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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by porclndoll

  1. porclndoll

    Just for getting to know each other...

    1. What does your handle mean? I collected Porclin Dolls at one time, they ment a lot to me. 2. What book are you currently reading, or did you last read? Complete works of Edgar Allen Poe 3. What do you do for a living? Clerical work, start MONDAY 4. For what in your life are you most grateful? My son~ 5. What's one thing about you that you think would surprise other people? Im a published author. Had a short story published in a book of inspiring essays by parents of children with disablities. 6. One word to describe yourself? Determined 7. One word others use to describe you? Dependable 8. Would you rather play a game with someone better or worse at it than you? Better, good opportunity to learn~ 9. Favorite movie? Favorite show? Queen of The Damned, Lost Boys, Sopranos 10. Something unusual about yourself? I had half of my middle finger cut off when I was a baby. The doctors left the first joint in there and the nail bed, so a sharp pokey thing hangs out of the top of it. I call it my "Goofy Finger" cause it looks Goofy!!
  2. porclndoll

    Need support. Husband left!

    Girl, you and I have had a couple of conversations about this. I have half of my stuff packed and out the door as we speak. My husband just stopped coming home from work one night.. Now he comes and goes as he pleases, I dont know when hes coming and when he isn't but we have agreed that this is over and my son and I are moving out. I turned to food too. I ate and ate and ate, making some really bad decisions diet wise. I actually gained two pounds this week, and Im not going to let him do it to me!! I have to turn this stress around and turn it into something constructive. I have spent a lot of time on this computer. I am reconnecting with old friends...I am going to bed earlier!!! And I got me on some meds to help me with the stress. We have been married 10 1/2 years...we have been together 15 years!! We have one son, and we just couldn't see eye to eye. You will be okay~ Your kids will be okay~ You are stronger than you think~ Im stronger than I think~
  3. porclndoll

    Dr. Kwon's Holiday Party

    Hey Jorjet...Im going~ Can't wait to get all dressed up fancy like! Cant wait to see you!!
  4. porclndoll

    Anyone in Upstate???

    Hey guys. I am from NY and had my surgery in May 2005... I live in Orange County NY, which is about one hour North of NYC. I love my surgeon and would recommend him to anyone!!! However, your a bit far and I dont know if you would want to travel this far. Sooo, check out http://www.lap-band.com/lapband2/locator.jsp if you haven't all ready. It is the surgeon locator on the INAMED website. Inamed produces the band system. Its the kind I have. From what I understand there are two or three different kinds out there. I could be wrong on that...but thats what I understand. You just enter your zip code and it brings you a list of surgeons in your area.... Good luck and please let us know how you make out!!!
  5. porclndoll

    I Miss You Guys!

    Hey DeLarla~~~ Miss you too~~~ Whats new...hummm.....My son and I are moving out. My husband is keeping the place that we are at now, and we are getting a divorce. Ummmm I have been chit chatting with my old boyfriend from the days of Yore...He found me on Reunion.com and weve been talking for about a week or so and its really good! Didn't know how much we missed each other.........Ummmm Im still not working, but I gotta up the anty now that my son and I are gonna be on our own. We will be staying with my mom for a while till we get it together....My stress levels are going thru the roof if you could imagin so I started Stress Management again too~ Today is a good day and thats all I can expect..One day at a time right?
  6. porclndoll

    Anyone wear Spanx?

    I haven't heard of the stuff~What is it? Support stuff, bras and undies for people. I will cruise the internet later to find out, but i gotta go get in the shower..MY FRIEND IS IN LABOR AND IT LOOKS LIKE WERE HAVING A BABY TODAY!!! EEEEEKE IM SOO EXCITED. this has been the worlds longest pregnancy! i love babies.
  7. porclndoll

    Tornado hit Clarksville, TN -- My daughter was in it

    Ewe that gave me chills. Thankfully they were all right and she was able to send out this message~
  8. porclndoll

    Check this guy out !!

    whoa very creepy~ I LOVE IT
  9. porclndoll

    Suddenly Single

    Thanks guys~~~ The squishy hugs are the best. I may take yas up on the private emails......I am still very swollen from crying all night and most of the day and my sinuses are KILLING me........and did I mention the headache from hell?? This sucks. We have been married 10 1/2 years and we have one child. He is picking up on everything even though we dont argue infront of him....but we also dont speak to one another let along show any emotion....I know in a long run this will work....and Anthony and I will be okay....just very scarey! I went from being at home with my parents to being married! I will be okay. I will talk to you soon~
  10. porclndoll

    Suddenly Single

    Thank you Vines!!
  11. porclndoll

    Suddenly Single

    Well, I can certainly say that this has not been an easy few weeks. Last night everything came to a head. My husband and I finally talked everything out...and it seems that my son and I will be leaving here to live with my mother....Until I can get myself on my own two feet. My husband doesn't have anywhere to go, so he will keep the apartment that we are in now. He is going to help me pay my car payments and I would assume pay support for our son, that never came up, but knowing him as I do, I dont have to worry about it. This is all just way over whelming....after 15 years...but I have started to clean out my desk, and I will just take my time with it all. I do have to say the added stress has led me into making some of the wrong diet decisions...but I haven't gainned anything....sooo thats a plus. I just gotta get my head together, and my heart...and keep on keeping on~ Thank you all for your continued support!!!
  12. porclndoll

    What PS will you get when you reach goal?

