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Everything posted by porclndoll

  1. porclndoll

    Halloween Traditions

    EEEWWE I LOVE THIS THREAD~~~ First, My idea for your children....you could do a camp out in your living room, and rent scarey movies...eeeeewwee and share some treats....ice cream sundae night was always a favorite in my house when i was little. Or Cookies or what ever your kids enjoy. You could turn off all the lights, use flashlights or candles, if they are old enough. You could put out tons of pillows and blankets to make the floor more cushie...and everyone can just sleep where ever they fall~ Of course, everyone needs to be in costume too~ You could even get into the act and make up a big b*s story to tell the kids about a long lost relative that use to be a witch ... and stuff a ton of Hershey Miniatures into a wicker box. I have told this story to HIGHSCHOOL students and almost made them pee their pants. Basically in a nut shell, I would pull out little trinkets...a wad of grass with some rubber bands around it served as the base of potions....a tiny thing filled with baby powder was ground bones, use what ever you have, and make a few different things up~ Then say that tonight is the night you have been waiting to summons this long lost relative...Be really still and really quiet...and say ahhhh the moment is here.....the spirit of Aunt Telly is here.....she is showing her self to us in the box........it is time.....do you wanna see...and pick the scarest kid to open the box infront of...and when you do make it FAST AND SCREAM REALLY LOUD~~~ Then once the screaming stops and they look in the box they will find all this candy~~~ eheheheheh TRICK OR TREAT~~~~ When I was little we use to be able to trick or treat on our street first, by ourselves. We lived there for like 20 some odd years and knew everyone. It was a dead end dirt road......Once that was done, we use to go back home and get my mother who would walk us to my grandmothers house, two blocks away......Then we would proceed down town. It was so much fun. I always had such great costumes. My father was sooo creative~ There also use to be a costume contest at the old drive in.....We use to go in and get divided up by our age....and then walk in a circle infront of all the judges... I use to win a lot....Thanks to a creative manic depressive father who use to think of the most outragious things~ Now I know where I get it from~ Now, I work at the Haunted House for the entire month of October, on the weekends only...and then on Trick or Treat night, I take my son out...usually with family. We dont go far or do too much as my son doesn't eat candy...he is disabled and has oral motor issues...but we do it more for the socialization. He loves to run with the kids and see his cousins. Once we are home and he is in bed, I will watch scarey movies and laugh my butt off.....
  2. porclndoll

    I Puked On Myself :(

    Geez must be something in the air~ I got soooo sick today.. full blown stuck and bp and slime...It was not fun. It lasted only about 10 minutes, if that....there are horror stories out there of longer episodes, but this was my worst yet. I got this way over something stupid i ate...hungry at the check out while food shoping, impulse buy...ya know the drill............soooo I can't blame anything or anyone else but me.. So now I assume its supose to be liquids for the rest of the night, or at the least mushies....ewl.....But I never threw up a wad of spit/slime and what ever else that was.........All my husband had to say was "Call your doctor" OH hell no~ and "Drink some water".....He doesn't get it........My dr would have been mad, and I think I had enough punishment just going thru what I had to go thru. Now though, I dont feel like eatting~!!!!~ TTYL
  3. porclndoll

    My turn

    Okay DeLarla....Its my turn to sound psychotic...and I AM NOT PUTTING THE PIPE DOWN~ First thing...my wallet is GONE~ Just gone. Has vanashed off the face of the earth. It was in my car, and now it is not. It wasn't stolen......pretty sure of that because I lock my car all the time. And if it was stolen the thief was an idiot because I have jewlery in my car, and I have a CD player and CD's.....there was nothing of any value in my wallet to any one but me! There was no cash just a check book and some maxed out credit cards~!! Not to mention my license...I need my license and pictures of my son...and of my friend who passed away last year........I WANT MY WALLET!!! I have prayed to St Anthony...but I think hes busy with some other miricals right now. I dunno what else to do~~ I just tore my car UP looking and its no where. Next is my house, this is gonna get UGLY QUICK! Second thing is this rain! Dammit does anyone know how to stop the rain? We are expected to get hit again tonight and tomorrow and the rain has all ready forced us to close the haunted house what, three nights? I want to get out there and PLAY DAMMIT! This is the one month that I look forward to all year and now the stuipd good for nothing motherless rain is coming! Just last month we were under drought conditions. NOW IT WONT STOP... I am sooo fustrated! Does anyone know any voodoo rituals, or chants or spirits or gods or godesses or sacrificial ceremonies I may be able to perform to STOP THE RAIN!!!!! Its gotta stay away this weekend and next weekend. Next weekend is our last performance!!!!!!!!! It can rain all it wants in November!!!!!! Okay...I have said my peace....NOW IM GOING TO TURN THIS MOTHER OUT AND FIND THIS WALLET! Thanks for listening!
  4. porclndoll

