arm/wrist while we were at the Zoo with them last week?? Have to sign her orange cast!

    About an hour after I got home today, I'd finished unpacking my stuff and was going to go get a latte and take Zoey for a scooter ride. Then I told Earl I was tired, felt miserable, it was late, and I wasn't going to go. I told him to just pour me a glass of wine. So he started laughing and said, "I don't think so"! So I looked and Zoey had followed me in to the living room from the back carrying one of my shoes where she dropped it in the doorway next to another shoe she had already pulled over there~! She did that once last week when she wanted me to take her out.... dragged two shoes to the doorway. Only that time it was a shoe and a slipper, both left feet! This time it was two shoes.... they didn't match, but two shoes! She knows I take off my slippers and leave them near the door and put on my shoes before we go. And I usually tell her, wait until I get my shoes on! So... off I went to Surf Shack whether I wanted to or not because it was so cute that she's learned to bring me my shoes! I'm pretty pathetic, huh??!!! LOL

    Can't believe the Casey Anthony verdict!! Outrageous!!

    We had a great time in Eastern WA with Tracy & Jim despite the cold I brought home. Alisha & her BF were there for a couple of days. He was planning to spend time with his family, too, most of whom either live in the area or were there for a family wedding, but unfortunately, his grandmother died on Saturday, so many of the weekend activities were curtailed. His immediate family did not attend the wedding or a BBQ that we were supposed to go to with them at a local yacht club. And Shane was so dragged out over the emotion of the whole thing that they left for home earlier than they'd planned. But was glad to have had a chance to spend a lot of time with them on Friday and Saturday. They have 3 dogs, so we had a total of 6 plus Jim & Tracy's 2 cats. So the one time they left me alone with the whole menagerie for an hour or so, one of Alisha's dogs left me a pile on the deck when I went in for a minute to use the rest room! I was going to leave it for them to clean up until I thought about 6 dogs walking around on the deck and decided I didn't want it stepped in or spread around!! So I cleaned it up! Yuck!! Fortunately, it was the littlest dog!

    Then Sunday Adam drove over after his shift at the hospital... so we got to spend yesterday and part of today with him. He & I had the longest discussion we've had in a few years! I found out he's been reading text books that doctors studying cardiology read!!! He was telling me things I never learned in nursing school!! And he wants to go to my next echocardiogram with me if I can get permission. Or, today he said, "or ask them if you can get a DVD recording of it!" He is an EMT and works for one of the local fire depts part time and at a hospital emergency room part time. But he wants to go back to school for paramedic. His ex-GF's folks have a place in the same development, so he saw her briefly twice... they are still "friends", but he says he's over her.

    Kept up with your posts over the weekend with my phone, and one trip to the "Cider Works" place to use their wi fi! But, gotta go.... feeling exhausted and wrung out! Hugs to all!!

  10. Wow, Candice, congrats on your success at the Empire! That's GREAT!!

    Down at "Cider Works" using their wifi. Zoey sleeping in the scooter basket. Bored!

    Alisha & Shane & 3 dogs left this a.m. His grandma died yesterday and they went to spend time with his family. Quiet with half the dog population gone.

    Fireworks in Chelan last night were great. Didn't think my pictures were uploading so now there are multiple copies and I have to delete a bunch from FB! Two more sleeps here before we head home. Hope you are all having a good weekend.

  11. Good Morning! Headed out to PT in a short time. All packed up and ready to head over the mountains when I'm done. T & J already over there. Should be interesting, DGD coming w/her BF & their THREE dogs! Plus Zoey, Gigi & Misty! Oh, & T & J's 2 cats! candy is staying home and she's already upset. She figured out two litter boxes in the BR & packed bags mean she's staying home. She threw up all her food in front of Earl's chair early this morning! Heard her crying real loud @7a.m. Zoey jumped off the bed barking and went running to investigate. She didn't know what that strange sound was! A few minutes ago she jumped off my lap and went running to the door barking because the neighbor's cat was sniffing around my scooter out on the patio. She doesn't mind all the cats hanging around but she doesn't like it if they go near "her" scooter!!

    Don't know where the week has gone! Didn't get my epidural on Tuesday. Doc said if I was tolerating the pain pretty well we should hold off. If he gave me a 3rd now Medicare won't pay for another for 6 months, so sounded like a good decision. Wed. is a blur. Thursday was big shopping trip to Winco and costco. We seem to have foregone Walmart for the summer because the one closest to us we HATE. Always jam packed, and traffic getting there is usually a nightmare, too, as well as parking. And there's now a Winco a block away from Costco in Everett, so it's easy. We start there, then Zoey and I ride the scooter over to Costco. We got stocked up for the weekend at Sun Cove. Found skinny bagels... 110 calories, but that's if you eat top and bottom. 5 gm of Fiber, too.

    Zoey loves all the attention she gets when we go shopping. I am very impressed with how many parents are teaching their kids to ask me if it's okay before they approach the dog... even little tiny kids!

    Keeping up with my daily walk. Back is doing better, knees so so.

    Karla... can't believe you pushed that truck!!

