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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by porclndoll

  1. porclndoll

    Newbie here!

  2. porclndoll

    Scale obsession!!

    I understand your need to know where you are with your weight. But wouldn't it be more exciting to see that you lost 5 pounds rather than .5 here an .2 there???? Have you tried setting yourself up on a weigh in schedule? For me, I weigh in every Sunday....my father is sooooo hyped on weigh in sunday its not funny!!! I call him every sunday morning with the report....and when he picks up the phone, he says Weigh in Sunday...not hello!! I wonder if he is ever gonna say that and IT NOT BE ME HES TALKING TO......eheheheh.... Anyway....just do it once a week. You may see more results that way. You have enough to think about besides that damn scale....Anyway, this way I get the feedback from the scale...I don't drive myself nuts jumping on and off the scale....and I will know "well if I didn't do so good this week, gotta do better next week". Usually you know what threw your diet down the tubes. For me, the problem is with the amounts of food I eat...Not since i have been banded....but I always knew exactly what meal threw my diet off course...then adjust accordingly next week. Maybe your anxity from "eat what you want" will save you through out the week...then when you do that once a week weigh in, you will be VERY SURPRIZED!!! I know this sounds like good reason, but your right, how do you stop something when your obscesed with it....I hope this suggestion could work for you....
  3. porclndoll

    Need Tasty Liquid Protein

    For me, Isopro was exciting for the first twenty seconds if that! It leaves a film on your toung and teeth.....and it left me feeling a lump in my throat!! It was not good. Then I thought I was being a genious....I need to drink stuff that is ice ice ice cold!! so I threw Isopro in my Magic Bullet, with a ton of ice and the damn thing nearly exploded!!! NOT GOOD. I have no idea what was going on there. I don't know if the whey protein reacted to being whipped up....I dunno, but it was a funny way to get rid of some Isopro....less for me to drink
  4. porclndoll

    Newbie here!

    I have a general question pertaining to our food.....Does anyone/everyone out there measure their food?? I have been eyeballing it...eatting my protein first, and then veggies second. I would estimate that i am taking in about 8 ounces combined. Are we supose to be counting how much we take in, traking our diets?? Like journal it??? Are we supose to be counting calories/fat/carbs/protein? I haven't been doing a food journal at all...was wondering what everyone else was doing when it comes to this.. Thanks for your input
  5. porclndoll

    Yummy water

    I love PEACH propel! Anything I drink now has to be super ice ice ice cold. I dunno why...I dont get it....But what ever it takes!!
  6. porclndoll

    May Surgery Dates

    Congratulations to you both, "dream" and "littlebig".... Each day gets easier and easier. The liquid phase sucks, but its worth it. Even IF its only water weight loss....your right, take it. If it was that easy to get rid of we would have long before the band;-) I lost 10 pounds prior to my surgery...my surgeon requires it. But thats great that you did it all AFTER surgery dream!!! I can't believe your sleepin on your belly all ready! I am jealous. I think I was just way too afraid of my body after the surgery. I was afraid to move!! Good for you both and good luck on your new adventures!!
  7. porclndoll

    May Surgery Dates

    Wahoo dreamweaver! 15 pounds since surgery??? Thats amazing! Did you lose anything prior to your surgery? You sound like your doing great!! Congratulations!
  8. porclndoll

    Protein!! The essential!

    Actually the website was mentioned in the third "Sticky" down on the list of topics in this category. The website is http://www.highproteinfoods.net/ And yes, a decrease in Protein can make you lose your hair, and your nails will be brittle.
  9. porclndoll

    Protein!! The essential!

    Protein helps build lean muscle...lean muscle helps burn fat.....it is necessary to help us keep our muscle tone too...we could lose fat AND muscle, and thats not good..there are other ways to get in protein without meat.....i love meat so i don't know the values in other stuff, but there are beans, cottage cheese, eggs unless you don't eat them either. there is a link within this "food" category that gives a link to foods and their protein content.....ill try and help you find it. there are tons of other foods out there... good luck to ya!
  10. porclndoll

    Newbie here!

