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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by jensjoy28

  1. jensjoy28

    my legs feel tingly

    Could be vitamin deficiency...b12 or D...maybe anemia
  2. Kicking someone when they're down has never been my style...you know that you slipped up, and so soon after surgery those decisions aren't to be taken lightly...however, what I think would be a better way to expend your energy than crying about the mistake is to a) give yourself an honest answer for why you succumbed to temptation and what you are going to do the next (million) time(s) to have a different outcome.
  3. jensjoy28

    Please Help Me Decide ...

    You are right that sleeve is considered major surgery and brings with it some additional risks, however, there are plenty or "horror stories" w lap-band as well. My surgeon, who admittedly was slow to adopt the sleeve, now says that he can only recommend the lap-band with serious reservations...he says what he likes about the sleeve is that his patients have great outcomes while saying it is easy to live with (the latter not being something that either bypass or lap-band patients tend to say)
  4. What does your post-op diet allow you to have at 3 weeks? I was able to have soft fish and well-cooked veggies at that point. Also, mashed potatoes were allowed for me at that point.
  5. jensjoy28

    May sleevers results so far!

    You are killing it...way to go!
  6. jensjoy28

    May sleevers results so far!

    You are doing GREAT...wow!!
  7. Janice, I don't have anything to add that other posters haven't shared, but you mentioned a few times that you couldn't find the similar thread you had posted, and I wanted to let you know that (at least for me on the iPhone app and I think on website) if you click on someone's pic, it will open up their profile and give you option to read "all threads started by this user"...you can do that for yourself and find them that way...I see one you started in early May about body image post-op.
  8. jensjoy28

    What am I a walking scale?

    Ah, yes...it's like Goldilocks, we are looking for the "just right" amount of attention as we lose weight...too much and we feel like we are a circus act...too little and we feel invisible
  9. jensjoy28


    The feeling you are describing is quite common among overweight people and especially common when there has been some abuse in the past. Many of us have, literally, been "hiding" behind our weight, and as we start to lose we feel very exposed and vulnerable because our "protective shield" is going away. I wholeheartedly encourage you to delve into this either via a self-help book, group therapy (does your post-op program have any group meetings?), or personal therapy sessions...being aware of it is the first step, but learning some tools to effectively overcome it will help you move forward with a healthy body and mind! Good luck, wish you the best!
  10. jensjoy28

    Did your shoe size get smaller ?

    This will be so interesting for me to see...I was telling my Dad the other day how many people experience their feet shrinking after weight loss and he said "well, it is probably because being overweight causes your arches to fall, and once the weight is gone, the arch returns to its "natural" state"...which was a buzzkill for me since I have had flat feet my entire life...so not sure I will be trading in my size 10s (which I've been since I was about 10 years old) for a smaller size...
  11. While I applaud your honesty in posting some of the food choices you've made in the early post-op stage, I echo some of the other posts that encourage you to do some soul-searching. As my surgeon says, "during the first 6 months you can lose weight in spite of yourself", and I am concerned that the choices you are making are going to leave you with a false sense of how many of our food "sins" the sleeve will overcome. There is a lot if work to be done to change the relationship we have with food, and, IMHO, the earlier you start addressing that, the better.
  12. If you are at all like me, there are times I want to stamp my feet and shake my fists and yell, "it's not fair, why can other people eat these things and not have an issue...I just want to be like everyone else" Unfortunately, I've had to accept that I am not going to be like others in this regard...doesn't mean that petulant child doesn't still rise up in me from time to time
  13. jensjoy28

    Weight loss

    That sounds very good...I'm in my mobile, so I don't see stats in your ticker and am not sure how much the "some" was that you lost pre-op, but considering you are 3 weeks out, being down 48 pounds seems very encouraging.
  14. I felt really good from day 1...have had no issues whatsoever since surgery May 8...have lost 23% of my excess weight...yay!
  15. jensjoy28

    Always Thinking about food!

    I can't say I've been thinking of food constantly, but the times I've had the urge to eat something I shouldn't I literally say "stop" (to myself) and ask myself what I'm feeling. If I'm honest (which is hard sometimes because I've spent decades ignoring my feelings) it helps me tap into the emotion and recognize that the bite of food I'm craving isn't going to "cure" the issue.
  16. I had to wait until leak test the next day...nothing but glycerin swabs and they let me have ice chips, but I had to spit out instead of swallow....boy, was my mouth dry, but that is already a distant memory and surgery was 5 weeks ago.
  17. jensjoy28

    Robotic VSG

    I would ask your surgeon some questions like: why do you prefer robotic vs trad. laparoscopic...how many sleeves have you done this way vs other...what are the added risks of robotic...what risks are mitigated w robotic...what type of training did you have to go through on this new tool?
  18. jensjoy28

    Robotic VSG

    Yes, I was just going to say this!
  19. jensjoy28

    Husband Spying on Me

    Wow...there is a lot going on in that post. I am very sorry that life is handing you a whole bunch o' lemons right now.... Although, for me, there have been times when the chaos actually helped bring some big decisions into focus...sometimes all of the bullshit helps make clear what is most important to you. It sounds to me that some quality therapy time is a good idea (maybe both couple and individual) Oh, and I agree w Laura-Ven about the safety of your 15-mo-old...as tough as it is, you might need to consider removing both of you from the house until you are confident that his "only once" isn't lip service.
  20. jensjoy28

    It is a drink of beauty

    Enjoy it!!
  21. jensjoy28

    It is a drink of beauty

    Oops...never mind, for some reason the recipe didn't show up when I first looked at post
  22. jensjoy28

    It is a drink of beauty

    It is...is it a "mocktini"??
  23. Thank you for sharing that. It made me cry because I could see myself in the little girl that learned from the messages at home how "unattractive" and "shame worthy" being fat was and how "easy" it was to lose weight if you just focused on it (therefore bringing about a feeling of failure when this was not he case for me). I still struggle to talk with my parents about this and promise myself that if I have girls (or boys) I will instill in them that they are so much more than a number on a scale

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