    Janet... weather here on this side of the mountains is supposed to be decent this weekend, unlike last year!! But we're not taking any chances. We're going where we know it will be warm and sunny! Adam & Alisha both will be spending part of the weekend with us, so that will be nice!

    Candice.... Happy Canada Day!!

    Linda.... chill. If they find dirt or dust, so be it!!! LOL

    I gotta go!! Literally, and time to get ready for PT!!

  12. Candice, your comment about remembering that we are all defective hits home. I am extremely disappointed in the attitudes of my family (siblings and parents) about something--to the point of anger. The arogance and selfishness they displayed is astounding. It hit reLly hard this morning after a stressful weekend and I did not handle it well. I need to remember that I am defective too.

    So sorry! I'd have a Long Island Iced Tea with you if I were there! Yeah, we're all defective, but we usually don't recognize our own frailties as well as we do in those around us!! I am having a bad day also. Feeling so down I am thinking about going to see my primary care doc to get my Zoloft increased to 100 mg! Someone here is being a butthead today... intermittently, then he can't figure out why I am responding to that. Just generally down today over a myriad of things preying on my mind... cardiologist's dx, DH, wgt gain today at TOPS, etc. And when I need support and encouragement, I get lectured about what I did wrong and what I need to do to do better!

    Hugs to you, girl!! We both need to take a happy pill maybe!!

    Zoey is whining at the door because some kids are playing on the little hill outside the door of our condo and she wants to go play with them.

    I had PT late this afternoon... sort of disrupted my evening. We're usually finished with dinner by now, but haven't eaten yet. Plus I wasted a lot of time on the way home. Stopped to shop at the Dollar store... which made Earl really happy, stopped at RiteAid to take my BP, and stopped at Albertson's to see if the Skinny Cow Truffles were on sale. So... didn't get home until after 5pm from my 3pm appointment!

    Later, chicks! Hope everyone has a relaxing evening. I will be watching stupid Ashley on The Bachellorette!! She can't get over that guy who has no interest in her at all and left on his own a couple of weeks ago saying he missed his little daughter... which was a CROCK!!!


  13. Candice, your comment about remembering that we are all defective hits home. I am extremely disappointed in the attitudes of my family (siblings and parents) about something--to the point of anger. The arogance and selfishness they displayed is astounding. It hit reLly hard this morning after a stressful weekend and I did not handle it well. I need to remember that I am defective too.

    So sorry! I'd have a Long Island Iced Tea with you if I were there! Yeah, we're all defective, but we usually don't recognize our own frailties as well as we do in those around us!! I am having a bad day also. Feeling so down I am thinking about going to see my primary care doc to get my Zoloft increased to 100 mg! Someone here is being a butthead today... intermittently, then he can't figure out why I am responding to that. Just generally down today over a myriad of things preying on my mind... cardiologist's dx, DH, wgt gain today at TOPS, etc. And when I need support and encouragement, I get lectured about what I did wrong and what I need to do to do better!

    Hugs to you, girl!! We both need to take a happy pill maybe!!

    Zoey is whining at the door because some kids are playing on the little hill outside the door of our condo and she wants to go play with them.

    I had PT late this afternoon... sort of disrupted my evening. We're usually finished with dinner by now, but haven't eaten yet. Plus I wasted a lot of time on the way home. Stopped to shop at the Dollar store... which made Earl really happy, stopped at RiteAid to take my BP, and stopped at Albertson's to see if the Skinny Cow Truffles were on sale. So... didn't get home until after 5pm from my 3pm appointment!

    Later, chicks! Hope everyone has a relaxing evening. I will be watching stupid Ashley on The Bachellorette!! She can't get over that guy who has no interest in her at all and left on his own a couple of weeks ago saying he missed his little daughter... which was a CROCK!!!


  14. Phyl, do you think that it is possible that in some way, your problem with food is somehow connected to Earl being so controlling? How do you deal with so much micromanagement? I am not as nice as you. I get really bitchy when Mel pulls that stuff.

    Ya think???? In fact, I'm having a really bitchy day today. Get SO tired of HIS bitching and complaining and ranting and raving. Then after several hours of that he wants to know why I'M being so nasty!!! GRRRRRR! Well, I guess it started with instructions on how to eat my Breakfast. Then on to telling me why I had a gain at TOPS this morning...all the wrong things I ate and what I did and didn't do! I've been wanting to run away for 2 days now. Hmmm... I guess since Tracy & I got back from over the mountains!!

    Phyl, I have to admit, I have the same issues as well, that is why I don't repond to any posts, sorry to be 'vague', but I have been ripped one two many times.

    Glad to know that you all have had a good weekend. Yep, I will enjoy mom the best I can. Everything she says is negative, but I can deal. My sister and husband 'dropped' by on their way home to Idaho. My house was a friggin disaster, all tore apart for painting, etc. Well this is not one of those cases that it's family so it doesn't matter. With her and her husband everything has to be perfect or they just can't stand to be around you, but that is what money buys, perfection, that and retirement.

    Well, today is to finish the pond...I hope.

    Denise, hang in there. I know it is tought, but you are strong.

    Candice, I hope you enjoyed the visit with your friend. You are a good friend to go out and about.

    Janet, yep, much of our eating is control. Heck, I couldn't handle someone running my kitchen. Yep it would be great to have someone cook, but only if I decided how things were cooked.

