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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by porclndoll

  1. porclndoll

    Head Cold Hell

    Thanks Sarah....Im gonna call my surgeon...The office is out to lunch now....until 1pm....Ill get a hold of them...Not like Im running out any time soon to the store to pick something up...its rainning here, I kept my boy home from school, and we are still in our jammies. ehehehe I dunno, must be a mental block that I have from all the pre op stuff...all the rules...DONT DO THIS AND DONT DO THAT...NO NO NO NO NO is always in my head!!!! They have me scared to death to sneeze!! Well not sneeze but you get it...
  2. porclndoll

    Head Cold Hell

    Oh NJChick ~ I know this isn't allergies...this is most certainly a head cold. I did it to myself too! It was lightly drizzling out the other night at the haunted house, and I was doing one of my characters that is a gypsie...and well, I wasn't dressed for the occassion...I was frozen!!!! AHH the sacrifices we make My son has a slight head cold too, so its just that time of year for us....That Dimetapp stuff tastes really good, but man o man, you aint kidding...doesn't do squat. Believe it or not, this Childrens Tylenol cold formula that I am taking with my son is making me quite drowsie! I may have to take a nap with my boy today!!! We are watching Wizard of Oz, and its going to be lunch time soon so maybe after the movie and lunch we can lay in my bed. Ahh thats such a good thought, but he wont nap! He hasn't since he was three!!! But he is loving this movie! I also got him Hocus Pocus last night!! LOVES IT! Ok, Im babblin... TTYL
  3. porclndoll

    Head Cold Hell

    I would usually do like Advil Cold and Sinus...and I am not taking it now, cause I only have it in pill form. My Dr said to avoid pills...I would assume that Advil would contribute to errosion...soo I try and avoid all medicen like the plague!! Im sooo scared of errosion!!! Plus it doesn't help that Im a big baby when it comes to taking liquid medicens - I don't like the taste/texture. I have had to use liquid Tylenol and I almost cried cause I have made my son take it...oh my god thats aweful stuff!!! guess I will never feel better if I have sooo many little quirks to get over.... I will call my surgeons office and ask them too what they suggest. Thanks Vines..... I will talk to you soon!!!
  4. porclndoll

    Airplanes and the Band

    I haven't experienced it first hand, only because I dont fly anywhere...but my doctor did discuss this with me when I told him of my upcoming vacation....a while back.... He did say if you fly, expect restriction to increase. The cabin pressure has some kind effect on the band. I said, we are driving, not flying so he didn't go into any more details, but he did say that was a normal effect of flying with the band. Sorry I couldnt help you any further....but just wanted to share my conversation with my surgeon...hes awesome!! TTYL
  5. porclndoll

    Name your Band!

    Ugh Candy Smooch~Your ticker is killin me...I love punkin pie!!! I dont have an official name for my band yet...maybe something along the lines of Samofabitch......cause when I get stuck I say Son of a Bitch cause it hurts.....Or Tildakillma.....(Tried To Kill Me - when I had that slurpie a few months back!) I sorta lean towards Tildakillma more so...... ehehehehehe SICK I TELL YA SICK I AM! eheheheh If I had a musical band it would be ummm Creep and the Crawlers. TTYL
  6. porclndoll

