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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by porclndoll

  1. porclndoll

    When was it for you?

    Christina.. I too am a belly sleeper. I didn't get back on my belly till the staples were out. Till then I proped myself up like the Queen of Sheba! I had an arm pillow....really high back with arm rests on the sides.(Bed, Bath and Beyond $20.00) a full length heating/vibrating massage pad under me....a pillow tucked under my knees....I was riding high lemme tell ya. I was very comfortable and actually got out of bed easier this way! And I had my husband sleep on the couch. Sounds horriable, but he did it on his own, wasn't like I said, get out of bed.....but this way I was able to do what ever I needed to do to be comfy! Couple of nights, I slept on the couch.....same routine though...with the pillows behind and under and around. A body pillow helped too when I transitioned back to my belly.... I hope this has been helpful! You will return to normal soon! :Bunny
  2. porclndoll

    Group Last Night

    Thank you Kristen.... It sucks when I have to miss a meeting! I am working on getting another babysitter, just for back up! We will see how this one works!! Sucks that the dietician didn't show! We all have a lot of questions that I am sure she would be helpful in answering! Your surgery hasn't been scheduled yet right? You have to go for the endo still right? Your very well on your way though! The whole process took me about three months from beginning to end........Not too bad....and the insurance approval came really quick too....soo I was very lucky. I really like having my band! I wish I would have desided on this sooner! Okaydokay..gotta get back to work. I will talk to you later!
  3. Hey guys..finding this thread a little late ... something happened today that I wasn't too familur with....I had a fill on Monday...and today, Thursday, after lunch I got this feeling of tightness through my diaphram area....I thought that this was an indicator of being full, like to the point of where if I ate one more bite I would be in trouble, so I stopped eatting. However, that feeling lasted a long while, at least a few hours. I tend to get the hiccup thing as my soft stop...but today I didn't hiccup. I just got this low, dull ache...nothing major...just very apparent that something was different. Could this have been restriction? Thanks guys your the best! TTYL
  4. I have a question about restriction....what does it feel like? Do you get a physical feeling with restriction? I ate lunch and since then I have pains..not horriable, throughout my diaphram area. I was thinking maybe this is restriction? Or gas....haven't figured it out yet! Any input on what restriction feels like. I had my first fill on Monday.... I have heard it is common for the fill to actually hit you a few days later too...any experience there? Thanks for your time TTYL
  5. porclndoll

    Lap Band v's Gastric bypass

    Thanks for this Nancy! I had NO idea that he had plastic surgery. Well either way, if it bounces back by itself, or if its surgically repaired, he looks damn good! Like I said in my orgnl post I am holding onto the thought that it will bounce back on its own without surgery....(I will however have my boobs done!!) TTYL QUOTE=Persimmon]Richard Simmons had a ton of plastic surgery...he initially starved his weight off in about 2-3 months and then had huge skin issues that required quite a bit of surgery. Nancy
  6. Holy moly! This is HORRIABLE! I am so sorry that you had to go thru something like that! I have only had one fill and my surgeon who did the surgery did my fill...thankfully. I too have no advise, other than to go to the emergent care center and maybe have them do a sonogram of your port. Document what ever you can...even if its bruised...take pictures...then you will have them if you need to go the legal way. Its amazing that you would be treated like that...especially for the guy not to KNOW how much he filled you to! WHOA That seems sorta important to me! Did your SURGEON blow you off??? You poor woman! Feel better!!! TTYL
  7. porclndoll

    May Surgery Dates

    Hello to all May-Dazers out there....Well, for me, One month (surg date 05/05/05) has come and gone. I have had my first fill...I am down 33 pounds....I started Curves yesterday and I feel great! I dont know if the fill is working....we will see. I understand that it takes a couple of days for it to kick in. I just ate dinner. Some chopped up chicken with salsa and cheddar cheese...looked nasty but tastes really good. Okay...just checking in with ya'll ttyl
  8. porclndoll