    Linda, how are those grandbabies, have you been watching them? Well, best get going, ttfn

    Haven't personally been "ripped", but feel like it since I disagree with most of the angry rants.

    How's the pond coming??

    Gotta get going. Almost time for PT. Late afternoon appt today. Had to change my appt and I don't remember why! Tomorrow morning I have back doctor appt and maybe a 3rd epidural injection. Then DD #2 wants us to go to the zoo with her. We will if it's not raining, but if it is, I can't walk that zoo.... up and down and up and down, some fairly steep inclines. Anyway, probably wouldn't be advisable after back injection. Hope she doesn't get her feelings hurt if we don't go... haven't seen much of her & family and she knows we've spent a lot of time with Tracy & Jim. But... the road goes 2 ways! And she didn't even call Earl to wish him Happy Father's Day... just a FB message! Even Steve-O called and he was on the road on his way to new job in Houston.

    Hi gals, still at my GF's house... Oh Phyl the HWYS here were horrible... I HATe the 400 series roads... you call them INTERSTATES.... and the ones in Toronto are 8 - 16 lanes wide.... with every ahole out there driving too damn fast.... O.k. I know I am an OLD LADY driver ( just early by a few years) so going home, I am doing the back roads... the 2 lane type.... it will take me longer but I'll arrive without a MIGRAIN....

    More drama with the Jazz gigs... we are booked ALL weeknd 3 days in a row... then the sat night gig was cancelled MANAGEMENT changes at the rest.... yada yada yada... well, now its all straightened out as of this am. 6 -9 p.m. Sat night 2 July and also the 30th July too.

    more to follow, C

    Been on the 401.. and to Toronto and beyond quite a few times. No fun!!

  15. Hi Girls, here I am at my GF house... drive here was a nightmare... Dropped offf the Welsh friends at the airport and then continued another hour to my GF's house.. It is beautiful.. and she is doing Very well... albeit thin... wish I could donate her some of my blubber!!! LOL

    We are having a nice visit, going to the casino soon... didn't have the heart to say NO... what the FLICK its only money and you only live once.!!

    Phyl, I understand you Unfriending on FB... I totally get it..

    Karla; try to enjoy your Mother time... remember she is just a flawed human like the rest of us :-)

    Denise: I had to laugh t your DRUNK post... I know this is hard... just take it a day aty a time... it will all get sorted out soon... And I pray that YOU get what YOU want out of the whole mess.

    Why was the drive a nightmare?? Traffic?? Where does she live?

    Yeah, only live once! Wish I could convince someone of that! SIL is trying to tell him he needs to invest some of his retirement $$ in some property! Nice double lot near their new place for sale... already landscaped, utilities all there... just need to pull the RV in! He won't even listen! SIL says market is going to tank and we're going to lose a lot of money if we don't invest it somewhere else... real estate!

    Yeah, I've had enough toxic spewing. Have to listen to enough of it at home. Don't need it coming at me on FB.

  16. Good Morning! Tracy and I got back last night... I think it was a little after 9 pm. The guys left at noon yesterday, we stayed until 4:30pm.... had a glass of wine on the patio in the SUN and some triscuits and homemade hummus from a little store on the corner. It was so good. Tracy was talking about how good that hummus that Candice made was! Candice.... do you have a recipe? I have a can of chick peas and I want to try and make some. The one I bought is garlic & olive.... good thing I can't taste the olives cuz that's one thing I do NOT like! Olive oil.... okay. Olives.... NO! Anyway, we were going to stay until 6pm, but we got bored so we packed up and left. Just checked my phone... Earl called 5X between the time he left and the time I got home!! I think Jim called twice.! We told him several times, and Jim told him.. he could wait and ride back with us. He had to stick to the plan. But the plan was for him to go over with Jim to help him load and unload furniture... two big boxes of outdoor furniture, toddler bed, etc. But no need to ride back with him. But, Tracy and I enjoy the together time.

    What I bought thursday was the wireless keyboard/mouse combo that I wanted. And I can't remember what else I bought, but that was the main thing I wanted. We already have about 3 BP cuffs... 2 wrist, 1 arm... they just don't seem to work on me. so I go to the store!

    Loved your drunk post, Denise. Hope you get answers soon. Daughter works for the school system with the homeschooling program... parent partnership or something... She skipped a meeting last week during which they were given a choice... get your hours cut or your pay cut! So she's not sure what is going to happen, but she says if they cut her hours she'll quit because it will end her benefits and that's the main reason she's staying.

    Janet... my cheese Snacks are usualyy 1 Baby Bel Lite these days.

    I dropped Karri on FB. Have patiently read her opinionated rants for a long time now. But her assaults on everyone who believes differently have gone beyond insulting to brutal and hateful and I've had enough of it.

    Beautiful sunny day here today and it's supposed to be in the high 60's. Can't complain too much about that. Hope you all have a great day. CBL

  17. Candice - I don't think I have had rubbard.. Bannana nut bread - omg - that can't be a N American thing - how werid

    Linda - How' Mindy doing are you home yet

    Phyl - Wine really doesnt help your bp - I think it makes it worse really This is from the mayo Clinic - I just wanted to make sure that Dr Janet was giving correct info


    Alcohol: Does it affect blood pressure?

