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Posts posted by LipstickLady

  1. @@LipstickLady You know i felt the same way about you,.... i always like you and respected your honesty... i just wish we can get past all this....

    As far as I'm concerned, we're groovy.

    I certainly don't stalk your posts waiting to jump on you as you accused, but again, if **anyone** starts hurling out the name calling, I'm calling them on it.

    I've always lived by the mantra to not dish it out if you can't take it.

    I'm good. You?

  2. Picture this.

    Throw a few ounces of steak or chicken in the blender with a few teaspoons of Water and give it a whirl. When you dump it out, you will most likely still have about the same amount in VOLUME.

    Now, take a few ounces of cheetos, chips, Cookies, crackers, chocolate, etc. Add a few teaspoons of Water and again, give it a whirl. Your volume is decreased drastically.

    Which keeps you full longer and which do you imagine slides through faster?


  3. @@LipstickLady I wasn't talking about anyone in particular..... please get a life and leave mine alone.

    It's like you sit around waiting to pounce on me....

    This is it.... i don't care what else you say to me EVER... im not going to take the bait again.... I am done with you. You will never run me off this site... so stop.... i've been here wayyyy to long.

    Geezzzz....Haven't been on here in days... say one thing... and good lord....

    Girl, I am not trying to "run you off the site". I never had any beef with you honestly. As a matter of fact, I always liked you. I was shocked when that conversation went down and ever since you've been pulling the mean girl at the playground card, when in fact, well...

    You've been gone for days and the first thing you say starts with the name calling? You do you, but again, I will call ANYONE on the name calling, especially when they are pointing fingers at others. I despise it that much.

    Block me. :)

  4. i was not directing my original comment to ANYONE in particular.... I was stating a fact that there are mean people on here that its...... good lord...

    Old? It was a few weeks ago! And once again, you threw a jab by calling people mean girls and "Catty", you just don't like it when someone pushes you back. ;)

    Weird stuff right there.

    What's that saying about dishing it out and taking it?

    @@LipstickLady don't you have anything better to do then to keep re-hashing old crap..... Why don't you get a life and leave me alone. I really don't care what you have to say.... you are a nothing to me....

    Stop being so jelly and concentrate on improving yourself.

    See..... Mean girls in a school yard.... One of the leaders....that's what you are...

    Poof... be gone with you....


    Not to be a mean girl, cause I'm not, but didn't you expect a reaction when YOU brought up the past? I've posted several things on different posts and never been attacked or jumped on!!

    @@LipstickLady don't you have anything better to do then to keep re-hashing old crap..... Why don't you get a life and leave me alone. I really don't care what you have to say.... you are a nothing to me....

    Stop being so jelly and concentrate on improving yourself.

    See..... Mean girls in a school yard.... One of the leaders....that's what you are...

    Poof... be gone with you....


    when you read what i wrote... did you think i was taking about you? then maybe look with in and work on you....

    It's like you can't wait till i have something to say so you can bring up past crap..... Let it goooooo Stop caring what i say or do.


    Actually, I thought you were talking about someone else, but I am always happy to point out hypocrisy. YOU started in with the name calling and I don't care WHO you were directing it at to be quite honest. I will guarantee you this, if someone calls someone else the foulest of names (the C word? REALLY!?!?!), tells someone that almost everyone hates them, tells a group of people to "F" off and then starts pointing fingers?

    Heck yeah, I am going to call them on it.

    Maybe some introspection needs to be started by you, too. ;)

  5. @@LipstickLady don't you have anything better to do then to keep re-hashing old crap..... Why don't you get a life and leave me alone. I really don't care what you have to say.... you are a nothing to me....

    Stop being so jelly and concentrate on improving yourself.

    See..... Mean girls in a school yard.... One of the leaders....that's what you are...

    Poof... be gone with you....

    Old? It was a few weeks ago! And once again, you threw a jab by calling people mean girls and "Catty", you just don't like it when someone pushes you back. ;)

    Weird stuff right there.

    What's that saying about dishing it out and taking it?


    @@LipstickLady don't you have anything better to do then to keep re-hashing old crap..... Why don't you get a life and leave me alone. I really don't care what you have to say.... you are a nothing to me....

    Stop being so jelly and concentrate on improving yourself.

    See..... Mean girls in a school yard.... One of the leaders....that's what you are...

    Poof... be gone with you....

