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Everything posted by porclndoll

  1. porclndoll

    Lap Band in Upstate NY...Dr. Kwon

    Panda6, I just tried to IM you on yahoo...I dunno if it went thru or not.....My surg date is May 5th!! ehha. I am having a bad night however.....getting a case of the "what ifs"....Just my inner demons screaming at me thats all! I will get thru it. Okay dokay...I hope your appointment goes well! I hope they are right about it just being a fill issue!! That would be good! I will talk to you soon
  2. porclndoll

    Lap Band in Upstate NY...Dr. Kwon

    Panda....It is very common from what I hear to stop loosing when you hit the mushie stage. It will take a little time for your body to get use to this new stage. Once it does it will start to lose again.....You will start to see a diffrence! And as far as the pudding thing..I dont get it..why are you feeling guilty over fat free pudding. There is nothing to it! Its basically flavored air! Don't beat yourself up over FAT FREE PUDDING...geeeeez louise! Feel guilty if it was a Big Mac or a hot fudge sundae at the ice cream stand..NOT FAT FREE PUDDING. This is a whole new journey for you and we all want everything RIGHT NOW...at least I know for my self thats how I feel. You wanna know something, I can't even believe I am gonna admit this...but last night, I WAS GOING TO take some before shots of myself. I was alone...my son was asleep and I had my webcam all set up. I took off my clothes, just to get some before shots to have for myself....and I was soo discusted at the sight of my own self!!!!! I started COUNTING days to my surgery. So you should be proud of the weight loss you have accomplished and just know that you are on the other side of this battle now. It may take a little time, but your on the right side of the battle. YOU WILL WIN THIS ONE. It will only take some patience for all of us. Please be proud of what you have done! Its a huge accomplishment! Take it easy and I will talk to you soon!
  3. porclndoll

    Fun Thread 042005

    My husbands father walked in on us just after we got done being in a very compromising position....He has macular degeneration so he only sees shadows, so he says...but as I lay there with only a tee shirt on....I thought, does he see me naked or does he see me with white pants on? I don't tan at all...I avoid the sun at all costs... Nother time, I was at a friends house and we were drinkin...and well, I had too many...and I got hot...sooo I took my top off and went to bed. I thought I was gonna be sick so I went walkin down the hall way to the restroom, and well, my husbands best friend saw me! He started yelling for my husband...Jeff you better come get your girl! Corkey was never quite right after that. He passed away in June 2004 and talked about that and a couple of other experiences we had right up to the day he passed away! I don't know if it impressed him or scared him! Let me just say what comes around goes around and he was in a few compromising positions him self....
  4. porclndoll

    Lap Band in Upstate NY...Dr. Kwon

    Oh yea! Jasper...I did ask him about the availablity point...I said You will be albe to speak with me after my surgery if I have any problems or concerns...and he said yes he is able to speak with all his patients, however, he gave me the indication that all concerns should go thru the nursing staff. If there is a huge monumental issue that they cant handle, then he would take over basically...This is all in a nut shell!.......As far as the slippage and erosion .. I told him that the slippage is from vomiting....they don't want you to vomit too much after the surgery...and he had to explain how erosion happens....That occures when the band burrows into the stomach walls. Like if a collar is too tight on a dogs neck.....He said the most common cause of that is taking pain killers like Aleive and Advil....Thats why they tell ya to use Tylenol afterwards..The chances of it happening aren't that great, but it does occur...I dunno why he didn't ask you about those side effects...thought it was just common...I dunno.....Maybe there was something in my chart or in one of my evaluations that suggested I didnt take much time to deside that I want this? I dunno....maybe he just pop quizzes certain patients? I dunno....what ever his reasoning, Im glad he did.......clarification is always good! I hope this has been helpful! I will talk to you soon!
  5. porclndoll

