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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by porclndoll

  1. porclndoll

    Calling Dr.Kwon banders!!!

    Congratulations on your up coming surgery! Good for you! How exciting to have it moved UP! I take it you have lost the required weight prior to the surgery....soo just work on maintaining that weight loss. Stay away from Motrin/Advil..yadda yadda yadda....As far as foods you can have pretty much anything right now, as long as it doesn't interfer in your weight loss. Personally, just to get use to it a little bit...I took a couple of days before the surgery and did the shakes. One for breakfast, one for lunch then a regular dinner. Then the day before my surgery I had a few things that I knew I wouldn't be having in a while. I had tostitos and salsa....(Now theres a walk on the wild side).........If your on any medications you may need to stop them before the surgery...like blood thinners, asprin therapy, birth control or HRT.......Dr Kwons office should have advised you of that though... soooo it seems your good to go! Enjoy these next few days....eat what you would like, but maintain your weight loss and I am sure you will come thru things fine. IM EXCITED FOR YOU!
  2. porclndoll

    Liq. protein drops

    hey there jenna. i too looked at the gnc website for a millasecond last night, and didn't see anything there. i am gonna check out eckards tomorrow and see what i can find there. if i can't find it anywhere, i will get back in touch with my "informant" ehehehehe Maybe haffta take er thumbs...eheheheh IM KIDDING IM KIDDING...Im in a weird mood today...well, most days, but certainly today.....ill letcha know as soon as i know iiigggghhhhttt!!! TTYL I will see what I find on the "perfect pre teen".....
  3. porclndoll

    Going To The Dr

    Hey all. I am going to the doctor for a follow up...I kinda foresee a fill coming in a little while. I think I would welcome that honestly. I am nervous about stepping on the scale. Its been a good month since my last visit......I really hope that the scales are going down.....Im sorta nervous.....go figure. Thru this whole pre-op phase and everything else, my Blood pressure has been fine....not nervous..blah blah blah....today I am nervous!! GO FIGURE! I will letchas know how all goes when I get home......Thanks for listening!!! LATER
  4. porclndoll

    Going To The Dr

    Hey there...I made out great at the doctors office today! Big sigh of relief! I actually got a fill...No surprize there...I have 2 cc's in now....and I lost 6.5 pounds since my last weigh in on June 5th...soo in one months time I lost 6.5 pounds I was amazed! My surgeon is really happy with my progress. I did get in a little "trouble" for drinking milk, he said in no way should I be drinking milk right now....I know this is going to differ from what other peoples doctors have said, but since mine told me, I wont do the milk thing again I left my purse in the car so I don't know what my weight actually was, but I would like to get it and post it soon. I have a baaaad habit of leaving stuff in the car!! Okay....Thanks for waiting on my news...I appreciate it! TTYL
  5. porclndoll

    Check Out This Link

    Hi guys. I was searching for Protein drops online and I came across this website. It has sooo many interesting recepies for low carb/low fat drinks.....and it lists all the liquid Protein Drinks available and their websites I believe....Maybe it this can be made into a sticky? I dunno. Please check it out and lemme know if its been helpful! There are some AWESOME non alcoholic, low fat, low carb mixed drinks in there too! http://www.teklawgirl.biz/Liquid_diet_recipes.htm It is entirely possible that this link has been mentioned here before...and I am sorry if it has, but I got excited over it. :cheeky TTYL
  6. porclndoll

    Liq. protein drops

    Hey there Princess&TheP I got an rsvp on the protein drops...I was advised you can get them in any drug store by the vitamins... I was advised that they come in fruity flavors, but you can add them to ice tea. It has to say on the bottle though that it "contains all essential amino acids"...I never really looked at the vitamin section before ... wonder what else is there? Happiness in a bottle perhaps...or the millionaire pill...Could you imagin?? I have a very over active imaginination...sorry!! Im gonna take a look this afternoon to see if I can find it. Hope this is helpful! TTYL
  7. porclndoll

