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Posts posted by rebecca_dsu

  1. That's interesting that he didn't give you a diet to follow. Most doctors what you to go low carb...something about shrinking the liver so they can move it out of the way during surgery.

    My doctor's diet looks like this:

    "A low carb (30 grams or less daily), high Protein (minimum of 60 - 70 grams a dday), and don't over do it on fat" "You may have low fat yogurt, lean meats, grilled chicken, green vegetables" "If you chose to drink a Protein shake it should have atleast 15 grams of Protein and less than 6 total grams of carbs"

    And then it has menu ideas and link to a carb counter on the Atkins web site.

  2. Many of us self payers are choosing to go to Mexico. There are doctors there who charge anywhere from $4,500 to $10,000.

    Do lots of research about the doctors, look through and use the search function on this site, or ask questions.

    Check out the Self Pay Mexico Forum..http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/forum/114-self-pay-mexico-vertical-sleeve-surgery-new-forum/

    Some folks also report lower cost in Nevada and Texas... But I still think Mexico may be the cheapest option with qualified doctors that have done a lot of these surgeries. But I've been wrong before ;)

  3. I had to go off the pill because it made me *batshitcrazy*... and yes, I tried about 5 different ones. The hormones just made me so mean and I'm normally a "nice" person. Ha!

    And I don't know if you are aware or not, but being on the pill does not make you ovulate... so you aren't having a "real" period anyway. Since you aren't ovulating, you aren't building up "cushion" in your uterus which is then shed through having a period normally. So I never really understood why they recommend you go on BCP if you aren't having periods...because it's just making you have a "false" one anyway. *headscratch*

    It's been condom usage over in this household.... 1 year..so far so good (maybe I should buy stock in latex). Sorry, I'm really no help towards your original question about going on/off the pill after surgery..ha. But yeah...don't get pregnant!! ha!

    Congrats on your engagement though!!!!

  4. I am self pay, and due to cost and frustration you just described, I'm heading to Mexico!..ha.

    Like CurvyJ said, basically they have you fill out a general questionare (not nearly as long as the docs here make you fill out) which give them basic info, any co-morbities you have, any medications, family history, etc. Then, the day you arrive in Mexico you will have labs done, EKG etc.

    So no..nothing to be done here in the US...it's all done there..a "one stop shop" as you said. Most people don't need follow ups, but if you'd feel more comfortable, bring your PCP into the loop, have him do a "physical" on you before you go, and then post surgery, months down the road you can have another one to see how you've changed. (just a suggestion...)

    I just couldn't afford the $19k it was going to be here in the US....

  5. Welcome Nono! I'm proud of you for taking charge of your health at 21! My highest weight was also 320, and if I would have gone ahead and had bariatric surgery, I wouldn't have waisted so much of my 20's missing out on stuff.

    You only have a few weeks girl! Get excited, and be sure to keep us posted. (My surgery date is not until June).

  6. That is a fantastic list!!! Love it!

    Some of mine are:

    1. Sitting in my husband's lap (he's 135ish...I'll break him now)

    2. Rock climbing walls...seriously, I want to do this.

    3. Shopping in "normal" sizes... haven't been able to since I was a pre-teen.

    4. Being in better shape for hiking...equaling more epic trips.

    5. Bungee jumping in New Zealand in 2 years (seriously)

  7. That does make perfect sense. I've lost down to 215 once, and down to 225 atleast 5 times...I can just never stay there or push past it. That's good to know that they base it on the condition we were in when we started the process....

    I thought it was silly to have the warped mentality of "I can't lose now, or else I'll be disqualified from surgery" ...thanks for clarifying for me!

  8. I know this is probably a silly question, but is it possible to lose too much weight before surgery, and then be denied the surgery?

    My current BMI is 36.5, and I have 8ish weeks til surgery. I'm heading to Hawaii in 5 weeks and am going to go back to clean eating tomorrow and tracking my calories (I've been eating too much Easter Bunny loot!) and am determined to lose 15 lbs before we head there (I know I can do it if I eat clean and hold my calories around 1,600 + exercise). That would put me at 34.2... and that's even before I do the 7 day preop diet which is only 1 week after we get back from Hawaii.

