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the best me

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by the best me

  1. the best me

    Jailed for Fraud?

    Okay, not much response. Must be old news floating around again in a new way. I'll not worry anymore. thanks, ya'll!
  2. the best me

    Surgery on Friday

    Rachel, go to the very top left of this page, just under the LapBand Talk.com title. Click on LapBand Talk Forums, this will give you a list of all the topics, and when you click on the topic, you get a list of all the many threads under that topic. I always use the quick reply when I want to post something in whatever I'm reading, such as this. Something else that has helped me, go to the top again and click "New Posts" listed on the bar. This will give you a list of recent new posts, no matter which thread or topic it's under. also, just start clicking all of the places on that bar at the top (where you found new posts) and it will help you figure out where you are how to use things. Happy hunting! You may have a little more time to click around during recovery, but this is a good place to be during recovery anyway.
  3. the best me

    Don't forget to be happy!

    Good for you! Thanks for that, you are totally right!
  4. the best me

    Hair Loss!!! - Is Protein the only solution???

    When I was pregnant, I was taking prenatal vitamins by Mellaluca (available through a rep, kinda like Shaklee) and the lady who cuts my hair went nuts over the growth and health of my hair. Should I get the band, my plan is to budget an extra $30 a month for those Mellaluca vitamins (they come non-prenatal too). That is, if it's possible to wash them through the band. The liquid vitamins listed above are a good option, but my past good experience with the Mellaluca makes me want to stick with those...high absorption rate. If you have hair loss problems, I would definately start with a good multi-vitamin.
  5. the best me

    Surgery on Friday

    Way to go Rachel! My daughter's name is Rachel. And 153kg converts to 337lbs. I know you will be fine! Stay here for lots of support, encouragement, and advice. these folks are the best! Real pros, very caring and giving. Keep us posted!
  6. the best me

    URGENT - Before Going To Mexico

    Most, if not all, of the folks going to Mexico have insurance that does not pay for the Band. The surgery was FDA approved just a few years ago, but the Mexico doctors have been doing it for up to 10 years or so, they are much more experienced and in many cases, have trained or proctored US Docs. This is a real benefit when you are self-paying, because you tend to shop for good prices. In Mexico, the prices for the surgery are much less expensive than in the US. You are fortunate to have insurance paying and what appears to be a good doctor, I have seem him lots on the boards here. Look for others or they will make themselves known. Good luck! The 10th is coming fast! Wait, I'm editing now...I just re-read your post and you may be self-paying as well, are you? Others may be interested in what cost you were quoted by the US Doc. I sure am!
  7. the best me

    Is there anything I?ve forgotten?

    Vinesqueen, I so wish I could make the same post, "I believe I'm ready". I want to thank you for your thoughts on this board. I suspect you and I have very different religious beliefs, but that's okay, we can still learn from one another. I have learned from you to question whatever it is within me that feels spiritually deficient because of my weight. Thank you for that. What I have realized is that if there is an area in my spiritual life that "needs work", I am not able to find it stuck here. I also suspect that having the Band, losing the weight and being forced, if you will, to face my relationship with food in ways I cannot predict, I may very well find the spiritual journey equally as difficult, yet rewarding. I look forward to not just thinking I'm ready, but believing it as well. You will do great, I know it. Congratulations!
  8. the best me

    Jailed for Fraud?

    Yes, please. I am sold on Kuri and I just want to know what's up! I don't know how else to ask but to just put it out there...facts, please, if anyone has them.
  9. the best me

    Need help finding a doctor

    Check out Hamilton Weight Management in Dalton GA 1-866-552-7546, or google their website. Dr. Ponce is there and you will find others who have seen him, both for aftercare after going to Mexico and for their surgery. Also, go to Main Forums and scroll down to Georgia or Tennessee and find some info there. Also, do a search here for Dr. Ponce, that might turn up some info. You could also find someone with Dr. Ponce on their signature, pull their profile and see all posts by them. You can dig up info that way. Happy searching! Just spend some time reading, reading, reading these old posts. LOTS of info. I am from Charlotte, NC. Howdy neighbor! Good luck
  10. the best me