    Check Out This Link

    Oh Janice....sorry didn't mean to ignore you......Welcome to Lap Band. Your surgery seems interesting. If you feel as we do when we get a fill, why would you need to wish you could adjust it? Interesting...now I am curious.... If I were the Cat, I would be in BIG TROUBLE...("Curiosity killed the cat") Is it too intense? Or would you want it tighter? I had Aetna when I started this whole fandango and the woman who does all the insurance autherizations told me to hold off till I got my new insurance...I switched to GHI in March...I started things in January.....She told me right off the get go that Aetna would give us a hard time in the autherization process....Im glad that we waited. My approval went sooo quick and with out flaw...It was very encouraging! Well, it was nice to meet you! TTYL
  8. porclndoll

    Check Out This Link

    Paula.. I emailed the Dietician that was at our support meeting and she said you can get these drops in any drug store...but it has to say "Contains all essencial amenio acids"....She said that they come fruity flavored but you can add it to ice tea.....HUMMM Very interesing. I guess this would be back by the vitamins and stuff ... I guess I should pay more attention to the items offered in this section huh? ...........I thought it would mean a trip to a special health food store in some remote section of town and I would be surrounded by tree huggin, oat eattin, hemp wearin hippies..eheheheheh JUST KIDDING JUST KIDDING...HIPPIES ARE AWESOME! Im in a weird mood today...Its been a weird day..... Sooo I will search hi you search low and I am sure we will find these buggers. Hope this is helpful! Good luck! TTYL
  9. porclndoll

    Liq. protein drops

    Hey there Mauri!!!!! Thanks for the email addy...I just emailed her! Hope your 4th of July is going great! And I will see you when I am back from Florida!! eeehaa!!!
  10. porclndoll

    Soo Good Soo Long

    Hey all....I was banded 05-05-05...and have been soooo good as far as my diet and exercise. I havent had any junk food. McDonalds was non exsistant, Dunkin Donuts fell off the face of the earth and I turned my nose up at the chip isle in the food store. Just recently I have been not so good and now I feel like crap!! I stopped for McDonalds breakfast yesterday, got eggs, sausage and the hashbrown.....and had a cup of coffee with it....Then dinner I ate three or four BBQ spare ribs (BIG ONES), and TWO pieces of my husbands birthday cake. I have been craving soda (haven't acted on that one)...I have been sneeking spoonfuls of ice cream...regular full on Fat Filled Ice Cream.....And I haven't been to Curves for a whole week in I don't know how long. And then this morning after I ate my protein bar, I chugged milk. I totally forgot about the not chuggin rule!! I thought for sure it was all coming back up but I walked around the house for a bit...burped a few dozen times and all was good. I just feel like crap about this all. I know what I must do.....I need to be responcible for everything that goes in my mouth. I need to get out there and exercise even if its just a walk....brisk walk...and I need to take my time with my food and drinks. I am pretty sure I need another fill...I will be seeing my doctor on July 5th....soooo hopefully that fill will be ordered up...........I also ate almost a whole QUART of chicken and broccoli from the Chineese resturant uptown. I didn't feel full...I didn't feel sick....I didn't feel like I was gonna pop...I didn't understand it!!! I wasn't drinking with my meal....sooo that tells me, time for a fill. I just gotta get a grip here. I think that I have slipped back to my emotional eatting....I have been going thru a bit of stress these last few days.......sooo I think it caught up. I am starting over today. But I still feel like crap about it! All righty...thanks for listening........I will talk to you all again soon! HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY EVERYONE.
  11. porclndoll

    Soo Good Soo Long

    2b...hey there! thanks for the rsvp. however i dont think that this was a need to splurge...i think that i just totally lost control there for a little while, but im back now. my addictive behaviors coming back into the picture when i sat down to a meal.... i do have those ff fudge pops in my freezer and they are sooooo good....and they do come in handy at night when you just want a desert or a treat... i go to my surgeons office tomorrow where i am pretty sure i will be getting another fill...that will certainly help any ablity to "over eat"...then on friday we leave for florida. sooo things are getting back into order..... thank you for listening!!! TTYL
  12. porclndoll

    Soo Good Soo Long

    thanks guys! T...you hit the nail on the head...thats exactly what i needed to hear. thank you! i gotta reflect on the good that i have done.. and i have indeed done an awesome job thus far ~ and i will make it past this hard time and continue to do awesome! you guys are awesome!!!!!
  13. porclndoll

    Soo Good Soo Long

    Melissa Congrats on being able to step away from the cheese cake. That would have been a hard one for me too. Thanks for your support too by the way. I don't remember the last soda I had...Im thinking it was the night before my surgery...sooo almost two months. I will be okay without soda, there are sooo many other things out there to drink. Today will be a better day, I know it. Talk to you soon
  14. porclndoll

    Greetings, New Yorkers!!

