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Posts posted by LipstickLady

  1. Yes! As a fatty, I'd finish it because it was there. Now, if I don't love it, I don't eat it unless I need it nutritionally. Cough cough broccoli. :)

    I'm pretty sure there is nothing in broccoli that I can't get in a pill of some sort. I like it raw, but cooked? Blecch!

    I like to get my nutrition from food rather than supplements, personally. Takes up space, gives me Fiber and is an awesome excuse to add cheese or butter!

  2. I'm also a huge believer in the "one bite rule". If you decide to eat (or drink) something off-plan, take one bite and if it isn't worth the calories don't finish it. There have been MANY times something looked amazing and I took one bite and didn't take another because it just didn't blow my mind.

    HW 290+/SW 261/GW 160/CW 159

    Yes! As a fatty, I'd finish it because it was there. Now, if I don't love it, I don't eat it unless I need it nutritionally. Cough cough broccoli.


  3. Why do people act like progressing to the next food stage at your doctor's orders is failing your sleeve?

    Wait, whuuuuut? Where did anyone "act like progressing" is "failing your sleeve"?

    I asked a sincere question, got a sincere reply and shared my different experience. See, some of us can actually have different opinions WITHOUT getting defensive. It's a cool thing, really. It's called adulting. ;)

    Believe it or not some of us can also reply to a post and not be addressing you :o

    Welllppp... I was the only one who had a differing experience, so... And NO ONE said ANYTHING about "failing their sleeve" or progressing off plan.

    Who WERE you addressing then?


  4. Why do people act like progressing to the next food stage at your doctor's orders is failing your sleeve?

    Wait, whuuuuut? Where did anyone "act like progressing" is "failing your sleeve"?

    I asked a sincere question, got a sincere reply and shared my different experience. See, some of us can actually have different opinions WITHOUT getting defensive. It's a cool thing, really. It's called adulting. ;)

  5. Ended up having garlic long Beans with fried tofu, and some chicken curry with onions, carrots, and peppers.

    At ELEVEN days out? Phew! Living life on the edge... I was still on full liquids. :D
    I was advanced pretty quickly too but part of that is because I was not enjoying the pureed stage so I asked if I could just chew the supreme crap out of the next stage of food and was given the ok.
    I wasn't "enjoying" it either, but enjoying got me to the point where I needed WLS, so... :P
    My surgeon's practice skips full liquids and mushy foods unless regular food isn't tolerated. And so far, I have tolerated everything I've eaten. I just eat a lot less than I used to, and skip carbs.

    Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App

    Rock on, freaky bro! i was too scared to try anything fried my entire first year. :D

  6. Ended up having garlic long Beans with fried tofu, and some chicken curry with onions, carrots, and peppers.

    At ELEVEN days out? Phew! Living life on the edge... I was still on full liquids. :D
    I was advanced pretty quickly too but part of that is because I was not enjoying the pureed stage so I asked if I could just chew the supreme crap out of the next stage of food and was given the ok.
    I wasn't "enjoying" it either, but enjoying got me to the point where I needed WLS, so... :P

  7. Thank you so much for chiming in @@LipstickLady! I think cutting the mashed potatoes is a good idea and I don't eat them that often... All great advice. Thanks!

    PS - Always enjoy your posts!

    A lot of people don't think to check the carbs in the Soup because it's ... soup. Thick chowders use a lot of flour or other thickeners that make them higher in carbs than you expect.

  8. Well, a properly done sleeve will not stretch. As you continue to heal, the swelling will go down and your volume will increase slightly. This is normal.

    I do think you are getting in some slider foods like mashed potatoes. Chunky Soup is also not your best option. If you stick to firm Proteins, vegetables, cheese and Beans, you will feel your restriction quicker and stay full longer.

    Of course, follow your nutritionists guidelines. I'm not sure where you are on your food progression. At six weeks, I was still on soft...

    Edit. Reread your op. You are still on soft as well. Try sticking to soft Proteins like fish and crab and saucy meats. cheese is great, and of course yogurt, Beans and avocado. Mashed Taters are amazing but they aren't your friend.

