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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by chinamama

  1. chinamama

    Sleeved May 15 and Regretting it

    Nah new clothes when you lose the weight.....
  2. chinamama

    4 weeks out

    Sooo my MIL had some yummy chicken and rice soup today and I was tempted but scared. It was really soft looking, has anyone else tried rice in soup? (Cleared to soft foods today. Whoo hoo!)
  3. chinamama

    Pre diabetes

    Ok everyone it's lecture time. According to my little sister (a diabetic specialist) you either have diabetes or you don't. She gets so angry at the other physicians out there who Dx with Pre-diabetes. On average when a person is dxed they have had diabetes for 2 years!!!! There is a LOT of organ damage that can occur in that time. Maybe not damage that shows up right at that moment but a shortening of life overall. Anyhow, if we would rally out physicians to call it what it is, than that would help with the comorbidities and cut down on denials.
  4. chinamama

    Question about insurance and financing

    One thing to remember that any preop tests you need you can request them to be done at your hospital. Even if they usually do them in house. Might save you a few dollars.
  5. chinamama

    MEDICARE any thing new

    Where are you at? There are other centers of excellence in Oregon (Tersigni did my lapband).
  6. Have you gone back on your byetta? My diabetic specialist wants me to eliminate my victoza (very similar to byetta LAST). Byetta and victoza have been shown to help with weightloss. They can help the body to regulate both high and reactive low blood sugars. Make an appt with your pcp or whoever deals with your blood sugars, this is not our surgeons area of expertise, and the hospitals usually stop these type drugs since they usually don't carry them. ( they told me to bring mine from home).
  7. Even though the Protein bullets may not be the most bio available form of protein. It's better than no protein. I have drank them for years when needed with my lapband , and continue to drink them today. I'm not getting as much Fluid as I should so i put one in 32 oz of Gatorade no sugar. If the taste is still a little off add a sleeve of crystal light type drink powder. I sip on that all day to boost my protein along with my liquids. Good luck
  8. Have you gone to your VA dr about this? I know there are others who have gone thru the VA, or the VA can authorize it to be paid at an out of va facility. Good luck
  9. chinamama


    Dennison s spicy chili is good blended. Tastes kind of like a Mexican dip. Yum. Not sure what I will eat it with used to scoop it up with corn chips.
  10. I'm blending my soup in the food processor and then putting them thru a strainer to get the stuff that doesn't break down out.
  11. chinamama


    ME TOO!!! I'm sitting at Olive Garden right now dipping my spoon into chicken gnocchi and dumping everything good off it. Started with Zappa Toscana but tummy said "too spicy"
  12. chinamama

    Ughhh this is fustrating

    I was having trouble with protein at the beginning. My favorite is ready to drink banana muscle milk. With my doctors approval I added a packet of chocolate protein powder (unjury or another brand). That upped the protein content up to aprox 50 gms per 15 oz. sipped that off and on. Don't stress about the hair, it will happen or not, worrying about it won't help, it will just add more stress. just worry about your fluids and do your best. Besides instead of being known for your beautiful hair you will be known for your beautiful YOU!
  13. chinamama

    I just want to eat

    Read somewhere might have been eggface to take philo dough or egg roll wrappers and tuck them down in cupcake pans instead of crust. Pour your quiche mixture over and bake. Cuts A LOT of calories carbs and fat.
  14. chinamama

    Six month diet requirements. ..

    Good advice to check with your insurance. Mine specifically said NO weight watchers. And balked at my nutritionist visits, for some weird reason they wanted me to see the surgeon.
  15. chinamama

    Sleeved yesterday

    Popsicles lots and lots of Popsicles! Drove the kitchen at the hospital crazy ordering them.
  16. chinamama

    Loss of enegry

    I don't know that we forget, but I think real life intrudes. I had plotted out a month to recoup, but the child is going on a trip next week, MIL is sick of take-out and the special training I have been getting for the last 15 months is wrapping up, and if I want to be certified I need to be there. And we won't talk about those who were in the gym and back to work in 5 days!
  17. Just had my band converted on the 29th FEPblue basic had to jump thru the hoops 3 month dr supervised weight, 3 nut visits, pcp recommendation, sleep dr, initial denial since they were missing documentation. Dr did a peer to peer and submitted missing documents and I was approved.
  18. chinamama

    Black tea

    Thanks everyone I had half a cup this afternoon.
  19. Ok I am a huge black tea drinker. I know we are suppose to avoid caffeine but when did others out there start drinking caffeinated tea again?
  20. chinamama

    Black tea

    Thanks everyone had half a cup this afternoon.
  21. chinamama

    Protein shots?

    I have drank them for years. A lot of times I dump the into crystal light in my water bottle.
  22. If you think it's your thyroid get it checked cmt little sis's MIL had a thyroid overdose a couple of months ago ( for some reason her body just didn't need as much, she has taken it for YEARS) Les said they were out to dinner and she asked to get out of the booth because she needed to get a bit of air, stood up and the next thing she was on the floor with her eyes rolling back. My sis is a nurse and she thought she was dying. Turns out to much thyroid can put your heart in a weird arrhythmia, she ended up on heart medication while they adjusted her thyroid meds. Later she said she thought she was having a panic attack. Don't want to scare you, but get checked out! Laurie
  23. chinamama


    Hopefully it's ok (I'm 2 weeks tomorrow) I tried it a week ago and it seemed like it might have been a little to spicy but I have been drinking a 5 oz can everyday since. It's only 30 cal and it makes me feel like I'm eating. For me it goes right down no resistance.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