    Lap Band v's Gastric bypass

    GeezerSue I dont feel and I dont think that I portrayed (or atleast ment to portray) my attitude as being the band is better for "lightweights than heavy weights".....I was just pointing out that the weight loss comes quicker for people who have RNY. As in my friends situation, she couldn't afford to wait months to meet goals....or a year.... Everyones situation is different..I understand there are people who are super obese that would do very well with it....but in my opinion, RNY is a very drastic measure to take for just having 100 pounds to lose. Vinesqueen...AWESOME JOB FOR YOU AND YOUR DH...You must be so proud...He is a case where the band did work for him...and that is awesome! He didn't have to cut up his body to get the results that he needed to get! As for the skin issue...My surgeon and I talked about skin issues and I was advised that there is a chance that it would reshape around the muscles as I toned up. What about Richard Simmons?? Didn't he lose like 100 + pounds? Did he have plastic surgery? I dunno...I will have to find that out......anyway, I was advised it could bounce back. All righty...I don't mean to sound like I am being defensive...My tone may be a little off because I just got done working with a bunch of high school students who really raked on my last good nerve today. I just didn't want my position to be misunderstood... TTYL
  9. porclndoll

    Hi All!!!

    Where are you going for the procedure? Im sure its the same no matter where you are, but I had mine at Bon Secours in Port Jervis. It was awesome! It was almost like nothing ever happened..and the staff was amazing!!! You will be fine Im sure of it...Like it has been suggested....dont eat or drink after midnight, or what ever your doctors orders were...and Im sure you will be fine
  10. porclndoll

    Lap Band v's Gastric bypass

    My best friend had the gastric bypass...She was about 500 pounds. Her health was in serious trouble and she needed to do something YESTERDAY to help herself. She had a young child at the time, hes a big boy now.....and you know what they say, Despirate times call for despirate measures. In my opinion, I feel that the RNY is just that...a despirate measure. Do it if you are 300 + pounds over weight. Do it if your health can not hold out much longer. If you have 100 pounds to lose, it is TOTALLY "do-able" with only having the band....I say only like I take it lightly, but what I mean is that your intestines do not need to be rerouted....My girlfriend lost her weight quickly. She now has over 40 pounds of extra stuff, skin, cellulite to get surgically removed.......another surgery.....another risk. Granted, some of us get reconstructive surgery too..but there is a better chance at our skin reforming around our newly found muscles due to the slow weight loss! I am 32 years old. I am holding on to that hope for dear life! I dont want a tummy tuck, but if it comes to it, I will. I do however want a boob job!! That is my two cents on the subject. Good luck to you and please let us know which way you deside, and eventually how your surgery goes......
  11. porclndoll

    just home from my first fill!

    I just had my first fill today too! Thank God it wasn't anything like I expected!!!! PHEW! Dr Kwon was very gentle! Good thing, I had a bad day and I could have went from zero to sixty in two seconds! My band can hold 4cc's I got 1.5 today. He sucked out what ever was in there....he said he orgnly gave me 1.5 during the surgery, so I started out with restriction....but the air bubbles settled and it ended up only being 1.0cc's.....Soo he added .5.....I am now on liquids for a couple of days, then mushies, then whole foods. He said I can start on solids after the liquid/mushie stage...I have been dying for a salad! What a stupid thing to crave! Okay..gonna go! TTYL
  12. porclndoll

    Just told my mother

    Wow you guys..I am so sorry that your parents couldn't have been more supportive in the beginning. My mom was a little queezy over the thought, she faints at the sight of blood, but she understood my reasonings, therefore was supportive. My father, holy cow...he has HIJACKED the band wagon! He is sooo supportive it isn't funny. He is all the way down in Florida and has been more support than any two people here in New York! He has mailed me GOOD LUCK AND ENCOURAGMENT greeting cards, one every day!! He emails me Daily Inspirationals....he is just amazing! I am going to see him in July. He hasn't seen me since the banding. He is going to flip out! He has also offered what ever financial support I have needed in regard to my surgery....PLUS he has set up a fund for a shopping adventure for when I need a whole new wardrobe!! Some people have retirement funds, I have a shopping fund! ehehehe He has been online, researching, and finding out stuff...He researched my surgeon. He said, "Hope, I wouldn't have let you go ahead with it if I didn't think it was safe, and this is the BEST thing you could do for yourself....by the way, I think its the ONLY thing you have ever done for yourself!" My husband isn't even as supportive! I don't know where I would be if it weren't for my Dad.....(sideline here...I was always a Daddys girl...still am!!!) If any of you need "parental support" i will pass along your email addys to my dad....he has enough umph for everyone!!! Fiesty Italian!!!:banana
  13. porclndoll