    Lap Band in Upstate NY...Dr. Kwon

    Jorjet... Good luck to you! I know your scared...but try and think of the positive. Everything will go well. Dr Kwon is a very capable surgeon....He hasn't lost one patient from what I understand. Theres a reason why he makes us go through all this pre op stuff. Its to make sure that we are healthy enough to go thru the surgery and come out of it like a champ! He doesn't seem like he does anything without fully considering all of the factors. He wouldn't approve your surgery if things weren't going to be okay! I have had only one surgery, when I had my tonsils taken out when I was like 4 years old. Im 32 now! And the last time I was in the hospital I came home with a BABY! Yea....7 years ago when I had my son. Things have changed sooo dramatically since then....and even more so from when your kids were born! Im sure that you will have a pleasant experience and you will be more than okay! You will be surprized! And the same day surgery staff at Bon Secours is amazing! They are really super nice there! Please take the day to relax...treat yourself good! Nice warm bath....a nap perhaps...a facial...spend time with your family, lay in the sun for a while....supose to be a gorgious day! Enjoy it. Your life is changing for the best! Please let us know how you are doing! We will be thinking of you tomorrow! Take it easy!
  6. porclndoll


    okay,,,here it is....the end of the work day. These kids are outta controll and I want peanut M & M's RIGHT NOW....I stepped into the office where I work out of....and did my chant....NOTHING TASTES AS GOOD AS BEING THIN FEELS...then I was interuped by another Para....sooo the chant didn't work...Im chewing gum and thats not helping...drinking loads of water...still not cutting it..... I really really really really really really want those M and Ms..... 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2......1 (deep breath....deep breath...) I think I will be okay now. I have only like 1/2 more hour, then I can go home...I am doing soo good sticking to the pre op diet. Had my shake for breakfast...shake for lunch....I will have a piece of fruit when I get home...and maybe some taco salad for dinner..with fat free sour cream. (OHM ... OHM ... OHM) Maybe I should pack some fruit for when these cravings hit when Im at work...THERES A THOUGHT! THANKS FOR LISTENING. I will be talking to ya soon!
  7. porclndoll

    Depressed about not wearing plus sizes

    Your shopping for clothes? IM GOING NAKED! Heheheheheheh
  8. porclndoll

    May Surgery Dates

    Debbydo....and May Crew... Hi ya! I just felt outta the loop cause I didn't have my doctors name up any where...guess I should give him some credit! WE HAVE A DATE (maybe next time, dinner and a movie:)) His name is Dr. Kwon, in New York...Guess I should update my signature and put some of that info in there huh???
  9. porclndoll

    Lap Band in Upstate NY...Dr. Kwon

    Hey guys! I supose you are all at the support meeting. I was sooo on my way. I had a problem with my car..the exhaust system holder brackets broke and I didn't want to chance going all the way out to Goshen with my exhaust hanging by a thread...so I came home...BUMMER...Thats two support meetings in a row that I missed. I will make it up though. I met Dr Kwon today! I was soo nervous but he really put me at ease! (He does have a sexy voice~~~wahoo) Anyway...we went over what was done and if anything else needed to be done on my part, as far as pre op stuff....he was surprized to see that everything was in order. I got the impression, and I could be wrong, that things typically don't go in the manor in which they did for me. Very smooth...I had a surgical date, and I didn't even meet him yet! Which was an awesome feeling...very proficient office staff...and that this was just ment to be!! He answered the few questions that I had....and he asked me if I understood the negative side effects of the band...slippage, and erosion....and what caused them.....and we are on our way to the OR.... I can't way...but I think you all know that all ready! Okay. I babbled long enough! I will talk to you all soon!
  10. porclndoll

    8hrs to go....

    Brissie.....Oh my gosh, I feel your excitement! You will be fine, and I am sure that your doctor will give you something for your pain. I have heard that heating pads become a bandsters best friend after surgery. I have yet to be banded...so I don't have any exact suggestions for you. However....when my time comes, I plan on getting lots of rest. And surfing the net till I find the end!! I have spent a greater part of my life fixated on food...now its time for me to find something else...LIKE SHOPPING I plan on doing a lot of online "shopping" too while I am healing. Lookin at all the clothes that I love...and all the things I can do when I am thinner....ahhhhh I love shopping.... GOOD LUCK TO YOU And when you are up to it, let us know how you are feeling! SINCERELY
  11. porclndoll

    *whoa* - Holy Moly!!!

