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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by chinamama

  1. chinamama


    Good job!
  2. chinamama


    I'm not a medical person (well mental health) but related to one. Lol. So any of you medical types chime in here.
  3. chinamama


    I would call and let the surgeon decide if he wants to see you today or wait until tomorrow. I'm concerned about your being winded today, when you could walk 1/3 of a mile last week... Better safe than sorry.
  4. chinamama

    weight loss

  5. chinamama


    I'm concerned about the high heart rate and being winded while walking around the living room. You said when discharged you were walking ok. Correct? I think you should give your surgeon a call. I'm concerned about a blood clot or leak. Do you have a fever?
  6. chinamama

    never lost weight

    I think there is a difference here, we get support from each other. The reason I posted this is to make people aware. Both those who are struggling, and those who reply that you must be doing something wrong and not being honest. If you're stalled and struggling, mix it up! For me I listened to the post that talked about adding avocado. I don't even like avocado, have always thought it was nasty and slimy, well right now it tastes good! Go figure. Anyhow I've eaten it for 2 days and I have lost 3 of the 4 lbs I've gained. Not calling victory yet at ending my stall, but getting closer. Also, I need to find a new therapist to help me figure out how to deal with eating when I'm not hungry. I get the why behind it... In my case a childhood where many times there was not enough food in the house, but I need help retraining my mind.
  7. chinamama

    never lost weight

    Let me try that again. The title of my masters thesis was The Relationship of Childhood Trauma and Abnormal Eating Patterns. In preparation one of the studies I read that helped me pick this subject, was a study of inpatient overweight girls who were on highly restricted diet and exercise program. In this particular study the girls who had experienced severe trauma did not lose ANY weight, even though being monitored. This was just one. There were other similar cases. Sooo personally i do I think it's possible to have psychological issues that can inhibit your body from shedding the pounds, even though you are following a diet and exercise plan. I do not think its always calories in calories out. I think our minds can do funny things to us.
  8. chinamama

    never lost weight

    Well I did my masters thesis on the of childhood Relationship
  9. chinamama

    Meds :(

    My mom only needs a little bit of prosaic and her pharmacist told her to crush it up and dissolve it in grape juice. Than she took a spoon full a day. Don't know why you could dissolve it like that but take the whole amount. Another idea is to call a compounding pharmacy, they can do a lot of things to help.
  10. Sooo maybe this explains why I have never been able to go on rides. My sisters always just thought I was a wimp. My BP was always low, it was only after I got fat that it was finally in the normal range. A week after surgery my BP was 76/45.... So what can we do about it anything?
  11. Sooo any tips for breaking the infamous 3 week stall?i have researched but still don't know what to do I've tried upping my cals.. Gained. Lowering, my cals nothing!! Licked my hubby's breadstick last night- and I'm up two pounds today!!! Ahhhh. Logically I know it's Water (ring was loose now it's tight). Day of surgery I was 229 got down to 213, today was 217! I'm still on soft foods, 5 1/2 weeks out eating 800-1100 cals about 80 oz Fluid. 60-80gm Protein. Just got released for some exercise. Lap band revision, so I get the stair steps but I'm starting to worry I'm going to fail. Help!!!
  12. Bought a pair of Liz Claiborne black pokadot pants in a size 14 about 3 weeks ago, try them on once a week. First week got them to my knees, last week to my thighs. Just tried them on and they go to the bottom of my butt!!! ( hopefully I'm not stretching them with all the trying on!).
  13. Just your eyes out on the sale rack or wherever until you see something that you say I sure wish I could wear that. Pre lapband it was a tunic from Talbots. Never in a million years did I think I would get in to it, AND wear something I bought from a regular store. Now it's one of the items I should get rid of in my closet. I still remember shopping a my favorite store in Canada. They have large sizes on one side and regular on the other. I headed for my side only to have the sales clerk yell from across the store that I was on the wrong side. Wouldn't you know it I argued with her but she was right!! I didn't need the plus size side anymore.
  14. chinamama


    Yep SLOW down!! My mom made the observation the other day that one problem with laprascopic surgery is that we forget we have had MAJOR SURGERY!! Also any other major surgery they would be encouraging us to eat good healthy foods for our body to heal, instead we have restricted our calories big time. It takes time. I went back to work after 2 weeks (but I only work 1 full day a week) had to take a nap at lunch, and it was 5 weeks before I returned to all my activities. But I also had complications during surgery, and I'm 53. I also felt like I should be more based on those posts you mentioned.
  15. chinamama

    Help please

    Are you taking your pain meds? Don't be afraid to take the max, a couple of days won't hurt. Ice helped me with that particular pain the most, and I put heat on my back. Try either, it's whatever works best for you!! Give the surgeon a call it's what they are there for, if only for reassurance! It does get better!!
  16. chinamama

    weight loss

    If your still shopping you want a sublingual b-12, put it under your tongue and let it dissolve. Stomach acid destroys it this way it gets into your blood stream. I buy mine at costco. Also I've just been taking my regular Vitamins after the first week or so, dr said I could swallow all my pills. Sorry your stalling. Some one the other day said something about my having a low bmi and that impacting my weightloss. WTF?? Me a low bmi? And then I realized its not that high. I guess I will always be fighting that 306 lb girl!
  17. chinamama

    Help please

    Is the pain by the big incision?? If so the cut thru the muscle, and it hurts! Try icing it. If you think it could be something else call your surgeon. ( mine told me that part of scheduling surgery is bring in town on call for two weeks after the surgery.)
  18. Well just left Victoria's Secret. I'm the original sale rack girl.... That said I left $65.00 lighter. Walked in wearing a 40C, left wearing a 36c! And, I have boobs!! ( well they are still deflated, but it's amazing what a push up bra does to deflated tube socks!)
  19. Two girdles? I didn't know you could do that!!! Though whenever I try to hold the tummy in with something I just end up with a muffin top! Speaking of bras I think I'm going to wander into Victoria secret this afternoon. The girls are shrinking.....
  20. You WILL get there!! Just don't forget to keep trying it on!! I had something like this with lapband and I could have worn it much earlier, just didn't think to try it on.
  21. chinamama

    Am I setting a bad example?

    How old are your kids?
  22. And you thought I was bad licking a breadstick!
  23. chinamama


    I wonder if its still the ulcers they are worrying about, could they be bleeding?? I know ulcers are something they are really concerned about post-op. According to my surgeon that is the reason for no caffeine right after surgery, they are concerned about our developing ulcers along the staple line from the acid from coffee.
  24. chinamama

    weight loss

    I'm where you are but a month further out. Lost 19 the first 3-4 weeks, gained 4 and and am just now seeing the 4 start to drop off. It's the dreaded 3 week stall and its just part of losing weight. Unfortunately. Start of 3 day pre-op diet 231 Surgery 4/29/13 Now 214 I just want to be to 206 by the 19th! (100 lbs down from my highest)
  25. chinamama

    Hot/Cold Drinks

    If your doctor is like most day one you will be getting glycerin swabs! (Nothing liquid until your leak test). After that on day 2 I had to sip little medicine cups of water or watered down juice until I could get I can't remember how many oz per hour ( my problem was I kept falling asleep and would screw up the math). They. Then let me go. I had hot tea and lots of sf popsicle. Popsicles help with the swelling. Just don't eat a Popsicle and then have a sip of hot tea at the same time, it can cause a spasm! (Duhhh).

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