    Does drinking alcohol affect your blood pressure?


    from Sheldon G. Sheps, M.D.

    Drinking too much alcohol can raise blood pressure to unhealthy levels. Having more than three drinks in one sitting temporarily increases your blood pressure, but repeated binge drinking can lead to long-term increases.

    Heavy drinkers who cut back to moderate drinking can lower their systolic blood pressure (the top number in a blood pressure reading) by 2 to 4 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) and their diastolic blood pressure (the bottom number in a blood pressure reading) by 1 to 2 mm Hg.

    If you have high blood pressure, avoid alcohol or drink alcohol only in moderation. Moderate drinking is generally considered to be:

    Two drinks a day for men younger than age 65

    • One drink a day for men age 65 and older
    • One drink a day for women of any age

    A drink is 12 ounces (355 milliliters) of beer, 5 ounces (148 milliliters) of wine or 1.5 ounces (44 milliliters) of 80-proof distilled spirits.

    Keep in mind that alcohol contains calories and may contribute to unwanted weight gain — a risk factor for high blood pressure. Also, alcohol can interfere with the effectiveness and increase the side effects of some blood pressure medications.

    So gf sorry to say gf - you need to only have 1 period - they can give you meds for the bp - are they talking about changing it.. Exercise and getting some more weight off will help.. Hugs on that proceedure - you are in my prayer - but ya gotta limit salt too i think

    Okay... I overdo in "social" circumstances,

    but normally, 1-2 small glasses a day.

    Cardiologist told me to log my BP to show him when I go back in Aug. So, don't trust my wrist cuff, and can't find it anyway, so I went to RiteAid and Haggen's this week to take it. Tuesday: at RiteAid it was 72/26 according to their machine... practically in shock! So I went to Haggen across the street and their machine said 80/34! So I logged that. Today, back to RiteAid and it was 90/62. If anything, it's been running low for about the last two years, IMHO, and I keep asking my doc if she can't lower one of the meds again. She's cut them several times since I started losing weight. I remember when I was in the hospital with my knee surgery 2 years ago, it went so low they cut off my BP meds for a day or two.

    As for salt, I use very little, and Earl uses MUCHO!!! So he knows NOT to put any salt on my food now. I have a small salt shaker for myself and I sometimes use a little of it, but I am more inclined to season with pepper than salt. I don't like salty things and keep telling him not to buy ham! He seems to think we need to have it in the fridge all the time! When it's gone, he buys another spiral cut ham!!! He just puts tiny amounts in my omelet and not every day, but he eats it daily! And this last one he bought... penny pincher, as you know, he "shopped" around until he got the best price! It is much fattier than the previous hams he's bought, and he didn't notice that it is NOT spiral cut, so he had to slice it himself. Then he makes bean Soup or pea soup with the bone, and we end up with a crock pot full of it. I think that's an okay thing to eat once in a while, but when there's a big pot of it, we end up eating it for several days and that's not good. This week when he made pea soup I got him to give some to the neighbors!! Lady we bought this condo from moved across the sidewalk to a 3 bedroom that she bought, but now she has Alzheimer's, so I doubt she is doing any cooking. I think her boyfriend, "Squeak" is having to do everything. So I know he appreciated the soup.

    WOO HOO!! Jim just came to pick up Earl. They are going over to the "sun place" this afternoon. Tracy and I are going over tomorrow morning. So I have a whole day to myself! I am going shopping!! I figured out how to hide my purchase from "eagle eyes". I have a few bucks left on a Target gift card, and I'm going to take out some cash and get me a new wireless keyboard and mouse. I quit typing on the laptop and started using an external keyboard instead. But this new laptop is short on USB ports and it takes up one, external hard drive (back up) takes up another, and "dongle" for my wireless mouse takes up another. So something has to be unplugged if I want to use my printer or synch my iTouch, iPad or cell phone. Target has a combo mouse/keyboard, so both use the same dongle which will free up one of my USB ports for other intermittent tasks!

    I also need to buy a big exercise ball..... therapist wants me to get one to do some back exercises.... walk the thing up the wall, etc. But I will get in trouble if I buy that. He won't notice the new keyboard and mouse, but he will definitely notice a big huge ball!! He already told me I don't have any wall space I can use!! huh??? We are cramped here, but I can find a wall to do my exercises!! I'll work on that one for a while though!

    Janet, you have mo idea how tempting it is to come and hang out with you. It will happen at some point, believe me!

    Let me know when you're going!! I'll meet you there! It's still only in the low 60's here and I'm freezing!! We can do some beading and play with our iPads!! Oh, wait!! She won't let me have any wine!!! HAHAHA!!

    I am still feeling so bummed about my Sky Valley friend who died this week. I still can't believe it! She wasn't a real close friend, but someone I saw every day and chatted with at the pool, and a friend of my next door neighbors, so usually at most of our patio parties. And way too young to die. I think she just turned 70 in January. Seemingly healthy. Just slipped away while watching TV with her husband. Not a peep out of her. I guess a good way to go, but, too soon! Need to call Wanda and see if she has any more info, but she did say they'll probably never know what it was. No known health problems.

