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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by porclndoll

  1. porclndoll

    milk and dairy - good or bad for weight loss?

    Well, one time I went for a check up at my surgeons office. He asked me how things were going and I told him I almost died on a cup of milk....Fat Free of course. It was cold and I drank it waaaay too quick and well, it hurt like hell. My surgeon looked at me and said as firmly as a father on prom night...."Who said you could drink milk?" I said, It was fat free.....He said It doesn't matter...It still has (one of them "ouses", like fructouse or glucouse) and it will stop you from loosing weight, no matter what the dairy industry wants you to believe. This is why my surgeons office wants us on calcium suppliments. It is all up to what your doctors office recommends.
  2. porclndoll

    2005 Lap Band Awards

    Okay if BigPaul can nominate himself for a category...Then dammit so can I.... I nominate myself for "Creepiest Chick'........ muahahahahahaha I can "Make flesh crawl and wounds ooze"...Nightmare Before Christmas. BigPaul,youve got my vote~~~
  3. porclndoll

    My Christmas miracle!!!!!!

    DO YOU BELIEVE IN MAGIC~~~ Wahoo I do!! This is awesome news for you!! I have been following your story and this is the perfect ending~Or should I say beginning? Congratulations to you!! I am sooo very happy for you!
  4. porclndoll

    MY first NSV and SV

    Holy Moly~ You have lost in five weeks what I lost in FIVE MONTHS~ You rock!!! Keep it up!!!!
  5. porclndoll

    Thinking About

    Harley Nana...Thanks for your compliments on my accomplishments. I have done pretty good if I may say so myself. I think that I am going to request the unfill cause its been going on for a while now. I thought that it was just me getting use to the fill, but its been like two (plus) months...I think I should be pretty well adjusted to the adjustment by now..... I think that it will make me feel better emotionally and physically soooo I think Im gonna ask for it... Thanks for your feedback.... Talk to you soon~
  6. porclndoll

    What do you do if you slime or get stuck?

    YOU GOT IT....Twirl the chicken around your head...stomp your feet three times, and then yell holy guacamoly....But this can ONLY work on a full moon. Sorry, being a butt..... I burp myself like you would a baby, but I do it on the middle of my chest when I get stuck. I just had a stuck/slime/PB episode tonight~ The burpin thing didn't work. I stood over the toilet and leaned over and well....that got things moving out~ It sucks. Try not to eat and drive too cause if this happens when your driving you will have to pull over. The slime takes over. You have to spit it out. Learned that lesson the hard way. Its amazing no one stops to see if your OK any more!! Hey, guess in this day and age your better off. (With my luck John Wayne Gasie or Charles Manson would stop and ask me if I needed help) Greg...welcome to the board~Congrats on all your accomplishments ~
  7. porclndoll

    I need help!!!!!

    Dani...I do live in NY....Orange County....I had my surgery done in Port Jervis NY...which is about an hour north of New York City. I haven't heard of any new requirements for the LapBand surgery.....But then again, things tend to change over some months. In my situation they were awesome to work with~ I too knew something needed to be done when my weight was approaching 280 lbs!!! I have a friend who had gastric bypass and she dropped a tremendous amount of weight, but she also got addicted to her pain killers and she wasn't healthy. Shes doing better now...but she had a rough road and I saw her down it, and I knew that wasn't what I wanted. It is an amazing surgery and thankfully alot of people benefitted from it, but it isn't something I would have chose for myself. This Lap Band of mine is the best thing I have ever done, aside from having my child. This is the best thing I did for MYSELF. Keep on in your Quest if this is what you want...and like I said, you need to be comfortable with your decisions...in insurance and especially with your surgeon~ Your going to know him or her for quite some time
  8. porclndoll

    I Survived

    Wheetsin...I really like your town motto! eheheheheheh Yea the pit is pretty rough, but I dunno. I think we lucked out cause the crowd was some what smaller than us....ehehehe younger. We were like two of the "oldest" people there. Dont get me wrong there were some huge boys there...scarey huge....but it could have been worse. Had it been say a Korn or Slip Knot show, we would have been HURTIN PUPPIES!!! I dunno...I think I have been bit. I think I will have to revisit the pit at the next show I go to. I got that new goal to work on....BODY SURFIN Penni...how awesome was that you got to see them shoot their video!!!! I absolutely LOVE Aaron. He looks larger than life in person!!!! I managed some eye contact with him and I was in HEAVEN!!!!!! What a gorgious person!!! ugh......can't say enough about them! I was lucky to be there.
  9. porclndoll

