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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by sixbuttons

  1. sixbuttons

    Surgery Pre Auth?

    Wow, really?! I've done almost all that stuff. I had to have blood work, echo, psych eval, sleep study, and I have my EGD next week. So truly the only thing I have left is two more support groups and three more diet education classes and I'm finished. I'm hoping that they'll give me a surgery date on June 4!!
  2. sixbuttons

    how to delete post

    Same here!!!
  3. sixbuttons


    Congrats!!! Woo hoo for you!
  4. sixbuttons

    I did it!

  5. sixbuttons

    Diet while pregnant

    Not to be rude, but are you doing okay with the pregnancy? My doctor told me I'd have to wait at least one year if not two before trying to get pregnant. I have PCOS and my doctor thinks that losing weight will help me with that and trying to ovulate - because I'm not ovulating right now.
  6. sixbuttons

    Telling other people

    I've only told my parents, aunt, husband, and best friend. That's all I'm telling for now - at least until it's over. After the surgery, I may tell others. I haven't decided yet.
  7. sixbuttons


    LOL!!! Woo hoo! You're lucky that your PCP is so supportive. Mine is NOT. She told me that I was fighting 20,000 years worth of genetics. She still cleared me for surgery and will do whatever I want, but she just doesn't think it's a good choice. Of course, she weighs 120 pounds and has never really been overweight. People who haven't been overweight just don't get it! But woo hoo for you!!!! Yay! (Not trying to be a Debbie Downer btw! LOL)
  8. sixbuttons


  9. sixbuttons

    food funerals

    I'm going to try not to eat too much - especially at Red Lobster (but omigosh it's Red Lobster!!! lol) because Lord only knows I have ENOUGH weight to lose as it is!!! I have cut down so much already though. I went from eating fast food twice a day to about twice a week or less sometimes. Fast food is a REALLY big problem for me...so I've got that cut down already and that's a big deal for me. I can't wait until I can little bits and feel full. That's why my diets ALWAYS fail. I like the healthy food, but I STARVE to death on it!
  10. sixbuttons

    Amerigroup Medicaid

    I would ask my PCP or call a local hospital and ask them. Even if they don't know, maybe they can tell you who to contact.
  11. sixbuttons

    Loose or extra skin

    My doctor told me it's not just how much you weigh. It depends on if you smoke, drink, etc...those things all affect how loose the skin will be.
  12. sixbuttons

    EGD at noon

    I was supposed to have mine on the 1st of this month. I rescheduled for the 29th because I barely slept the night before because I'm a HUGE chicken...lol. I have surgery anxiety. I will be nuts the day I got in for the sleeve! lol
  13. sixbuttons

    food funerals

    My surgery isn't scheduled yet - I'm in month three of six months worth of visits ... but I've already been planning a last visit to Red Lobster, Olive Garden, and White Castle LOL! Not a last, last visit, but a last visit where I can go and overeat. That sounds so terrible when I say it out loud, but it's the truth!
  14. sixbuttons

    Wish Me Luck!

    Well, I ended up being completely normal - thank God! Hehe! I spent 10 minutes talking to the guy and then he made me take a personality test made up of 344 questions!!! But it only took me about 20 minutes to complete. He gave me the results as soon as I was finished and said I passed and was "right as rain." LOL! Yay! The support group was a little weird. When I think of a support group I think of something like AA (thought I've never been to AA) - where you sit around and talk and stuff....it was nothing like that. But at least I've got one of them done - two more to go!!!
  15. I have my first (of three) required support group meeting today! I also have my psych eval today so please say a little prayer that I'm not completely bonkers!!!! LOL!!! I'm in month three - only three more to go!!! Getting closer everyday! Getting excited but scared! And I'm nervous that I'm insane and don't know it now!!! LOL!
  16. sixbuttons

    Today's the Day!

    Good luck!!! Hope all goes well!!!
  17. sixbuttons

    Pre-Ops Listen Up! FAQ

    Thanks for this! I'm very nervous about surgery because food has ALWAYS been there for me when I needed it and I know I'm going to have to find new ways to work through my issues. The constant hunger being gone will be a HUGE help for me though! I LIKE healthy foods, but I STARVE to death when I eat them! I really think this will be my key to success!
  18. I ha six month waiting period as well and I am currently in my third month. My BMI is 62 so any weight lost is not going to be a problem for me. I've been researching everything I can. I also have been able to get my eating under control when it comes to fast food - which is a HUGE problem for me. I am a total food addict and fast food has always been my weakness. But I've went from dining out at least twice a day to twice a week - which is a HUGE accomplishment for me.Those six months are great for getting prepared!!!
  19. sixbuttons


    Kind of funny you posted this today! I've spent the day at the ER and found out I have gastritis! I randomly started having TONS of pain last night and a fever. I have no idea what caused it! But I'm hoping it doesn't interfere with my surgery! I'm still a long way off (I'm almost done with month 2 of 6), but I do hope it doesn't cause me any problems! You should talk to your doctor about that medicine! I wouldn't take anything I didn't think I needed. As far as the stones go, my doctor told me if I have a gallbladder issue, the gallbladder would just have to come out before surgery. Not too big of a deal.
  20. Congrats! I'm sorry that your plans have changed, but consider yourself lucky. I desperately want another child and it's not possible for me to have one at this point in my life. It took my husband and I 18 months to get pregnant with our son - and honestly we just got lucky. I have PCOS, uterine polyps, I've had 3 chemical pregnancies, and now I'm no longer ovulating. My OB/GYN won't even help me with fertility until I lose weight - she's the one who suggested the surgery to me. She's the sweetest doctor in the world, so I know she would help me if she could. My husband and I have been trying for almost 2 years to have another one and now we have to wait even longer - if we're even able to have one at all. I know the timing is off for you, but it truly is a blessing and miracle to have a child. I think God wanted me to lose my weight before I have another baby - that's why I need this surgery. Maybe God needs you to have a baby before you lose the weight.
  21. I'm in my second month of insurance requirements before I can have my surgery. I'm really concerned about my son. I'm a stay at home mom to a 3 year old boy. He's the sweetest little thing, but he is really active. My doctor has already told me I can't lift more than 10lbs until 4 weeks after surgery - so that's going to be extremely difficult, but I'm also worried about him jumping on my stomach. He's a mommy's boy and my shadow. He sleeps with me in the bed at night. There is no way I'm going to be able to go weeks without him wanting to sit on me or for me to pick him up. I'm just curious as to what you other moms have done to keep your kiddos from jumping all over you after surgery and to help them understand you can't pick them up for a little while?
  22. sixbuttons

    Mom of a Toddler

    Thanks for all the advice ladies! I truly appreciate it! It would be very difficult to take him out the bed with me because we just moved into a new house and he's still adjusting. I don't know how long it will take him to be completely comfortable in our new house. Anyway, I hope that he will understand I have an "ouchie" on/in my tummy. We are together 24/7 - aside from his two half days a week at preschool - so it's really going to be rough for him to now hang all over me.
  23. sixbuttons


    That was a nice compliment! My husband tells me that I'm "womanly" and that I'm supposed to have curves...lol! But I always tell him I have too many curves! Ha!
  24. sixbuttons


    Good luck to you!

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