    Well, better get moving if I'm going to do some more shopping. But... maybe I should wait a little while longer! Jim was taking Earl back to the house to help him load some furniture they are taking over to the new place. LOL!

  18. Thoughts and prayers, Denise. Keep us posted. And I'm sorry to hear about dh's aunt.

    One of my sons, Tim, who is in LA, was in an earthquake bad enough that ppl were diving under desks in the library. Instead, he ran for his computer b/c it had his dissertation on it. He backed it up every day after that. . . Get the external, Karla!

    I'm home, but missing Arkansas weather. It's 52 here :(. Lots to do now

    Yeah,High of 65 here today and sunny part of the day. Actually went for my walk in short sleeves a little while ago!! Woo Hoo!

    Linda, I've tried to send you an email several times and it comes back. One was a bit of a vent, so that's probably a good thing!! But, email me so I can get the new email address right!

    Good Morning Peeps...

    Denise - Good Ju Ju being sent your way for the job you want - which if you are anything thing like me - it would be retirement !!!! Wish the $ was there so I could .. But since it isn't off to work I go.. Sorry about DH aunt - sound like she had a good long life

    I have had 3 pple I know die within the last week - you know what they say about 3's so hope it's true - have service to go to tomorrow and next Thursday..

    Good News - my Bro In Law Buddy is in remission !!! Saw doc yesterday psa 1 !!!! Phyl how's Jackie doing???

    Had late gym yesterday - bootcamp in the morning - didn't sleep well last night but it's Friday.. The other nite when Andrew was here I made him ck tacos - so when it came time for me to eat I had a salad and thought I would try the ck meat on it - well it's my new thing really good - have had it for lunch & dinner - took out more ck last night to make it tonite too ;0) - it's hot here - so it's nice and easy for dinner.. Well off to the showers... Ck back tonite

    So good to hear BIL is in remission. Still worried about Jacki. She's not saying much about the spot on her spine, but I think they finally figured out the liver enzymes. Nothing showed up on her liver when she had those scans, but when they did the HIDA scan this week they decided she needs her gall bladder out. So that surgery is scheduled for July 1st.

    Your CK Taco salad sounds good. There's a place I used to go to in OK with some friends now & then .... it was a BBQ place, but you could get a salad with the BBQ beef or pork on top. Sounds yucky, but I LOVED it.... I'd always get the BBQ beef. Yummy... I can almost taste it!

    Hey girls, I am here, still alive.... albiet very tired.

    ANd I've just about lost my voice.... gig tonight, don't know If I'll be able to sing or not... too much talking and laughing with my travelers from Wales... They are a hoot, both of them have LONG legs so have done tons of walking in Toronto.. took them there to see the BIG city.. Parking is very expensive so we walked a lot... and ******* FAST.... went to the Bata Shoe museum, Indian Lunch, Went to the theatre saw Billie Elliot ( it is fabulous) went to the CN Tower ( 3rd tallest building in the world) ate lunch up top the revolving restaurant... very cool. THen did the AGO Art Gallery of Ontario... drank way too much wine... food was pretty good... Didn't get to WW weight in but I did WEIGH myself this a.m. and down 3 lbs... Its unofficial... but I'll take the #....

    Phyl; good work on the physical fitness changes, you can do it... you rock!!! chuckled when I read Earl woulnd go for weigh in because of the 5 lbs... I am going to WW next Tue to WI for real.... we can do this!!

    Hugs to everyone, I'll post more tomorrow ..... cause I won't be talking Ha,ha,ha,.....

    Better take care of that voice, Chick!!!

    I am being quite diligent about that daily walk, even if it is fairly short. I am going to increase it to 2X around.... SOON!! But I guess I have to get better in tune with my body... Cardiologist asked me multiple times today about various symptoms.... chest pain, shortness of breath, fatigue, swelling in my feet.... I need to pay closer attention. Do have some tiredness sometimes, after that short walk, but I can do an hour of Water aerobics and haven't noticed being overly tired. Swollen ankles once in a while, but not often. Don't have any chest pain... sometimes pain going down the inside of my left arm, but he didn't respond to that, so I guess insignificant. Shortness of breath... no. Used to before weight loss.... climbing steps, etc. At any rate, I knew I had some mitral valve regurgitation, but echo showed tricupsid valve not closing properly either, and his biggest concern... and mine, pulmonary hypertension. Possible contributing factors..... sleep apnea, valve irregularities, high blood pressure and obesity. Only thing I can do anything about is the obesity! Well, I think I could INCREASE the wine to DECREASE the stress. That would keep my blood pressure down!! He said that was the most important thing! BP was a little high today, but asst. took it right after having me climb up on to the examining table! Sleep apnea got worse according to my last sleep study, after 100+ lb. weight loss!! What's that about??! Anyway... kind of a discouraging afternoon! Have to go back late in the summer for a followup visit and then he will do a trans-esophageal echocardiogram.... apparently at the hospital, so must put you to sleep for that one... put the "camera" down your esophagus so they can see the valves better.

    Talking to some people from work, they have gotten notification if they are going back to our school or not. I still haven't heard, they were supposed to tell us today. Say more prayers please, I can't go back.