    Not to be a mean girl, cause I'm not, but didn't you expect a reaction when YOU brought up the past? I've posted several things on different posts and never been attacked or jumped on!!


  6. I am three and a half years out and maintaining just fine.

    My sleeve tolerates carbonation just fine and hasn't stretched. I am not a kangaroo, so I do not have a pouch. :D

    But would beer be different? Beer has hops, and kangaroos hop, so would that make it a pouch? ;-)

    When I drink beer, I don't hop. I do dance like a fool, though. Hmmm... Maybe that makes it a tutu?

  7. When i started here 7 years ago.... it was lapbandtalk (just lapband patients).... and it was wonderful... NOW did we all always get along.. NO..... But, it's wasn't as Catty as it gets now.. Lord forbid you have an opinion other than some.... The gang up on you like a pack of mean girls in a school yard...... None of the "my WLS is better than yours... nanna nanna booboo"... crap

    I was lucky that when i was new... i had great inspiration and advice given. So, i try and pay it forward when i can....

    Hold up, wait a minute....

    Aren't you the one who told another member of this forum that 75% of the members here hate her? Aren't you also the one who entered a political discussion, threw the first punch, dropped the "f" bomb on the rest of the participants in that conversation and then called them the C word?

    I have the screen shots of it if your memory is failing. ;)

  8. Thank you for that very instructional post, not sure why you thought you had to school me on carbonation. I'm just looking to encourage and be encouraged not be drilled down like you did.

    Thanks anyways. Have a nice one.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    She was trying to educate you and anyone else who sees this because you were giving out inaccurate information.
    Well there is a nice way to do it and a condescending way to do it.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    I swear, @Gustavio....you have a serious habit of poking at certain vets on this board and if you run them off before I get through this surgery and get to my 5 year mark, I'm gonna be very, very irritated. I NEED them. You don't seem to realize that you may need them, too.

    It makes me crazy when people QUOTE who I have blocked because then I have to see their nonsense anyways!! GRRRRRRR!!!!!!!

  9. You know what I don't understand? Whatever happened to just good old fashioned moxie? You know, just WANTING it bad enough, and not making excuses for when you just....don't?

    You either want to quit smoking, or you don't.

    You either want to work out, or you don't.

    You either want to excel at your career, or you don't.

    You either want to work hard in school, or you don't.

    You either want to lose weight and reach your goal, or you don't.

    You know?

    Let's have sex.

  10. Now, once released to a full diet, I've eaten all sorts of things that would give the veterans on here fits.

    Do we need to talk?


    Not really. I mean, I cannot restrict carbs the way most of you do. For now, it's fine. I don't know what it will mean once I get to maintenance. It could even prevent me from getting all the way to goal, but so far things are looking pretty good. I try to make it complex carbs when I eat them, but it's not always.

    Since I'm also working on food issues with my therapist, I have tried things if I got a craving for them. Oreos, ice cream, cake, pie at Turkey Day. For the most part, I've found that they just aren't as good as I remember them. When I find that it is something I still like, I just make sure it's what I used to consider a TEENY portion because if it's really sugary, my sleeve will only tolerate a little. So I'm getting used to just having a bite of something I think I want, and it's really and truly just a bite.

    I also have days occasionally where my stomach turns just thinking about drinking a Protein shake, and all I want are carbs. Those days, I try to find as much Protein source as I can that doesn't turn my stomach, and I end up with more carbs that day than I normally eat.

    So I totally get that this is stuff I should probably be doing only after I hit maintenance if I really want to maximize the honeymoon period. Hence my statement.

    And therein lies the difference. I don't feel moved to confess my crimes here so I can "get straightened out" or gain some sort of permission or absolution.

    If for some reason I share how I'm eating (like right now), I am not going to get pissy if vets share with me that my choices may cost me in the end - not meeting goal, making maintenance harder, whatever. Your experiences are valid, and you guys are the ones who have been making this work. I'd be an idiot not to listen to what you have to say about it. I won't be able to say if my choices were good ones or not until I'm much farther down the road.

    I have the option to consider what you have to say, and use it or discard it as I see fit. That's called being an adult.

    I don't think anyone who criticizes my choices is being snippy or bitchy, and I certainly don't read any negative "tone" into it. I appreciate that everyone here wants me to succeed, and is just trying to warn me off of choices that might get in the way of that. And I *DO* consider what everyone says, even if I decide it's not the right fit for me.