    So... if I get to surgery and my BMI is 32-33ish...will they still do the surgery?

    My Doc is Dr. Aceves in Mexicali...

  9. Hiking was one of the first activities I did after surgery. By the 3rd week I felt fine to hike. Heck I was chainsawing down trees at 3 weeks. I just came back from a week long hiking trip in New Mexico. Wow was it beautiful. It was an adjustment because my mind still had me packing a ton of food, way more than I need now. By the end of the week I pretty much had it figured out. My favorites ended up being almonds and baby bel cheeses. The energy squares Fiddleman mentioned are also good, and I also packed some small containers of PB2 which was a great treat and a good energy source......

    Thanks so much, this was great information, but even more important...congrats on your hike!! 9,100 feet...shoo, I can't even imagine. The most I've done is around 3,500 in a day... great job!!

  10. My final straw was after eating a ton of easter candy, and still craving ice cream. My husband said "after all that you still want ice cream?"...ouch. It started me on the journey monday of finally getting my ducks in a row, and one week later, here I am...found my doctor, got the funding (partial financing only), got doc approval, got a date set, bought flight tickets... overwhelmingly excited and hopeful.

    Seriously though, I lost 80 lbs by simply cutting back and starting exercise in 2 years. But since (5 years ago!) have tried just about everything other than starvation (which I can't do...I'm not that strong) and can not get my weight loss to continue. Weight Watchers, Medifast, Calorie counting, the eat clean diet...I can't seem to fill the void in my stomach and stay consistent with eating 1,500ish calories. I began researching weight loss surgery, and it just clicked..."this is the tool I need to finally finish this and get to a healthy weight".

    The things I look forward to:

    - being under 200lbs for the first time since middle school.

    - shopping for clothes in the "normal" section...seriously haven't been able to do this since I was maybe 13???

    - buying hiking clothes at local outfitters and running clothes from under armor (they don't think big girls hike or run..ha)

    - new sex positions...they are limited at this weight.

    - being satisfied with just a few bites of something instead filling the void that is my very large stomach

    - sitting in my husband's lap (he is 135lbs...I will break him right now)

    - sky diving, bungee jumping, zip lining, trying out the local rock climbing indoor center...etc.

    - much more ;)

  11. For those of you who are post-op and used Dr. Aceves, Can I ask you a few questions...please forgive my silly questions.

    1. Did your spouse/family member/friend stay with you the whole time, or did they have a hotel room they went back to while you were in the hospital?

    2. If they stayed, is there a cafeteria there or somewhere for them to get meals?

    3. Do the rooms have bathroom/showers for them to use?

    4. Did the hospital have Wifi?

    5. Were you pleased with Dr. Aceves?

    6. Any tips of things you didn't think to bring, but wish you had?

    7. Did you have any issues with any of the staff not knowing English (should I seriously learn the phrases he sent in the patient info?)

    8. Is the area around the hospital pretty safe for my spouse to get and walk around alone? I know he'll get bored just sitting in the hospital..ha!

    Thanks so much!! My surgery date is June 7th and I am so excited. I'm already starting the process of losing a bit before going (though I've maintained an 80lb loss for 5 years now.... I still have 80 to go to my "goal" of 160) and getting well hydrated, and starting to get into routine of taking Vitamins, and reviewing different Protein Shakes :)

  12. I am a hiker both pre and post op.

    Even before food considerations, make sure you have more then enough Water. Probably 2x the amount you take now. I went on a difficult hike at week 3 (mistake in hindsight) and ran out of Water at the top. It was a tough hike going down too and I had zero water.