    1 stone is 14 lbs

    Yes, I wasn't sure if "bloody" was an Irish thing, but I've watched enough bad American TV to know it is at least English, which over here, is simply, over there somewhere. But you are expanding my horizons! and I thank you. I did pick up on the "stone", not "stones", and 8 stone is a hundred weight, 20 hundred weight is one ton, which is also 2240 lbs, exactly what it is in the US. WOW! It was fun exploring, thanks!
  11. Okay, not the rock in my back yard...we have some Englanders and others from the far away lands where they measure weight in stone. I know I'm not the only one wondering so I googled and found out that 1 stone is 14 pounds; so when Bright complains that she's still bloody 18 stone, she's 252lbs, give or take a few. Hope that helps!
  12. the best me

    Back after having a baby!!!

    Aawwwww! So cute!!! You look great, girl! Well done!
  13. the best me

    Back after having a baby!!!

    Yay! Congratulations on the birth of your baby! Please give us the stats...welcome back!
  14. the best me

    URGENT - Before Going To Mexico

    Good call, gagirl! I have heard complaints all over about having a hard time getting paperwork. If we left MX with them, it would certainly help. DeLarla, you have earned your threads, girl. Post away, I'm lovin all the good info! Take Care!
  15. the best me

    That much closer

    I live by the edit button, it only shows up on the posts that you made, look for it under your post, hit edit, edit, give a reason (typo is my new favorite) and re-submit. Easy cheezy! Congrats!! It's looking good for you!
  16. the best me

    See you on the other side...

    So, how are you feeling Jonathan? Two days post-op...things any better? I read your journal and it was lovely. Well written and honest. thank you.
  17. the best me

    Billy's Girls

    I want Dr. Billy to be MY Doctor, too! VERY cute. and you girls are cute, too! Thanks so much for sharing everything about your experiences. It has been very helpful. Dr. Billy is the BOMB! (isn't that what the teenagers say these days, or am I out of date again? Middle age hits fast and hard!) Good job ladies!
  18. the best me

    CRL (Central Res Life)????

    Keep us posted on your consult...it's good we have been doing all of this leg work up front. DeLarla has certainly given me much to consider. I may finally end up in MX, but if I do, I know better about the risks and what to look for...I have an appointment with my PCP in a few weeks, if she is on board with the Lap Band, I will feel lots better about things. I want someone local to call who knows what's going on! And as few surprises as possible. I will also call my insurance agent, maybe she knows someone who could advise about whether or not they would deny me future coverage. I'll let you know what I find out and post it here for others. I was talking with DH last night, and the truth of the matter is, if I do get the surgery, I will have to go back to work in the fall anyway to pay for it! That is a group plan so I really have no worries for at least a few years. I need a new/used van too. I really do need to go back to work. DH is a trooper...he ain't skeeerd of the debt and he likes the experience of the MX dr's over the US, and as long as I follow the advice and have aftercare taken care of, he is very supportive. Ideally, my insurance would cover it. You are very fortunate to have the coverage, even if you have to wait. It may be a few more weeks than you'd like, but you will get there. Good luck to you as well. Thank you for all your help! See you on the boards!
  19. the best me

    CRL (Central Res Life)????

    Thank you so much! I understand everything you have said, especially about the pre-existing clause. All that makes sense...but one more question... What if I am moving from a group plan (where they MUST cover me simply because I'm eligible for the plan because of employment-or that of my husband) to a plan where I just buy insurance as an individual and pay the premiums. I tried to do this several years ago after my daughter was born and I quit work. Cobra was ending and I applied for coverage for the family, then was denied coverage for me, but they said they would insure my husband and daughter. I was too high risk (due to weight, maternity benefits, previous C-sect, etc) they figured it would be too expensive to cover me, no matter what my premiums were. So they simply said "No, not you, but everyone else is okay" which made me feel like a huge loser, big, fat, uninsurable, not worth our effot loser. Needless to say, I did not accept their offer to cover DH and kid without covering me also. Which is why we went for the pricey Group plan through my hubby's company, since they can't tell me no. It's a pitiful situation to put your family in...to be too fat for insurance...it's costing us a pretty penny, too. I feel terrible. My hope with the band would be to lose the weight, no longer be a burden in so many ways, and finally be able to get more affordable health care for our family, without me having to go back to work just to get me insured so my family can save that money. But...I digress as well...we are just two peas in a pod going on and on...I like your lengthy posts. So, to summarize the actual question...what is the likelhood of say, BC/BS denying individual coverage for me and my family based on the fact that I have a Mexican placed band? Thanks for your input. I really appreciate it. By the way, any news Elizabeth?
  20. the best me

    100 lbs

    Yes, Yes, give us the SCOOP! Way to go, girl!
  21. the best me

    CRL (Central Res Life)????