    And I'm not violating anything my surgeon has told me either. I'm well past being released to a full diet, and my doc doesn't push low carb, she doesn't think it's sustainable for most people in the long term. She wants to see better food choices, focus on nutrition, and really good Portion Control. Ketosis makes me incredibly ill, so I have to find the right balance for carbs for myself. I am most definitely not there yet, but I've not given up either. And I'm not eating anywhere close to the way I was before surgery, so I consider that progress.

    I also try not to bash the low-carb thing for other people, or advocate that anyone else eat the way I am. I think for most people the low-carb diet is probably the most beneficial post-op. The vets with the experience are generally saying that it is, and many of the physicians are as well.

    So I don't know... do we need to talk?? ;)

    Yes. I'll let you know about WHO later. ;)

  11. Do you really think this is a place to vent people go here to get positive ideas not to hear bt wht u believe is bad, seriously

    Sent from my VS835 using the BariatricPal App

    Scroll to the top of the thread. This area is called Rants and Raves. The description of the forum reads as follows:

    Want debate? Get it here. Gripe, complain, moan, fight, rant and rave. Enter at your own risk!

  12. Just wait until you are 3.5 years out, maintaining beautifully, and are called all sorts of fun names for giving well thought out, sincere advice. It's actually quite funny.

    And then when the story changes to justify the behavior and it's all you can do not to bust out into mad giggles. My favorites are the people who eat more than I can at at my stage 4 or 5 days post op, say they are too afraid to tell their surgeon when urged to, and then come back and say that they DID tell their surgeon he was OK with it. Uhm, Ok. ;)

    Another favorite is the people who say they can "feel" that they are healed a week or two post op. They feel great, they know they should "listen to their bodies" and have at the chips, the ice cream and the pizza. Unless they were given some sort of internal camera and a medical degree at discharge, they can't know that they are healed in the inside. As far as listening to your body? Listening to your body most likely got you to this weight in the first place.

    But let me stop...

  13. When do you feel like yourself? When do you stop feeling like a patient and feel normal like you never even had the surgery ? When does the constant reminders in your head stop about how to eat, what to eat, how fast, drink, Protein, Vitamins etc .. When does it just become apart of you.

    Are does it never happen?

    Sent from my Z981 using the BariatricPal App

    I'll happily say never! I never want to be obese again so my constant vigilance and need to stick to plan will forever by MY normal.

    I'm thrilled that my sleeve gives me constant reminders that it is in control because clearly, I couldn't be.

  14. A liquid is basically anything you can suck through a straw. Caveat because, yes, one newer post op member here asked the question... MILKSHAKES DON'T COUNT.

    As @@Hammer_Down said, Clear Liquids are generally low calorie or calorie free and you can read a label through them. Water, tea, broth, SF flavor enhanced drinks like Crystal Light or Gatorade would all count. No, you can't have fruit juices either. Too much sugar.

    Full liquids would include Protein shakes (watch the carbs!), Soups like Tomato, bisque, creamed veggie, etc. But again, watch the calories and fat. You don't want to consume creamy potato and cheese because that would defeat the purpose.

    Liquids is basically....liquids. Some diets will include yogurt, sf Jello or pudding, and Popsicle on the liquid side, but that's up to you.

  15. 3 1/2 years out here and I am still always cold. I have various thicknesses of longjohns to take me through the different temperatures. I keep the house set at 76 in the winter and 78 in the summer. I wear a tank top under all clothes year round.

    I wear 2-3 layers to bed and sleep in flannel sheets and under a down comforter. I also have a heated mattress pad.

    Still better than being fat.

  16. Thank you all for your comments. I havent had any popcorn yet and I think I'll wait awhile longer. But everything is not on the list and sample meals plans from our doctor, so there are things I question. Better to hear what others are experiencing. Again thanks All. I appreciate the comments

    So really, your best bet is seriously to ask your doctor. His plan is the best plan for YOU. :)

  17. @@Djmohr

    You need this in your life (in garlic!). It's hard to describe. It's all cheese, but it doesn't melt like cheese. You heat it in a pan, on the grill or in the microwave. It puffs, but it doesn't melt. It tastes exactly like greasy (in a good way), buttery, cheesy bread from a GOOD pizza place. The texture is almost bread like but not quite. It's SO DANG DELICIOUS. I was scared of it at first, but now I am addicted. No carbs.


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