    I JUST GOTTA PHONE CALL FROM MY SURGEONS OFFICE....AFTER HAVING SUBMITTED MY PAPERWORK TO MY INSURANCE COMPANY.....ONLY TWO DAYS AGO....WE GOT AN APPROVAL BACK ALL READY!!!! THAT WAS QUICK!! I ALMOST PASSED OUT WHEN SHE TOLD ME....(please forgive my caps, I don't mean to yell, but I gotta vent!) Sooo this is it!!! Crunch time! I feel like Rocky chasing that chicken around the coop and FINALLY being able to catch it! Remember how happy he was!!! Thats me now! I gotta get control of this diet NOW....sooooo this is it...do or die time. No more cheating. My surgery is May 5th. I go for preop stuff on the 3rd...Do you know how quickly thats gonna get here???? GEEEEZ like I said HOLY MOLY!!! Okay....gotta go......gotta call my family....my non-banded family hahahahah!! Thanks ever so much for listening! I ammmm ssssoooooo excited i can't stand it! Talk to you soon
  12. porclndoll

    2 week pre op diet... killing me

    Jack... Thank you so much for these reminders. I hear ya on point number two and that one is gonna stick in my head the most out of all of 'em!!! Have a great day!
  13. porclndoll

    *whoa* - Holy Moly!!!

    Big T...Your so right...It is better having a date to shoot for. Now I can actually plan rather than fly by the seat of my pants! I thought I was doing horriable on the pre op diet....(I think I pm'ed you too on that subject) But I sucked it up, and got on the scale today and I actually broke even. I didn't gain or lose. Now I just haveta work harder on the loosing part. I can do it. Thanks everyone for the support and suggestions! I'll be talkin to ya! GOOD DAY!
  14. porclndoll

    Going to info seminar

    Star, Im on my way to being banded. I have a surgery date of May 5th. I live in NJ...so we are in the same neck of the woods. From the day I had my seminar to the day I had a surgical date was about two months. I had to wait for my new insurance to kick in on March 1st.....sooo if you wanna be technical....go from that date and it was about a month to get all the pre surgical requirements done and to get a date! Not too shabby. I did it like this.....seminar, psych eval, blood work, nutricianal consult, upper gi, consult with gastroenterologist, consult with cardiologist, Endoscopy, meeting with surgeon (coming up on Monday), Presurg testing on May 3rd, SURGERY MAY 5TH. It all fell in place really really quick for me. Everything went very smoothly....and as far as insurance was concerned...GHI HMO ROCKED! They had an approval back within two days to my surgeons office! I can not wait to just be on the other side of this whole process. I am soo excited....I know its gonna be hard...but I am sooo sick of dealing with this weight and not being comfortable in my own body! The real me is tucked in here somewhere, and I am on a mission to get her out! (Watch out world!) Im 32 yrs old...have a son with special needs, I am 100 pounds over weight, BMI of 42. And it is soooo past time for this to happen for me! Good luck to you! Welcome to the board! This place is soooo helpful! Talk to you soon
  15. porclndoll

    Anyone Own Their Own Business? Help - Need Advice!

    Donali.... This has NOTHING to do with business...but it caught my eye when you said BF has a PhD in Paleontology. I live in upstate NY and just recently a almost complete Mastedon skeleton was found in a field across from the school where I work! This is the second or third such find in the area where I live....Orange Co. NY Here is the link to the online newspaper story about it if your interested http://www.recordonline.com/archive/2005/04/11/mastodo0.htm ENJOY! I re-read the artical myself, and it seems it wasn't as recent as I thought...still...intersting
  16. porclndoll

    2 week pre op diet... killing me

    Im right there with you Brissiebabe!! I am pre op too. My surg date is May 5! My doctor requires his patients to lose 10 pounds prior to surgery. I have done that but now I gotta maintain! Its been hard...but yesterday i did good...today will be better. thats all i can do! I did the shopping thing yesterday...came outta walmart $130.00 later! Can't do that one too often but it got me outta the house and away from eatting. I can't wait to be on the other side of this....WE CAN DO THIS! WE HAVE WAITED ALL OUR LIVES FOR AN OPPORTUNITY LIKE THIS!! yeaaaahhhh!!! good luck to you! and lemme know how your doing! Talk to you soon!
  17. porclndoll

    *whoa* - Holy Moly!!!

