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Everything posted by porclndoll

  1. porclndoll

    Dr Visit

    Hey guys, thanks for the support. Cindy, Barbara did my fill. I feel fine. I went to the haunted house and did some last minute things.....no big problems. I do feel a difference all ready though, minor right now. The haunted house is open to the public. Its in Newburgh NY....Check us out on the web www.terrordome.com As far as the plateau goes, I am ready to jump! off this plateau and go onward and downward Kathy~I went from 2.0 cc's to 2.25 cc's today, so a .25cc difference...Im glad my posts make you smile~ God knows we all need a good one every now and again.. La Madam~ Wont we look cute going out to eat together with our little forks? People would say "What snobby bitches, they can't even use a resturant fork!" I promise you all, I will take my time...I am pretty nervous being this full.... So, I will be easy!!! Well, hay wait, that didn't sound good..I will go easy with eatting solids..ehehehe
  2. porclndoll

    Sorta Bummed Out

    Hey guys. I gotta vent here. I fell in love with my Halloween costume months ago...some of you remember the picture that I posted. Well, it finally came in from California. My boss ordered it wholesale from some warehouse. I told him order me the biggest one, since I gotta fit clothes under it, I work outside when the Haunted House opens up and it gets damn chilly out there. Well I brought it home and tried it on...it fit great...UNTIL it hit the area in the back where it had to go around my chest. It will not velcro shut~~~ There is a good three - four inch gap in the velcro. The rest of it velcros shut, but I can't walk around half open...and if I velcro the dress shut before I put it on, I have to thump the girls over the waist line and then NOT BREATH. God forbid one of the girls gets affected by a cold breeze~Theres NO ROOM in there for anything. SOOO heres my bitch. I have lost 50 POUNDS since having surgery. My girls will not fit into this gown! Its sooo pretty. I am by no means a seamstress and I haven't the vaguest idea how to fix it. I know that extra material needs to be added. I think the way to do it is in a wedge. I have my cousin helping me, but I am really bummed that it came to this. I have lost weight everywhere else, but the girls just aren't playin right!!!!! Now I am thinking rather than compromise the costume, and possible screw it up I may go to a different costume...which would suck cause I have had my heart set on this one...I dunno...I just dunno. I gotta talk to my boss about it......and see what my cousin can do to help me fix it... Maybe save it for next year..I dunno...I just dunno thanks for listening
  3. porclndoll

    Sorta Bummed Out

    ** DRESS UPDATE ** I had to go to my cousins house tonight for a fitting. She is really doing an awesome job. She was supose to have put in some loose stitches tonight so I can go back over tonight for another fitting, just to make sure...before she puts the final stitching in. I really owe her big time. I told her I would try and get her comp tickets to the haunted house....I dunno, we will see. I did a final run with all my make up and wig last night...HO~LEEEEE~MOLEY I sent a picture to my father and he said I did an AWESOME job. I can't wait to just DO IT!! FOUR MORE DAYS TILL OPENNING NIGHT! This is going to be the best one yet, and I have had some pretty awesome costumes. ReneBean ~~Ya know, when I was standing there tonight getting the fitting done, I thought to myself, now what am I gonna do with this costume when it gets too big. Hum I will have to keep your idea in mind......It will be 17 months after my surgery when Openning night rolls around again next year....I should have hit my goal by then...God willing... The saga continues. I will not rest till the costume is back home..... ttyl
  4. porclndoll

    Your Secret Fantasy - Fun Thread

    Ooopsie...I forgot all about one of my other secrete fantasies.....and I can't believe I forgot....There is of course ROB ZOMBIE....and Dave Navarro (Carmen Electras husband) Check em out http://www.showandtellonline.com/images_show_reviews_pics/lollapalloza_03_04.jpg This picture gave me hot flashes...phew I needa fan......DAMN! hot hot hot http://www.netplugged.com/photos/dave_navarro.jpg If I had the choice, and in my order, Rob Zomie would absolutely be on the top of the list.....then Dave...Sorry Dave, but Robs got more of a goth thing going on, I hope you understand
  5. porclndoll

    OMG! I Can't Sleep!!