    Porclndoll, I have an insurance question you may be able to help with, given your experience in the field. Heres' me...right now I have group coverage through my husband's company with BC/BS in NC which does NOT cover the Band. It is an exclusion under weight loss surgery. Gastric Bypass is not an option for me. I have been doing some math and coming up with a price tag of almost 20,000 for self-pay with my nearby weight loss doctor, who will not do fills for Mexican bands. So, at that price, I decide to have the surgery in Mexico and I need to count on him (in MX) to do my fills and aftercare and the price tag works out okay. That assumes NO complications. Say everything goes fine, I lose all kinds of weight, I am healthy and happy, me and my band look like Belinda in a bikini in the Before and After photos (way to go Belinda!) Say we want to drop the group coverage and go with a less expensive personal plan with no maternity benefits (tubes tied) I have to tell them I have a Band and where I got it, or I'm lying and they can really get me later if something happens. Can they, would they, could they, deny me coverage with a Mexican Band? No complications, only better health, a healthy weight and no more co-morbidities (such as joint pain, arthritis, rashes, fatigue, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, the beginnings of diabetes, etc. None of that) What are the chances of being denied future coverage with a Mexican Band? Elizabeth, I think I have officially hijacked your thread. Sorry! I guess any insurance info is helpful to everyone. Anyone else? Jump on in here! thanks!!!
  22. the best me

    See you on the other side...

    Yippee! Well done, Johnathan! Glad to hear you are now in Bandland and the surgery went fine. Keep your chin up and take all the advice that is to come from the veterans. I'm sure they will be posting their congrats soon...change your signature when you are up to it...rest and heal...
  23. the best me


    Thanks Zoe. I have since found out that the Dr. Bauman near me does indeed do the fills for 200 but the hospital lab charges an additional 195 for the flouro. AND the gal on the phone said Dr. Bauman was considering not taking band fills from other doctors. A few other leads in my area have been unfruitful. No fills for other doctors. I have really been reading old threads, sorry for lurking DeLarla, but reading "all posts by DeLarla" and there are thousands, has been VERY helpful. A little discouraging, since she has been through so much, but helpful. I still plan on using Kuri, but I really haven't lined up the aftercare...except for planning to budget enough to get me back to TJ for a few fills in the next year. I also have an appointment with my PCP to discuss this. Wonder what she'll say? Here's a question...I have a hard time getting covered for medical insurance due to my weight/high BMI which is one reason I want the Band, so I can lose the weight and get covered. We are currently paying out the wazoo for BC/BS group benefits for small businesses (my husband is self-employed/incorporated) so they HAVE to cover me, but the premiums are ridiculous. I know we could get similar coverage for less, plus I no longer need maternity benefits (shop's closed after the last c-section) and maternity benefits are required for group coverage in NC, or so they say. Anyhooo-the question is, if I get a Mexiacn Band, will I have trouble getting covered for insurance, should we decide to drop the group coverage? Will they deny me coverage because I have the Mexican Band? Anyone? I have talked to a few of Kuri's patients here, and thank you all, but noone close to me in NC, unless I have missed you, in which case, PM me!!! Please!
  24. the best me

    The "swallow" thread...

    That one deserved a citation from the internet police! But it WAS all in good fun...I assume Penni & Lisa deleted it, it's not around anymore (Thank GOD!) and I heard you can delete threads you start , I just don't know how. Lisa does, she starts stuff all the time and gets us in trouble...just kidding. I take full responsibility for my participation. I'll keep looking for updates!
  25. the best me

    One port, two ports, three ports, four....

    Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs...such as Advil and Motrin (Ibuprophen). there are others but I want to be certain before I list them...anybody?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
