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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Tjohnson322

  1. Hello all! I will be 2 weeks post-op tomorrow, and I am starting to feel a lot of pain/aches in my hands, feet, knees, etc. A pretty severe flare for me. :( I see the PA for my follow up on Wednesday, so hopefully I will find out when I can go back on my arthritis medications. My immune system was working "correctly" for almost two weeks...now, not so much. Ouch!

  2. I was having a moderate flare at the time of surgery, and was sleeved on August 6. As of right now, I have very little swelling in my "bad" hand, and no aches related to my psoriatic arthritis. So thankful! Im hoping this lasts, but I'm preparing for a flare in the weeks to come. I'll see my rheum after my 2 week follow up with my surgeon. I'm not sure when I will start back on my meds.

    I am excited to see my "official" 2 week weight at my appointment next week!

  3. I have started a secret Facebook group for August Sleevers. If you would like for me to add u to it just send me your email address and I will send u an invite

    I'm a member! Instead of a new group, let's just add to that one if that sounds good to everyone!

    We can also start a thread on the post-op board as well if anyone is interested?

  4. I'm on full liquids day 3-14. It's basically 4 oz of liquid protein/hr, then 4-8 oz full liquid/hr....every hour from 8 am to 8 pm. I'm just trying to get two 8 oz shakes in and whatever liquids I can. I am not loving the shakes right now. Went to go see Elysium this afternoon....everybody had a snack but me. Beforehand, I had some Panera French onion Soup no cheese or crouton and strained out just the broth. It actually tasted pretty nasty. I found myself longing to eat a turkey sandwich :(. I had a bottle of Water at the movie. Not hungry, but food is starting to look good again.

    I hear you on struggling with food looking good again. We went to the movie today and I did bring a couple of sugar free hard candies to suck on during the movie with my Water. It helped a bit, and just gave me a tiny bit of burping.

    I had a breakdown tonight struggling with being so hungry and unable to eat. I know this is going to be a hard road, but the speed bumps are arising so quickly!

    I'm all for starting a post-op august 6 thread...or FB Group? I could start a secret group if you're interested!

  5. I am definitely struggling with "head hunger" and true hunger today. I'm on clears until Tuesday, and I think I'd feel better if I was able to have something with any significant calories. I'm weak, exhausted, and can't stop thinking about food. I'm worried about how I will handle my two young sons on Monday (my first day on my own again). Are these emotions normal? I'm very edgy and emotional right now, and would give anything for a little bit of milk, Protein Shake, or Soup (not broth!!).

    It's an "alone" feeling right now. I don't know anyone I can talk to about these emotions, so I'm hoping someone here has been through this! Thanks for reading this whining. I am irritated with myself! :)

  6. Thank you again, everyone! So far, things are going well. Surgery was smooth (according to my doctor). I did have sever nausea and a bit of pain upon waking. That passed after the first hour or so, thankfully. I have been walking easily, and sipping crystal light and Water. Sometimes I will get a painful/uncomfortable sensation after a sip, so I'm assuming that's part of the learning process!

  7. My husband is eating dinner, and I'm sitting here becoming more and more irritable/angry. I'm a bit (or a lot) worried about these emotions, as I still have work to do on my "head". I know it's part of the process, but it's interesting to me how terrified I am of not being able to eat. food really has such a control on me.

    Anyone have any tips on how to handle being around family members eating during the early post-op days? I've been on shakes/broth for 14 days now, and I have done well, but with the surgery looming in the morning I'm really anxious.

    Thanks for any advice, or even just a quick thought or prayer! :)

  8. Tjohnson322 - What is the group going to be called ?

    I'm not sure! adr525 is who started the group, and I haven't been added yet. I'll let you know!

    What does everyone's post-op diet look like? Here's mine:

    Week 1 - Clear Liquids only

    Week 2 and 3 - pourable "full liquids"

    Week 4 and 5 - mushy soft foods

    Then "new normal"

    I need to email the NUT to ask if Unjury chicken Soup flavor is allowed during clear liquids.< /p>

  9. I'm an August 6 patient, too. I'm so nervous. I'm having such a hard time with this pre-op diet. It's all mental, I know. I'm staying strong and making it through to surgery day! I'm not weighing myself yet, but I'm not sure if I've lost any/much. I have two small sons and a husband. I'm doing this for them as well, but I'm terrified I will have a complication and not be around for them!! :( Sorry for the rambling!

  10. Hello all...I'm now scheduled for surgery on August 6. I'm going through a fairly bad flare up in my right hand. I took my last 6 methotrexate two nights ago (2 weeks before surgery). I will see the surgeon today to figure out the plan for restarting. I might see my rheumy to ask about injections instead of oral. I'm hoping I can handle this without ibuprofen. I'm so dependent on it! Scary to think about.

    Anyone else with an August surgery date?

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