    My turn

    Okay...no wallet yet...and the rain did not go away. I didn't get the chance to do any voodoo rituals, and the guy that told me he was going to do a naked no rain dance in front of his fridge lied~made for a great image though.ehehehehe However, we were not rained out. The owner of the haunted house said we were going to still operate~ The department when I manage, the Roaming characters were pretty much farmed out to other areas where people called out, so they were out of the rain...but there were tons of customers! We did the right thing by staying open!!! We all looked like drowned rats at the end of the night....water proofed boots, and jackets....didn't help after a few hours. I didn't have to wear a costume at least, which made the night a little better. I couldn't imagin make up staying on in that mess~~ Managment stayed on the grounds and security stayed on the grounds to watch everyone...but all in all, it was a good night!!!! Thanks to everyone who offered voodoo spells, rituals, prayers, white light, incantations......Now, wheres that wallet....Yep, still MIA. I am going to the bank to stop pay on the checks that were in the check book, and just go get me a new license. I should have a new picture anyway showing my 50 something pound weight loss..... I am no longer manic over it. I have accepted it, its just gone. Another reason to buy a new wallet...and maybe a new purse ehehehehehe TALK TO YOU LATER~~~
  5. porclndoll

    Fall Weight Loss Challenge

    Hey guys.....weigh in day is here...... down to 219~ I haven't gotten nearly as much done as I thought I would in this challenge...but the weight is still coming down! And its not over yet soooo onward!!! and Downward~~~ I can't get a full body picture yet.....Its so hard with the webcam and being by myself most of the time. I can't get far enough away from the camera and still be able to take the picture! This year I am going to get a digital camera! It will be much easier then! Talk to you later~
  6. porclndoll

    My turn

    Vines~ EWL.....that is how I would imagin the sound to be spelled for something thats gross...Like ELW 90 days of rain....OR EWL roadkill! The letters dont stand for anything like LOL OR BRB.....its just EWL, something is gross, or sounds nasty!!! Hey there Pacomomma ~ Your right it has been a long long long time! Glad to see that you are doing sooo well! And I dont think anyone else but me could get a dupe license at the DMV but thank you for the offer! I appreciate it. Maybe I will run into you there
  7. porclndoll

    Forever in my heart... Jeter

    Jenna....May you find peace during this difficult time. What a unique looking poochie!! I love his eyes!!! He was very fortunate to have you as his friend~
  8. porclndoll

    My turn

    aaaa delarla...thought you were getting secrete transmissions there for a second, but alas, wallet didn't slip down by the passanger side door. i looked there, and besides, i just got my son out of the car and thats where he was sitting....we would have noticed it there....dammit........add more foil to that hat
  9. porclndoll

    My turn

    I called the store, no gots....I tore up my van (soo many hiding places in there) nothing...My mom came over and she helped me rip apart my house, nothing.......The only thing I can think of is when I put the food in the car, I must have either dropped my wallet and not noticed.....or I left it in the cart...Monday I will go to the DMV and get a new license, you know you can't do anything without one of them, xncl the credit cards, not that theres any credit left on them... and just xncl the checks that were in the check book. Hopefully there is a good soul out there and they turn it in if it was truely lost. If it was taken out of my car, then kick me in my ass, cause I should have never left it there in the first place. And Vines...EWL are you kidding me 90 something days of rain? I would have jumped out the window~~~ Like I said, it can rain all it wants next month~Only reason Im complaining about it is because its killing business for the haunted house. My friend who owns the haunted house is beside himself. So many new improvements this year..so much time, effort and money invested! Just sitting there. Not right. Thanks for the good luck however my wallet isn't home yet. I will keep looking until it shows back up from the pile of lost stuff. (George Carlin had a skit on lost stuff...all things lost goes to a huge pile) EWL just ate some chicken and its getting stuck~ Must be from nerves! TALK TO YAS LATER
  10. porclndoll