    THANKS YA'LL!!! Can't wait can't wait!!! Zoe...my doctor does require you to lose 10-15 pounds prior to surgery. They say it shrinks the liver and its safer for that organ to be little during the procedure. The amount of weight you have to lose is a percentage of your total body fat....(i think they said body fat) .... Sooo I did good getting rid of it....gotta do better at making sure it doesn't come back. I am on the two week liquid diet that they also require....its really not a total liquid diet, but a shake for breakfast, shake for lunch TONS OF WATER...and a good dinner....Carb Solution shakes really aren't that bad. In this battle with trying to loose weight I have had WAY WAY WORSE sooo this wont kill me. Thanks to everyone for your support!!!
  18. porclndoll

    Strange Dream

    Hi Everyone. I had the weirdest dream last night. I have been working on getting my band for some time now...and I finally have a surgery date...It is now May 5th! So I guess I went to bed with Band on the Brain last night. I drempt it was after my surgery and I had the steristrips on...and I could actually feel the band in there holding onto my stomach. I have very vivid dreams and I "feel" everything.....Now I am wondering can you actually feel the band in there??? I am sooo excited and anxious...as you all know...been there done that. I all ready lost the 10 pounds required by my surgeon, but I have been having some really bad diet days....is this my minds last dash to "enjoy" the foods I wont be allowed after surgery???? Anyone else go thru that? Okay all.....gotta get to work. Talk to you all soon! Have a great day!
  19. porclndoll

    Lap Band in Upstate NY...Dr. Kwon

    WHAT NO MASHED POTATOES.....OOOOHHH NOOOO. Oh well, I guess that makes sence.....high carbs.....duh...didnt think of that.....they do sound yummy.... Thanks for letting me know that GHI is quick to respond! Maryann said the same thing about them....I will letcha know whats going on! Soooo excited!
  20. porclndoll

    Lap Band in Upstate NY...Dr. Kwon

    Hey Wendy! Glad to hear your doing sooo good. I unfortunately don't have any mushy suggestiongs for you. Just wanted to touch base with ya. I FINALLY have a surgical date...May 4th...tenative....pending insurance approval. I went thru the endoscopy with flying colors.....thank god...can't wait to get to the other side! Mushy food...hummmm....how about...mash potatoes with chives??? I dunno here, just thinking......veggies mashed......carrots, sweet potatoe, cauliflower, brocolli...oatmeal??? cream of wheat?? tuna??? chicken salad??? with the chicken mashed to all hell? I dunno......lemme know what you find out. Interested in knowing.... The weight lose will stop for a little while while you transition....thats what I have heard was normal after the liquid phase. I have heard that once you kick your metabolisim in the other direction with the mushies, you will start to loose again.... All righty...gotta get back to work. I have started the shakes today...the carb solutions...I desided to do the two week pre op diet NOW....well, its only a week early...just to get my mind and taste buds in gear!! All righty....goin back to work...talk to you all soon
  21. porclndoll

    Lap Band in Upstate NY...Dr. Kwon

    Hey everyone! I got my endoscopy done today by Dr Broady in Port Jervis! At Bon Secours...and it went sooooo very good! They didn't find anything to talk about during the scope...and they took the sample for that h pylori stuff....they will get back intouch with me if they need to. I called Dr Kwons office and spoke to MaryAnn (the insurance expert)...and asked if my paper work was submitted to GHI yet. It hasn't, but she is gonna work on that. She noticed that I lost the weight and I told her I have an appointment to see Dr Kwon (April 18th). She set me up with a TENTATIVE surgery date!! MAY 4TH.....NOW IM SCARED! Nervous, panicy,overjoyed...emotional....blah blah blah You have all been there. I can't believe this all came together sooo quickly! I guess I should tell my employer when I go to work tomorrow huh that I will be taking a week off.......I plan on a week. I have a somewhat easy job. Doesn't really require anything but patience. :cheeky Soo we will see what happens. I will request a week...and if I need more, I will take it...If I need less...I will be back. If this surgery is ANYTHING like today I will be back to work on Monday! Hey now...thats pushing it..........Its nice to lay on the couch and do nothing! Im looking forward to it.... Okay....thanks for listening. Talk to you all again soon!
  22. porclndoll