    Just to let you know, I took 64 oz, was still only enough for going up. I got really really dehydrated in the last mile back to the car and did not think I was going to make it. Seriously, I was thinking about a living will and power of attorney right there if my body shut down and if I did make it back in only dehydrated state, what the ER trip back to the hospital was going to be like. This is not hyperbole!!! Any ways, made it back to the car and downed water all the way home and was still wiped out when at ho.e. went to sleep very early so wiped out from the ordeal. Don't repeat this!!

    So- now you understand the importance of staying hydrated on a challenging hike ( or any hike) post op. As for food, you will want to have 3 or 4 Protein shakes with you. You do not need them pre mixed, but have the powder in baggies so you can quickly mix the up. This is if you are hiking before 1 month post op.

    Once you are on solids, I would make sure you take small Protein packages (1-3 ounces in size). Try and west one every 1/2 mile. I do not really know as I was not hiking until 6 months out after the week 3 hike. If you are far enough out, make sure you are testing good carbs.

    Nuts.com makes good energy squares that will really help you up those switchbacks. Cliff bard are OK for hiking, but they have a ton of sugar so not so good for us. Most likely you would get diarrhea from the sugar overload and that is no fun on a home. Try and replace Clif bars with a low carb variety so there is no sugar rush. Again, small increments of protein are good to eat as you are hiking up the trail. Think sausage size, lunch meat or babel cheeses.

    Hope this helps!

    Thanks so much. I thought it would be atleast 2 months before I could even think about hitting a trail...but of course I'll follow my Doc's recommendations. That is very good to know about the water...I wouldn't have even thought I'd need more after surgery than I do now. Thanks for all your recommendations...this is exactly the type of advice I was needing. :)

  13. Hey Everyone!

    I'm in the process of getting ready for surgery (tentative date June 7th). Forgive my silly/newbie questions...

    I wanted to ask you veterans, if any of you hike, and if so, how are you fueling? Right now when I hike (in the Smoky Mountains), I usually carry cliff bars/almonds, jelly Beans...ha. So what do you use for fuel now that you have a smaller stomach? Or do you just eat more often?

    I guess I'm worried about not having enough "fuel". I once was on Medifast (low cal, low carb), and have never felt so zapped of energy, and am afraid that with the surgery I'll feel the same.

    And one more question. How long after your surgery were you able to do say a 5 mile hike? (my goal will be to eventually get back to where I was last spring... 15 mile day with 2,500ft elevation gain or 3 day backpacking trips...but I know this will take many months to get back to).

    Thanks so much!

  14. Hi everyone. Rebecca here. I am in the very beginning stages of getting ready for pre-surgery. I'm pretty certain I am going with Dr. Aceves in Mexicali. If you have any thoughts on him, let me know, though I've seen lots of positive comments about him on this forum. I am having to pay out of pocket because my insurance does not cover any bariatric surgeries.

    My story goes something like this: I've been obese since I was 5. In 5th grade I weighed roughly 165. By the time I was 18 I was around 275. In 2005 at age 25, I reached my high of 320, and finally started working on my health. Over the next 2 years I dropped 75lbs by simple lifestyle changes, eating less, incorporating exercise. Then from mid 2008 til now, I have struggled beyond belief every day through gain/loss cycles trying everything from Weight Watchers, Medifast, The Eat Clean diet, Calorie counting on MyFitnessPal, etc only to roller coaster up and down between 256 and 215. (5' 8")

    215 is the lowest I ever saw (and was the lowest in my adult/teen life), and it only lasted 1 week before I shot back up. It's so frustrating. Finally, a few weeks ago, weight loss surgery came to mind and I began researching like mad. I was sad to find my insurance didn't cover the surgery, so I started "shopping around". To have the surgery here in east Tn, I'm looking at $18k by the time all is said and done. If I fly out to San Diego total cost including the flight I've chosen is going to be around $10,000. It's worth it to me to fly out.

    I know how to eat right. I know how to cook healthy real meals. I know how to exercise. What I can not do is tame my appetite and this large stomach which takes forever to fill. You can only eat so much raw broccoli and spinach in an attempt to fill this thing before you get frustrate ;)

    Thank you all for sharing your experiences and successes. It means so much.

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