    I Survived

    Hey guys! Hows it going? I went to see Stained last night! HOLY CRAP what a good good good time I had!! I went with a girlfriend. We ended up three rows from the stage!! We were in the PIT.....If anyone knows anything about these shows, the Pit is a dangerous place to be! But we survived, we had an awesome time, and I got a little bloody......My own blood, no one elses. Some guy was body surfing, and I saw him coming, and he was going down. I raised my hands to help him back up, and in the middle of all this, he kicked me in the back of my head (accidently) and I gouged out my eye ball with my thumb nail! Just a little bit, nooooo big deal. The kick to the back of the head hurt more! But...all is good! I was protecting the hell out of my port, I was afraid of that. But I was getting huge men off of me when the pit was going nuts! Moshing into me and I was pushin them right back in....all the while, maintaining my spot and getting closer to the stage. I didn't accomplish my goal of getting Aaron to take me home with him, but I did manage some eye contact with him!! I love him. Then OMG..... He came out on stage with a different gutair....IT WAS DIMEBAGS GUTAIR!! Anyone know Dimebag? He was the lead qutairist for a band called Pantara...He was gunned down on stage a few months back. Young guy....34 I think??? Anyway he was an awesome musician and his death was big news. Heartbreaking!!! We payed tribute to Dimebag and then Aaron did a few songs with the gutair...It was soooooo amazing! I missed my son sooooo much.......but, I deserve to have a good time too. My son was with his father....His father was pissed that I was going to the show......but........these plans were made months ago, the tickets were bought months ago...and I am sooo happy that we went. I have set a new goal for myself too! I AM GOING TO BODY SURF at the next show I go to. I would have done it last night, but these kids were soooo little they were dropping everyone!! NEXT TIME!!!!! Okay...I really could go on and on an on about that show but I am going back to bed for a little while. I didn't drag it in till after 1am. Then I couldn't sleep cause I was sooo hyped up...then the ringing in my ears wouldn't stop....ohhh sooo worth it though Okay guys Thanks for listening.. TTYL
  10. porclndoll

    I need help!!!!!

    I have GHI....GHI HMO and I got an approval within 2 days of my surgeons office submitting the paper work. I dont know if GHI Med. would work the same, but as a company I have had NOOO problems with them what so ever! I would keep on with the same surgeons office. You have done soo much with them and they have all your pprwk. The surgeon that you orgnially started with may be having some family problems that he needs to attend to, and the staff just can't say....or hes laying on a white sand beach somewhere, and they DONT WANT TO SAY Either or....you need to be comfortable in your decision. But for my experience GHI was great to work with. Good luck to you~~~
  11. porclndoll

    My Erosion Experience

    Oh Penni..I admire your courage~ It is scarey to think youve lost the one thing that has worked, but ya know what....your mind has changed too Im sure, as mine has and everyone else that has the band procedure. We know its okay to only have a cup of food and we will not melt away. Remember all the things you have learned while you had your band and apply those lessons now. You are a strong woman and have been through more than this...you will see the other side of this situation too. Talk to you soon~~ Heres to a speedy recovery....
  12. porclndoll

    Suddenly Single

    Eeeewe Big Paul....Are you a closette freek? I can't be the only creepy one out here~ muhahahahahahah
  13. porclndoll

    Suddenly Single

    Well, If I didn't really kick your A$$ I could really really really make you think I could, so that would be enough. I carry myself well~ And I raise one heck of a wicked eyebrow!!! And whats with the "Then again..." comment??? Hummmm??? U brave enough? muahahahahahah
  14. porclndoll

    Suddenly Single

    Hey hey hey guys....when did we start talking about leather, whips and gags??? I missed out~~ What the hell!!! I do a character at the Haunted House...her name is Temptress...Got her name off a XXX movie....shes a WITCH with a captl B!! She carries a BIG WHIP...and yes, she wears the happy boots. I tell the customers the rules of the place, no touching the actors, no touching the props, no smoking inside...blah blah blah and if they dont follow the rules, they get sent back to ME! I say IS THAT CLEAR...and they all whisper back, yeaaa.. I scream at them I CAN'T HEAR YOU! YOU NEED TO ANSWER ME YESS TEMPTRESS...and they all scream it back~ I also have a friend splatter fake blood on me, so they see the beating that the last customer got that fell out of line ehehehehehehehehehehe, sick woman I am...but I have fun! This being out on my own is actually getting easier. I could sit here all day and list the things that aren't right, that aren't fair....but why? I just know what I have to do and where its all going. My son is acting out a bit, but I just gotta be persistant and patient with him....and I know this is the right thing in my heart. I dont deserve to be unhappy. I dont deserve to hear Im a bad mother, when I know I have dedicated my LIFE to my son. And yes I have changed since we got married even since we met, but we met when I was 17....no 33 year old adult woman should feel or act or have the same attitude as a 17 year old! So yea, I did change...but all for the better. He didn't realize that because I was not under his rule any more...I know when the time is right I will be with someone who appreciates me for who I am now!! Okay guys, the next time we talk bondage, would you please lemme know sooner? TTYL
  15. porclndoll

    Pole dancing (Is this an NSV?)

    ~~~~FIELD TRIP~~~~ I can fit 7 in my van~~~
  16. porclndoll

    Map your location for LBT!

