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the best me

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by the best me

  1. the best me

    The band just isn't working for me

    YES! are you out there Jaime?
  2. the best me

    Overlooked -

    I love the title to this thread. Overlooked. It's so sad because I'm me inside, even though the outside was so horrid for me to see, I wanted to be overlooked. In the shadows. Unnoticed. It's a terrible place to be, and very lonely. It was for me. I'm slowly getting back to me. It really is a transition. Thanks for that Cindy.
  3. the best me

    Christmas Lovers Thread

    TheBestMe - J 179.2 / C 179.0 / G 165 (-.2 this week)
  4. the best me

    Gone for Good Club - July 2006

    The best me - H 242/ S 223/ J 188/ C 179.0 (-63 lbs total, -1.8 this week) finally, something to report! Can't wait to see 175! :tea:
  5. the best me

    flying solo for 8 months

    You are way cool. I'm so proud of you! I can't imagine being without my band, but you are proof it CAN be done! I don't know how you do it, Michelle. Do you log your food? Thanks for the update. I think of you often!
  6. the best me

    Convenience Foods

    South Beach Diet wraps have become a staple for me lately. I had written off tortillas because they are so chewy and just "not worth it" but the whole wheat tortillas in the wraps are great! I like the Southwest chicken and the Asian inspired wraps. I bought the turkey bacon one time but spit out so much of the bacon bits I won't waste my money again. Also, tuna sensations? Sweet and Spicy is my fave. I add a TBS of FF Italian dressing to moisten it a bit more. I have that on salads, too. Or in a whole wheat tortilla! Good stuff.
  7. the best me

    Herniated Disk

    Oy vey, what a pickle you are in Paula! It's so hard to advise you mother either way. I have no experience with back trouble, but just wanted to send a HUG. :tea:
  8. the best me

    Do Not Feed The TROLLS

    Despite the fireworks from a few months ago, :confused: this thread has great info, IMO. It's worth an occasional bump. Another idea would be to copy/paste the first posts, including the helpful links, onto a new thread (giving proper credit, of course) and bump THAT one. That way, the hurtful stuff WILL go to archive heaven. Just an idea? :paranoid Anyhow, I still think it's a good bump. :kiss2:
  9. the best me

    Missing Members...

    Try one of her recent posts on the Sangria Suarez thread. She listed an e-mail address to contact her. How are you Michelle? Are you maintaining your loss? I'll just bet you are. You rock! You should post more...yup, you should. :confused:
  10. the best me

    Fit Day or Spark People

    Okay folks...I'm getting the 2 sparkpeople e-mails a day now. SIGH. I just archive them...I'll live. I'm going there now to log my lunch and see what I can "get away with" for dinner. I think I can swing a good ole baked potato tonight. Yummmm.
  11. the best me

    The band just isn't working for me

    Wow Julie! Another MX bandster from Charlotte?! Yay! Hi! :wave:
  12. the best me

    I Never Saw This Coming!

    It's important to go easy-cheesy on a freshly filled band. You just never know what might irritate a tighter band, and then you end up in the irritation-causes swelling-causes more irritation-cycle and end up with an unfill to resolve it. Hang in there Denika. You'll get another fill when it all settles down. Take good care of that band! It's just a bump in the road!
  13. the best me

    The band just isn't working for me

    Hey Jaime! I'm in the Cahrlotte area, too. We do have monthly get-togethers, but even if you can't come in person, we have great monthly chat threads here in the NC Forum. Here's the link for the July thread... http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=20434 Anyhow, you'll get good feedback right here on this thread, just feel free to jump in on the monthly chats. Please answer the questions Wheetsin asked and you will get good advice. I'm a slow loser. 40+ pounds in 15+ months. But it's okay, I think I'm doing great! I'm thinking you either need to eat more, or eat better. How is your restriction? If you are too tight, you are not able to eat a variety of good healthy foods, including (and especially) hard protiens so that could really factor in. I have had good success lately logging my food on www.sparkpeople.com. It's a great site for getting good feedback on your nutrition. I recommend it! Can't wait to hear back from you!
  14. the best me

    Its July

    Angie, could I come get the girls, or some, or one of them for a bit? I'd love to have them over if it would help you at all to get a break or some rest or just some quiet time! Let me know...play day with Miss Kathy! Yay!!!! Rachel and Tyler would love it. Lemme know. Kim, you look so goooood!!!! Way to go! Karen, I can't wait to see you little ole size 18 butt. Good job! Dianne, how'd it go at Dr V's? how was your meeting? Onederland feels wonderful, huh?! I'm snickering at you Melissa...dropping potatoes on your foot. But, OUCH! Funny, but OUCH!!! Denika, how are you doing with all you have going on? (((hugs))) girl. Off to bed everyone! G'night!
  15. the best me

    MollyMolly and Margo need new Avatars!