    My turn

    Ewl, I do hope that the hurricane slows down for you all. My dad is in St Petes, still away from the projected course but still scarey! I know there are worse things out there than missing TerrorDome for one night because of rain.......but if I hear of any rituals or voodoo spells, i will letcha know~~~~ I remember that episode of I Love Lucy. Nope, my little boy didn't have it. Thats the only place left to look...his toy box~ I called the store where I had it last, they didn't have it. I called my bank, I have to pay $25.00 to put a stop payment on the series of checks that was lost.....Then if I find them, I can take the stop payment off and not get the $25.00 bucks back. Thats not the biggie....The pictures and license is what I am upset about~~
  11. porclndoll

    My turn

    The last time it was actually in my grubby little hands was Tuesday. I had to go to the store and pick up some things. I had on a taupe colored shirt and black work out pants. There were pockets in the pants, but my wallet is HUGE...It would have never fit in my pocket. I do have a purse...the purse is in the car, wallet-less. I haven't changed purses either. (My purse and my wallet match...lepord spots.eheheh) Now my purse is lonely..and I AM GOING BONKERS!
  12. porclndoll

    a few random things

    Hey there!!! The noise coming from your stomach is probably just the food going thru the band. The same thing happened to me after my surgery. The noises were really strange and loud and seemed to be the only thing I could hear. But ya get use to it. Even still there are times when I can hear my stomach and I know I just ate. My doctor doesn't allow people to say that they are hungery because their stomachs are growling...its just digestion now. Hunger to me is a "pain" or feeling now, not a noise. Anestesia does all sorts of funky things to your body.....soo take the preg test just to be sure, they have ones now where you dont even need to be late. If it is a concern, then get one of those tests. I think its by EPT... Congrats on your band!!!
  13. porclndoll

    Proof that Carbonation Can Damage a Band

    oooo i forgot about malibu and pineapple......
  14. porclndoll

    Underwear Creeping

    And this is why I stopped wear em all together...ehehehe I dont market crack, but I am into special effects make up ~ I can make you grey and gaunt looking....would be cheaper than a cocaine habit...JUST A THOUGHT
  15. porclndoll

    PMS Cravings Did me In

    These last few days I have been getting sausage and egg bisquets at McDonalds~ I eat the egg and sausage and nibble on the bisquet. The bread doesn't pass so easily.....sooo I only eat it till i feel full...but this is not by any means the best choice of breakfasts....Not the breakfast of champions...but cha know what....if I ate at home, it would be something like oatmeal or something. We all have our moments, we all have our down falls...but I do understand its all or nothing~ I just had to throw out some more cookies. I had company over the other night and got some cookies to snack on.. well, the company left and the cookies remained. I had to throw em out. They were not safe, I was not safe alone with them. Take it one day at a time, and dont beat your self up....... TTYL HAVE A GREAT DAY
  16. porclndoll

    Psychotic Ramblings

    Bad batch of Crack DeLarla??? Put the pipe down~~~~ IM SOOO KIDDING Dont blame the Oompha Loompas, they just do as they are told...they know not what they do......
  17. porclndoll

    First Time Slime

    ooooo yea.....i had a pretzel get stuck....and i had been eatting pretzels that day....maybe just maybe it was from that~~ ooooooo never thought of that. welp guess what just made it to my NEVER TO BE EATTEN AGAIN LIST.....a stupid pretzel. didn't george w choke on a pretzel? didn't that land him in the hospital for a day? what the hell....he chokes on a little pretzel and gets whisked away. we gag on a pretzel, it gets stuck, we slime, we cry, we beg god just to get us thru this one last time and NEVER again will we do it....and continue on doing the dishes or washing the laundry or washing the kids....whats wrong with this picture????? heheheheh feeling a little loopy today~~~~~ ;D
  18. porclndoll