    Hope you hear something SOON, Denise!!

    Our youngest son and company he works for has finished their job in New Orleans. Moving his trailer on to Houston this weekend for the next job.... Painting a bunch of trains there... about an 18 month job he says.

  19. Good Morning! I had our site pulled up all afternoon yesterday and never got around to posting! Sorry. I had PT in the late morning, but we dropped Zoey off at groomers before that. As soon as I got back from PT we had to go back and pick her up. So it seemed like my day didn't really start until almost 1:30pm. And then Zoey & I needed to go for a scooter ride, so there went another 90 minutes! Got my latte, and then we went down to the furthest away grocery store, Hagen's. And I don't remember quite why I picked that one other than I hadn't been there in a few days. Ended up buying some salad shrimp, peppered turkey lunch meat, whole wheat thin rounds and Lite cream cheese spread. Can you tell I was hungry... hadn't had lunch yet. So then I went home and fixed myself a shrimp cocktail.

    Then I spent a lot of time on printing flyers for our sky valley reunion coming up... we're in charge, which really means I'm in charge! Earl says, "is there anything I should be doing???" I need to update the mailing list, so I worked on that, too.And I took Zoey for a walk in the evening.

    TOPS this week... he didn't go because he knew he was up 5 lb, so I went alone... was down 1.2 lb. Earl made "Sole Almondine" last night. It was yummy!! He's getting good!! Grilled squash with it. Not sure what kindof squash. He found it at Winco. It's very much like zucchinni.

    My therapist ramped up my exercises a little yesterday... I'm dong almost a full hour of exercises and working up a sweat. She wants to move me to 2 day pool and 1 day floor exercises in a week or two. It did aggravate the sciatic pain yesterday, but not bad. Hurts this morning, but will probably go away in a few hours.

    Not going to Primetimers today. Too busy yesterday, too many things to get done. And tomorrow is another PT day, then cardiology appt on Friday. And, their programs are getting a little boring. Plus one friend is in CA, one friend is living with her daughter way south for probably 6 more months while she goes through treatment for breast cancer. I always sit at the same table... so these are the ladies I'm used to visiting with. I know... expand your horizons! Makes me sad... two who were still in their 50's have died in the last 2 years. The ladies who have filled in the empty chairs are all older! And several can't hear well. The one I'm worried about right now is named Jewel and she has been looking so bad... color is not good, she wouldn't eat anything last week, fell asleep while the pastor was speaking....(he recapped his Sunday sermon and it was WAY too long for a bunch of old people). I gave her a hug before I left and talked to her a few minutes. She took her lunch home with her and said she'd eat later... just didn't feel like eating. She's about my mom's age. She can barely walk.

    I quit college and went to LPN school because I got a weekend job at a nursing home in the neighborhood and fell in love with the "old people". (RN school came 10 years and 4 kids later). But, now I ARE ONE and I still LOVE the old people. I guess that's what keeps me going to Primetimers... lots of folks in their 80's and 90's.

    Well, I'm rambling and it's hard to type...my fingernails are too long and I have this puppy in my lap. Using external keyboard and it's resting on her butt!!


  20. Good Morning! Have to keep this short..... need to get dressed and ready to go out the door as Earl will be on my case in a minute!! Going over to Tracy & Jim's new place for the weekend and they want to leave by 9:30 a.m. so he says we need to be at their place by 8:30 a.m.????? It won't take him an HOUR to get the rest of what we need out of the RV.... baby stuff for Kurtis' gf mainly. But, I will at least be ready to leave here by 8:30 a.m. Maybe!!! BUT..... sorry I couldn't chat with you Candice! I was trying to gulp down a bowl of cereal!! Now I'm going to finish my coffee and go finish getting ready!!

    In a minute!!


    Epidural seems to be helping the back pain quite a bit... pretty minimal since I had it on Tuesday. Have to go back in 3 weeks! One hour of Water PT twice this week went very well. Some pain with certain exercises, but not enough to stop me. And I've been walking once around the condos every day.

    Anyway.... trying to keep up with al lyour posts. Congrats, again to "Grandma" Janet!!

    See... Earl just told me... need to leave in 25 minutes. I better go!!!

  21. Good Evening! I am electronically jinxed this week I think! Watching TV and on the laptop last night and suddenly the power went off and I was in the dark. When it came back on a few seconds later, no sound on the TV. Earl had just gone to bed so I went and told him... mistake! He got up and stressed for 15 minutes or so before I persuaded him to go back to bed. Couldn't get it back on this morning, so called Comcast. They came this afternoon and all is well after he pushed a few buttons. He doesn't even know how he fixed it, but Earl had tried everything.

    So this afternoon, after PT, took a scooter ride... 2 miles to PT and back and Earl gives me assignment to go to Bartel Drugs (for tea bags on sale) after Surf Shack, Dollar store for a funnel and Haggen market to get him 2 sour dough rolls! I told him... I already went 2 miles on the scooter battery. Sure enough, a block away from home the battery dies... I'd just been to the ATT store, too, having them look at my phone because it is not working right either! So when the scooter battery dies, I try to call Earl on my phone and it won't dial out! Tried over and over and then this man comes up the street on foot so I asked him if he had a cell phone I could borrow for a minute!! He was very nice and dialed the number for me! So Earl had to come on the red scooter to rescue me, Zoey, the goods I bought and the broken down scooter! UGH! Almost afraid to touch any of my techy toys tonight!!