    Welcome Honey!!! (That was almost my name when I was born!)..I just got banded on May 5th. I have all ready lost 30 pounds...My face looks better, my clothes are fitting better...and I am excited to get to my goal weight. I figure about in one year from now. Thats okay. I am on the "mushie" foods....and am looking forward to getting onto normal food. All in good time. Congratulations on your surgery date. Where is Dr Jacome from? Which hospital are you having surgery at? Talk to you soon
  11. porclndoll

    Primary/Secondary Insurance?

    Yes you would need a denial from your primary insurance first. If your primary pays nothing, then the secondary should still adhear to their policy rules...80/20 after deductable if you have one.....Just to cover your butt you should find out from the secondary if they need to do a precertification/predetermination for this surgery too.......just to be safe. Just call the customer service number at the secondary and tell em, Im having surgery, my insurance isn't going to cover it. I know you will require a denial from my primary, but what are your requirements for surgery? I hope this has been helpful! Good luck to you!
  12. porclndoll


    I too had this terriable pain in the left side! Worse than child birth I would say! I am good with pain, but this SUCKED! It brought me to my knees and had me doubled over. I was sure that there was something wrong. I went to my surgeon, he did a complete exam, and said..."Its nothing"....WHAT! I never knew nothing could hurt sooo bad. He said it was just everything coming back together from the surgery...stuff healing and regenerating.....muscles, fibers, tissue......I dont know about you guys, but I have a small incision on my left hand side too...right above my hip bone I guess...(been so long since I felt my bones ) Sooo I was sure that something was gonna fall out! But nope.......My dr said take liquid Motrin for a couple of days, it wont hurt the band and you will be okay...Motrin over an extended period of time will though....... Wouldn't cha know it...two days after my dr visit, I feel fine!! GO FIGURE!!
  13. porclndoll


    Ohhh I know th Ng guy. I have heard his story before and saw parts of his trial on TV...He made me sooo sick I couldn't even watch the whole story. I don't understand....Thank God I don't understand!!! But you were soooo lucky Vines.....I always believe when something doesn't feel right, it isn't! Thankfully you were listeing to those voices YELLING at you to get outta there!!! I had an experience like that, but not on such a big scale. I went to the mall one night, and I was alone. I parked away from the mall, facing the main entrence way, under a light....all the things your supose to do. When I was getting out of the car, a big white van pulled up right next to me, like within inches. I saw there was one man in the driver seat...who knows who else was in the back of the van....The driver was looking at me, looking at him. My view was totally blocked of the entrence way to the mall...and it was like we were on a stale mate. He was looking at me, I was waiting for him to get out of his car...his door was ajar a little bit.....my doors were locked at this point....Then the hair started to stand up and a voice told me This isn't good...get the hell outta here. So I put my car in gear.....and left. I didn't even turn my car off during this whole stalemate....scared the bejesus outta me! I left the mall and went home!!! I totally believe someone was watching out for me that night. I am pretty observent as it is, I know my surroundings at all times...but this was over and above. Someone was watchin out for me that night!
  14. porclndoll


    Wow, I don't know how I missed this thread. I am very interested in spirits, ghost stories, hauntings...I have had a few experiences. The weirdest being : One night, early morning, like around 2am, I was driving home from a friends house. I was about 18, driving my camero...tee tops down....beautiful clear night in the summer. As I went downt the road, I could see a boy, young man, about 18-19 years old, standing in the middle of the street with blonde hair. I said out loud,get out of the way schmuck your gonna get hit...and he didn't move.....Said it again...didn't move, I went from like 55-40-30 ...and when I got within feet of this boy, he DISAPPEARED.....As I talked to other people I heard a story where a boy was killed in a car accident and he was about 18 years old! When he disappeared in front of me, I hauled butt and got home, and ran inside!! I get the creeps when I drive past that place now!!! I love to get the creeps!
  15. porclndoll

    May Surgery Dates

    hey guys....i saw dr kwon and he said it wasn't anything..thank god....but that i was just healing inside and i should take liquid motrin for a couple of days. he said a couple days worth of liquid motrin wont affect the band. i feel better just knowing it wasn't any of the horriable things i thought! and i got bumped up to mushie foods...thank goodness! thank you all for your concern!!! i will be fine! never knew healing could hurt sooo bad!! phew! made it past that!
  16. porclndoll