    Questions and Concerns

    BLAH BLAH BLAH! 'The investigators “did not find LASGB to be an effective procedure for the surgical treatment of morbid obesity.” ' ... They obviously didn't come here and see our results! My surgeons office warned me about proceeding with Aetna, they said it would be very difficult to get it approved by them...guess they were right. My insurance changed as of March 1st to GHI and they approved me in two days! I worked for an insurance company...seems that this letter you got is their way to discourage you...dont give in GO FOR IT! Appeal as many times as your allowed! They need to hear that this surgery has been approved by the FDA some years ago (1996 if Im right) and it has been proven EFFECTIVE.....Good luck in your battle, please let us know if theres anything we can do to help...we have awesome brain storming powers!!! TTYL
  14. WOW! I CAN'T BELIEVE THE DIFFERENCE! You rock!! Congratulations on reaching your milestone!!!!
  15. porclndoll


    Krystal.. I had terriable pains in my left side...for days....starting probably about ohhh about two weeks after my surgery!!! I swore that something was infected, or blocked up or something. I ended up going to an emergent care center, and then finally to see my surgeon. I couldn't take my pain meds cause I was back at work. I couldn't walk hardly and the pain had me doubled over. I am good with pain, but this really killed me!! I thought constipated, I thought gas...then I though holy crap there is something really wrong. Well, when I went to see my surgeon, he told me that its everything healing...the muscles and stuff....and nerves.....everything getting back to where it should be basically. He told me to take some liquid Motrin and that would be okay for a few days. It wouldn't hurt my belly or band just for a couple of days. Know what...a day and a half after I saw my surgeon.....The pain stopped, and all has been good since!!! My port is located right above my belly button....The pain was all the way down on my left hand side, right above my hip bone. I had a small incision there too, so most definately thought there was something wrong...but nope...I was and am all right. Surgery is a scarey thing. Its also an expensive thing...if you ever have ANY concerns absolutely contact your surgeon...thats why they are there. I hope you are feeling better soon! Its horriable being in pain! Its scarey! TTYL
  16. porclndoll

    H*O*M*E From Surgery

    I dont know, but does anyone else sence that Christina is not satisfied with her band at all??? teehee!!! :banana :banana Congratulations to you! You are gonna do sooo well!!!!! I am so happy for you!
  17. porclndoll


    Kathy... From what I know....your dad would be a Capricorn...based on his birthday.... Capricorn goes to January 19
  18. porclndoll


    From what I know about Sagitarians....your are strong willed,(some people might say stubborn) faithful, good friends, and you do tend to let stuff roll off your back, unlike the scorpion who will get your blood before we forget anything You tend to be on one path and you follow that path till the end, very determined.. My sister is a Sag and so is my son........ Thats about all I know!
  19. porclndoll


    I AM SUCH THE SCORPION ITS NOT FUNNY!!! We are secretive, private, cunning, sexual, interested in the occult, vengful (from what I hear anyway) when we love, we love with our whole being. Driven by water...the emotion element....Pluto is our ruling planet...we are faithful. We make awesome friends, till we get stabbed in the back. My saying is..Mess with the Scorpion and get the Tail in the end!!! And I will REMEMBER the day, time, place and what type of weather we were having when you stabbed me in the back too! We dont tend to forget anything. Even when all is forgiven, we will always remember... Okay, thats my Two cents...sorry Delarla Don't have the book but it does sound intersting! TTYL
  20. porclndoll