    Ok this is weird. I watched the Ring Two last night TOO. I just wanted it to be over! I wanted to poke my self in the eye! It was the most BORING movie I EVER saw in my LIFE!!! I know we are all different when it comes to movies and Im not bashin ya...but for my tastes...way too slow....not enough gore...what the hell was up with all the deer? I understood because of the one scene...but COMMON~ IMHO ~ it could have been a lot better~ I HAVE TO see the Exocist of Emily Rose. I am gonna take myself this week I think...yes, that is a good plan,,,while the husband is at work, and my son is in school, I will take myself to the movies...ehehehehehe Okay...have a good day all!
  6. porclndoll

    Fall Weight Loss Challenge

    Hey guys, checkin in with my Weigh In for the Fall Challng....I am at 223 still. I didnt gain which is GREAT. However, I didn't lose. What the hell. I go to my surgeons office on Tuesday so I am gonna get a fill, hopefully...more than likely. That combined with the haunted house openning on Friday will HOPEFULLY get me past this hump~ Till then, I am just gonna be proud of what I have accomplished so far on this challange...TWO POUNDS SO FAR 18 more to go for the challange
  7. porclndoll

    Sorta Bummed Out

    Cindy... I actually work at a haunted house, this costume has nothing to do with trick or treat with my boy. He hasn't seen me in ANY of my "work" costumes. He couldn't tolerate that! He and I go out trick or treating and we usually have costumes that match. One year I made him Elvis!! I was a girl in a poodle skirt (which I glued together!!), and bobby socks and the whole works* That was so much fun..of course NO PICTURES .... If he saw me in my work costumes, he wouldnt sleep ever again!! And just for the record, it was MY idea on how to save my costume this year...shes just paid to make it happen I AM SOO KIDDING. We worked together on the idea. Great minds think alike ehehehehe OHHH the evil mood is rising~~ FIVE MORE DAYS TILL OPENNING NIGHT FIVE MORE DAYS TILL OPENNING NIGHT ttyl
  8. porclndoll

    Sorta Bummed Out

    awe chichi girl! thanks for the well wishes for the best event ever! I am so excited I can't wait. Our game plan is to add an extra wedge of material shaped like a V...and we are turning it into a corsette back!! We bought loops that we are going to sew onto the sides of the back, and then we got this awesome!!!!! black rope ribbon....SEXXXY!! We bought a little extra fabric too so we could double up. That will help me retain some heat too.. It gets damn cold out there. One year we were haunting in the snow!!! That was something. I certainly will give ya a shout out if I get down there for Universal! I cant wait to see it. I love to be scared!!! Reminds ya your alive. I wouldn't want to see it alone either, but not cause Im chicken but because I would like to see other peoples responces. And dont worry about your oddities, because your right, thats what makes you YOU. God, I am a 32 year old mother of one......and I play dress up every Friday Saturday and Sunday to go play in the woods!! And I have been doing it for FOUR years. I rationalize story lines and plots to make sure things "make sence"...make sence for what?? THE WORLD OF MAKE BELIEVE....sooo dont think your alone in the screwy lane lady..youve got plenty of company there.... TTYL SIX MORE DAYS TILL OPENNING NIGHT~SIX MORE DAYS TILL OPENNING NIGHT
  9. porclndoll

    Sorta Bummed Out

    By Gosh I think weve got it!! My cousin and I went to the store today to get what she would need to fix my costume, and ya know what...Im really impressed with as much as she does know. I honestly think its gonna be okay!! FANTASTIC ACTUALLY! I gave her her dead lines....Wednesday at the latest...and I know she can do this!! I feel sooo positive about how this is gonna turn out...and if not, there will still be enough time to take it to a professional seamstress..This is going to be okay. I will post pictures when I can......thanks all for listening!!! :dead
  10. porclndoll

