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Heather Meyer

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Heather Meyer

  1. Ive been craving lettuce..like a salad ..and corn..rice
  2. Heather Meyer


    Nutritionally they suck..If you must have crunchy snacks like chips then these are better in terms of the amount you can eat for the low fat/calorie count.
  3. Heather Meyer

    September sleevers

    Pre op start weight: 312 Day of surgery Sept 11/2013 WT: 299 Current weight: 284 Total lost since start of pre op: 27 pounds
  4. Help! The incision that they pulled my old tummy through- keeps weeping and draining and getting infected. Im in another round of strong antibiotics-Keflex-500mg x 4times per day. Ive kept it religiously clean with antibacterial soap and water. Ive kept it bandaged like the surgeon said to.ive changed the dressings several times. Ive even left it uncovered but because my belly squishes the incision ..its constantly leaking and mucky..What do i do now??
  5. Heather Meyer

    Strange Kidney Soreness

    I dont think its kidney pain because your kidneys are located nust below your ribcage roughly..if you were having kidney pain you would feel as if you were being kicked in the middle left and right side or one side of your back..Pain in your lower back just above your bum sounds more like a lower back pain/siatic pain..muscular pain.
  6. I walked every friggen hour for 36 hours..very broken sleep and i was one of the only ones doing that cause everyone else seemed to be on morphine..Those three days made a huge difference.
  7. Heather Meyer

    Post op taste or food changes?

    My tastes have definitly changed..i used to be hugly addicted to sweets and now i could care less. I used to always crave bread and now i could care less. I used to eat salty greasy things and now i could care less...I love love love sour and tart things like rainbow sorbet(still on full liquids) and lemonade and limeade.
  8. Heather Meyer


    Oh gosh..thought it was just me but guess not... Ever sincesurgery i have been in bed at 10pm and then wake anywhere between 130 and 330 am. From that point on i struggle to go back to sleep...grrr!! See currently 315 am asi type this!!!
  9. For me..i didnt notice the gas moving through my body till 4 days post op..then i was farting and burping storm..but for the first few days i walked and walked and walked and nothing..The best help was my mom rubbing my back downward, taking gas x, having a shower and using a heating pad
  10. Oh and im sad.i used to crave pudding and yogurt..i cod eat tubs of yogurt and now post op i cant hack yogurt much anymore
  11. I no longer crave sugary foods like cookies kr chocolate nor do i crave bread or chips or cakes or sodas... but man oh man..ever since surgery..i am on this sour kick...I always want to eat things that taste like lime and lemon...like lemonade and limeade and popsicles ..the lime ones..sour tastes almost more sweet and tart
  12. My surgeon purposly said " do not drink it or gulp it all..take small sips..i did that and only consumed 1/4 of an ounce but still felt so nausiated. I thought it tasted like chalky water in a paper cup with a hint of pen ink
  13. Heather Meyer

    1 month Results

    23 pounds in 3 1/2 weeks including pre op diet
  14. Ive tried cream of tomato soup and creamy butternut squash soup..protein shakes i cant stomach right now..i dont even try
  15. Okay...this is my rant for today. I have read countless health books and i could be a nutritionist or dietician for people because i have studied it so much over the years...I like research...what can i say? Here is my rant today: What is the nonesense about the different preop diets for every person. Each person is trying to shrink their liver because like just about every obese or morbidly obese person..our liver gets enlarged due to the years of abuse on our bodies from eating unhealthy food. Howevee..there is no real difference between a preop liquid Protein shake diet or a low carb high protein 3 shakes plus lean and green diet. Why starve the liquid shake diet people by giving them 600 calories of liquids when you could give them a 4-6 oz lean steak with 2-4 cups of non starchy vegetables containing little carbs and increased fibre? Both are proven to work just as effectively shrinking the liver and causing ketosis and aiding in weight loss. I can understand the difference in time frames and the need for some to lose a certain amount of weight. This i get....but drs feeding patients bull about how one preop over the other is a better choice for liver shrinking diet....total B friggen S! Oh and if the dr implies that a liquid diet is better to help teach the patient how to live post op for a couple of weeks...fine! Just dont go telling the patient its better for the liver to be on a liquid diet!! -end of rant!
  16. Trying to find ppl who are having surgery on the 11th at Mi Doctor?
  17. Hey all.. I have been morbidly obese for many years of my life and out of all those years, i never had gotten diabetis. Well...guess its my lucky day! 4 days till surgery and doctor does bloodwork just before i leave to go to TJ and BAM !!! Diabetic!!! My fasting sugars are around 12.0 which i find odd because i have been doing low carb and no sugar and low fat!!! So im just wondering how this affects going for surgery??
  18. Heather Meyer

    September 9 surgery in Mexico!

    Im on the 11th at Mi Doctor with Dr. Elias Ortiz
  19. Dr Elias Ortiz at Mi Doctor hospital in Tj.. you?
  20. Heather Meyer

    What is your theme song?

    With or without you by U2 - im doing this with or without you

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
