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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by 1stBabeBorn5th

  1. Freak'um dress by Beyonce Lol
  2. 1stBabeBorn5th

    Exercising ...but at 300 lbs

    Ok...we're at the end of the 4th week, class 12. We weigh in on Monday so I'll see real numbers. But...my surgery date is on 6/7 and there will be two weeks left of the Bootcamp. Of course, I won't be doing a full fledged workout but do you think I can still walk my way through the workout?
  3. 1stBabeBorn5th


    Ha! I do
  4. 1stBabeBorn5th


    St. Agnes. And FYI...that's the best dang name ever. Lol
  5. 1stBabeBorn5th


    Hey Busterdoodoo, I'm having mine in Baltimore too...on June 7th. Where are you having yours? Congratulations.
  6. 1stBabeBorn5th

    June surgery dates

    Dang autocorrect. Sleeve!
  7. 1stBabeBorn5th

    June surgery dates

    Yay! I found another Aleve sister. Hi Molly! 6/7
  8. 1stBabeBorn5th

    June surgery dates

    Yay Nervous Chic! No need to be nervous...we got this LOL
  9. 1stBabeBorn5th

    June surgery dates

    I'd like a sleeve sibling too! Lol...June 7th, where you at? FYI...this is also my birthday. The BEST friggin day EVER
  10. 1stBabeBorn5th

    June surgery dates

    There's a ticker for you phone??? *gasp and wonderment**
  11. 1stBabeBorn5th

    Let the countdown begin....

    Hey museum mama A little over 30 days here myself. It hasn't really hit me what's about to happen but I'm excited. So what are you packing, to doing and shopping for? lol
  12. 1stBabeBorn5th

    Pre-op diet ?

    How did you feel? I know hungry might be the first thing to come up but how did you feel physically? We're you tired, energized, weak, etc.? I'm doing a Bootcamp right now and feel like I have no energy. I can't imagine what I'll feel like during my pre-op diet.
  13. 1stBabeBorn5th

    June surgery dates

    I'm so excited to be able to post in THIS thread. JUNE BABY! 6/7!
  14. 1stBabeBorn5th

    Stomach cancer

    Dreams are never literal. Google "dream interpretations" and look up what you remember in the dream, including feelings, colors, people, seasons, etc. You are dreading something and your subconscious is trying to tell you.
  15. They would have known if you were pregnant from the bloodwork, right?
  16. 1stBabeBorn5th

    Surgeon's nurse called this morning.

    Thank you. They told me two weeks too but surprises are always awesome
  17. Got a call this morning from my surgeon's nurse asking what type of surgery I wanted. After almost a year of classes, I'm sure it was in my chart somewhere but anyway, she submitted my paperwork to my insurance company. At 4:50pm, I checked my insurance account and my approval was sitting there all pretty and shiny like a brand new baby...better yet, a brand new BELLY! I'M FRIGGIN APPROVED! Of course, I was impatient and tried to reach the surgeon's nurse to schedule LOL. Guess I'll wait for the call on Monday.
  18. How did you get the discount? I'm excited too
  19. 1stBabeBorn5th

    Shapewear question

    I've seen several posts about wearing shapewear around your midsection to help shape your waist and possibly help with sagging skin. What type of shapewear are you wearing and how do you keep it from ruling up under your clothes *sigh*?
  20. So I finished everything and met with my surgeon last week. He said the paperwork would be submitted and once he receives an approval, his nurses will contact me to schedule a surgery date and the last bit of tests. That was last Thursday. Of course, I felt like I missed a few things when we were talking so I called to see if I was supposed to be doing anything. First she pulled my chart and asked if I started my pre-op diet. I said no. Then she asked if I had a date. I said no. She places me on hold and comes back telling me I need to do the 6 months of nut visits and my psych eval. I sighed and told her it was already completed. She placed me on hold again. A few minutes later she comes back and says my paperwork is all set to be submitted. SERIOUSLY! What have you been sitting on it for and WTH would have happened had I not called??? *woosah* So...tomorrow I'll call my insurance company to confirm receipt and impatiently wait. Kaiser peeps....about how long was your wait?
  21. This is it, I'm slowly creeping over the hump and will soon be cruising down the hill to HEALTHY! And my mind has officially gone blank. I don't know what I need to ask the surgeon. What happens at the meeting? What should I be asking? Will I be taking off any clothing for any reason? *shakes head* good grief
  22. 1stBabeBorn5th

    Meeting with the surgeon in the A..M.

    I met with my surgeon. He's really nice and informative. I like him. Everything is ready so he said once approved, we're looking at a date within 30 days. I'm thinking this would make an amazing birthday present. Yay me! What's left...Endoscopy, gall bladder ultrasound, bloodwork and 2 week liquid diet.
  23. 1stBabeBorn5th

    Exercising ...but at 300 lbs

    I've survived. It hurts but I survived. This is week 2, class 6. Surprisingly, it's already become a little easier and one of the ladies says she can tell a little bit of a difference in my face. She says I'm a little less "puffy" LOL...I'll take it!
  24. 1stBabeBorn5th

    Hurry up...and wait

    There really isn't much you can do but GET READY! I started sorting all my Vitamins and putting them in the little case so I can start/get used to taking them now. I also started looking for my Protein shakes. I literally just left the Vitamin store. I was just staring at the Protein Shakes for like an hour. But...I have an idea of what I'm looking for. Also, start changing your diet. I am replacing one meal with the shakes and minimizing my caloric intake. I joined a gym and started a bootcamp. Cleaning up helps also. Getting stuff organized, out of your house, in your house, in it's proper place, etc. Well...I guess I'll take that back. There is plenty you could do to keep your mind off the time.
  25. 1stBabeBorn5th

    my 1st Body Pump class :)

    A midnight lap sounds delish right about now

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