    Thats pretty cool!!! Im on there too now~
  17. porclndoll

    Pole dancing (Is this an NSV?)

    OOOO THE SHAME....AAAAGOOOONEEYYYY BEEN SCOLDED BY BIG PAUL~ Bring your singles Big Paul I have a feeling you'd be in the front row~ Silly Goose....
  18. porclndoll


    Hey guys. I haven't been around too much lately...and I just wanted to stop in and tell you all that Im thinking of you all. Life has gotten so busy. I am still in the process of moving out of my apartment. My mothers house is a wreck and shes pulling her hair out. But we all have a new life to adjust to here~ That job that I thought I had a few weeks ago never panned out. They told me that they were having problems with their phone lines and they would call me with a start date, and well, they never called. So I called them, and the lady that was to be my "boss" never called me back~ Sooooo that translated to me that they were trying out another girl and if she sucked then they would call me in...Their loss~ But now its back to the grind....Gotta find a job!! I haven't been too bad with my lap band life either. I have been sticking to and following most of the rules. I have a hard time getting in my vitamins and water....but my stomach is usually upset or very restricted to eat much or drink much...it tightens with stress... I haven't been exercising other than the moving stuff.....and I haven't weighed in in about three weeks. I have a doctors appointment coming up at the end of this month...I just may wait until then to get weighed....my scale is a big liar anyways~ And finally, there was a big holiday party that was held by my surgeon and the associates that he works with. It was gorgious and I had such a good time. Everyone that had surgery up to a certain date was invited....the first patient that he ever performed surgery on was there, the hospital staff that takes care of all his patients was there, the administrators from the hospital was there.....There was about 400 attendees all together. It was at a country club and everyone was dressed sooooo nice!!! I went with a couple of other lap band buddies that I have made along the way and had an excellent time~ I had to leave early to go pick up my son, and I went right to the apartment in my party dress~~~ My husband looked me up and down and up and down and quicked looked away! The next day he called me to check on our son, and said, You looked very pretty last night! My teeth almost fell out of my head...but hey, he noticed and I said, YES I DID! And its only going to get better!!! Im going to try and attach a photo that I took with my web cam.....in the move I screwed something up on my computer so the colors aren't right, so forgive me if the photo isn't the best...it looks pretty good to me Okay all...I hope to talk with you all soon~~~~
  19. porclndoll

    My Endo results -- NOT GOOD!!

    Penni.... I am so sorry that you are losing your band. But think of what you have gained from the time that you did have it. We are all at risk. One thing Im not clear on and I dont know if theres been a clear answer but what the heck causes this? Procedure or compliance? Is it the procedure was done wrong or is it from eatting too much of the wrong things? Is it from being too tight? I guess its a combonation of things. What ever it is, it sucks that you have to go thru this. Prayers are with you lady~
  20. porclndoll

    Pole dancing (Is this an NSV?)

    Oh you have really hit a cord now!! This is one of my goals too! Just one night I am going to dance for dollars at the local strip club when I am at my goal weight!!! I kid you not!!! I have been wanting to get on a pole for a long long time now....I guess we all dream every once in a while. I hear you need amazing upper body strength to hold yourself up there.........lemme know if you find the classes.....I dont think we have anything like that here..........then again, you never know what you can find when you look~~~
  21. porclndoll


    Hey guys...Thanks for the compliments~~~ I did have such a good time at that dinner... I did need a nice night out. Hubbie may be kicking him self in the ass right about now...and it is way too late to be pulling his head out of it!! Thats for sure. No going back now. I am about half way to my weight goal.. I can only imagin how that dress would look with me in it, 50 pounds lighter than I am now...WHOOHOOWW....it would be falling off~~ ehehehehe ~~~ Okay....gotta go get some more things organized...thats right house work does count towards exercise...OH THANK GOD~~ ehehehehe LATER GUYS!
  22. porclndoll

    ? for Dr Kwon's Pts

    I personally used all the doctors that Dr Kwons office suggested, only because I didn't trust anyone else to follow thru like they would. I assumed they all had a working relationship and knew what to expect out of each other and my whole process only took a few weeks. I went in for my initial visit in Feb and had my surgery by May~~~ Actually all the pre op stuff started on March 1....because I was changing insurance companies,so technically I was done in a little under two months~~ With insurance approval and surgery date scheduled!!! Good luck!!!
  23. porclndoll

    My band has *unslipped*. :)

    A DAY WITHOUT HOPE IS LIKE AN ETERNITY.......... Hope happens to be my first name too .......... Congratulations on your fantastic news~ What a journey you have been on~~
  24. porclndoll

    Lap Band Ad

    Im in NY too and have seen the commercial....
  25. porclndoll


    Lisa....You are doing sooooo well!!! You were banded after me and you have passed the point of my weight loss...GOOD FOR YOU....KEEP GOING!!! I dont exercise....I know thats my down fall. I dont have it in me.... I figure all this moving is giving me some exercise at least~~~~ I will talk to you soon~

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