  9. Please don't reply if your offended by what I'm about to say.

    I know I'm not the only person who followed their post op diet to a perfect T. I don't understand why someone would cheat post op and risk their lives for a piece of food. Maybe it's because I don't see food as a crutch? The majority of my life I've only see carbs, fats and Protein. I'm not addicted to it, and it irks the hell out of me when people use that as their excuse. I know I snapped at a newbie on her post a few weeks ago, but I really had the best intentions. My husband, who is a slim guy and very health conscious about food, would chew me out if I even so much as looked at something I'm not supposed to have. He only has the best intentions for my success. I believe everyone going through surgery should have that sort of jerk to keep them in line. Which brings me to my second issue, why would you consult with a forum first, instead of your surgeon about your screw up? Knowing how people are on the Internet and how harsh and rude they can be, wouldn't you rather be reemed by the person who did your surgery and make you feel guilty, rather than a group of strangers? All of our post op diet plans are different, mine for example: Clear liquids for a week, full liquids for a week, my puree stage is 4 weeks long, then I move on to soft foods for 2 weeks after that. Then it's all maintenance from there. I've seen some people where they only need to puree for 1 week. So of course someone like me would have a heart attack thinking about someone eating solids during purees. People don't use their brains, and don't have any self control. And that's what bugs me the most. Our surgeons should make sure someone is mentally competent to handle the diet before the surgery to make sure they don't put their lives at stake over a sandwich, or a pork chop.

    Sorry, I really needed to vent that. I'm just so tired of seeing the same posts over and over again :(

    I totally feel what you're saying above. I definitely had food issues but I had this surgery so I could gain the right tools to deal with my issues, relearn good habits and conquer my obesity.

    Because of my restriction and my absolute commitment to making this work this time around, I was able to lose the weight and maintain that loss.

    I get frustrated by "cheating" posts because it's my feeling that people who go to the surgical extreme to lose the weight should respect their bodies enough to fully heal before turning back to crap foods.

    That's kind of really personal, and I don't like telling strangers about it, but I guess I'm going to have to so people understand me better. Not only is this embarrassing, and emotionally taxing, but I've never told anyone but my husband about most of this. Now I'm telling a forum of strangers. the reason for me being fat is a combination of genetics, how I was raised, harming my body to lose weight as a teen through my twenties and PCOS. My father was a professional football player, and lucky me! I got his physique. I grew up eating his size meals since I was a child. And having PCOS when i hit puberty played a huge role. I'm infertile because of it. I got into middle school, I got teased for being fat. I took it really hard and started starving myself and that eventually lead to binging and purging. What some people don't realize about eating disorders is, they don't actually make you lose weight. In fact it does the opposite. By the time I was 18 I was 220 lbs. I started dating a boy who helped me out of that violent spiral of self harm that was helping me diet and teaching me how to exercise. But it was counter productive to my method of birth control that made me gain another 30 lbs. I went on and off yoyo dieting and my body was in a constant state of starvation mode which is where your body consumes too few calories and your body stops metabolizing all together. And not to mention quitting smoking after nearly 15 years. If you're wondering why I was taking bc with PCOS, it was to help my hemorrhage like cycles be a little easier to get through.

    This post concerns me, though, and maybe I'm wrong. I felt like you gave the impression that you don't think you have food issues (that's where you correct me). To me, it sounds as if you have some severe ones.

    No, you can't help your physique, and PCOS sucks, but you're dealing with a lot of other issues here that have culminated in food and obesity.

    Yo yo dieting, binging and purging, eating football sized meal resulting in childhood obesity ... those are food issues. I hope you're getting support via counseling?

    No judgment. Just an uneducated observation.

  10. I'm a grazer. My restriction is SO freaking tight, I have to be. I also have to be extra mindful of WHAT I am grazing on. I will disagree with some of the advice above, but only because it is working **for me**.

    I eat a shit-ton of cheese. I eat almonds. I eat beef Jerky and eggs. I eat lunch meat rolled with cheese. I can only eat a few ounces at a sitting, but I eat every two hours or so. I don't count calories or fat, I count carbs. As long as I stay under carb count, I am golden. When I introduce chips or cracker or bread, I am screwed. So I don't.

    Meat, cheese, veggies = loss.

    Carbs = gain.

    This is my new normal and I am OK with it.

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