    AVA-tar! AVA-tar! AVA-tar!!!!!!!
  16. the best me

    I talked to Lisa Green

    Dang, girl! Look how tiny you are!!!! Wowza and well done!!!
  17. the best me

    Cheating..No, not with food!

    Non-cheaters here. I just asked hubby if he has ever cheated on me and he said, "If I had, now why would I say YES?" then he siad, "I don't even cheat on you in my dreams!" No, he's not a cheater. Neither am I. Gotta love it.
  18. the best me

    Hey P'nut, you sober yet?

    I need help! A few months ago (May?) you edited 2 pics of mine to compare a 10 pound weight difference. In one I was wearing an orange t-shirt and brown cargo pants. The other I wore brown trousers and a funky blue shirt. You put them side-by side for me somewhere! Do you remember what thread? Oy vey, I have pics all over this board and I want to get them all into my NSV thread, orhterwise known as my journal! LOL Anyhow, if you can remember, I'd be grateful. I want to C&V, if I can remember how, since you got them side by side and smaller. Thanks!!!!!! P'nut? Beuller? Anyone? Anyone?
  19. the best me

    Strange Question.....

    soonerman...loosing fast will give you baggier skin. That's one of the disadvantages bandsters don't like about the GP surgeries, because losing slowly is easier on the skin and is a more natural weight loss. Also, gall bladder problems have been blamed on rapid weight loss. None of that is a medical fact, that I know of, just assumptions made by me from being on the boards for a while. I'm not sure there's a bandster who would complain about rapid weight loss, though! You are doing great! And at some point, your loss will slow down. The first 50 is easier than the next 50. Again, not a medical fact that I know of...that's just what tends to happen. And, in my opinion, the health risks of remaining obese are greater than the health risks of losing quickly, so you really can't lose, pardon the pun. You have lost about 44% of your excess weight, if I'm doing my math correctly. In 2 1/2 months! Wow. Exercise and firm up those muscles. That will help alot, I'm sure. Good job!!!!!!
  20. the best me

    Christmas Lovers Thread

    You crazy people got me in the dadgum Christmas spirit. I'm making dinner whistling "Let it Snow"...OMGosh! DH is in there frying catfish whistling "the weather outside is frightful..." :omg: how funny! Okay, I'm coming around...hehe
  21. the best me

    Christmas Lovers Thread

    THAT's it for me, too! I love that, Paula. Thanks!
  22. the best me

    Christmas Lovers Thread

    Awright awright awright!!!! I come into this thread kicking and screaming and grumbling and mumbling and rolling my eyes, okay already!!!!!! I saw Cindy's (mousecrazy) sig with the Christmas Challenge and HAD to come, now I'm reading through the thread feeling like a dope because I am NOT crafty and giddy and I don't decorate a tree in each room with THEMES?! for goodness sakes! However, I would like to be at my tummy tuck goal weight by Christmas. And I would like to send out my Christmas cards this year. Forget on time, I just want to get them sent out. I missed them last year. DOH! So, in a way, this really is a thread for me, even though I'm a dope, I just don't wanna be such a good one! LOL Join/Goal/Current? is that It? Nope it's J/G/C...here, I'll fix it. J 179.2/ C 179.2 /G 165 And I will have my card envelopes addressed BY Thanksgiving. I will have them mailed by Dec 10th. All of them, with a picture of the kids enclosed. So there. Thanks to all you nutso freaks out there. :heh:
  23. the best me

    Happy Birthday Dianechef!

    Hey! I just saw this! Happy birthday Diane! Woohooooo! Glad it was wonderful. We wanna see pics! LOL
  24. the best me

    Yes, I'm a mess...

    Even if you don't use the Ignore button, ignoring is the best policy all around. But if you have trouble, the ignore button is mighty handy. Except when people quote the person you are ignoring. ggrrrr. But Cindy's right, it will settle down. Always does, it always comes back around. We are people. There are lots of us. Anyhow, hang in there Dody. We are all allowed a bump in the road here and there. Someone once said to me, "thank God for Adult Education courses in life." No matter our age, we are all still learning. ALL of us! You're okay.
  25. the best me

    Gone for Good Club - July 2006

    Did you think noone noticed this?! I noticed! WOW! Well done!:clap2:

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