    Lap Band in Upstate NY...Dr. Kwon

    PHEW! I made out great with Dr Kwon today. He examined me and said Its nothing. Go figure that one out! I never knew nothing could feel so horriable, but thank God it wasn't any of the things I was expecting. He said its just everything healing inside from the surgery...He told me to take liquid Motrin for a couple of days and that should help with any inflamation inside...and it wont affect the band only for a couple of days. He told me to relax about things, and yea I guess I am a little jumpy. I am basically afraid of my own body since having the surgery! He took off the steristrips and I almost fainted! I have never had surgery before...well I did when I was four years old...thats 28 years ago!! So yea I guess I am jumpy...but when pain is sooo bad it brings me to my knees...its spooky!!! I handle pain very well...not these last couple of days though! AND I got moved up to mushies today! Thank God! I have been jonesin for some cottage cheese...So I went to Super Walmart, got those little 4 ounce things of cottage cheese and a bag of plastic forks and sat in the parking lot eatting cottage cheese...OH IT WAS GOOD....Thank God for the mushies. I lost three more pounds since the last time I saw the doctor....sooo tis going well!!! I can't really be any more happy with my progress....just gotta get that pillow from under my ass and get back to normal here!!! All righty...I will talk to you all soon. Thank you all for your concern!! LATER
  17. porclndoll

    Lap Band in Upstate NY...Dr. Kwon

    Jorjet... Goodness woman! I hope your problem passes (no pun intended) soon! My side still hurts, but not as bad as it did. I will be seeing Dr Kwon in the morning. As far as Carb Solutions...I get em at Walmart.....I also know you can get em at Sams Club...Isn't EAS Carbsolutions?? They are called Advant Edge/Carb Solutions right? Im confused. I get them, the silver ones in the juice box thing...at Walmart...and I asked about the protein difference.....All the paper work says we are supose to get 60 grams of protein in a day...and with the carb control we only get 45 = 15g per shake......I said, where am I supose to get the extra 15 from, and they said don't worry about it for now...I called Dr Kwons office about it.....spoke to Carolyn.......Okay...hope this is helpful! I will talk to you soon! I will let cha know how I make out at the doctors office in the morning.... CYA
  18. porclndoll

    Lap Band in Upstate NY...Dr. Kwon

    Thanks guys! I did actually call Dr Kwons office and I spoke to him Saturday. He wants to see me first thing Monday morning. I took a hit of that liquid Lotab that they prescribed for after surgery last night and I slept soo good. The pain isn't so bad right now. (Thank you dear God!!) It was so bad it took my breath away!! Of all the crazy silly things huh? I just wanna be back to normal!! All in all though this is still the best thing I ever did for myself. No regrets!! Bandit...I felt your waves of good feelings...thanks for that! Thanks for the advertisment too....should boost business... Ill let cha know what happens at Dr Kwons office...... CYA Porclndoll
  19. porclndoll

    May Surgery Dates

    hey ther bubbles! Congrats on your weight loss! It is so exciting to see it come off isn't it? I have lost 30 pounds so far. 10 pre op, 20 post op. I have run into a little problem, and I have to go see Dr Kwon first thing Monday morning. I have been in terriable pain!! My left side is killing me. I thought it could have been constipation, so I took Milk of Magnesia for that, and well, while things were movin, I was still in pain. Then I thought, Ok gas...soo I took Gas X....felt a little better, but nothing major. The pain was taking my breath away!! So I went to the urgent care center and saw a doctor there, and he said he thinks that I have drainage built up under the skin and thats whats causing the pain. I called Dr Kwon and he said in my office first thing Monday! I took a hit of that Lotab that they prescribed for after surgery last night and I slept sooo good last night. The pain isn't too bad right now...so we will see...we will see..... I will keep ya posted.... Talk to you soon! Porclndoll
  20. porclndoll