    Who uses a Psycic? Band Related Reading

    One of the characters that I do at the Haunted House is a roaming gypsie...She gives readings to the guests. Her name is Mamma Bellino..... My Paternal Grandmothers last name was Bellino and if you say it with a thick Italian accent it sounds awesome! So...I roam around and give people readings....and believe it or not I am dead on a lot of the time!!! This one boy almost fell out of his own skin the other night!! He said Who are you supose to be? I said aaaaa Im Mamma Bellino, TerrorDomes psychic....He said, You so psychic, do I have a girlfriend....I said aaaaaa baybee...I see that you have not one but TWO girlfriends...His eyes got bigger than the night sky!!! He started sweating and he looked at some girl that was standing in ear shot, and looked at me as if to say SHUUDDUP!! I told him that he wasn't so good in highschool and that he was thinking about quitting, which ended up being the truth...and I told him that he should contiune with his education and work with kids! He seemed very impressed!!! Then with his girlfriend, I told her, aaaaa Mamma Bellino sees that you do very well in high school!! She said YES YES I DO!! I said, I see you going onto college very easily, and you will end up working in the medical field..I see you as an RN.....She said I LOVE TO HELP PEOPLE! Mamma Bellino doesn't come out too often, but when she does, SHE KICKS ASS!! My Maternial Grandmother was a very intersting woman. She was psychic in her own right...She read cards, palms and tea leaves. She was very into things that most people dont even know about! I learned a lot from her, and now that shes gone, I wish I could have spent more time with her and learned more!! She read her friends cards one time and said, Oh I see that your son will be coming home! He was stationed in the army in Europe. My Grandmother always asked people if they wanted to know everything and she refused to divulge any negative information...if she saw it.... So, a few months went by and eventually my Grandmothers friend wasn't in work. She figured it was because her son was home. When it hit a couple of days that she was out of work, my Grandmother called to her house and found out that her friends son was indeed home from Europe....but it was for his mothers funeral! My Grandmothers friend had passed away and that was the reason that her son had to come home! My Grandmother never read anyones cards after that. She would do it for us, her family, but never again for friends.
  7. porclndoll

    Getting To Know You!

    1. What is your name? Hope Charlene 2. What color shirt are you wearing? Black 3. What are you listening to right now? Movie..Hocus Pocus 4. What was the last thing you ate? Meatballs 5. Do you wish on stars? Yes 6. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Black 7. How is the weather right now? Cold,50's-drizzle 8. Last person you spoke to on the phone? Pop, my dad 9. Favorite Sport? Boxing 10. Favorite drink? Ice Cold Peach Propel or Peach Ice Tea 12. Eye color? Brown 13. Siblings? 2 Sisters, 1 Brother all older than me 14. Favorite month? October/November 15. Favorite food? Italian 16. What was the last movie you saw? Hide and Seek 17. Favorite day of the year! HALLOWEEN 18. What do you do to vent anger? Drive 19. What was your favorite toy as a child? Huge Black Board 20. Summer or winter? Neither....fall 21. Hugs or Kisses? Hugs and Kisses 22. Favorite ice cream flavor? Chocolate 23. Restaurants or home cooking? Restaurants 24. Will everyone care enough to respond? This is a weird question 25. When was the last time you cried? Two days ago 26. What is under your bed? Can't say.... 27. How long have you been a member of Lapband Talk? 6 months 28. What did you do last night? Worked at the Haunted House...BOO 29. What are you afraid of? SNAKES SNAKES SNAKES SNAKES EEEEEKE 30. Favorite car? Grand National 31. Favorite flower? Roses 32. How many keys on your ring? Four...when I know where they are... 33. How long have you been at your current job? SAHM 34. Favorite day of the week? Friday 35. What did you do on your birthday? Last year went out with friends, got fall down stupid drunk!!!! This year, hasnt happened yet, but I can bet it wont be the same as last year!! 36. How many states have you lived in? 2 37. How many cities/towns have you lived in? 7 38. What is your favorite form of exercise? Walking 39. Your favorite store for bargains? Fashion Bug 40. Wasn't this fun? Yes
  8. porclndoll

    Fall Weight Loss Challenge

    HEY guys! Im sorry I missed weigh in on Sunday...my computer went kaplewy on me...IM BACK NOW...and guess what guess what guess what! I am off the plateau!! HIP HIP HOORAY!!! 10/9 weight = 221!!! Thats a two pound drop from last week! eeeha GOD BLESS FILLS AND EXERCISE...whoa bless exercise, what??? I gotta tell ya...I have been busting my butt at the Haunted House...and the sweat has been flowing, and that is what helped me im sure of it!!! Next weigh in should be interesting!!! Everyone is doing sooo good on this challenge. I dunno if I will make my goal of 20 pounds...but it sure has been intersting soo far!!!
  9. porclndoll

    totally gross - I warned you

    I was told by my Dr Milk of Magnesia....for those really rough times. However, I found these orange hard candies that are FIBER~ I take two a day and it keeps things moving..No need for the MOM.....They are by Fiber Choice. They also have a chewable kind, but I found them to be too bulky....the hard candies disolve just as any other hard candy and dont have a residue that would bulk up around your band!!! I am hooked and I aint going back:D
  10. porclndoll