    I am definately getting boobies~~ I all ready have em actually, Im just gonna get the ones I have fixed/lifted...They have seen several sizes over these last few years and well, lets just say they aren't playing any more!! I just want to ONCE in my life be able to go bra-less!! JUST ONCE! Well, it is the norm in the God forsaken town I live in, but I dont wanna be like these people. And I think Im gonna have to get my arms done...that flappy bat wing thing going on there.....and I think Im gonna have my inner thighs done. We will see....all things can change during this whole process...but these are just the surgeries I have considered. Ive got about 60 pounds to go till I meet my goals......that could change EVERYTHING.
  13. porclndoll

    I need help

    Phew, so glad you survived the surgery....We knew that you would, your a tough cookie. As far as the anestesiologist...I would have been screaming about her the second she came at me with her crap!! You have enough to deal with as a patient she doesn't have any right to treat you like anything less than GOLD! Dont deal with that attitude, and absolutely talk to Dr Kwon or who ever you see. They may not want to do surgery with this anestesiologst any more. I do believe they have a choice when a choice is given...I may be wrong on that.......but what ever DONT PUT UP WITH IT...BIOTCH who does she think she is??? I have a hard time with anestesia as it is, headache, throwing up....soo your symptoms sound like a "normal" reaction to me....but discuss it with the dr. IM SO HAPPY YOUR BACK AND GETTING BETTER~~~~ Talk to you soon
  14. porclndoll

    It's a vicious circle

    sleepyjean..... what i can say about this is that i was extreamly fortunate that my insurance approval came through very very very quickly! i didn't have time to second guess the whole surgery and weight loss issues. im greatful for that! however, i have had to remind myself several times why i had surgery in the first place. there are times when i just wanna eat and eat and eat and eat......and this is when i gotta start with the second guessing and mental battle of good and evil basically~ i know i couldn't do it without this surgery. time proves all! i am now 33 years old and have been overweight my whole life. ive done pills, powders, shakes, programs, support groups...yadda yadda yadda.........nothing ever worked. now i am 6 months out of surgery and down 57 pounds!!! THATS A LOT OF POTATOES!!! any time you gotta go through red tape for anything it gets fustrating~ you just wanna give up...but thats exactly when you need to keep on keeping on!! (Joe Dirt)ehehehe the end result is soooo worth it! so get in there girl and kick their butts!!! get that approval!! you can do it.....and this has been the best thing that i ever done for myself and my son! if it weren't for my son, i dont know if i would have had the surgery.
  15. porclndoll

    Way OT: I just have to vent here

    OH My God I would have lost it! I can't STAND hearing or seeing people chew! Big time Pet Peave of mine. If I have to hear it I WILL loose it. I have a girlfriend who can't chew anything without her mouth being open. I can say I haven't been out with her where food is involved! One year at the Haunted House my job was to serve donuts and hot apple cider to the customers and tell ghost stories around a camp fire. Cool concept..how ever..........we had a HUGE group of about 25 people (all from the same family I think!) who were snarffing down their donuts and cider. I couldn't believe all the noise that was coming outta them on just a stupid donut!!! It was horriable. They asked me if they could have seconds and I told them NO..COMPANY POLICY ONE DONUT PER CUSTOMER.......There was no such policy.....hehehe Hey self preservation!!! SELF PRESERVATION. Sooooo I can TOTALLY understand your situation. Maybe next time they come around, when they MAKE IT BIG....John can take them alone, and you can stay home and pamper yourself with a hot bath and a nice QUIET meal at home~~~~~~~
  16. Well...Im with you in the feeling that its time for you! My theroy was IF I CAN'T EAT IT, I AINT COOKING IT. I didn't want to be tempted. I did the frozen foods like Hungry Man and Hot Pockets too. My son is disabled and only eats a SMALL varity of things so feeding him wasn't the issue. Im still not cooking, and its 6 months after the fact. My husband usually eats dinner out....hes never home for dinner anyway. I did go back to cooking, but only for a short time. What ever I would cook, he would end up microwaving and throwing it out...sooo why waste like that? I can't eat a huge meal any more...soo why bother? I guess the bottom line is, do what ever works for you and what ever your comfortable with. I couldn't stand there cooking and then NOT eat it, or at least taste to make sure it was right....
  17. porclndoll