    Lap Band in Upstate NY...Dr. Kwon

    Okay, I don't mean to go on and on about this pain in my side, but I couldn't take it any more. I did the Gas X thing, and that didn't help. I took a nap and when I got up it was just as bad as it was before taking the Gas X....sooo I went to the urgent care center and saw a doctor. I don't have a fever, or any signs of infection, but he thinks that its drainnage from the one incision on the side. He thinks that is all pooled into one little spot. I almost went thru the roof when he pushed on it too! He suggested liquid tylenol and a cold pack. And Monday morning I am going to call Dr Kwons office. The dr I saw today didn't see anything to indicate the need to start antibodics....Soooo just when you think you have it figured out....Ya dont!! I thought all sorts of things, constipation, gas, pulled muscle, but never this..whoa! I have an appointment with Dr Kwons office on Friday...maybe they will wanna see me sooner...I dunno.... All right guys, thanks for listening!!!!! I will keep you updated. Porclndoll
  21. porclndoll

    Lap Band in Upstate NY...Dr. Kwon

    Kristen Thank you for your responce. I was up most of the night reading the messages posted on this board so I knew about the Gas-X... I was wondering if anyone had to speek to the office directly about this though. From what I understand Dr Kwon has certain meds that he wants us to stay away from.....FiberCon pills being one of them...(oops) Lemme tell ya though after having been up all night "tootin" and bending my body in different ways to get it to "toot" I do feel much much much better! I have a HIGH threshold for pain, and lemme tell ya, I was doubled over last night from this pain!! It was horriable!!! This morning is okay! But I would still like to know if Dr Kwon has a preference over one medication...cause if it comes back with avengence I wanna be prepared. Make me a survival package to keep on hand. So far its got liquid Tylenol in it, and Milk of Magnesia......I know Dr Kwon prefers these two medicens. Okay...gonna go...gotta have Breakfast soon (shake) Talk to you later! Porclndoll
  22. porclndoll

    Lap Band in Upstate NY...Dr. Kwon

    Ok guys..I need to know what the hell is going on with my side. I thought it could be constipation, nope....Then I thought pulled muscle.....Now I dont know whats going on. This pain is horriable and by far the worst that I have felt even after surgery! Of course my mind is going in all sorts of directions....intestinal blockage being the worst, or most severe. I fell to sleep around 8pm, and now its 2am...I woke up at 12:30 when my husband came to bed, and the pain was unbearable! As I sat here researching past threads, especially about gas, I had let out a few toots...and I feel remarkably better....Does anyone know what Dr Kwon recommends for gas? If no one knows, then I will just call the office. The pain is HORRIABLE and I have a high threshold for pain! It gets me doubled over! All righty you guys, I gotta get it back in bed I think. I unfortunately am one of those people that once Im a wake, Im awake! Never any getting back to sleep for me. Thanks for listening.
  23. porclndoll

    Scrambled eggs versus peanut butter?

    Ive heard people say they also put salsa in their eggs....that lubes em up a bit too.
  24. porclndoll


    Oh how cute! I work with special needs kids too...High school level. None of them have commented on my weight loss. I think they think its just because of the surgery I just had...didn't tell em what for...just told em not to worry I will be back. No one has really asked anything. Just a lot of welcome backs! Our summer vacation doesn't start until JUNE 20-SOMETHING...Iey iey iey..Im not thinking about it, it will just be here soon! Regents testing starts in a few weeks!! I am not a teacher per say...but I am a one on one aide to a student with a disablity. Its an awesome job. I help him all the way...and he graduates this year !! I can't wait. Im proud of him! Proud of all our kids! Okay....have a great day...enjoy your summer!!!!!!!!
  25. porclndoll

    What does everyone do for a living?

    I work at a high school (the high school I graduated from!) in the special education department. I am a one to one aide to a student with special needs. I love my job there, but love my "job" raising my son, who is 8, who also has Down syndrome, more! He is a lot of work, but ohh soo worth it. Sometimes ya gotta be creative...but he has by far taught me more than i have taught him! Then there is my job at the Haunted House... I do construction there, planning for events, and Im an actor there. I also am a floater...what ever the boss needs me to do, I do. Its a great stress release...Check us out on the web..the site isn't up right now, but soon will be .. www.terrordome.com

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
