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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by porclndoll

  1. porclndoll

    Check out these photos--see anything different?

    You look GREAT and your little boy looks just like you!
  2. porclndoll

    Side by Side

    Thank you Nana for the compliment~~~ My personal goal is to get to 160 pounds. Right now I am at 220.... about 60 pounds to go~~~ I will get there.....
  3. porclndoll

    BCP pre-op

    Yes I did have to go off the pill before my surgery...exactly for that reason, blood clots. You may want to double check with your surgeon too~ but yep~ had to go off em
  4. porclndoll

    Happy Birthday Pink Mary!!

    Happy Happy Birrthday!!! Happy Happy Birrthday!!! Happy Happy Birrthday!!! Scorpion Sista~~~
  5. porclndoll

    Wanna see my Boobees?

  6. porclndoll

    OMG! I YELLED at a minister--on TAPE!!

    Hey ya know....Its amazing what comes out of our mouths some times. I think all will be forgiven and you will get a laugh out of it..... I one time was hysterical crying at a funeral for a relative and my father is always trying to make wise cracks to ease the moment. Well I wasn't in the mood for his mouth and I yelled at him in my most hysterical voice BITE ME!! That was umm a bit uncomfortable, but hey.. Then I was in the OR room with my good friend as she was having a C Section...This was her first baby. She had numberous sonograms and they all said girl girl girl...Well, while in the OR, I stood up, I was up by my friends head, but I wanted to watch the procedure....and when they took the baby out and flipped the baby around...I noticed something and yelled out the first thing that came to mind...OH MY GOD ITS GOT A PECKER.....The ENTIRE OR came to a skreeching halt and EVERYONE looked at me with disbelief!! I said she was supose to be a girl!!!! Well, hey, I know how to make an impression no matter where I go.....ehehehehe
  7. porclndoll

    Fall Weight Loss Challenge

    Hey guys...Its weigh in Sunday for me. I weighed in this morning at 216.5....Which is a 2.5 pound loss since last week....Thank you TerrorDome....Thank you band.. I have lost a total of 9 pounds on this challange.. About half way to where I set my goal. Thats okay...We still have two more weeks. I dont think I will meet the 20 that I set....but regardless the numbers are still going DOWN.....yeah~~~~ Tonight is the last night of TerrorDome. You are going to see a very sad sad sight come closing time. About 40 adults hanging around saying their good byes till next season...Ugh, not fun. But we do hang out, and have a little party. Then NEXT weekend is our big END OF SEASON PARTY...whoa look out!!!! And I end this year having lost a few more pounds...having made a few more friends and making memories that last a life time...ewe I just sounded like the old CATS commercial for that Broadway Play...eheheheheh.....OK....good day all~~
  8. porclndoll

    Breakfast PB

    Oh yea....Not a good way to start the morning. I ate my usual eggs and sausage.....and i got half the egg down, and half the sausage down, and I was in my car eatting....DUH....well, I ended up having to pull off the side of the road and slime slime slime and the breakfast ended up on the floor~ This fill is getting harder and harder to get use to. This is my second episode since getting the fill. Maybe I am not chewing good enough? Second episode in two weeks. Im getting concerned that if I dont get a handle on this my doctor will suggest a slight unfil, which is something I would rather avoid. Common eggs and sausage isn't a hard food to process........Im backing it up to mushies for today and we will see what tomorrow brings...but this isn't good. Cant keep PBing once a week. I dunno....I am under some stress......maybe thats contributing...Thanks for listening to my venting here....
  9. porclndoll

    Breakfast PB

    Wellllll I can certainly tell ya it wont happen again, eatting in the car and driving ~ That was aweful!! Nothing worse than standing on the side of a very busy Interstate with all that business happening~Im very grateful I didn't have my son with me too~
  10. porclndoll

    New member needs honest answers/ stats

    Hey there....Wanted to share my experience too.... -I had surgery on May 5, 2005 -Had surgery in Port Jervis NY at Bon Secours Hospital -Surgeon was Dr Peter Kwon -Started at 272 pounds. -I am at 222 pounds now. -I would like to be 160. -I have lost 50 pounds since surgery five months ago = 10 pounds per month. -I have 62 pounds to go~~~ I CAN DO IT~ -My surgeon gave me a script at my presurgical visit for pain meds...They were in the house before I had my surgery! -I had one complication and that was related to anestesia...not the surgery. Surgery went smoothly and there were no problems placing the band. The hospital staff and the surgeons staff are AWESOME! Right down to the receptionists that weigh you in and take your co pays. These people are AWESOME. -I do have ONE regrete and that would be that I didn't do this sooner!!!
  11. porclndoll

    New guy here

    Welcome to LBT Paul~~~ Thanks for coming out of the shadows....
  12. porclndoll

    Halloween Traditions

    SOOOO What did you deside on doing?? Can't wait to hear! This is such an exciting magical time!!! eeeeeee I think I am more excited than most little kids.
  13. porclndoll

    ?What Was This?