    TOPS... down 1 1/2 lb. PT.... made it through a whole hour of Water exercise today!! And getting ready to take Zoey for a walk.

    Three consecutive days of sun, so not surprised it's supposed to be cooler, cloudy and rainy tomorrow!!

    Gotta go... Earl wants to go for a walk now. CBL!!

  22. Good Evening! I am electronically jinxed this week I think! Watching TV and on the laptop last night and suddenly the power went off and I was in the dark. When it came back on a few seconds later, no sound on the TV. Earl had just gone to bed so I went and told him... mistake! He got up and stressed for 15 minutes or so before I persuaded him to go back to bed. Couldn't get it back on this morning, so called Comcast. They came this afternoon and all is well after he pushed a few buttons. He doesn't even know how he fixed it, but Earl had tried everything.

    So this afternoon, after PT, took a scooter ride... 2 miles to PT and back and Earl gives me assignment to go to Bartel Drugs (for tea bags on sale) after Surf Shack, Dollar store for a funnel and Haggen market to get him 2 sour dough rolls! I told him... I already went 2 miles on the scooter battery. Sure enough, a block away from home the battery dies... I'd just been to the ATT store, too, having them look at my phone because it is not working right either! So when the scooter battery dies, I try to call Earl on my phone and it won't dial out! Tried over and over and then this man comes up the street on foot so I asked him if he had a cell phone I could borrow for a minute!! He was very nice and dialed the number for me! So Earl had to come on the red scooter to rescue me, Zoey, the goods I bought and the broken down scooter! UGH! Almost afraid to touch any of my techy toys tonight!!

    TOPS... down 1 1/2 lb. PT.... made it through a whole hour of Water exercise today!! And getting ready to take Zoey for a walk.

    Three consecutive days of sun, so not surprised it's supposed to be cooler, cloudy and rainy tomorrow!!

    Gotta go... Earl wants to go for a walk now. CBL!!

  23. Hi, Chicks! I'm here. Another cold, rainy day in the NW. Looks like we're having "Junuary" again this year! It's actually supposed to hit 70 this weekend, and they're even saying "mid-70's" on Sunday. We did manage a trip down to the lake and back today, but I froze the whole way, and complained bitterly!! Had my gloves on because my fingers were like ice!! At least it quit raining long enough for us to make it without having to get out my umbrella. Had to use it yesterday and it's awfully hard to steer, hold the dog leash and the umbrella, and my latte after we go to Surf Shack.

    Oh.... Earl told me to go shop for wine on my way home.... he doesn't go to Surf Shack with me, so we part company at the end of the strip mall. He wanted a gallon jug of burgundy like Jim & Tracy had when we were there the other day! But, by the time I went to Albertson's, RiteAid and the liquor store, my battery was dead!! Should have known better than to try that after my 3 mile trip down to the lake. So I had to call him to come and push me home. But even with him pushing, I couldn't get the thing across the street, so Zoey and I had to walk the rest of the way home. That's my walk for today! And I did the condo lap last night. Hip was hurting when I started out, but I kept going and it got a little better as I walked... or I got used to it!!

    rolleyes.gif Knee has been a little better... maybe the steroid injection is helping a little with that.

    Tracy and Jim are definitely buying the place in eastern WA. They're pretty excited about it, and a little nervous about making such a large purchase!! But... they're looking at it as an investment. So we might be going over there next weekend. They were hoping to close tomorrow, but looks like it'll be Monday or Tuesday.

    And I have a new thing to worry about... a cardiologist office called me a little while ago...said my primary care doc got their echocardiogram report and wants me to come back and see one of their docs for a cardiology workup! UGH! Wonder what they saw? No available appt until the 17th, so 2 weeks to wonder about it. Think the last one showed a sloppy valve, and they watch my valves because I took redux back in the mid-90's, so maybe that's what they want to check out. S'pose they'll want to do a treadmill. I HATE those!

    Candice, I just hate that your DD is having marital problems. I hope she takes your advice to heart and puts some effort in to working things out. And, I am excited about your gigs!! If you have anything going on while we're in Buffalo I'll try to talk Earl in to driving up there!!

    Get this..... Earl keeps telling me Zoey is bored! She has a blast when Gigi comes to visit and they have a great time playing together. He keeps talking about that. So, every time I say, maybe we should get another little dog for her to play with. He used to say "NO"!!! But now he isn't saying anything and I wonder if he's thinking about it! LOL He just tried to take her for a walk, but as soon as they got out from under the covered sidewalk, she looked around, looked up at him and planted her feet!! It's raining again!! Of course, then she thinks she gets a treat... she went out, she came in. Doesn't that deserve a treat????? She thinks so!

    Hope all goes well with the estate settling, Janet. I know how glad you'll be to have that over!!

    Karla, I know you are going to be happy when school is out, too!! But sounds like you'll be fairly busy this summer.