    Hey Julie!! Thanks for the info from your group! Yea, I sorta thought it would have been marinara sauce too....My father (Italian) makes THE BEST SAUCE ever! He is going to make it when we go down on vacation to see him. We are leaving on the 8th!! Only a few more days I CAN'T WAIT! I haven't seen my father in a very long time. He has been my major support when it comes to this surgery...soo its going to be a nice visit. He is anxious to see me! He saw me via web cam, a few days before my surgery! I can't wait! My husband, son and I are driving down. I am not looking forward to the drive...however, the end result will be awesome! My father hasnt seen my son in years sooo he will be very impressed with him for sure!!!! Anyway, this sauce is gonna kick ass! He puts all kinds of meat and veggies in it. Almost like a thick tomato soup...but OOOOO SOOOOO GOOOODD! My father always wants to feed everyone and he is going out of his MIND trying to figure out what to feed us when we are there....I can't eat much, I will more than likely be having a fill just before we leave so that will restrict my intake...My son is disabled and has special needs when it comes to his meals...and my husband just doesn't care to eat. The only thing my father has "stocked up on" was Crystal Light Ice Tea eheheheheh!!! Poor guy! He can cook and enjoys to cook, but now he doesn't have the audience for it! Anyway, now I am blabbin on and on! I will talk to you again before I leave for Florida Im sure!! Ciao!!!
  15. porclndoll

    Mother needs help

    Hello There...I am actually 32 as far as my birth certificate is concerned...but like 17-18 in my reality! I work with teens...I work in a high school. I would gladly help your daughter out if she needs to talk, just like anyone else here would be helpful too! I soooo wish I had her courage and opportunity when I was younger to have this done! The school clothes shoppin horrors! All that could have been eliminated. I use to get sooo upset, I would leave the stores crying! Then there were the times I wanted to join a sports team but I couldn't because I was too heavy to run the tract...Then there were the dances, the boyfriends, the social outtings, not being invited anywhere...being teased...I been there ~ done that! Senior year means senior ball! Think of the gorgious gown she can get! Granted styles are changing, when I was a senior the pickins for a plus size girl were pretty few and far between....however, she could just go into Debs or a "regular" store and get one off the rack! I have been banded since 05/05/05....and I have dropped 35-40 pounds. I was on my way to the hospital and the voices in my head were screaming at my husband TAKE ME HOME...Thank God he didn't hear them! I am soo happy to have this band its not funny. I know its hard girl.....I KNOW ITS HARD....you will get use to this new life....and you will turn things around. Feel free to email me if you wanna talk... Good luck to you!!
  16. porclndoll

    Will anyone ever notice my weight loss?

    My dad always says to me, "Hopey people will NEVER react or act the way you expect them to"....and he is soooo right! That applies to this situation too. I bet they noticed just didnt say anything...Since they don't know about the surgery maybe they thought this was just another "fleeting attempt" and it wouldn't last so they shouldn't say anything. You know what you have done and you know how far you have come! Don't knock it. You had this surgery for your self...not for other people...PAT YOUR SELF ON THE BACK! You have come sooo far and you should be proud! I know it sucks when you don't get the reponce you wanted...but ya know what...YOU ARE AWESOME! Congratulations!
  17. porclndoll