    PLease Say A Little Prayer

    prayers will be sent your way....heres to a speedy recovery! TO YOUR NEW LIFE!! ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( clink))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) that was our toast teehee!!!!
  21. porclndoll


    Does anyone notice if they are getting more headaches since their surgery? I don't know if its my body going through withdrawl...from not having so much fat/calories/carbohydrates....Or if I am just not sleeping enough....or what the hell is going on...But it seems like every other day for the last week i have had a headache. And the only thing I can take now is that nasty liquid tylenol!!! I would rather swallow a sword!!!! I use to be prone to migraines and what would trigger my migraines is a)not sleeping enough not eatting enough.....The headaches im getting now are not by any means migraines, but dull constant aches.......makes one quite miserable. Okay...any feed back would be appreciated. Talk to you later
  22. porclndoll


    bubbame...i dont know if my doctor approve the excedrin...i would sooo much rather use that than tylenol..eck!!! ummm i dont sleep enough, ever...my life just doesn't allow for it....maybe that should be changed.....my mom always said, when anthony, my little guy...goes to bed, you should go to bed....but thats when i do all my housework....i can't go to bed at 9pm...thats crazy talk! i dunno, i will have to figure something out...perhaps a nap in the afternoon once i am out of work, i have about an hour to myself then. upping the food sounds a bit difficult...but i think i have room in there...I am still on mushies...for atleast another week i think. Monday June 6 I go back to my surgeons office. thank you sooo much for the suggestions!!! i will try a little of both today...extra sleep and food, and see what happens. ttyl
  23. porclndoll

    Tomorrow is the Day!!!

    Krystal!!!! Oh my gosh the day is here! I am sooo excited for you! You will be fine, and thats what your supose to do before surgery and a life altering procedure..BE NERVOUS AND GET YOUR STUFF IN ORDER! You have to because of that little baby girl! And dont kid yourself, that little girl KNOWS you love her, and she does understand a lot more than you think!!!! Tell her often how you feel ~ regardless of age, they can never hear it enough...well they think they can when they hit those akward teen years. I can't wait to hear how your doing. Your gonna be surprized at how good you feel. I was banded on May 5th, and I feel like nothing ever happened. I hit some rough spots, but ITS ALL GOOD NOW....I just think its time for a fill...Im hungry! SEE YOU SOON! (Said a prayer for you today during silent meditation...I work in a high school..teehee)
  24. porclndoll

    Newbie here!

    Eileen....Thanks for the info. I knew about the 60g's of protein...No more than 20g's of carbs ya say hum.....well...... I will have to start keeping better tract. I am not well organized...and I don't write everything down...but I think to see results I need to figure out something. I am also going to see Curves this weekend....see if I like it enough to join. I belonged to Golds Gym last year. Lemme tell ya...the people there weren't too friendly. The staff was great...but getting a gym buddy was hard! I will talk to just about anyone too. I guess they were all there and focused .... I dont know what it was for me....a social outting? Well where the hell was the coffee and cake??????? Guess thats why I ended up quitting after three or four months. they never had the coffee ready when I got there. Damn Itallian tradition in me......if you bake it, they will come hehehehe Im feeling silly today..... If they sit down, you must feed it hehehehehehehe Its no wonder I am where I am today!!! I will see you later...thanks for the info again!!
  25. porclndoll

    Imposter's Syndrome

    Julie...I have a ways to go before I find out if I have this problem or not. I dunno. My expectation is after I lose weight the closette exobitionist in me will come out!! I hate clothes...would rather be naked....but because of my body I hide behind all these clothes...big shirts, baggy sweaters, jackets...holy moly I could pave a road to China with all the extra material I have hidden behind. I fully expect when I get down to a "normal" size....the less clothes I have on the better off I will be!!! I will want to flaunt what I haven't been able to EVER....well, I have once or twice but not without some sort of shame I hope I don't get overwhelmed with what your are talking about...Imposters Syndrome. I expect, my Imposters Syndrome is the complete opposite. Im a skinny girl in a fat girls body!!! Cant wait to get there to find out! Im on my way -23 pounds since surgery...-33 all together. TALK TO YOU LATER

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