    I was just sooo flabergasted~ Cause it was like one of them mettaling, poking, proding type of insinuations...Like she needed the dirt...Are you sick?? I just simply said, Medically supervised diet. I said its all good. And the most IRONIC thing about this...her son use to be one of the boys in high school who picked on me relentlessly, for being over weight. I dont know if she knew it...but still, I find it weird. The more he picked the more outragious my outfits were. I use to wear a lot of leapord print, and lace and leather...Go figure..... JQ...your right I AM sick. I spend my weekends playing dress up and scareing the patootie out of strangers in a field-in the dark!!!! Tonights outfit was a dominatrix~ I got pictures of that one wahoo~ It kicked ass, untill I fell in the mudd...ehehehe I laughed my butt off!!! I dont know how I didn't get hurt BAD!!! But it was funny! I wore my "happy boots"...they are five inch or six inch platforms that go up past my knees. The heal got stuck on the door jam and well, there I went, on my knees out the door~ ehehehehe I was like kneeling, but my feet were way up my back...It was really weird. I dont know how I didn't pull my thigh muscles~ I will be hurtin tomorrow Anwyn~OH I WISH I WOULD HAVE THOUGHT OF THE FLESH EATTING DISEASE~~ I will have to keep that one in the back of my head~ Sarah~Your right, this is the healthiest I have been EVER~ I will have to remember this one too~ good night all~
  14. porclndoll

    ?What Was This?

    Hey all.....This is a funny story Im sure you all will appreciate~ eheheheh I dont know if you call it an NSV or what...but I saw a woman in town that I haven't seen in quite some time, and she said to me "Hope, you are loosing A LOT of weight...........................Are you sick?" ahahahahahahahahh I can't stop laughing..... I can hear it in my head!!! Eheheheheheheheheheh AAAAAHHHHHHHHH If she only knew....And quite honestly that is a loaded question too...am I sick?? MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
  15. porclndoll

    Breakfast PB

    JohnDeereGal Hey there....Sliming is when you get something stuck in your band from eatting too quick, not chewing enough, or eatting the wrong thing and your body produces an enormous amount of saliva to help push the piece of stuck stuff thru the band. The consistancy of the saliva is thick and slimey......and I have found out (for me atleast) if you dont spit this stuff out, you will end up throwing up. Sounds pleasant huh? But cha know what...we do it to ourselves usually. I know all the times that this has happened to me, I caused it.,,,by not doing what I know I need to do~~~
  16. Yep, emotional, emotional emotional...I think that was the ONLY reason I ate there for a while. I have been banded now since 5/5/05...and have lost 50 pounds! The support group that I go to is wonderful...and I have learned there that "Nothing tastes as good as being slim feels".......I have had moments where I wanted to jam what ever I could reach in my mouth just because I was upset...but you remember, a light kicks on and you say what the hell am I doing? That band is a constant reminder ~ it keeps ya in check and when you think your mind is stronger than the band...the band will win...even if its physically! I am sure you have heard or read that the band restricts us from eatting certain things and if we eat something wrong, then we are either in bad pain or we bring it all back up. After you have this surgery done, your mind goes some where else...Ive said it before and I will say it again...I think they do a mini lobotomy on ya too because you come out of surgery thinking totally different. I know I did at least. I am going thru ALL this....for me, and to be healthier...and I have had to learn other things to do with my emotions. Draw, write, exercise, walk, surf the net, keep yourself busy during those times and drink water....just to keep your hands/mouth busy. I have fallen in love with Propel. I got onto it when I had the surgery done, and I can't give it up! I love the Berry flavor and the Peach flavor. They are like mini treats..... I hope this has been helpful~ Talk to you later
  17. porclndoll