    Hey guys..Im a little late catching onto this thread. I brought up the subject of drinking at our support group meeting...a dietician was there and I wanted to know what were healthier alternatives to my usual Toasted Almonds (cream,Kaluaha,Amaretto,nutmeg). I was advised that drinking can errode the band area and we can get drunker quicker....I know all this, however was just looking for some advice....My doctor didn't say anything about booze at all, and I think at my next visit with him I am going to ask him directly. Before my band I could drink with the best of them. Now, I would just limit myself to one drink when I am out with my friends...a social drink I guess you could say. I know enough not to push things, I know enough not to jepordize my health or band but once every other week (IF THAT~) I don't see a problem with that...sooo I did a little poking around the internet and found nutricianal information on booze and drinks. Vodka Collins...........17 carbs 175 calories Bloody Mary.......... 5 carbs 123 cal Vodka and Cranberry 18 carbs 172 cal Daiquiri................. 49 carbs 314 cal Rum and diet coke..... 0 carbs 133 cals Frozen Margarita...... 27 carbs 246 cal Margarita/Rocks........ 8 carbs 182 cal Long Island Ice Tea... 4 carbs 275 cal Gin and Tonic.......... 21 carbs 178 cal Martini..................... 0 carbs 175 cal Whisky sour............ 17 carbs 175 cal Manhattan............... 4 carbs 210 cals Beer: Regular 12 oz..13 carbs 150 cal Light...............5 carbs 100 cal Wine: 6 oz white.....1.4 carbs 120 cal red.......3 carbs 128 cal rose......2.5 carbs 128 cal Sweet Desert Wine...21 carbs 270 cal I hope this information can be somewhat useful to those of us who chose to have an occassional drink. Have a great day!
  18. porclndoll

    august 1 st HORRAY!!!!

    great news you two!! very anxious for you both!
  19. porclndoll

    Kathy's (Best ME) Needle Biopsy:eek:

    Dear Kathy!! I will have you in my thoughts and prayers today! You are one tough cookie...you will be fine thru all this. So you go in there....stick out the girls, and tell em, gimme what cha got!! In all seriousness...my mom has had to have two needle biopsies. We know the fustration of the whole situation. Turns out she has cystic breasts. Breast cancer runs in my family. My Maternial Grandmother had breast cancer. She had a double mastectomy and kicked the cancers ass! Soo breast health is very important..and as I have seen it here posted and heard it a billion times...it is way worse not knowing. HOWEVER You will be fine! Try and relax. Breath deep! Feel all the prayers and thoughts that are with you today....Feel the warmth of the white lights....Get thru today and then the rest will follow. Then when your all healed up I will take you shopping at Hot Topic and get you one mean ass gothic outfit! OOO WITH HAPPY BOOTS! (Inside joke!) When you feel up to it, let us know how today went. TALK TO YOU SOON!
  20. porclndoll

    Picture Page

    This is me at Halloween time. One of my many personalities! God I love that place! We open September 29th this year!!! I can't wait. I am going to order my costume for this year in a couple of weeks. Don't want to face back orders, or it not being her on time. So what if I order it big, I need to fit clothes under anyways..... HALLOWEEN AT TERRORDOME 2004
  21. porclndoll

    Picture Page

    This is a picture of me and my hubbie when we first got together. I was something like 17 or 18 in this picture.....my husband wasn't much older...20 or 21....Time flies... jeff and i.bmp
  22. porclndoll

    Hey Check Me Out!

    Hey guys! Guess what! I went shopping the other day...(thats not the shocking part) but I got a new pair of jeans!!! Guess what!! They are a size 20! Down from a 24~~~ eeehaaa look at me go! I will try and post pictures here soon!! Talk to you later
  23. porclndoll

    Hey Check Me Out!

    THANKS GUYS! YOUR RIGHT, I DOOO FEEL SOOO MUCH BETTER! I AM SOO PROUD! AND I KNOW THE BEST IS YET TO COME! When I am hangin off that stripper pole then you know I have reached my goal!! heheheheheheheh (just kidding.........or not!! can never tell with me )
  24. porclndoll

    FAV BABY PICS! (blame this on Lisa!)

    This is my son Anthony.. Halloween time, 2000 or 2001,can't remember time flies. He was a pimp! He was soooo cute!!!! pimpanthony.bmp
  25. porclndoll

    Picture Page

    here i go, attempting this again...hummmm fingers crossed

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
