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Posts posted by LipstickLady

  1. Really? Wow! Never would have thought to try that. I use quick oats now to add Fiber, but that's interesting. Another great add is a dash of sausage seasoning (Pensley's if you have one) to add great flavor. Over are the days of using 2/3 hamburger and 1/3 sausage.

  2. Are you journaling with an app like My Fitness Pal? I am a bit obsessive compulsive so notating everything I eat and drink helps a lot. You can put it on your phone, iPad, computer... I added a ton of like minded friends so we can watch each other, too. It's much harder to eat when the world is watching for me. Also, we have decided to hold each other accountable and I can't do that if I am not holding myself accountable.

    If you are doing MFP, inbox me your user name. I am happy to give you a kick in the rear as long as you do the same in return. :D

  3. Wow! went back and reread what LipstickLady wrote and not one word spoke to me as her acting like she knows it all. It was a post of thought, process and conclusion. Her own feelings and thoughts. She was clear on that. She also stated she was sure there would be difficult times and challenges.

    Not sure why AussieLady is accusing her of being a newbie who thinks she knows it all to the point of telling her she needs therapy.

    How about letting folks post their thoughts and feeling without judging and making declarations on what they need and don't need?

    I read her post as very positive and going into this journey with her eyes wide open and doing her best to take control of her journey. If that is wrong, I sure don't want to be right.

    You will do great LipstickLady, and I was able to see the positive mindset in your post. I thought it very uplifting and inspiring. :)

    Thank you very much. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your kind words and your understanding of my long ramble of thoughts as I approach the reality of what I am getting myself into. You're a peach!

  4. Everyone on here has been "the fat friend". What people on here don't like is Newbies, who haven't been sleeved yet, acting like they know it all. I was sleeved 6 months ago and I still don't know it all. I can admit that with no hesitation at all. Lipstick thinks she knows it all and I admit that she is an expert at being fat, as we all were, but being sleeved is not an easy journey and she has no idea about that.

    There are a lot of things I don't know. I have no idea where you got the idea that I think I do. I am an expert on very few things, this surgery is not one of them but where I am mentally in this process is.

    I do know that I've been reading these forums for over a year. I do know that many of your posts are extremely negative and quite frankly, you seem to be rather unhappy. (I hope I am wrong about that!). I do know that your negativity towards me will not affect me in any way and I do know that I will not allow your bullying to stop me from posting, learning, celebrating, and venting nor will it stop me from being a member of this community.

    I wish you well.

  5. I'm not too worried about that, quite honestly. The doctors found a lemon sized brain tumor in my noggin almost four years ago. It was then that I found out who my friends were, I figured out who made me more unhappy than happy and I eliminated anyone who caused me unwanted stress without looking back. It was also during that very scary time that I decided that I would NEVER EVER let someone else's opinion matter to me unless THEY mattered to me.

    I am SO MUCH HAPPIER now. I dare say that lemon was the best thing that every happened to me.

  6. Devils advocate here....

    All of us need to have help with this professionally because we all know what to do.

    Hell we are experts at it! But knowing and doing don't always come together that easily for us that are "food addicts" right?

    I don't think Aussie means it as an insult its just part of the hard road ahead.

    The one thing I know for sure?

    It's that this surgery is not a miracle :(

    Yup, you are right. But it's still bizarre to me to be singled out on, what to me, was such a positive post, only to have it twisted around to being told I need professional help by someone who knows nothing about me.

    It's all good. Other people's opinions about me stopped bothering me a long long time ago. THANK GOODNESS!

  7. I did say that. I also stated that I am ready to take control and have done so. I've given up my NEED for food and realized that it's not the *important* thing in my day and I am happy with that decision. My past is my past, can't change that. I am looking forward to my future. I'm sorry that you can't understand that or that you are choosing not to.


  8. I've been fat almost all my life and I've been aware of it. I've been on a diet all my life and I know what to do. I also know that I've not always made good choices even when dieting. In my original post, I stated that it finally clicked for me and that I am NOW doing the right thing instead of binging/indulging/mourning etc. I am past caring about what I am going to put in my mouth next and I feel awesome about that. It took me YEARS of mental preparation while even finally choosing to so this surgery and I am finally there.

    I'm really not sure where that begs for professional help.

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