    Getting Two Teeth Pulled

    EWL I hate the dentist too~ I had a tooth pulled just after being banded, and I called my surgeons office who did my band surgery and he said there is nothing special that needs to be done...no antibodics or stuff like that. Then I just informed the dentist of my band, and that when it came time for him to prescribe pain killers I reminded him it had to be in liquid form...I ended up with more liquid vicodin~ I have BAD BAD BAD panic attacks at the dentist. And the one I went to was sooo good to me! I didn't have nitrous or anything prior to~ Which was a mirical in itself! It was the day before I was leaving for my vacation to Florida too! I was given all the novicaine that I needed. I was SOOO numb!!! I was so scared, that tears were rolling out of my little eyes. But cha know what...it didn't hurt. My dentist made sure that there was nothing that i would feel other than pressure. It cost me 250.00 to get the tooth taken out, but it was worth it!! It could have been very very very ugly real quick in that chair for me...but he really took care of me!! THANK YOU DR DRUCE......
  18. porclndoll

    Almost 5 mnths out & still learning

    Im right there with you...still learing. Its a little over 5 months for me. I am at 2.25 cc's in my 4cc band. This is the hardest adjustment for me to get use to~~ Between getting stuck and PBing once...Lessons learned the hard way.... I scream my montra at myself in my head when I eat, and that seems to help...LITTLE BITE, LITTLE BITE, CHEW CHEW CHEW.... I tend to eat waaayyy too fast and am having a hard time changing that. Always was a fast eatter. Now if there was just a band to put around your mouth....humm did I just create a new surgery??? CHEERS TO LITTLE PORTIONS~
  19. porclndoll

    Totally Trippy Site

    Whoa.....CrEePy ChIcK (maybe I should change my name to that) is a little creeped out by this one~ WHOA....I went and went and went and didnt find any ground...yikes
  20. porclndoll

    Nsv For Me

    Howdee all~ I had a doctors appointment today and I found out that I lost FIVE pounds since my last visit with him four weeks ago. I am starting to think my house scale is a big liar~~ According to my doctors fancy schmancy scale, I weighed in today at 222.5. My last weigh in with them was 227.5......According to my scale I weigh in at 219. I am going to keep using my scale for the Fall Weight Loss Challange weigh ins.....cause it does show a decrease in weight...soooooo we will get it as accurate as we can..When I was at the doctors today, she laid me down on the exam table, so she could poke and prod at my belly and she said "Oh my gosh would you look at how FLAT your tummy is getting"...I was so proud!!! I can actually feel my hips and bones, and a waist line....yes my girlish figure is coming out~ Watch out world, I can kill with these hips~And not because they are soooo huge...but because they are soo damn sexy ehehehehehe I AM SOOO PROUD. And the bigger part of the NSV is....I WORE A PAIR OF JEANS THAT I HAVEN'T SEEN IN TWO YEARS~ They are gorgious with detailed bead work on them....ooo soo pretty~~~ And not to mention they are a size 20~~ thank you very much ~~I was in a size 26 when I had my surgery!!! HELLO~~~~I can't wait to bust out the other size 20's that I was wearing! I have such a cute pair of jeans that lace up the sides that I am DYING to wear....maybe this weekend, or next ,,,, hummmm should be interesting to see!!! Next weekend..Nov 5 is the end of season Staff party for the haunted house. And my birthday is Nov 7th...so we usually celebrate all at once~~ I cant wait to show off a "new" outfit!!! I will talk to you all soon~ Thank you for sharing in my excitment!!! TTYL
  21. porclndoll

    Nsv For Me

    EWE PINKMARY...... We are Scorpion Sisters~ My mother, cousin and I were born on the same day~very weird.
  22. porclndoll

    Nsv For Me

    Teresa...we actually added a panel of fabric and turned the back of the costume into a corsette. It works!!! Its actually starting to get a little too big, where it once fit!! This is our final performance coming up this weekend...only four more times to drag it out! By the way, the hips are holstered....they are covered up cause its damn cold here these days! Its the "girls" that come out to play every once in a while....ehehehehehehehe (Anne~ Isn't that laugh fun? I like muhahahahah too) Thanks for the kind words guys!!! Gonna be an interesting birthday this year wahoo~~~
  23. When I was younger and in high school, I would wear jackets ALL the time...regardless of the weather because it helped hide the fat rolls...or so I thought. I still have way too many jackets in my closet, but I only wear them as needed. I am also guilty of standing at the fridge late at night and gobblin up pudding, cookies or Hostess wrapped up cakes. I wouldn't be happy with one pudding I would have two or one pudding and a cake...I would throw the wrappers out and put papers or something else ontop of the wrappers.
  24. porclndoll

    PMS sufferers get a laugh out of this!!

    whoa holy moly ~~ very very funny~
  25. porclndoll

    NJChick (Eileen) is banded!

    CONGRATULATIONS GIRL~ I can't wait to hear how you did~~what you think~~how it is for you~~~ so excited for you!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