    Lap Band in Upstate NY...Dr. Kwon

    I am sooo sorry that I missed support group tonight. I had so much running after work and then got caught up with a friend that I just got reunited with after FIFTEEN years! We went to high school together and he was on the computer as soon as I logged in..and well, you know how that goes! I got really wrapped up! I had to do my blood work for the endoscopy today. I am supose to go for that Wednesday. IF Port Jervis isn't still under water!! I am tired...and just couldn't get back outta the house once I was there. I did a lot better diet wise today. Didn't get out for that walk, but I cleaned the house like a mad woman. I will be at the next support group meeting...Its the same day that I am supose to meet the man behind the curtin DR KWON himself...whoohooww...so I am sure I would like to share that office visit with the group! I am gonna be off the wall I am sure! All righty, gotta get my boy to bed....back to routine! Once I have a good night sleep I am sure it will be nice. :cool: Talk to you all soon!
  23. porclndoll

    Lap Band in Upstate NY...Dr. Kwon

    Hey there! Its been a rough road here too! I have been off on Spring Break with my son and since there isn't a routine to follow, I would eat what ever when ever! My husband and I just got done with dinner......Burgers and Fries from the dinner down the street...and what should have been strawberry cheese cake, but the waitress messed up and gave us strawberry shortcake,so I only ate half if that. Tomorrow I go back to work...and we went out to the mall and I bought new walkin sneekers...soooo back to routine and to start walking again! I gotta maintain the weight I have all ready lost.. Another couple of days like today and that wouldn't work!!! I go Wedsnday for the endoscopy..and everything is done!! I meet Dr Kwon on the 18th! I can't wait till this is all just OVER!! I know people go thru researching procedures for years and then go thru all the pre op stuff....for me things came together rather quickly. But I really just wanna be on the other side!! To think that if I just had my band, I wouldn't have eatten all those french fries tonight.....Oh well, what can I do? Just keep trying I guess......AND BACK TO ROUTINE TOMORROW! Geess..all righty everyone...see ya at support group...tomorrow night...holy cow! That came up quick! Good day to all!
  24. porclndoll

    Lap Band in Upstate NY...Dr. Kwon

    THANK YOU ALL VERY MUCH FOR THE SUPPORT! It means a lot and I will not forget that you guys are here!! Jasper...I see you at support group....Believe me I listen to everything that is said there....And I remember what everyone there has been thru....Sooo I don't think it will be hard to maintain that 10 pound loss. I know where I am gonna end up because of it! I don't know if I will be required to do the liquid prior to surgery.....I should just to get use to it!! I am very driven and VERY motovated to get this surgery done! I know that it is gonna mean TONS of changes in life...and I need that change soooo much! I look forward to it and welcome it! Talk to you all soon! Thanks again for the rooting section!
  25. porclndoll

    Lap Band in Upstate NY...Dr. Kwon

    Eileen.....Thanks for thinking of me! But I am sure that they know I lost the ten pounds all ready...I only mentioned it like 50 times before I left the office Just gotta maintain now thats all....Thats always been the problem...maintaining...But the weather is getting nicer out....and the birds are up there singing their little hearts out...So I will get out and walk more....I know I can do it. Its only 10 pounds......ITS ONLY 10 POUNDS! (yes that was me yelling at me) I weighed in at my initial visit....which was 272....At todays visit it was 261....Which is a little more than what I weighed last time, when I created my ticker thingy....but I think I had on a little more clothes this time around and I just finished a coffee....hadta pee too...sooo......its really not a huge diffrence..AND I work at a Haunted House and we are starting construction..yes it does seem early, but we build all thru the summer and we open this year SEPT 30TH....I can't wait! I have been with the company for four years now. I have such a good time there...and the extra time outside and moving and building will certainly help with the weight loss. Okay...getting off this computer for now. I will talk to you all soon!

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