    Sorta Bummed Out

    Thank you Vines....I am proud, but you know what its like when disappointment hits in one area, it affects all other things. At least thats how it is for me, when one thing goes wrong...thats it, and it usually falls on my shoulders when it goes wrong. Anyhow, after listening to all your fine comments and motovating comments, and just you all being the wonderful people that you are, I am feeling better about this. It can be done. It can be fixed. And it will be by the time we open..seven days is a lot of time actually!! I have eyeballed Nanas corsettes more than once now...they are absolutely gorgious! One day as a treat I will get me one!!! Cindy...I do live in "upstate" New York. I dunno how they call this area upstate ~ Did they forget about Albany? I am about one hour north of New York City. I take it from your aviator and your ticker tape your sorta into this Halloween thing too? I want to sooo badly go to Universal Studios for their Haunted Adventure!! You go and I will live thru you. Actually my dad and I have been trying to get it together for me to get there but it never ever works. Next year we are gonna start planning and making arrangements earlier!!! Jack....BLESS YOU and your Sea Lovers Soul!!!!! Fur lined punkins....HUMMM that gives me a great idea for NEXT YEAR! Whoa. ehehehehe It is truely an honor to have all you wonderful people rally around when one is down! I will certainly post pictures when all is done and over with.
  11. porclndoll

    Sorta Bummed Out

    Hey there again. the link to my costume is http://shop.com.edgesuite.net/ccimg.catalogcity.com/210000/214800/214881/products/lg_15277295.jpg ReneBean....a hint of skin IS SEXY...AND I WOULD LOVE TO DO IT...but I work outside girl, in October...at night! It gets a little chilli out there!!! One year we were out there in the snow!!! A leotard just doesn't cut it.. we gotta layer layer layer. I was gonna get this stuff called ummm Body Armour and its supose to be AWESOME at keeping ya warm! Thanks for the suggestions...keep em comin
  12. porclndoll

    Sorta Bummed Out

    Cindi...I appreciate your feed back, but I dont know what bias tape is! I am the queen of boogaring things together. I have actually glued a costume together once!! I like the idea of having a lace up back! That would look hot with red ribbon, like a corsette. I think I will go see the local seamstress lady tomorrow. I am on a tight time frame here. We open in 7 days!!! YIKES.... Karen THANK YOU for saying "DO NOT USE THIS AS AN EXCUSE TO BEAT UP ON YOURSELF!!! To are too precious, valuable and worthy for that." I was taking it to the "I could have done better, I could have worked harder, I could have lost more weight between now and my surgery".....frame of mind. Hummmm this stinks..but it is fixable and maybe taking it somewhere would cause me less of a mind bend..ya know? I will letcha know how this turns out.... THANK YOU
  13. porclndoll

    Your Secret Fantasy - Fun Thread

    Bobalooey~A penis the size of a tic-tac...ehehehe I am cryin over here. Never heard that one. I may have to use that someday As far as dead guys....hummmm lets see....probably Vincent Price....I LOVE his voice...
  14. porclndoll

    Secret Fanstasy II -- contemporary

    Rob Zombie...whoa man, can he move I LOVE HIM~With all my evil soul muhahahahah For those who are interested, check him out at http://www4.district125.k12.il.us/faculty/mfinlay/Spring2002/8%20-%20Tribtues/Mike%20Hickman%20Tribute/zombie-pose.jpg YUMM-MEEEE
  15. WHOA STEVE-O...Look at you on your computer first thing after surgery~ Good for you. Soo happy things went well, and you are now well on your way!!!! Congratulations! TTYL
  16. porclndoll

    Ants in the Pants

    Okay Vines, next time I get like that Ill give ya a call~but I must warn you when I get ants in the pants....they dont want to clean ~ Nana, Yea I am always up early. I have a little boy to get up and out the door in the morning, and he is an early riser anyway. Hes up before the birds...REGARDLESS of how much sleep I did or didn't get the night before....I got some cleaning to do today in my house...which I dont wanna do....and I have some stuff to do for the Haunted House....We open in ummm 10 DAYS...I have advertising stuff to do. eha~ Thats a big part of why the ants are settled in...they want to go out and dress up and PLAY~ ehehehehehe thanks for keepin me company........ I hope you are having fun swimming. Its yucky here today. Over cast and rain...eck TALK TO YOU LATER
  17. porclndoll

    Ants in the Pants

    IM BORED IM BORED IM BORED IM BORED IM BORED!!! Hey guys...IM BORED... I have ants in the pants and everything I can think of that I HAVE to do, I DONT WANT to do. I just really wish something really exciting would happen. Really shake things up a bit....Something really out of the norm!! I have ANTS IN MY PANTS ... My mood really changes at this time of year. I am easy going, nothing is important...more laid back, ENERGY THRU THE ROOF.......... BUT TONIGHT IM BORED~~~~
  18. porclndoll