    Calling on creative Moms/Dads... Costume ideas

    PRETTYPINKKITTY ~ Thank you! My guy is now 7 years old! He was about 3 in the picture I posted. I couldn't get his wizard costume or his Elvis costumes to upload. Last year was the first year we used a store bought costume. It was a police man costume. A portion of the proceeds went towards the Widows fund. My boy has a thing for bikers and police men~ (So does his MAMMA but for totally different reasons ehehehehehe)
  11. porclndoll

    Calling on creative Moms/Dads... Costume ideas

    oopsie i wanted to add some pictures to that last post and hit the wrong button...
  12. porclndoll

    Calling on creative Moms/Dads... Costume ideas

    I have made my son Elvis from a pair of white sweat pants, white zip up sweat shirt, and gold sequins. Oh and a piece of gold material for a cape!! Big black sun glasses with gold glitter glue to add to the whole onsom~ I also made him a pimp~ Made him a big fur jacket with fake fur...big gaudy gold buttons...and a big lepord print fly colar....To add...a black hat with the side tacked up, a band of lepord print material to match the colar, and a big yellow feather to match the yellow sweat pants that he wore. I also let him wear my costume necklaces too! Hey gotta be big pimpin ya know? I have also made him a wizard~ that was fun.
  13. porclndoll

    Game: What leader and movie are you?

    I am Platoon...and Saddam Hussein. Im an anxious foot soldier on the battlefield of like, seeking to avoid danger and preserve your security........ I guess that means at ANY cost!!!
  14. porclndoll

    May Surgery Dates

    Hey there Debbydo... Welp, its five months, and Im down 50 pounds and stuck on a plateau. I have been on that plateau for about a month, so I technically lost 50 pounds in 4 months!!! It sucks, but at least I haven't gained weight. I have an ass kickin headache, these chewable asprins aren't cutting it, I want an Advil!!! I think Im just exhausted from openning weekend at the Haunted House....and I haven't been eatting much. I just got a fill on Tuesday; I am now up to 2.25 cc's in my 4cc band. I felt an immediate difference, I dont think full restriction has hit yet though. I have been a bit skeerd to eat! Isn't that odd? Spend my life afraid to stop eatting, and now I am a complete opposite. I swear they do a mini lobotomy during this lapband surgery!! Okay, God Father is back on...I gotta go! Talk to you later~
  15. porclndoll

    Openning Weekend

    Cindy..... You aint kidding that my cousin rescued me~ I was very upset about it all but lemme tell ya ~~~ its awesome! I wont be able to post pictures yet. I gotta wait....but I will certainly post when Im able to. I took my cousin out to dinner one night to thank her for helping me, but I gotta figure out something else to thank her. Maybe pay her way into TerrorDome for the night.ehehe so she can see her work in action. Twelve more performances! This is so awesome. I love doing this... Thanks for thinkin of me. Talk to you later
  16. porclndoll

    Openning Weekend

    Hey guys~ Openning weekend was here and now gone at the Haunted House. It was a crazy weekend. Learning my new duties as a manager....being responcible for five other people and myself...quite interesting:rolleyes: I LOVE IT~ My costume is AMAZING! I only saw it in pieces...The wig by itself....The make up with no wig, the make up with the wig....Just the dress....The dress with just the wig...NOW its all together and OH MY GOD. Its amazing. I am so happy with it. "My" people are really into it. Some of them have been there a couple of years, so they know what to expect, but I have to remind them occassionally about some rules. I walk a million miles a night as I am a roaming character. Soooo I am certainly getting my exercise in. Hopefully next week we will see a difference on the Fall weight loss challange ~ TAKE IT EASY EVERYONE
  17. porclndoll

