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Posts posted by LipstickLady

  1. Did you know that you could ask for your Subway "scooped"? What an awesome idea! You still get the feeling of having bread, the taste of the yummy flavor you choose and lose most of the junk.

    They split your sandwich, scoop out all the soft bready part and then fill it with your meats, cheese, and veggies. You can add SO MUCH MORE fixins this way. It's like a salad on a really thin roll.

    try it out!

  2. I think what Aussie was saying, is that this surgery is going to help you feel full quicker yes,

    But as the months progress you WILL be able to eat more, and the "bad" or junk food goes down way to easy and you don't experience the discomfort with it like you do with dense Proteins. So people that have issues with food

    (Yes, I know we all do) often eat "around" the sleeve.

    So it's essential to at least have a fighting chance at this working long term, to work on food issues starting now, instead of thinking about everything you can consume now "before its to late".

    You will be able to eat these things again.

    And you most likely will be able to eat larger amounts of them over dense Protein.

    I know that notion sucks because healthy food did not get us here, but unless they invent a sleeve that slaps that **** out of your hand, it's entirely up to you.

    Once again that's what I think she was saying,

    I could be wrong.

    I totally understand that and I agre which is exactly why I am NOT having a food funeral and I am NOT mourning the loss of something that I can have later in very small moderation. If your interpretation is correct, I think my post was misunderstood by her.



  3. I think that is a very reasonable idea! I can easily fit in a "treat" if I stick to my plan of Protein shakes, lean Protein and veggies. I am under calories/fat/carbs now.

    I actually had frozen yogurt with my daughter yesterday and it was great. Instead of my usual mass of hot fudge, brownies, snickers, etc. on top, I had a half cup with blueberries and strawberries and it was delicious! I can live with that.

  4. Good for you LipstickLady! I was sleeved in February and I did not have a food funeral either. It was not a deliberate decision, I just didn't feel the need for one and I have never regretted that.

    Best of luck to you during pre-op diet, surgery and beyond. I am sure you will do great with your new tool

    Thank you!! Are you doing well?

  5. I have planned mine out many times over the last few weeks and with surgery coming up three weeks from tomorrow and the pre-op liquid diet starting two weeks from tomorrow, I've finally decided what I am going to do.

    I'm not having one. Why? Because I know that eventually (within 6 months or so!), I will be able to eat anything I want, I will just do so in moderation. (Imagine that concept!) I don't want to mourn the loss of any food, because it's not going away, I am just going to be limited in quantity. I have had more food in my 41 years than I should have consumed in a lifetime and I really see no need to mourn something that isn't dead and more importantly, has done nothing but made me unhealthy because I've allowed it to take control of me.

    I want to be the one to make the decision to stop eating so much and to start being healthy, I do not want my surgeon to decide for me. For many people, once they go under, the decision is being made for them by the surgeon who is doing the cutting. Because they are no longer able to eat in mass quantity, they don't. Up until yesterday, that was going to be me. Yes, I've been doing one shake a day and high protein/low carb/under 1000cal for the last week and have lost 10.8 pounds to show for it. In the back of my mind, though, I was looking forward to having a smorgasbord of good stuff a few days before my diet started. I've looked at a million pins on Pinterest and gotten sad that I will never eat that or make that. I've been hyper-aware of all the new restaurants that are opening in my area, studying the menus, trying to figure out what I can have ONE LAST TIME. How ridiculous!

    I don't want my surgeon to steal MY power, I want it to be MY decision. I decided Wednesday of last week that I would start prepping myself for the pre-op diet and yesterday I decided to stick to it right up till my surgery date. I decided to cut back on my favorite - Coke Zero - and have only one every few days. No more. I've not had one since Friday and I've lived!

    Yesterday I completed all my pre-op blood work, xrays, tests, doctor visits, and signed off on all the papers. I also did all the pre-registration. The surgeon asked me if I was ready to make all the changes starting post-op that were necessary for my success and that really hit me. I told him I was not. I was ready to start right now.

    I decided that I am in control of my body NOW because God knows I will not be in control of it for the weeks immediately following my procedure because at that point, I will be forced to do it.

    I am the boss of me. Starting TODAY. Good Lord, I think it finally clicked and I cannot wait to start my new life. Oh, wait. I already did.

    **EDIT TO ADD. I have no idea why this post is shaded or sized this way. HA! I made it bigger so it's readable.WEIRD!!!**

  6. I am a coke zero drinker. I can easily drink a 2 liter a day. I know how hard it is going to be to give it up permanently, but I am anxious to get healthy, so it's a small price to pay. Over the last week, have weened myself to one glass a day and it sucks, but it's doable.

    I am so busy trying new teas, new crystal lights, new flavored waters, etc. to distract myself from CZ, it's not been as bad as I expected.

    Think of how worth it will be. Don't buy it and think of the money you will save. Put your MD money in a jar each day and save it for a great new outfit when you hit goal. That's my motivation. Hell, I may be able to by a Bug convertible in cash with my savings! :D

  7. Last minute advice? Your life won't ever be the same again. Don't think, yeah, I'll have the surgery, be slim and beautiful and then my life will be great. Yes, you will be slim, but you basically won't ever enjoy a meal again. Being slim was a higher priority to me than food, but if that's not you, then life will be hell. After this surgery, eating is something you do to survive. You know how you feel about going to the gym at 6 in the morning feels.........you know you need to do it but it's not a pleasure, even if it's the best equipment ever. That's how eating is after the surgery.

    I am going to have to disagree, and no, I've not had surgery yet so I don't know how it will work for me. I understand that each person's journey is different and I hate that you aren't enjoying your meals post op.

    I have 4 friends who have already had the surgery and they are a year post op. All over them have hit 90+ pounds lost and are right around their goal weight. I've been on vacation with one of them two times since her surgery Jamaica and Vegas) and watched her eating habits so I would have an idea what to expect.

    She was able to eat whatever she wanted, the difference was, she was happy and satisfied after a few bites of each thing. She probably had the most fun because while the rest of us were eating, she was doing all the talking! :D

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