    Linda.... I've got to get beading again! Didn't know you had family in Arkansas! Son, Steve says they're moving on to Houston in 12 days. Kurtis is a real case!! Saw him telling three different girls in less than a week, "I love you and miss you and can't wait to see you"!! Definitely has a zipper problem. His gf, mother of his soon to be baby, is no longer speaking to him. Wonder why??? And my DIL saw on FB that he had registered on some speed dating site!! HUH?????

    blink.gifblink.gifblink.gif Then he wonders why gf is mad!?? He also said he was going back to Spokane when he gets his next paycheck. He's working with Steve painting trains in New Orleans. Baby is due July 10th and I know he wants to be back in WA for that.

  24. Walked to the mailboxes.... Zoey pooped on the hill on the way!!

    ohmy.gif Had no poo poo bag in my pocket! So had to go get one from the dispenser near the club house, get the mail, go back and pick up the poop, and by then I was pooped, my hip was hurting too much, and it was raining again!!! rolleyes.giflaugh.gifrolleyes.gif So I did not continue my journey.... I went back home!!

    Trying very hard to do better with my food today. My usual eggbeaters omelet for Breakfast, salad w/ham for lunch, one glass of wine, no snack. Off to dinner in an hour, and I won't be overwhelmed by the menu since I already studied it online. Will choose either a salad w/grilled chicken or grilled chicken sandwich and won't eat the bread.

  25. Good Morning Peeps

    Candice hugs on DD & SIL issues - what's the problem - how long were they together before they got married?? Sure hope they can work it out - have you talked to SIL - Isn't she gone alot w/her work...

    Denise - You get great music !!! Saw you hare having Essences Festival - that should have some good music - I am an r&b girl so I would enjoy that one ;0) - Glad you had a good food day..

    Karla - Glad you are eating the right foods - Me too and it's most likely not too much - becareful w/your fill.

    Phyl - Hugs on the medical issues - your cold weather isn't helping - when do you go to PT.

    Linda - How was your weekend..

    Karri - How are you doing have you move to real food yet

    Not much to report - did my target shopping came home ready to watch a movie - Debbie called so went to Clark's (health food store) & Joannes (craft store) got some more yarn for another blanket - almost done w/Joseph's - dinner chicken catchitorri (sp) ..

    I was going to ask the same question, Candice.... have you talked to SIL to get his side of what's going on???

    My first PT appt is Friday morning, 8 a.m. Back/hip is feeling a little better today. May try walking the "condo loop" if it ever stops raining. Seriously thinking about heading out, rain or not, to "scoot" over to Surf Shack with Zoey. I can hold the umbrella over both our heads and still keep the scooter's electronics from getting wet. Zoey is aching to get out and is at the door right now!

    I agree.... great music in NO!! Denise, have you ever heard of Tom Rigney and Flambeau??? He's from CA and most of his gigs are there, but he plays N.O. type jazz & blues. I love him. I think I have ALL his albums! He is my favorite when we go to the JazzFest in Three Rivers each year. Was so sorry we missed it this year because we were in Mexico. Will try to make sure we don't make any conflicting plans next year.

    That reminds me, friend Jacki sees her oncologist again next week. Her liver enzymes are greatly elevated and scans showed a spot on her spine. They started her on a new chemo... a pill so strong she was instructed to put gloves on to take it in case it should break open!! But when her liver enzymes took a steep climb after one week, they told her to stop it for now. Numbers were already high but skyrocketed after she started the new Rx. They also did an ultrasound trying to see if there is a gall bladder issue making the enzymes go up. She hasn't gotten the results of that yet. So worried about her.

    Oh Candice, I know how much you and Peter love Bryan, and how he has become part of your family. Of course you're sad and upset. You didn't see this coming--what a blow! I'm so sorry. Slapping Meghan sounds like a good idea! Want me to do it for you? Kids. . . If it helps at all, mel and I are seriously looking at July 30th.

    Phyl, I'm sorry to hear about all the pain. Have you tried ice? I did get some relief using ice-- especially at night. Between the gloomy/cold weather and the chronic pain, you've got to be feeling pretty down too.

    Im with Janet. The weekend was ho-hum. Went to Andy's yesterday for penny's family's celebration of Levis birthday. She is the youngest of 6 kids, and all but one have kids under 5 years old, so it was very much a family affair. I chose all the wrong foods to eat. We didn't stay long.

    Haven't tried ice, just heating pad and that didn't help. Besides, it made me so hot I couldn't stand it.

    I ate a lot of bad stuff yesterday, too, at the neighbors, and drank way too much wine. We had hot dogs... good ones from Omaha Steaks. They were very lean! And I didn't have a roll. But I did have a little potato salad and baked Beans (that Earl made), and some layered salad, watermelon. But, too much desert. Earl made that dump cake thing again. It's sort of like cherry cobbler. Have to get back on track!! Out to dinner tonight for granddaughter's 21st birthday. Going to a place called "The Rock". I already studied the menu online and not sure what I'll order but I think the best thing I can find is oven roasted chicken. Many of the Entrees come with either Pasta or french fries, but I will see if they'll substitute a side salad. Have skipped Primetimers for a couple of weeks because I don't want to subject myself to those lunch temptations!

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