    First Time Slime

    Hey guys~ It happened. I got attacked by the "slimes"...Oh my gosh that was not fun, nor do I want to go thru that ever again! I think I drank too quick~lemme tell ya...it was noooo honey moon! It hurt and it was gross~ I dont spit EVER! I yell at girls who spit....But I was runnin my butt into the bathroom spitting out that stuff. The minute I started spitting it all out, rather than trying to get it to go down...I was MUCH better! How much spit can one body make??? Lesson learned for now~ I have been busy with the Haunted House, and not sleeping much, and not eatting too much. Seems everything is getting stuck pretty much. My third fill has kicked in full force!! I was supose to weigh in today..and missed it! My brain is condemed for the rest of the month~ Haunted house has been going great, except for the torential down pouring of rain that we had...We lost three nights because of stupid rain~ I gotta learn to concentrate on smaller bites...chew chew chew...little bite little bite...chew chew chew.... Okay guys, thanks for listening. I just got home from "work" a little while ago and I am still pretty hyped up.....being on the computer though, touching base with ya has helped a bit. I may be able to get to sleep tonight at a "decent" hour...its only 1:35 now...my kid may be late for school tomorrow! GOOD NIGHT...I will post my weigh in tomorrow morning
  19. porclndoll

    eating after feeling restriction

    Hey there Flower~ Have you had any fills? You could just be in need of a fill. I can usually stay full for about 5-6 hours...if not longer. Are you drinking with your food? Maybe thats washing the food right thru the stoma and thats causing you to eat more?? If your not, i would say inquire about a fill. I dont know how long you have been banded..or what type of band you have....so you may want to speak to your doctor..... GOOD LUCK
  20. porclndoll

    Fall Weight Loss Challenge

    Hey all~~~ Here is my weigh in.....all be it a day late...better than never 10/17 220 Thats down a pound. I haven't been eatting much these days. Trying to get use to my new restriction. Last night I ate TWO chicken strips TWO....With plenty of dunkin sauce.....but could only get down TWO.....Anyway......ONE pound wahooo~~
  21. porclndoll

    I had two surgeries. Feeling better!!!! (long)

    Phew!! Thank God your okay! I was feeling your pain when you were telling your story! Soooo happy your back and better!!!! Good luck on your new adventure! TTYL
  22. porclndoll

    Head Cold Hell

    Hey there Band Brothers and Sistas... I did a search on this topic, head colds, and found NOTHING...so I am coming to the board with this question....What does everyone take for head colds? I should just call my doctors office and ask them...but I have a head cold from hell, and the Childrens Chewable Tylenol Cold and Cough just isn't helpin....Any suggestions? Thank ya in advance! TTYL
  23. porclndoll

    Head Cold Hell

    Thanks ReneBean~~~ I've got lots more haunting to do!!! I have done this when I was bending over dying for sure from some sort of flu that I had!! I was a story telling witch at that time, and I was in my own little hut....I kept laying down on the bails of hay that were set up as seats, and I told my friend who owns the place, just check in on me every once in a while....Make sure I move off this hay!! This is in my soul....will take more than a cold/flu to take me down. That year with the flu I lost two days I think. On the third day I dragged it together and went in...For those who can't wait to see some pictures...check out our website there are some promo shots up www.terrordome.com Go under the Media section on the left. I haven't had one picture taken yet in full costume...as soon as I get it, I will post it...... Thanks all for the input and advise..the PB episode doesn't sound like fun DeLarla...I will stick to either liquid (ewl) or crushed pills. I bought a pill crusher right before my surgery cause I saw this day coming!! TTYL
  24. porclndoll

    Head Cold Hell

    I totally forgot about that Alka Seltzer stuff....Hummm I didn't get my dr on the phone and its now 5pm....Im not going out any time soon...maybe tomorrow..I will continue with the Tylenol stuff that I have now.... TTYL
  25. porclndoll

    Head Cold Hell

    Heather...That Ziacam really works? I was going to buy it for my son. He has a horriable time taking medications...and I thought that would be easier...and less messy....But you have tried it and like it???

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