    Ants in the Pants

    Karen....Ummm I dont have any of DeLarlas toys...I got a stash from somewheres else...and well...honestly, I took care of that all ready ............. Nana....THAT DRINK SOUNDS AWESOME!!! I will have to get the directions to make it~ My husband just got home....and my horns are out....poor thing......Doesn't know what he came home to....mmuuuhhhahahahahahahahaha GONNA BE A LATE NIGHT
  19. porclndoll

    Ants in the Pants

    Karen,,,, Its like 9:45 here. My music will take down the house~ eheheheh Rob Zombie is my ut most favorite, and that would just make it worse. That would be like drinking a second cup of coffee when your all ready on a caffine high..ehehehehe YIKES Hummmm ex's phone number huh??? OH I COULD HAVE FUN WITH THAT....ehehehe Are there any good lawyers on this site? May need someone to plead my case eheheheh "Im sorry your honor, she had ants in her pants"
  20. porclndoll

    Ants in the Pants

    Okay Nana...Looks like its me and you! What can we think of to stir things up a bit... mmuuuhahahahahaha I am feeling a little impish tonight...ehehehehe Practical joke on someone? Prank call...ya know...Prank calls aren't as fun anymore since caller id and *69....They really messed up a fun game with technology~
  21. porclndoll

    Were is everyone I need to talk!!!

    SUNSETT Well, go on girl vent away~Whats going on?? Type till your little fingers fall off~ I never find anyone in that chat room when I need to vent either...thats why some of my posts are pretty long....Tomorrow is your first consult with your surgeon? Or is it a presurgical consult?? Your surgery date is 9/26 hu~ Thats awesome....it will be over and done with before you know it. I had my surgery on 5/5/05 and it feels like its been forever~~ Its been four months and I have lost about 50 pounds. Okay...TYPE AWAY~ Talk to you soon
  22. Good Luck~~~ Talk To You When Your Up And About!~
  23. porclndoll

    Fall Weight Loss Challenge

    Hey all....I am posting my second weigh in since coming on board with this Fall Weight Loss Challange. I weighed in today at 223....I believe that is exactly where I was last time. Im telling ya....Plateau city over here. I need a fill....Will be getting it in a week. I dont have a good full body picture to post here. I haven't been able to get a good full body picture up yet. Its not easy to take a full body with a web cam...by your self. My scaner isnt playing nice either. I will get one posted as soon as I can.
  24. porclndoll

    WAY OT: Nail salons

    Hey Penni...I went to school for my license to do nails, and what I learned was that if a nail is really really short, the tip may not adhear to the nail as well as it would if the nail were longer. The chances of the tip popping off would be greater. Doesn't sound like you have nubbie little nails that are bitten down to nothing so it sounds like you would be okay. The salon that you go to should be able to judge it by looking at it. When I took my state licensing test I found out the day before that I was pregnante. I didn't want to be around all the chemicals soooooooo that license was pretty much pointless. I never renewed it...duh, cause I could be working at a salon now, or openning my own place...but I dont have the patience for it any more. I can do my own nails and thats about it. I NEVER liked doing pedicures, but NANA ~ yeap that helps with rough feet. They take a big file and rub it across the bottem of your feet... Doesn't hurt. Then you soak in a warm foot bath.....sometimes its a spa type of soak. They sometimes add oils or sented bubbles. VERY NICE! Then they apply this stuff to help slough off the dead skin cells, they have to massage it into your feet...FEELS PHENOMINAL. Then after thats done, they do a layer of lotion...and paint your toe nails. I dont like feet...nor do I like people touching my feet...so I usually let them skimp on a few steps, but for the most part it feels really good. I would much rather spend my money on a Deep muscle massage on my back. My husband sent me to a spa last summer, and I got the works....I had my apprehensions on the full body massage...cause it was done while your naked....and just laying under a sheet. Done very professional....but it was a bit uncomfortable for the first few minutes. I was alone in a room with a strange man, with candles lit...and soft music playing....Damn, dont get that with my husband...maybe i should massage more!! eheheh JUST KIDDIN

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