    Name That Tune

    I am going to a concert in December, and was thinking how many shows I have seen, and I thought it would be interesting to find out who other LapBanders are out there seeing....Sooo I am making the first list.......... Over the course of many years I have seen Prince (twice)....Metallica (twice)....MeatLoaf....Ozzy (twice)...Def Lepord...Tesla...Judist Priest...Disturbed...El Neno...Rob Zombie...Mastadon...Bon Jovi...Heart...Billy Idol...Faith No More...Alice Cooper...Guns and Roses...Faster Pussycat...Motley Crue...WhiteSnake...and in December I will be seeing Stained with POD and someone else......Im sure there are more, but for some reason I can't remember them eheheheheheh EDIT: I forgot LoverBoy, Poison, Dokken
  18. porclndoll

    Yo! Landrys Dad

  19. porclndoll

    OT-Need fashion help! DESPERATELY!!

    La Madame hit it right on the nose~~ Turquoise is HOT right now especially paired up with brown!! Especially if you find one with pink in it!! Pink is good too, you mentioned you had pink shirts...
  20. porclndoll

    Fall Weight Loss Challenge

    Hey guys....Isn't today that last day for this challng? Well...I know I havent met my mark of 20 pounds during this challng, but I did keep going downwards. I managed to lose 8 pounds which is almost 1 pound a week...which isn't toooo bad. I did have my birthday in there and well, quite frankly I had cake and stuff.... Not making excuses, because I know what I DIDNT do to not meet the mark and that was exercise....So now I KNOW what I must do...ewl~~ STARTING WEIGHT FOR CHALLNG 223 ENDING WEIGHT ON CHALLNG 215 TOTAL WEIGHT LOSS...........8 POUNDS /nine weeks STARTING WEIGHT BEFORE SURGERY 272 TODAYS WEIGHT.......................... 215 TOTAL LOST OVER ALL.................. 57 POUNDS /six months
  21. porclndoll

    Very depressed

    I was on Prozac for a while. I went off just prior to my surgery. It was a little scarey....but I remember without hesitation the person who prescribed it to me was also a Bariatrics Specialist. He use to help people with their weight issues thru non surgical interventions. He said, "Prozac will help you control your weight too"....When I spoke to him about my choice for having the surgery he was VERY against it, but said if thats what I wanted to do ... After surgery I remember my doctor telling me that Prozac came in liquid form and that I could resume treatment if needed. For me, I didn't resume the prescription. I have had times when I thought that UTOH I should really be on my meds.........But I have been maintaining~ I have a form of a stress disorder. I have noticed that as I am losing weight its getting easier to maintain. My self asteem is going up and I think that has something to do with it. I have more energy and I know that has something to do with it....and I exercise more. Not as much as I should, but since losing the 52-53 pounds that I have, I am a much happier person and I can deal with the stresses of life a lot better.....Im glad you got back on your meds...its important. This is hard enough...and I know that the Prozac should help you, not hinder Good luck to you~
  22. porclndoll

    I need help

    JORJET Im so sorry that I totally missed this thread! I am sorry that you had to go through this, but Dr Kwon is an exceptional surgeon/doctor/person......He will fix you up! Please let us know how your doing! You should have had your surgery yesterday by now..and hopefully your resting comfortably at home~ Will be thinking of you~ Talk to you soon~
  23. porclndoll

    Birth Control = weight loss?

    Wow, my experience with birth control is that it makes you gain or retain weight! I am 33 years old and have been on BC for YEARS. Once I went off it for the surgery, weight started coming off. When I went back on, it slowed......I would definately ask my GYN about the connections...Im sure they could offer an explaination....Very interesting!!
  24. porclndoll


    When I get stuff stuck I walk walk walk and this is gonna sound really weird, but I hit my chest...Like Im burping a baby.....And that seems to help gas bubbles get going and as I burp...it does get better...someone all ready mentioned this......If I drink, WHOA HOLY MOLY it gets way way way worse!!! If your body starts to over produce saliva aka "slime" spit that out too! Dont try and swallow that ontop of something that is stuck! You will throw up! Stress affects my band in terriable ways...Restriction goes through the roof and stuff gets stuck a whole lot easier, especially if Im not paying attention to how Im eatting.
  25. porclndoll

    60-80 pnds...

    From what I have read and have been advised....they dont do a tummy tuck till 1 year after surgery and you have reached or have come very close to reaching your goals. If you have to lose 60-80 pounds, and have reached your goal then a Tummy Tuck may be given. But if you need to lose like 100+ pounds, I dont think they would do a tummy tuck at 60 then again at 100 pounds lost. Hope this is helpful...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