    Patients of Dr. Kwon

    Me too...exactly what Eileen said!
  18. porclndoll

    Fall Weight Loss Challenge

    Okay...here we go....weigh in for today October 2, 2005.... Starting weight 225 Todays weight 223 Still the same weight from two weeks ago~~ ARGH this is annoying~ I just got a fill on Tuesday of last week. Soooooo hopefully that will help me over the hump~ Okay..Im annoyed now...BUT in a positive light...I DIDN'T GAIN.
  19. porclndoll

    my new band its a girl!!!! her name is HOPE

    AAAWWWEEE WHAT A BEAUTIFUL NAME FOR YOUR BAND.....However I am a bit partial to the name, thats MY name~ ehehehehehe.... Hope Charlene..... Congrats on your surgery and it sounds like you are doing great! Keep it up~
  20. porclndoll

    Was anyone given a catheter?

    I was concerned about the same thing, cause I had one with my son and man oh man....I HATED it only because it would have tied me down~basically. I did not have one after surgery or prior to surgery....THANKFULLY phew~
  21. porclndoll

    Dr Visit

    Hey guys. I went to my doctors appointment today and its confirmed that I am on a plateau. I weighed in there the same exact weight as I weighed in last month, which is assuring because I thought I had been doing quite a bit of cheating....but I think for me, no matter what I do, its gonna feel like cheating! Perminant guilty concious I guess. Anyway. I gotta fill today...so I am up to 2.25 cc's. I am a bit nervous cause I remember with my last fill in August, everything was getting stuck, I had a hard time adjusting to my fill. I know this time is gonna be the same, if I dont really take my time and chew chew chew. I am investing in a toddler fork I think and that will go everywhere with me. For me fills dont kick in totally for a few days, but as I sit here sip sip sipping, I can feel a BIG difference all ready...sooo YIKES....gotta make sure I dont slip anything in that I "shouldn't" be eatting, like breads. And then when I was checking in the girl at the desk asked me, "Do you pay for your fills?" I just said, well I never have.......so I dunno if I am gonna get wamped for this adjustment at a later time or not. I should call my insurance company tomorrow and see what they say. The nurse who did my fill today was having a hard time finding the port. So poke poke poke....poke poke poke....a few times over and over. I said to her, You obviously dont know about my You dont hurt me, I wont hurt you rule do you? That eased the tension..I can tell.. It was okay...didn't hurt too bad, I have been thru worse....but it was just annoying. Well hopefully this fill plus the "you know what" will be openning in THREE DAYS...muha ha ah ah aha hahahaha ha haaaaaaa (haunted house~Please dont hate me for talking too much about that place, it is my second home, and second family there)...will get me past this plateau
  22. porclndoll

    To Miss Delovely Delarla - Happy Birthday

    ****BEFORE YOU READ THIS POST, PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THERE IS ADULT CONTENT IN IT** I DO NOT MEAN TO OFFEND ANYONE When its your birthday, You know what to do. Open up that catelog, That you have sent to a few. Browse thru the pages Get something good~ May it bring more smiles Than any ol food~ Be happy happy happy No matter what it takes Just remember Vibrators are better than cakes.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIRL~ HOPE ITS ALL THAT YOU WANT~
  23. porclndoll

    Serious Question

    Hey Ray..... I acutally did throw up once since my surgery. It does come back up. Scary as all hell~but it works. The stomach sqeezes it back up just like it sqeezes it down. I was always a "graceful" up chucker...if there could be such a thing...but when I knew I was gonna get sick I prayed and prayed and asked every God, ghost and otherwise NOT to let me puke...but...to no avail. I was scared!! But I knew it was comin and just relaxed. I couldn't keep it down, and I couldn't force it up....sooo I let nature take its course. And naturally I felt much better when it was done. Okay. I hope this helps. TTYL
  24. porclndoll

    It's Really Hot Here

    When I am out haunting on Friday,Saturday,Sunday nights its supose to go down into the 40s!! YIKES....These costumes dont come with linning....The day time is somewhere around 70-75 but the wind is cool....Fall is definately upon us! I love it!!!! Next the leaves will be turning colors and falling. That is my favorite, to drive thru a bunch of leaves falling.....does something to me.

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